Four - Fantasies' Victims


Warning: Contains (a small amount of) shounen ai. Read at your own risk. /slapped.

No, seriously. There might be anti-shounen-ai readers out there. 

No guys were traumatized in the making of this chapter. /bricked. XD

>Seme - the dominant one in the yaoi pair
>Uke - the submissive one
>Seke - could play both the seme and the uke.

There's also a lot of characters in this chapter. The only important ones you guys have to remember is the OgaYuki duo and Anime Club's members. If ever some characters from this chapter whole be shown in later ones, I'll just let you know.

Information about the said OC's would be at the end of the chapter.

Also, please vote and comment~ *begs like a cute little puppy that hasn't eaten for days*

(Really long update desu. Please don't get bored along the way. TT__TT)


Mashiro Yuki

"Oi! Yukimura!" a male voice caught my attention as the owner rushed to his friend's side. He slammed his palms against Yukimura-kun's wooden table, giving him a pointed look.

If you're wondering, it's our lunch break. Unlike a lot of my classmates, some of us chose to stay in the classroom and eat lunch. And yes, I'm eavesdropping on two of my classmates' conversation. I'm just pretending to be preparing to eat my boxed lunch (which I actually am) while listening. Don't tell anyone!

Yukimura-kun's eyes left the words of the light novel he was reading - Sword Art Online, I think? - and went towards his friend. He furrowed his eyebrows. He hated being interrupted when he's reading one of his light novels."What's your problem, Ogata?"

Ogata-kun looked around. He was probably checking if anyone's listening. I turned away, taking the lid off my bentou and grabbing my purple chopsticks with cherry blossom tree designs. When it seemed like he realized it was safe to tell Yukimura-kun his message, he bent over and...


I know he was just whispering something. But if you were perceiving things from my view, it looked like Ogata-kun is kissing Yukimura-kun's cheek! And to think that they could pass as bishounen...


Even when Ogata-kun stood straight again with a glare and Yukimura-kun let out a sigh filled with irritation, different fluffy scenarios still formed in my mind after that kiss on the cheek. What if Yukimura-kun blushed with a frown then---


My inner fujoshi self is taking over again. I need to restrain myself from fangirling over my classmates. They'd think I'm weirder than I already am in their eyes!

'Must. Not. Fangirl.' I chanted those words over and over in my head, forcing my mind to restrain my body from spazzing and hyperventilating but letting my heart skip as many beats as it pleased.

"'Fess up, Mashiro-san!" Suzusawa-san interrupted my quick chant. Suddenly, I was surrounded by a group of girls. I had no idea what I should even confess. I did nothing wrong! And the fact that almost every one wore determined looks on their faces made me even more confused.

Wait, is this because of fangirling over OgaYuki? (Yep, I made a couple name for the two. It's a fangirl thing. Shame on me.) The two are quite popular with the girls. I, on the other hand, fangirl over their little actions that could indicate ... affections for each other.

"Confess what, Suzusawa-san?" I asked innocently, hesitant if I answered a good response. I then remembered something I might've done that might need some confessing. For them anyway - the type of girls who wears makeup, talk about boys, and wanting attention. I took a deep breath then started rambling on with my explanation, "Ah! Cosplaying? I wanted to help my club so I did it. I wasn't trying to catch anyone's attention or anything, promise! Wait, no. I was trying to catch some attention to advertise our club and not catch any certain someone's attention. I just---"

"What... are you talking about?" Suzusawa-san asked with an eyebrow raised. Even her group was giving me weird looks. Then, it's not that...? I shook my hand dismissively, smiling a sheepish grin. "Nothing, nothing. Don't worry about it. What is it again?"

Misaki-san answered for everyone. "Someone saw you yesterday, Mashiro-chan!" She smirked mischievously as if she knew something I didn't. "We didn't know you were that close!"

More questions popped into my head as confusion filled it too. Did they mistake me for someone else? "...With who?" I asked, looking up at them. 

"Kise Ryouta!" everyone said at the same time.  Woah. That synchronization! Did they rehearse this or something? Or maybe their wavelengths simply matched? Or maybe they have the same mind?

That'll be a good concept for a sci-fi manga! I'd better suggest that to Ryumi-senpai when I get to the Anime Club in the afternoon.

Wait. Me? Kise-kun? Close?

I stared at the girls who towered over me, keeping in my laughter. Seriously?! They mistook what happened yesterday as "closeness"? It's just the second time I actually talked to Kise-kun! He might have only noticed my existence when I bumped into him.

"Conceal, don't feel. Don't let them know." The scene where Queen Elsa from the movie Frozen sang the song Let it Go as she walked through the snow-covered mountain played in my head.  Which didn't actually help.

"But now, they know. Let it go. Let it go. Can't hold it back anymore..." I guffawed, unable to control my laughter. The idea seemed simply unlikely! Did they really mistake Kise-kun's friendliness with closeness?! Sometimes, I couldn't possibly comprehend the minds of girls like them. 

Once again, I received looks as if I was some kind of an unclassified specie.

Okay, okay! Enough of this laughter, Yuki! 

I forced myself to stop which took a whole lot of effort. With a deep breath, my laughter was put into a stop. Wiping a tear from my eye, I apologized for my rudeness. "We're not close! Really! I just I had to repay him for ---" I stopped myself from explaining everything that happened. Kise-kun visiting Kuro-tan might be something he'd like to keep private. I almost spilled it! I always become a bother for Kise-kun! "... me doing something wrong!" I continued, grinning sheepishly and nervously.

They looked at each other then stared at me skeptically. "What did you do?"

"I... kind of bumped into him. Literally. And his ice cream fell from his hand so I had to get him another one," I answered as if that was actually what happened. God, forgive me for lying!

They shared meaningful glances. "If that's all there is to it, then..." Saotome-san responded, a dull expression on her face emerging. Others released relieved sighs while others let out depressed ones. What's with their differed reactions? Did I dissatisfy them or something? Were their minds released from the force that makes their wavelengths match?

"Thanks for your time, then." Miyazono-san smiled at me, flipping the stray wavy strands of honey golden locks away from her face. As expected from the class' cool beauty!

And the group dissolved, each member going to their own places. Unconsciously, I listened what they had to say as they walked away.

"Awww. I was hoping she could introduce me to him!" I heard Misaki-san tell Suzusawa-san. Eh? Could I even do that?

"I thought she was making a move on him though," replied Suzusawa-san as she ran her fingers through her dark brown hair. I-I'm not! That's unthinkable! How did she even come up with such conclusion?!

"Is that even possible?" asked Otani-san, a part of the group,wiggling her eyebrows then glancing at me. I bit a part of my octopus hotdogs to pretend that I'm not listening. They laughed. "She can't be seriously thinking of that on our Kise-kun!"

'Our?' What? Since when did he become their property? Is he dating all of them? That couldn't be possible. He didn't seem the type...

"Yeah. I don't think she suits him," Suzusawa-san agreed.

I didn't do anything to annoy them, did I?

"But Miyazono-chan suits him a lot, doesn't she?" said Misaki-san, grinning mischievously as they looked at Miyazono-san gracefully eating her lunch with her own group of friends.

They nodded in unison as they walked out of the room, their voices dying with the noises of the school.

I let out a sigh. I can't please everyone, can I?

I finished off my octopus-shaped hotdogs followed by my nori seaweed-flavored rice. I ate some of my sweet egg rolls. When there was only two more remaining, I felt someone's presence near me. I looked to my right and saw Ogata-kun walking towards me. "Mashiro-chan..." he said, glancing at Yukimura-kun who was wearing a meaningful smirk. Kyaaa! Yukimura-kun suddenly seemed like a habdsome seme! I therefore categorize him as a seke! OgaYuki is a seke pair!

I tilted my head to the side, making a questioning look on my face, as I chewed on the sweet fluffy dish. Mom's egg rolls really are the best!

"Um... We're on class duty today," said he, looking away. "Just reminding you."

I gulped down the egg roll then beamed at him, saluting with my free hand. "Aye, sir!" I said enthusiastically, imitating Happy the blue cat (or exceed, as his species is called) from the anime Fairy Tail. "I'm looking forward to it! Let's do our best!" I beamed brightly at him, doing my best to look friendly.

He looked away - towards Yukimura-kun's direction, his cheeks turning pink. Still wearing his smirk, Yukimura-kun raised his eyebrows upon meeting Ogata-kun's gaze. Turning red, Ogata-kun scowled at him then looked at a different direction. "Um, yeah. Okay. Later, then." Ogata-kun waved awkwardly at me before walking away. He's definitely blushing! He looked like an uke! It's probably Yukimura-kun's effect!



Doing the class duty with Ogata-kun went well. Though he was mostly quiet and only initiates small talks very few times with me, I didn't sense anything that may say he dislikes me. It's just that we weren't really that close. But I paid that fact no mind. I talked to him about stuff that might interest him anyway. It' s more fun to work when you talk to someone! We didn' t even notice the time tick by when we finished what we were told to do. We bid farewells then went to our respective clubs.

I went straight to the Anime Club's room. Opening the door, what welcomed me was the almost normal scene wherein our yellow-haired club leader was stripping our silvery gray-haired shota-ish member. They were on the floor, struggling in their own pace. Fujisaki-san was seated in a corner, reading manga though she was glancing at the stripping scene through her glasses from time to time. Standing beside her was Shiori-senpai who was simply watching the two with much amusement in his eyes. I giggled upon seeing the sight as I placed my bag on the cabinet and took a place beside Shiori-kun.

"Ah! Yuki-chan! Help me~ Mamoru-kun won't let me dress him up!" said Ryumi-senpai as she tried to pull down Nanase-kun's gray pants. It was surprising how calm and collected Ryumi-senpai looked in such situation.

"I-I'm not going to do it, Kise-senpai! I don't want to crossdress a girl wearing a really short skirt!" said Nanase-kun, trying hard to make his voice seem authoritative but I could hear him wavering. He was pulling up his pants as beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

Ryumi-senpai frowned. "How many times do I have to tell you to call me 'Ryumi' and not 'Kise'?" With one strong pull, his pants were off! I got a glimpse of Nanase-kun's banana-patterned boxers before looking away. Fujisaki-san covered her eyes with her manga. Shiori-senpai laughed, muttering "Always forgetting not to be formal with Ryumi-senpai. Sheesh!".

Nanase-kun snatched his pants then wrapped it around his legs, his face red from embarrassment.

"And now, the top..." Ryumi-senpai smiled elegantly, flipping away some stray golden locks from her face. There was something scary about her grin though...

I nudged Shiori-senpai, looking at him with a meaningful gaze. He shook his head, laughing. I pleaded with my eyes, accomplishing a puppy-dog look. He sighed with a smile. He went between the two, defending Nanase-kun who was cowering in fear. "How about just a Len Kagamine cosplay, Ryumi-senpai? Nana-kun looks the part." Nanase-kun nodded, panicking.

Ryumi-senpai sighed, running her fingers through her hair. "Okay. Accompany him to the comfort room, then." And Shiori-senpai did as he was told. It was then the three of us who were left in the room.

"So, Yuki-chan..." said Ryumi-senpai, sitting on the chair opposite mine. She crossed her arms and her legs. "I heard you walked home together with my brother yesterday."

I then noticed the plate filled with cookies that are shaped like cute little animals. Fujisaki-san's home-baked cookies! I took one and nibbled on it, savoring the sweetness. I nodded in response to Ryumi-senpai's question, not even surprised she heard about it.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" The really cute and pretty Ryumi-senpai pouted. So cuuute! It's a wonder why she didn't pursue a modeling career like her brother. But I like the cosplaying otaku she is better so I have no problems with that. "If my idiot of a brother is interested you, you could've told me! I'd love it if you were my cute sister-in-law!"

I nearly spat out the cookie. 'Sister-in-law'?!

"Don't be silly, Ryumi-senpai!" I laughed. "We just met each other on the way! That's all there is to it!" I explained.

"Everyone in class thought you were in a relationship with him," Fujisaki-san chimed in, a sly smile emerging on her face. Not helping!

"I won't be mad if you like my brother. It'll be awesome! Two otakus in the family!" Ryumi-senpai's eyes were shining like stars!

I denied everything that'll suggest any special relation to Kise-kun. It's simply impossible! I can't see him that way! I simply can't and musn't! Ryumi-senpai let out a dejected sigh, giving up. Fujisaki-san giggled, flipping a page of her manga.

"Well, Ryumi-senpai, it looks like Fujisaki-san's starting to have a relationship with Moriyama-senpai!" I said with the same kind of sly smirk Fujisaki-san had earlier. Both their eyes went wide, looking at me then at each other. Ryumi-senpai rushed to Fujisaki-san's side, her golden eyes burning with determination to find out more. Fujisaki-san paled then looked at me for help. I grinned then made a peace sign with my fingers, standing up to watch the outside view through the window.

There, through the thin glass that separates me from the outside world, I saw a blushing Nanase-kun in Kagamine Len cosplay holding the large illustration board Anime Club advertisement as he walked beside Shiori-senpai, who was wearing a comforting grin on his face and patting Nanase-kun. So moe~!

Just then, the perfect kind of seke came into view. His golden yellow hair swaying as he moved and his droplets of sweat creating a sparkling effect, he came running into the field as he was chased by the serious and annoyed black-haired senpai who seemed like the captain of the basketball team (Kasamatsu-senpai, I think?). Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. I could imagine Kasamatsu-senpai blushing as he chased Kise-kun who was grinning in satisfaction. So many causes and outcomes came into mind! 

If anyone's wondering why I absolutely and strictly refuse to be thought to be in such close relationship with the resident popular guy of our school, here is the reason: I do not want to be in the way of any possible relationship he could ever have. He's the perfect guy to be in the middle of a yaoi harem! I cannot pair him up with just one guy!

Simply put, he's my fantasies' ultimate victim.


OC's in this chapter:
(Class 1-C)
>Ogata Reiki - a male tsundere in Yuki's class. Friends with Yukimura since middle school. A sporty-type of bishounen in the soccer team.
>Yukimura Yusuke - a male kuudere in Yuki's Class. Friends with Ogata since middle school. A bespectacled bishounen who is fond of reading light novels and hates being interrupted.
>Suzusawa Kyoko - a girl in Yuki's Class. One of the most influential females in their class due to her It-girl demanour and pretty appearance. A member of the Kise Ryouta Fan Club with her friends.
>Miyazono Sara - a half-brittish classmate of Yuki who was dubbed as the Cool Beauty of the class. Acts really elegant like a lady. Has a small crush on Kise.

(Anime Club)
>Kise Ryumi - a 3rd year and is Kasamatsu's classmate. Anime Club's leader. Has slightly curly blonde hair tied up to the side most of the time. Kise Ryouta's older sister (the middle sibling). Usually cool and calm but could be quite manipulative. Reads and watches almost all genres of manga and anime exempting yuri and shoujo ai. Cosplays at times.
>Fujisaki Haruna - a bespectacled member from Class 1-A. Has long brown hair and cerulean eyes. Usually quiet but is actually fun to be wih. A straight-A student. First appeared on Chapter 1 as the girl Moriyama played for. Is more into romance, shoujo, and jousei. Refuses to participate in the cosplay advertisement.
>Shiori Aoki - a 2nd year student. Has forest green hair and hazel brown eyes. Gives off a refreshing aura and is pretty friendly. Scary when angered. Into the shounen, sports, harem, action, sports, and ecchi genres. Actively participates in the cosplay advertisement when asked.
>Nanase Mamoru - a member from Class 1-B. Really shy and easily embarrassed. Has straight silvery gray hair that covers his ears and has sea green eyes. Is into the sci-fi, action, shounen, seinen, and romance genres. Only participates in the cosplay ads when forced.

So as for Mashiro Yuki, I'd like you people to discover her for yourself. XDDD /slapped. :3
It's more fun that way!

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