


We took the stairs of terrace and found khadijah bhabi and izan bhai taking the stairs too. They looked at us and we looked at them. They turned and continued climbing stairs. And we did the same.

"If we don't like the idea of sleeping separately then why did we even agreed for it?" asked izan bhai to us. Khadijah bhabi and disagreed with them saying that we don't have any problem and we loved the idea. They looked at us. Shehryaar said, "We didn't asked you guys." With that he dragged me along to the other side of terrace. And izan bhai and khadijah bhabi on other side of terrace.

We stood there, hand-in-hand, my skin burning under his touch. He was looking at the sky, with a smile on his face.

"Why did you call me?" I asked him, still looking at him. He turned to me, still smiling. "Hm? Because...I wanted to see you." He sounded different and so true, making my heart melt at his reply.

"To see me?" I asked him with a frown.

"Why? Cant a husband see his wife?" His smile change into a serious face.

"And.. By the way, you aren't suppose to ask me anything." He declared gaving me a fake smile.

"Why?" Why cant i?

"May be you forgot the dare but I didn't." he replied with his raised eyebrow. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Gosh! I hate him so much." I mumbled to myself.

"And i love you alot." he said winking at me. With that he kept his hand on my waist and made me stand in front of him, and back hugging me. Shiver ran down through my body. I got stiffened under his touch and my eyes widened, totally shocked by his action. He kept his hands above mine. His chest touching my back. As he was very tall from me, he kept his chin above my head. I can feel his heartbeats.

"Wh...what are you doing?" I asked stammering, my heart beats racing as fast as it can.

He sighed.

"I read somewhere that girls like back hugs." He said so calmly...his chin movements as he spoke, i can feel over my hair.

"Even though you're not a girl, I tried if its work out?" He made fun of me. Whatt?

I pushed him from my arm and turned. I glared at him, with my eyebrow raised and my hands crossed to my chest.

He was still smiling at me after saying that. Hah! I know how to trick him.

I decided to leave, When he came and stood in front of me, "Where are you going?" with a serious expression on his face.

"Anywhere...but not where you are." Narrowing my eyes at him, i acted like angry wife.

"Am sorry...I extremely am sorry. I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to hurt. I was just joking." He apologized, with more seriousness, holding my arms.

I looked at him with my one eyebrow raised. "I swear i didnt meant...any of it." He said whilst holding his adam's apple. How cute?

I laughed out loudly at him. His expression was...just..amazing! He was looking like a totally innocent like a kid.

"Sorry I was joking too." I said in-between my laughs. My laughter died when he jerked me towards him. My chest slapped his. My heart jumped into my throat. My hands resting on his chest. And his hands was on my back. Our faces inches apart and my eyes widened by his sudden action.

His breaths fanning my face and mine to him. Our eyes locked.

"Minal?" he called me looking into my eyes. "Hmm?" I looked away from those deep oceans.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked , still in the same position. "Yeah! Only if you leave my arm." I said eyeing him to leave my arms. He left my arms quickly. But i can feel his touch on my arms.

He was scratching his eyebrow in embarassment...may be.

"Hmm...ask what you want to ask?" I tried to change the atmosphere.

After a brief second of silence, he was searching for an answer.

"If possible can you make a cup of coffee for me?" He asked me.

"What?! In this hour of night?" I asked him with shock. Who the hell drink coffee at this hour of night?

He raised his eyebrow. "Girl of your words, right?! You better don't forget that." He was back to his normal, the jerk.

"Urghh! I dont want to." I stamped my foot and made a crying face.

He chuckled and hold my hand and dragged me along with him. He stopped suddenly then looked at the other side of the terrace where khadijah bhabi and izan bhai were. I slapped his arm, giving him death glares for his ill-mannered behaviour. Its not a right thing to do? I mean...ah! Forget it.

He stuck his tongue out at me.. I don't know why he checked on them? he shouldn't have done that. But still somewhere in me...i too want to check. Hihihi!

Oh shut up minal. Its called 'sohbat ka asar.' Staying with him, you are acting like him.

We ran downstairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked in a hushed voice. "Hushh!" he kept his finger in his lip, asking me to shut my mouth.

We stepped inside the kitchen and he closed the kitchen's door. Woah! What is he doing? Why did he shut the door? What is he going to do? What am I thinking about?

He switched on the lights. "You want coffee?"

"Hmm?" I didn't get him...because I was on my not-so-good thoughts.

"Coffee? You want some?" he asked me with a normal expression. "Yeah! Sure." I replied. He nodded. Stop watching those idiotic posts in instagram minal! He dont even have the hint of what am thinking about?

"Okayyyyy." He trailed off and started making coffee. Well, I didn't know he knows how to make coffee.

" can make coffee?!" I asked him sitting on the slab of kitchen.

"Well, about 10 years I lived in L.A...what do you think? I can't even make a cup of coffee?" He asked me with a disbelief in his tone. I chuckled.

"True that. How did you managed everything? You learned everything from mom?"

"Nope. From your mamma." He said and handed me my coffee mug.

"What?" My mamma?

"Just kidding. I learnt everything from my best friend." Oh! He even have friends?

"Umm...even you have best friend? Am shocked." I joked.

"Hmm thats what you think of me...i know that. But yeah! I've got best friends too...Daniel Aynn and Christopher Resnick."

"Oh! Both are non- muslims?"

"No. Daniel is muslim...actually his name was daniyal aynn he changed his name while shifting to L.A." he explained.

"Hmm...what about the other friend?"

"Chris? Chris is Christian." He was too obvious to explain the obvious.

"Oh really? I was asking what about him? His name shows his religion."

"Oh! He lives in L.A. Firstly, when and danny came to L.A, we stayed in hostel till Danny got his flat. Then we stayed there. On our 2nd year, we two got friends with chris. And from 3rd year we 3 lived in chris's house...for our rest of years in L.A." he told me which remind me of my friends. Then sudden urge to tell him about my friends...and our dream to live in one house.

"You know how we friends...I mean my friends and me dreamt about this? We Six living in one house of our own...we dreamt it from our school days. Ah! You are so damn lucky shehryaar...girls always dreams of it and you boys lived like that. Hah! My fate is written already to live like this...nothing can I do." I sighed.

"Well, I am lucky. So you have six friends?"

"No...we are six...including me." I said as a smile appeared on my face thinking of them.

"So, who is your best friend?"

"Well, we six are best friends forever...but Nuha is my best friend." I told him when my close enemy came to my mind.

"I've got one more best friend too...he is my cousin, know him right?"

"Yeah! I remember him. Zuhaib?!" He replied.

"From our 10th std me and zuhaib are best friends...more like close enemies." I smiled remembering how we named ourselves as close enemy.


I checked the time...its 5:00. So we decided to pray fajar.

I took her mug from her hand and was about wash our mugs when she interrepted and declared that she is going to wash them. I smiled at her.

"If mom sees you doing dishes and making coffee for me? What will she think of me?" She was blabbering, washing our mugs. I chucked at her.
She washed both of our mugs, switched the lights off and closed the kitchen door. We entered the namaz room, we did ablution one by one. I was the first to do ablution, then she went.

Zuhaib?! Her best friend? Hmm...I want to talk to him. May be he is in instagram too.

She came out from the washroom. She stood behind me for namaz.

I prayed my namaz and did my dua. Then I got up taking my prayer mat. I folded it. She was still in 'sajda'. How long she is...wait is she sleeping? I waited for more minutes to confirm that she is sleeping. So I cleared my throat loudly. She didn't get up. I tapped her shoulder twice. She didn't move even a bit. "Minal!" I screamed a little slowly. She got up and continued her namaz.
Seriously?? What is she doing?

I just can't stop laughing. I laughed hard holding my stomach.

She finished her prayer. And she got folding the prayer mat glaring at me. "You serious? You slept in between of namaz?" I asked her still laughing.

"And its all because of you, if you'd let me sleep then I wouldn't have done this." She spatted angrily.

"And if you didn't tell me that 'you are the girl of your words' I shouldn't have asked you to meet up." I blamed her, reminding her.

She narrowed her eyes at me and I ignored her.

I took the quran from the shelf and sat on the coach. She sat beside me and asked, "Can I go now?"

"No. Wait for me till I recite quran."

She took a deep breathe and sat beside me maintaining some distance between us.

I recited the quran and looked at her, she was sleeping peacefully, with her lips slightly apart. She didn't even unwrapped her dupatta after namaz. She act like a kid sometimes...well, most of the times. I chuckled.

I kept the quran back in shelf. I looked at her, sleeping so peacefully, mashallah.

I don't want to wake her...but she isn't in a comfortable position. I went near her to wake her up but didn't get the courage to do that. So, I made up my mind and carried her in my arms. Her one hand was collapsed between mine and her body, and another hand was placed on her stomach. I carried her upstairs carefully. I went inside the room where all the girls were sleeping. I saw fatty is still awake. And some one was praying the namaz, I didn't see the face. Fatty looked at me in a 'awww'. I looked at fatty who is smirking at me.

"What are you looking at me? Make place for her?" I asked her to make place for her.

"Am sorry but we have a kids know. They too cant sleep without their moms. Like you cant with out bhabi. So, we dont have place for her. You go..oh sorry! You two go and sleep in your bedroom." She smirked. This idiot sister of mine.

"Urgh! Okay fine." I gave up.
"Just unwrap that scarf of her, that makes her uncomfortable while sleeping." I asked her in a hushed tone.

"Awww...then do it yourself?!" she teased me.

"Just shut your mouth and do what am telling you to." I ordered her in a hushed tone as everyone us sleeping, still carrying her.

"Think as if am sleeping right now. Okay? Bye." She declined my order so easily and turned to sleep.

"Fatty? Fatty?" I whispered to her, but that little brat.

Ah! This girl.

I left the room. Oh shit! Our room is full yaar!. What should i do know? All the guest rooms are full already. And fatty's room is full too.

Then took her to the extra guest room which is very small, and have a single bed. But we can manage. But the balcony dont have door?! What to do. Shooking all the thoughts away. I carried her to that extra guest room.

I slowly put her on the bed. I switched on the we dont have A/C in this room. Ah! How can i sleep here. We dont even have extra mattress here.

The wind was so pleasent here. I quickly went to the outer shelf where we've extra blankets. But there was no blankets. Shit yaar!

I came back and saw her position a little changed and wrapped scarf got a little lose around her face.

I tried to unwrap her scarf just when she moved a little. I got struck on my position with my eyes widened, scared of my girl, knowing that am unwrapping her scarf. What she is going to do me? She then slowly opened her eyes, still sleepy.

Her eyes travelled down to my hand holding her scarf then to my face, she widened her eyes. Am going to be a dead meat now!

I pulled my hand back. When she sat on the bed still in shock.
"What were you doing?" She asked...more like yelled at me.
I cleared my throat and replied, "Ah! That...i was just unwrapping your scarf...i know it is very uncomfortable for you to wear a scarf and sleep. So i was...." i trailed off.

"Hmm...i'll do it by myself. " she said and whilst unwrapping her scarf she looked at the room and frowning she stood up. "Why are we here?" She asked me with a doubtful look.

"Oh that. I carried you there but the kids took your place. So, there was no place left. So, We are here." I explained everything.

"What? You carried me here!!!" She almost yelled at me.

I scratched my eyebrow...nodding a yes.

She widened her eyes. Then glared at me. "You should have atleast wake me up shehryaar!" She said while keeping both of her hands in her hips.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah! As if. I tried waked you. But you didnt move a little ... such a stubborn girl you are. Do you know that?! And by the not interested in carrying you in my arms! You made me do that. Keep that in your mind." I completed giving a death glare at her.

She mummbled something to herself. She removed her dupatta and kept beside the pillow. Then slept back on the bed after showing her tantrums to me.

I removed my t-shirt and threw it on the chair kept beside the bed.

I sat on the bed. There was no space for me on the bed. She took the whole bed. I turned at glared ar her.

"Will you please give me some space? Am not a kid...i cant sleep in this space." I got irritated seeing her like that.

"Even i dont have much space here. You need space? Go and sleep in has so much space. Because in this single bed you dont have any place. Or else go and sleep somewhere else." Finishing her sentences she turned and slept facing her back to me.

If you dont give me space...then am going to make it.

I slept pushing her. "What are you doing?" She screamed.

"Making space for me." I said and turned to other side.

"Shehryaar! Am slipping. Move and sleep." She yelled at me.

"Shut up and sleep. Dont forget the dare. You are supposed to listen to me. Am not gonna listen to any of your orders. Now sleep." I was sleepy but she wants to fight with me now. I shouldn't have carried up here. I should've let her sleep in that conjusted place. Her never ending tantrums will come to an end. Huh?! Vaddi aae.


The sun's heat was burning our souls. The sun rays was directly falling on my face making difficult to open my eyes. I squeezed still close my eyes.

I tried to open my eyes and was about to keep my hand in front of my face when i felt my hand was below his.

I opened my eyes. My eyes travelled down on my stomach where my hand was placed, he was holding my hand inverting his fingers into mine.

His arm was above my arm. His leg was on me. While my mine was above him. My eyes widened. What the hell i did???

When i was observing everything when he took a deep and soft breath , which fanned my neck. Giving me ticklish feeling.

When my feet touched something. Soft hair??

I touched it again when it strucked me. I quickly looked at see a big white cat sleeping calmly. My eyes widened. I screamed at the top of my lung. When shehryaar quickly got up from the bed with a shocked expression. My screamed woked the cat too. He was starring at us with his wide yet dangerous eyes.

"What happened? Why are you screaming?" Shehryaar asked me widening his eyes.

"Cat!" I whispered looking at him.

"Where?" He widened his eyes even more. I pointed at the cat. He looked at it and screamed even more and with a jerk he kicked the cat with much force, he looked more scared than me.

The cat was now near the balcony. But he was still starring at us.

Shehryaar was looking at him with a scared expression.

"Get that cat out." I ordered him.

"You do that. I wont." He ordered, anger was evident on his tone.

"Tch! You are more scared than me. Fine." I made myself get up from the bed.

"Watch out. She's very dangerous." He told me. She?!

"Oye! Its not she. Its HE!" I replied.

"No. Cant you see? She is very stubborn. And is continously starring at us. And she is fat too. I know its a 'she'."

"Oh come on! Shehryaar." I glared at him.

"Okay na. Its a HE. Now kick that cat out." He commanded.

Haan! Ye sahi hai. Now he'll act like a total girl and i've to do a guy thing. God! You gave me such a scared guy. He is more scared than me. Huh?!

I took his t-shirt to 'shoo' that cat away when he yelled at me. "Keep that back. Thats my t-shirt."

I ignored his blabberings and 'shoo-ed' that cat away with his t-shirt.

I turned jerking my collars up at him. He was glarring at me, his both hands was on his hips.

"What?! Take it. Your t-shirt." I threw it at him.

"Eww! " he threw his t-shirt away.

I laughed at his expression.

Then i realized that i wasnt wearing my dupatta. I was about to take my duppatta when he grabbed it.

"Shehryaar! Give my duppatta." I ordered him. I was feeling uncomfortable now.

"No." He said smirking.

I gulped hard.

"Please!" I whinned at him.

"No...until i get what i want." He was still smirking at me.

"Please not again." I made a sad face.

He walked up to my side taking my duppatta in his hand.

He stood in a good distance and forwarding his hand to me holding my duppatta. I was about to take from his hand when he grabbed my hand and jerked it towards him.

My eyes widened. I slammed into him. Heartbeats was racing on a marathon. His eyes roaming my face. I looked away from his face

"Shehryaar!" I whispered his name.

"Hmm?" He asked still looking at my face.

"My dupatta." I said and looked at his face.

"And what about my t-shirt?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Mm...i'll get you another t-shirt." I replied.

"Okay. " he smiled at me.

"My dupatta?" I asked him.

"I told you...not until i get what i want." He smirked again.

I tried to move under his grip but i just couldnt he was so strong. He laughed seeing me trying to escape from his grip.

"Leave me. I'll get you another t-shirt." I said still trying hard.

"Okay." He said and loosened his grip. Then jerked again. I looked up to him. He smirked.

"What?" I asked him. What again?! Iski toh farmaish hi nahi khatam hoti.

"Just wanted to scare you." He smirked.

"Am not scared of you. Atleast, am not a scared kid like you. Who gets scared just seeing a cat?" I smirked back.

His smirk change into a glare. He left me on the spot.

"Go and bring my t-shirt." He ordered. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"What?! Go." He ordered me again.

"Ek maukha nahi chodti ho mujhe aise dekhne ka!" He said shaking his head in disbelief.


"What? What did you say? Mai maukha nahi chodti? Do you think you are some kind of a hero? Apne aap ko Nick bateman samaj rakha hai?! Uske aada bhi nahi ho tum toh?! Shakal dekhi hai kabhi aene mai? Huh?! Vadde aae mujhe bolne waale." I spatted angrily.

"Dekhi hui hai. Tumhare se toh achi hai. Aur ye Nick bateman kaun hai?"
His husband mode was onn now.

"What i know he is hot and damn damn damn sexy! Unlike you." I faked a smile at him and left the room.

I was walking out of room to get him another t-shirt. When he came and stood infront of me.

"What nowww???" I yelled at him.

"Your duppatta." He said and placed my duppatta on my shoulder. Oh!

"Hmm..thanks." I thanked him.

"Bass Thanks?!" He asked me.

"What else do you want?" I asked him.

"You!" He came forward and whispered with smirk.

"Hatto!" I pushed him and walked away. Despite that blush on my cheeks.


"Hatto!" A blush appeared on her cheeks. She pushed me with both of her hands and walked away.

"Hayyeee!" I placed my hand on my heart. Maar hi daalegi ek din!

There was so much noise coming from downstairs. I walked inside the room. And sat on the bed. I quickly checked my watch it was 11:00.already.

I took my t-shirt and weared my watch. I checked the room if something is left. I closed the door. I walked up to my room.

I saw her standing infront of our room. I walked up to her, she widened her eyes.

"Why are you..." she cut me off and asked, "What the hell? You just came out without wearing a shirt. Shame on you shehryaar! Go back. I'll get you a shirt." She whispered. I ignored her.

"Why are you standing here? Come in. Apna hi room samjho." I tease her and was about to open the room when he quickly grabbed my hand.
I frowned at her.

"Are you stupid? I think they're still inside the room. Thats why am standing here. This is Our room i know." She completed.

"Oh! I dont think so they're still inside." With that i opened the door. And it opened.

"See. I told you." I said to her.

"Hmm." She just walked in, whilst i was standing still holding the knob.
I rolled my eyes and walked in, shutting the door back.

"I'll be the first to go to washroom today." She declared and opened the wardrobe.

"Fine by me. I'll sleep for some more hours. Am very sleepy. I just slept 6 hours. Atleast 8 hours a person should sleep." I declared and jumped on the bed. I looked at her. She was pouting. I chuckled.

"I too slept for 6 hours." She pouted.

"Oye! 6 hours and 45 mins. To be exact." I corrected.

"But i too want to sleep with you." She made a crying face. I smirked.

"With me?" I asked smirking.

"Ah! I mean...beside you. Uh! No. I mean to say is...ah! Forget it." She stammerred and was explaining what she meant. She was looking damn cute. She took her towel was about to step inside the washroom.
An idea popped inside my mind to tease her.

I sat up on the bed. " You want to bath with me? Astaghfirullah." I touched my earlobe and acted innocent.

"What?" She frowned.

"You said you want to have a bath with me. are so dirty." I acted like a girl.

"Are you deaf? I said SLEEP. I want to sleep with you. S-L-E-E-P." she just said that. I kept my hand covering my mouth. Acting like a total innocent. And her expression was like 'Omg! What the hell did i just said?' With widening her eyes.

I continued to play with her.
"Means the same. Okay if you say so...wait i'll come." I acted and was about to get up from the bed.

When she, "Wait. What I mean to say is." She was panicing. And was still in shock.

I tried hard to control my laughter. She looked up to me. She parted her lips to say some thing then shut. A sudden smile appeared on her face. She tried hard not to smile then, "Shehryaar please. Shut up. I know you are just teasing me." She whinned. I laughed heartily.

"But you are smiling?" I asked with a smirk.

"Am not." She lied and locked herself inside the washroom. I just love teasing her.

I slept back. When her words came to my mind, "S-L-E-E-P." A wide smile appeared on my face.


I locked my self inside the bathroom. Shit! shit! shit! What the hell i just said? What the hell he'd be thinking of me?

And Because of those idiotic friend and cousins of mine, tabhi yaad aana tha unlogon ki bakwaas mujhe. I just smiled? I mean seriously? Ewwww. What he must be thinking? He must be thinking how much dirty mind i've.

I felt like crying.


After taking a warm shower and regretting of my words all the time. I came out of the washroom. I looked at him. He was still sleeping.

"Acha hai. Ye sota rahe. I'll get ready and will escape from him. But he'll never forget that. I so know this idiotic habit of him." I blabbered to myself while rubbing my hair from towel.

I took a hair dryer. When my eyes caught his phone. Still in charge?!

I removed his phone. It showed 100% already. I kept my phone in charging. It was dead.

I was drying my hair. By the hair dryer's noise he was getting disturbed. He was doing 'Tch! Tch!' All the time and was changing his position.

I quickly kept the hair dryer back. I combed my hair. I cletched my hair. I washed my face. And rubbed my face from the towel. Then applying the face powder and kajal. I kept the things back in its place.

Giving a last look to myself in thr mirror. I adjusted my dupatta perfect on my head and was about to leave. When, "Where are you going?" He spoked with his sleepy yet heavy voice.

"Downstairs." I replied.

"Wait for me."

"But you are not even ready." I whinned.

"10 mins to be exact." He said while rubbing his eyes.

"Fine. If you are late even for a single minute. I'll leave the room." I declared and sat back on the bed.

"Okay." He shrugged his shoulder and stepped inside the washroom.

He came out in 5 mins. He was getting ready and i was just watching him, sometimes just starring or gawking at his abs. He wore a white coloured shirt with rolled up sleeves and blue jeans.

"Tadan! Still 1 mins left." He said happily showing his teeth. I rolled my eyes at him. And got up from the bed.

"May i? Am already late because of you." I asked him giving him death glares.

"Yes, you may." He faked a smile.

We left the room. We ran downstairs. We saw everyone eating and chating whilst sitting on the breakfast table. My mamma was giving me death glares for being late. Actually very late. I gave her a fake smile.

Mom came and asked us to have breakfast. She didnt even said anything for being late. We nodded and went to have brunch. I was continously ignoring mamma's glares.

No body in my in-laws tells me anything about coming late. But mamma...if she gets a chance...she's beat the shit out of me. So i was keeping some distance from her.

"Hogayi subah tum dono ki?" Tara di asked us with a smug on her face. Shehryaar looked at me. I didnt dare to looked at him. I gave her a fake smile whilst shehryaar replied, "Kahan?! Am still sleepy yaar." He replied while having a morsel in his mouth.

"Oh! Janab ki neend abhi bhi puri nahi hui? Tch! Tch! Saaley! Time dekha hai 12 baje hue hai. Aur teri neend abhi puri nahi hui?!" He earned a slap on head from hashim bhai. I laughed at him.

"Aur wo dono toh abhi tak baher nahi aae. Pata nahi hai undono ki suboh kab hoti hai." Hashim bhai said shaking his head.

"Who?" I asked him.

"I can guess who they'd be." Shehryaar said while laughing.

"Who?" I asked.

"None other than Mr and Mrs.Izan." He said while inserting another morsel in his mouth.

"Aur koi ho bhi nahi sakta. Except them." Rayad said. I laughed.

"Waise bhabi how was the ride?" Rayad smirked at me.

"Ride? Which ride?" I asked with a confused look.

"Arrey! Shehry bhai gave a 10 mins ride from upstairs to downstairs then here and his..." he was cut off by shehryaar.

"Saaley! Chup kar ja. Or else am gonna kick your ass." He gritted his teeth.

Rayad laughed at him and winked at me. Which ride? What ride he is talking about?

"Which ride shehryaar?" I asked him more like whispered.

"I carried you in my arms last night. You were sleeping. And this idiot saw that. And no doubt he made a clip of it." He said in a low tone and the last sentence widened my eyes.

I looked at him with a worried expression.

"Tch! Dont worry. I know how to handle this idiot. You dont have to worry." I smiled at him.

"You just worry about yourself. Its my day...girl of your words." He completed his sentence with a wink at last. My smile faded. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ahem! Ahem! Do you guys need some more space? I think last night was not enough for you guys." Rayad teased us.

I continued my brunch. While shehryaar replied him, "Tu mil saaley mujhe. Phir dekhta hoon tujhe."

"Haan! Haan! Dekhlo jitna dekhna hai. Phir bhabi bura maangae toh dont ask me. I've no issues." He winked at him. I mentally laughed inside. Whilst shehryaar got up from his seat to chase after him.


After our brunch, elders was busy talking on some serious topic. All the phupa's and phupu's of him were gathered in the main hall. Talking about some boring topics.

All the boys left for namaz. And we girls were also leaving for namaz-e-zohar.

My stomach was aching after having brunch. Then i remember its my date. I went to mamma and told her about it. Mom was also sitting beside her. I was afraid that what if he asks me if i didnt pray the namaz. Shit. Mom said that not to worry about shehryaar and he would never ask about it. She'll handle everything. I relaxed myself.

I went to namaz room. Fatty asked me, "What happened? Hogaya kya?" She asked worried as i told her about it. I nodded a 'yes'.

"Bhabi relax! Kuch nai hota. Shehry bhai will never ask about it." She said and smiled at me. I smiled back. But still i was worried.

I went inside our room and changed myself. I unplugged my phone from charging and sat on the bed while resting my head on the pillow.

I switched on my phone. I recieved some notifications from WhatsApp and instagram. I ignored it. I played the slow music playlist and i inserted the earplugs in the phone. I kept aside. I closed my eyes while listening to songs.

Then i recieved another notification. I took my phone was about to turn off the notification when my eyes caught his message. I opened his message.

It showed, a pic of nick bateman and below that he wrote a message.

MY FREAKY GUY : "Ewww...Sexy toh door ki baat ye toh hot bhi nahi hai. Tch! I pity your choice. Your choice sucks...thats why god paired you with such a hot and sexy guy.😎"

I rolled my eyes at his message.

I openes my instagram and opened nick bateman's profile and took a screenshot of his sexiest post and send it to him. And below that i wrote, "If you didnt find him hot...then you go and check your eyes.😒"

He wasnt online. So i kept the phone aside.

Another notification popped up.
It was him in instagram. He uploaded a story in insta. I opened his story. He uploaded a selfie with Rayad. He was looking handsome, Mashallah. Caption was : "Brothers in white."

I kept back my phone. When the song changed into my one of the fav song, 'Morni Banke'. When another notification popped up. It was him in whatsapp.

MY FREAKY GUY :"I think you are the one who needs to check the eyes.🤔" Yeah! As if.

I was about to type when it showed 'typing'. I waited for his message.

MY FREAKY GUY : "Waise what are you? You want to have bath and sleep with someone😈 and you find someone hot and sexy?! Kaisi ho yaar tum?! 😤Tch! Haye re meri phooti khismat.🤕"

A blush appeared on my cheeks. I knew it...he'll never forget it.

I was speechless...i dont know what to reply him. But i've to reply him or else he'll make fun of me.

Another message popped up.

MY FREAKY GUY :"Am glad i left you speechless like this. Am so proud of myself. *jerking my collar up* "

ME: Nah! The network was slow. Thats why you didnt recieve the message.😒

MY FREAKY GUY : "Acha?! Which message? This message that you send now?😝😝😝".

Urgh! Idiot. Minalll?! Shit! Shit! Shit! Why am i soooo stupid?!

MY FREAKY GUY : "Please minal. Dont act cool infront of me. I know how much you regretted after saying such words😉. And how much hot and sexy you find me..😆😆😆"

ME : "Hah! Khushfehmi hai tumhari. Aisa kuch nahi hai."

What is he? What the hell he thinks of himself?

I turned the music off. I unplugged the earplugs. I got up from the bed. I kept my phone in charging and left the room.


I kept my phone inside as she got offline all of a sudden. I was still smiling thinking of her expression.

We was on the way back after prayer.

Rayad was sitting beside me. He was clicking selfies. When i suddenly remembered that clip.

"Oye!" I called him.


"Did you make any clips of us last night?"

"You doubt my skills? Kya achi quality aayi hai bhai. Pucho hi matt." He flaunted.

"Chup kar. You didnt show them to anyone right?" I asked concerned.

"I was about to send in ths group...phir bhabi ka soch ke reh gaya." He said.

"Kyun? Mai tera kuch nahi lagta kya?" I asked him slapping his head.

" might have forget everything you did to me. But i didnt dont forget that." He warned me.

"Tch! Acha na...wo clip mujhe send karde then delete it." I told him.

"Aawien?" He asked.

"What do you want?" I know he's not gonna deal with out taking things from me.

"That camera of yours." He said.

"Chal hatt. I will never give it to you."

"Think again. I'll keep it as my insta's story. Phir muhn chupate rehna." He blackmailed me.

"Kuch aur maangle yaar."

"Acha phir that watch you weared on engagement."

"Whose engagement?"
Isko meri engagement ki watch chahiye? Saaley ki farmaish toh hadd hi hogayi.

"Fatty's engagement." Oh!

"Done." I gave him thumbs up.

"Okay i'll send it to you right away."
He smiled.

I recieved it. I watched the clip and was about to send her, we reached home. I smirked at my thought, Saath mai milkar dekhenge. I kept my phone inside my pocket.

We brothers stepped inside the home. We wished everyone. My eyes searched for her. Where is she?

"She is with elders in the kitchen." Khadijah bhabi said.

"What is she doing there?" I asked her.

"Impressing them." She replied with a wink.

"Why is she impressing them?" I asked getting confused.

She got irritate. "Tch! They're her in-laws too now. Thats why."

"Then why are you here? Go and help her na."

"Arrey! Am coming from there itself. If you want to help her then go. Am going to meet my husband." She said and walked away. Yeah! Like i dont know where she is going...

I went to kitchen. All the phupu' were sitting outside the kitchen. I wished them they replied. One of phuppu's asked me, "Shehry beta? Toh kab jaa rahe ho tum honeymoon par?"

Just when she came holding the tray. She halted in her tracks. I looked at her. She looked at me then came and kept the tray.

"InshaAllah soon phupu." I said still looking at her.

"Ye soon woon chodo. Aur jaldi se ho aao. Arre hame bhi apne pota poti ko dekhna hai bhai. Pata nahi kab allah hame bulale." She said so calmly making my heartbeats uneven. I looked at her, she was hiding her blush and ran inside the kitchen.

I smiled at phupu mouthing a 'InshaAllah'.

I sat beside phupu. Where she is cutting fruits for dessert.

Mom and minal came with trays. Minal too joined phuppu for cutting fruits. I gave her space between me and phuppu and she came and sat.

"Toh kahan jaa rahe ho? Honeymoon par tum dono?" Another phupu asked. Why the hell they're not leaving this topic. She is getting uncomfortable.

"Not yet decided phupu." I simply said.

"Minal beta?" She called her. Please dont ask her anything.

"Ji - ji phuppu?" She asked stammering.

"Tum iski baat na sunna beta. Tumhe jahan khaish hai wahan ka bolna. Aur wahin jaana. Iska koi bharosa nahi ye tumhe honeymoon bol kar business trip ko lejae ga." She's telling her to be stubborn, Arrey phuppu aap isko jaanti kahan ho!

"Ji phuppu." She smiled at her.

"Kya ji phuppu?" I asked her. She frowned at me.

"So you really are going to take me to business trip in the name of honeymoon?" She asked while raising her eyebrow.

"Well, depends." I shrugged my shoulder. Her expression was 'unbelievable'.

"Dekha phupu." She complained to phuppu.

"Tum maanna mat beta. Datt ke khadi rehna apni zid mai." She encouraged her.

"Haan! Agar abhi nikalna hai toh honeymoon par hi jaenge. Chalo gi?" I asked winking at her.

Her expression priceless. But i earned a slap from phupu. She just sat there silently. I know she must be killing me in her mind.

"Besharam! Meri bahu ko kyun tang kar raha hai. Chal jaa yahan se." She laughed at the end. I winked at her.

I left from there.

I went were my bhabi's were sitting with there kids.

"Come come." Maheen bhabi called me.

"So...why did you all left my wife there alone with elders?"

"Zaheena bhabi is there with her."

"That doesnt mean that you all should left her."

"Arrey! We called her. But she didnt came. Its her chance to impress the elders. So we left her there." She explained. I nodded.

"Where is fatty?" i asked them.

"May be she's with rayad in her room." maheen bhabi said.

I went to her room and found her with rayad and aideen. Aideen was sitting in the middle. Three of them was busy in one phone. I think Aideen was showing something. 

"Fatty?" i called her. Three of them looked at me. I went and sat on bed, "You want a new headphones?" 

"What do you want me to do?"

" That's like my girl!"


I was busy in the kitchen when a kid came running to me and handed me my phone. 

"Some freaky guy was calling you. I was on the way to you when it stopped ringing." she explained in a cute way.

"Aww...its okay cutie. Thank you for bringing it to me." I thanked her and she replied, "Your welcome." she smiled at me and walked away.

Excusing myself I came out. I unlocked my phone and dialed his number.



"Why did you call me?"

"You forget the dare? Already half of the day aise hi chalegaya."

"So? You choosed the wrong day Mister."

"I did not, my missus."

"Shehryaar! Am busy. I've work to do."

"Dont worry about it. Fatty will handle everything you just come out of the house now."

"But..." he cut me off and said, "No ifs and buts. Come out now. Am waiting for you outside."

"And what about lunch?" I asked him.

"Dont worry about it. Now end of discussion. Out. Now." He cut the call. I saw fatty walking to me.

"Bhabi. Dont worry. You go. I'll handle everything here."

"But fatty what will everybody think about me?"

"Tch! Bhai have already thought about it. It was an emergency. Your friend got in an accident. You were crying badly. so bhai took you there and when you thought to tell the elders about it i stopped you and told you that i'll tell you left. I know its much like a filmy scene. You know my brother. Bass you both should continue the act when you'll come back." It was unbelievable.

"Fine. Allah hafiz." i left from there.

I came out and found him already sitting inside the car, wearing shades. I opened the cars door and sat in. He started the car and drove away.

"Where are we going?" I asked him and kept my phone beside his.

"To meet your friend who got into an accident." He made fun of it.

"Shut up shehryaar. You dont have the right to make fun of my friends. I never did give this right to anyone. Why the hell my friend gets into an accident. Why dont your friend gets into an accident." she spatted angrily.

"Ah! Please yaar minal. Dont take it seriously. It was just for an excuse. Am sorry...i didnt mean any of it. Okay? Now stop fighting with me."

There was silence for some minutes.

"Am sorry yaar. I dont want to spoil your mood. I just wanted to make you happy but i think it didnt work." he appologized making a sad face.

I think i just over reacted to his joke.

"Its okay. Actually i get angry when its something related to my closed ones." i explained.

"I know." he smiled at me.

"You want shades?" he asked me.

"You have extra?" 

"No. I bought it for you." he said and stopped the car at the corner. 

He got out of the car and ran back side. He opened the trunk. And took a black velvet pouch. He closed the trunk. He ran and sat inside. He handed me that pouch and started the car.

I opened it. It was RayBan's shade. I took out and wore it. I looked at the mirror.

"You like it?"

"I loved it." I really loved it.

"When did you buy this?" I asked him.

"Umm...whilst shopping for our wedding. I bought it for you. Because i know you dont like too girly things. And you'll definitely like this. So when buying for me. I bought it for you." He explained. I was like...feeling like the most luckiest girl in thi world. I was overwhelming.

"Thank you soooo much." I thanked him as the smile was never leaving my face.

"Bass thank you?" He asked making a face.

"What else do you want?" I think i should've shopped something for him too.

"Leave it. You'll never give that to me." He made a face.

"Arrey! Why not? Tell me. What do you want i'll give you?" I told him.

I seriously wanted to buy something for him now.

"You sure?" He asked me, trying to confirm.

"I've money. You wish my command." I smiled at him.

He smirked. "I want..." he trailed off looking at the road.

Then looked at me then smirked  and mouthed a 'kiss'. Making my eyes widened. He was glancing both the road and to me. I bit my inner cheek, trying to stop myself from smiling. I looked outside the window. Then after a brief second to calm my heart.

"Well, i cant buy you that." I replied.

"Why? You said my wish your command. And also... you are ' girl of your words '..right?" He asked still smirking.

"So what?!" I asked him.

"Dont be shy. Am your husband yaar." He said smiling.

"Shehryaar..stop it." I said.
The car halted in its tracks.

"Why did you stopped the car?" I asked making a horrified face.

"You said so." He said and came closer to me. I gulped hard. "Wh..what..are you doing?" I asked stammerring.

"You dont know?" He raised his eyebrow. My breath got heavy.
He came even close and laughed like a devil.

I made a crying face. I quickly opened the car and ran into the back seat.

"Stop playing and drive now." I ordered him.

"Nah! I'll come there." He said still laughing like a devil and rubbing both of his hands. A small scream escaped from my mouth. I locked both the side of cars door.

"Hihihi. I locked both of the door." I stuck a tongue out him.

"Fine by me." He said still smirking. He came from the front seat. Nooooo..

"Ah!" And sat beside me with a thud. I glared at him. He played with his eyebrows making a wierd face.

I quickly tried to open the door when he grabbed my hand and jerked it towards him.

I was above him. Our face were close. My stomach turning into knots. My stomach ach ached even more. I gulped hard.

He looked into my eyes. I looked back. He smiled at me.

My heartbeats fastened as his eyes travelled down to my lips.

I quickly closed my eyes. My hands sweating.

I heard him chuckle. I opened my eyes to see him. Smiling like a total idiot showing his teeth. He left me and started laughing holding his stomach. I quickly adjusted my self. Trying to calm my self.

"You, dirty mind. What were you thinking?" He asked smiling at me.
Was this some kind of a game? I swear am gonna kill him now.

"I dont have any dirty mind. You are a dirty guy." I yelled at him.

" the way..." i cut him off.

"Cut that crap. Or else leave me at home. Am not gonna come with you anywhere." I spatted angrily.

"Tch! You've so much anger in the tip of your nose. Mokha mila nahi ke baher aajata hai." He complained. I rolled my eyes at him.

He opened the cars door and sat on the driving seat. I sat on the passenger seat.

He started the car. There was again silence. So, i turned on the radio.

It played some nice songs. After i calmed my anger.

"Where are you taking me to?" I asked, thinking he'd ignore me or show his anger. But he was normal to me.

"Its a suprise. Just have patience." He said. I like suprises.

I checked the time it was 3:00 already. And am hungry.

After some good minutes, the car halted infront of some kind of restaurant.

He parked the car infront of the restaurant.  "Come." He said while removing his shades and got out of the car. I did the same.

The waiter opened the door for us. "Welcome to our restaurant." He bowed at us. I passed him a smile.

Shehryaar grabbed my hand in his, inverting his fingers into mine. He dragged me along with him.

There were some people having lunch. There was much silence in there. I thought we are also having lunch here. But he dragged me somewhere else.

He kept on dragging me.
"Where to?" I asked him.

"Tch! Just come."

He opened the door of some private area may be.

We walked in. There was so much dark inside. He closed the door. It was cold here. He left my hand and walked away. I stood there. He pushed the curtains aside.

The sun light brightened the room. It was just awesome. It was a glass room. I can have a clear view of beach side. It was just awesome.

And there was a cozy coach of two people. And a wooden table in which there was a wooden stand, in which it was written 'Reserved for Mr & Mrs. Shehryaar.'

I was very much happy and excited seeing all these. The smile never leaving my face. I looked at him, he was already smiling at me.

I never knew that he would do this for me.

"How is my suprise?" He asked me raising his eyebrows.

"Its..justt...very beautiful. I loved it, shehryaar. Thank you so much." I was thanking when my eyes turned glassy. I quickly turned away looking at the beautiful sight of beach.

He came and stood beside me.

"I've one more suprise for you." He said. I looked at him.

"And what is that?" I asked him.

"Tch! I told you its a suprise." He said.

"Now come lets have lunch. Am hungry." He said and sat on that cozy coach. He tapped in the empty seat beside him, signing me to sit.

I went and sat.

"We are already late. They're going to take time for making lunch for us." I pouted. My stomach making noise from inside.

"You dont worry about it." He said and took his phone and dialed someone's number.



"Okay." He hung up.

"Wait for 5 minutes." He said.

"You've ordered already?" I asked him. He nodded.

" impressed!" I said the truth.

"I know." He jerked his collar up. I shook my head smiling at him.

And there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." He said.

Two waiters walked in with trays.

They kept on the table and "Please enjoy your meal." They left.

I looked at the tray. He ordered all my favourites. Too much jewels in my eyes. I looked at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Kya khao aur kya chodun samaj nai aaraha hai." I said laughing in excitement. He laughed.

"Start toh karo." He said.

He was serving me then he started his meal. It was yummmmm. I just loved and enjoyed every morsel.

We were eating. When an idea strick my mind.

"Lets take a selfie." I said. He agreed.

I took out my phone and we clicked selfies with our foods. Then i clicked some of the pictures of the beautiful sight. Then we too continued our meal. We finished our meal.

"It was just amazing." I told him.
"Yeah! I like this restaurants food very much." He said.

"You want to have dessert?" He asked.

"I want...but i dont have space in my stomach. It'll burst." I said. He laughed.

"Okay. I'll tell them to parcel it."

"What did you ordered in dessert?"

"Red velvet cake. Your favourite." He said. I widened my eyes thinking of it. Then i thought how did he know.

"How did you know its my fav?" I asked him.

"Tch! I saw your post in instagram."

"Oh! I see." I nodded.

"Okay lets move. Its already 4 : 30." He said and got up from his seat.

"Bill?" I asked him getting up from the seat.

"Payed already." He said. I nodded.

We walked out of the room. He called the waiter and told him to parcel the dessert. He nodded and ran for it. With in a minute, he came back and handed us our parcel. "Please visit again." He said and left.

We sat inside the car. He started the car. He looked at the watch.

"Its time for asar namaz." He said. Oh! Shit. What if he tolds me to pray the namaz with him.

"Turn on the navigation and check if there is a mosque near here." He told me. I nodded. But there was no mosque near here. It'll take 1 hour to go the mosque. I told him about it.

He thought for sometimes. Then stopped the car at the corner.

"You want to do ablution?" He asked me. I nodded. I would never let him know that am not praying it.

"Come out." He ordered and i did.

He dragged me to a cafè. One by one we did ablution and prayed the namaz there itself.

It was 4: 50. We sat in the car and he drove away.

"Are we heading to home now?" I asked him.



"Another suprise." He said and smiled at me.

"And whats..." i was about to ask him then thinking of his past repliea and shut myself.

He was driving very fast. I didnt ask him why because i was enjoying it.

In 15 minutes we reached there....reached theatre. I got excited.

"Which movie?"

"You see it yourself. We are already late. We would miss the first scene. Hurry up." He said. We ran for it. Showing ticket to the man standing outside the theatre. We entered.

The screen was showing the names. That means we didnt miss anything.

And to make me more excited he booked our seat in ibox. In that cozy seat. I would be enjoying the movie.

We quickly took our seats. Then the screen showed the movie's name... "ANDHADHUN".

Arrey wah! Ayushmann khuranna ki movie?! Aaj toh meri kismat hi khul gayi. Its my best day.

                       *  *  *  *  *  *

Tadan! How was the chapter?

Its been almost a 3 month...that i updated. My board exams are finished. Alhamdulillah.

Its a bonus chapter for you all as an apology for being late. Its a 9325 words chapter. I never wrote even 5000 words in my exam sheet...😂.

So, enjoy the chapter. Dont kill me if its a little too romantic...hihihi!

Allah hafiz. Will update another chapter soon. Insha allah.

~ mrs.shehryaar ~

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