


I opened my eyes and as always he was sitting staring my face. But this time his expression was different, not so calm as always. He was.........angry?. I blinked my eyes at him. "Whats this?" He asked pointing his chin. My eyes travelled to his fingers. I saw some pimples in his chin. I bit my lip to control my laughter. "What? You dont know what is it? Its pimple, dont you know that?" I acted innocent. He raised his both eyebrows and asked "Dont act all innocent! Tell me you didnt do this?". "No" i lied completely shrugging my shoulders. "Ohk! Fine then. Come downstairs soon." He ordered and stepped out of the room with his things. I burst out laughing which i was controlling. I got up from the bed still laughing at him. I picked my dress and stepped inside the washroom. "Eediot ho tum gadhe ho abhi tumhe knowledge nahi hai. Hum se panga lene wale abhi tumhari age nahi hai." I sang the song myself and laughed evily. I was shampooing my her when i smelled something. Suddenly i felt my hand sticky sticky. Oh goddddd! How can he do this??? How dare he added oil to my shampoo?! I so hate him. Ya allah! How am i gonna bath now?!. A small tear slipped from the corner of my eye. "Shehryyyaaaarrr!!!" I screamed from the top of my lung.

I came out of the washroom. My hair still sticky so i wrapped my dupatta around my head hiding my sticky and smelly hair. I stepped out of the room and ran downstairs. I was taking baby steps. I halted on my tracks when i heard someone laughing. I looked up only to see him laughing at me while pointing. His one hand pointing at me and the other was holding his stomach. Anger boiled inside me. Mom, dad and fatty giving us a confused look. He kept on laughing. My eyes turning glassy. He stood up and took his coat and phone he left the house while laughing. I gave them a cheeky smile and sat on the chair. We ate our breakfast. I was about to step in the stairs when fatty called me. She came up to me, " Bhabi whats wrong? Why are you wrapping dupatta on your head?" She asked. "Its because of your brother. He is the culprit." I said angrily. She gave me a confused look "Bhai?". I nodded and told her everything. She burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes at her. She then stopped. "Dont worry bhabi. You can use my shampoo. I'll bring. Wait here." She said and went to her room. I smiled nodding. She gave me. I thanked her then got inside our room. I bath and came out.

Then suddenly i remember that its Aasim's engagement today. I quickly took my phone and call Nuha. She took in third ring.
"Assalamualaikum." I said.
"Walaikumassalam minal. Where the hell are you? Why didnt you came yet? Now dont tell me that you were busy with your in-laws...i wont listen any excuses. You have to come. Alright?" She bursted.
"Woah! Hold your horses girl. Iam coming. Just wanted to ask whether you guys kept any dress code or..." she cut me off and said, " Oh yeah! Blue. Blue is our dress code. We are wearing all shades of blue here."
"Why blue? Tch." I pouted.
"Please. Dont expect us to wear your fav color as if we are attending any meeting or something. Just wear it and come. Bye." She cut the call. I shrugged my shoulders then kept the phone aside. I opened my closet and searched for blue colour dress. Its a little heavy because of its pearl work. If i tell shehryaar for shopping he would just kill me. Its better if i wear this. Even i done have time to go to shopping.

I wore my dress and put some light make up. Then wore a pearl earing. I made a pony in my hair. Then wear my abaya. I took my hand bag and inserted my phone.

I went downstairs and walked towards mom and dad's room. I knocked the door and came in. I found fatty and mom talking sitting in the bed. Dad sitting in the coach and his head hung low to his laptop placed in his lap.

"Mashallah,bhabi. You are looking pretty. You going somewhere?" Fatty asked.
"Thank you. Oh yeah! Mom. Dad. Today is my friends engagement and am already late. Hmm...can i go?" I asked my in-laws.
"Yeah! Sure. Why not beta. You should ask shehryaar also. But its ok i'll tell him because he wont take anyones call in this hour." She said.
"Minal? How will you go? Wait. I'll drop you." Dad offered.
"Thank you dad but i think you are busy so i'll drive by myself." I said.
"Mashallah. My daughter-in-law knows driving. Great. Have fun there." He said smiling at me.

I left my house. I drove the car at reached aasim's home. I parked my car.

I rang the bell. Just in a minute the door opened to reveal aasima's mother. "Assalamualaikum aunty." She welcomed me with a hug, "Walaikumassalam minal. How are you?" She asked with a smile.
"I'm good alhamdulillah. What about you?" I asked her.
"I'm fine. Alhamdulillah. They are upstairs waiting for you. Wait. Go from the backside. The main hall is full with my relatives. Go." She said, concerned.
I climb upstairs from the back side of her house. The room was already opened. I just looked at them.

Aleena was doing aasima's make up. Afeefa was siting beside her might be teasing her. Rida was talking with some one on her phone. Aiysha and sajal was engaged in some conversation. Zuha was showing something in her phone to simah. Nuha was texting someone. Just when my phone vibrated recieving a notification. Must be nuha.

"Assalamualaikummmm!!!" I screamed. Everyone looked at me smiling and mummering "walaikumassalam". I saw everyone smiling at me except these two idiots nuha and simah, they were smirking.
I went and gave aasima a hug from back. "Ah! Moti (fat-ty)." she said as she dont like hugging and all. As if i care what she like and what she dont.
"Atleast now stop acting like zuhaib." I winked at her. Her jaws dropped. "You are just impossible." She rolled her eyes.
Aleena asked me, "She is looking pretty na?". "Nah!" I said. And got slap from aleena. Aasima was giving me death glares. "Yes, she is looking pretty, mashallah." Afeefa replied.

I went to rida who was still engaged with someone in her phone. "Who? Your husband say my salam to him." I said and winked at her. She widened her eyes and slapped my arm whispering, "Its my mother, idiot." She said gritting her teeth. I stuck my tongue out at her.

"How are you guys?" I asked nuha, zuha, simah, sajal and aiysha while removing my abayah.
"Good. Alhamdulillah." Zuha said.
"What about you? I know you are good and we can see that too." Simah said. "Why do you even asked?" I rolled my eyes at her. I sat between nuha and zuha ignoring their glares.

Because they hate this habit of mine. "How do you feel being mrs.shehryaar?" Aiysha asked. I sighed. "Well, its...i dont know!" I replied. "Leave it. Just tell me if you felt something like, 'butterflies in the stomach','fire works all over your body','heartbeats on marathon'...something like that??" Simah asked excitedly.
"Seriouslyyy? You think it is some kind of wattpad story or what? Nothing happens in real life ok." I lied completely. "What? Not even once?" Sajal asked sadly. "Nah! Not even once." I lied once again. "Oh please! Stop it ok. We know you are lying. Just tell us the whole story ok?" Nuha said. "Yeah! From the begging." Zuha said.
"Just after we left you." Aiysha said smirking. "Well, can we talk about something else?" I asked and there was a quick reply from five them, "NOOOO". "Ok fine, idiots." I replied. Even if i try my best to hide things from them, i end up telling them every single thing. I was about to tell the whole story when aasima's cousin entered the room and announced that groom's family came. Aasima got nervous. Me, aleena and aiysha went with her because we three are married unfortunately. Rida and afeefa got engaged already.

We went with her and after the ring ceremony me and aiysha came back. Aleena was with aasima. Rida and afeefa both of them went downstairs as we two came upstairs.

These five forced me to tell the whole story. They forced me to show the pic that fatty clicked and posted in insta. I showed them. And as expected they read the caption and hooted. I hushed them but they didnt listen to me. Simah and zuha quickly followed fatty for that they can get more pictures like this. They are just pathetic. And i told them the rest. After listening today's incident zuha said, "Its not less than a wattpad story...right simah?" She asked and winked at me. "Yeahh! I found it cute." Simah complimented. "Oh pleaseeee." I said rolling my eyes at them.

Aasima, aleena, afeefa and rida four of them came back. Aasim was exhausted, wearing that heavy dress of her. I can understand how she is feeling now. "You know what happen down there?" Aleena smirked. "Some one gave her someone's number." Afeefa teased. "Ayaan jeeju send his number through her cousin sister." Rida said excitedly. "Woahhhh!!! Aasimmmmaaaa." We teased her. "Please guys am already exhausted. Stop this." she said making a sad face. "See. Even engaged persons have their fianće 's number. This dumbo minal dont even have her husband's number. Such a idiot you are." She scolded me. I gave her a fake smile.

"Wait aasim. I'll show something. Which might change your mood." Simah said and showed the pic that fatty clicked. "Minal? What is this?" Aasima's eyes widened and she laughed at me. Rida, afeefa and aleena also saw that pic of mine with shehryaar. They teased me. And after some minutes they called us to have our lunch as its already 4:15. We...ten of them had our lunch. Then came back to room.

We enjoyed alot. We took selfies and so on. While they were talking. Me and nuha talked about our homely stuffs and all with eachother after so many days. Nuha was giving me lectures on being 'good wife', like dont call him idiot and all. Aiysha came and joined us. We talked about our 'THE' topic, which we trio mostly talked about.

Then after having our dinner one by one left. Me and zuha was the last to go. I suggested her that i'll drop her. She agreed. I dropped her at her house then reached my home.


He came back home. He went to his room expecting that she'll be angry at him but she wasnt in the room. He sighed and got fresh. He checked whole house but there is no sign of her. He decided to ask fatty. He went to main hall saw fatty coming to his direction. "Where is she?" He asked. She looked at him. "Who? Bhabi?" She asked. He gave her a 'obviously' look. She remind silent for a second as she was planing to tease him. "What? Tell na." He asked. "Bhai! After what you did to bhabi you are expecting her to stay here?" She acted seriously. "What are you telling? Tell me what happened? Where the hell is she?" He got all serious. "She left bhai! She left." She acted so exact that he got stunned in his position. "She was crying badly bhai. You shouldn't have done this to her ." She said as if she was angry. Shock was evident in his eyes. He was deep in his thoughts when she burst out laughing holding her stomach. "Bhai! Look at your face. You are looking total dumb ass. Hahahaha! You looking funny." she continued laughing. "Are you even serious? Is this some kind of a joke? You are gonna pay for this idiotic game ms.fatima iman." He yelled. She ran to save her life. He kept on chasing her.

He was reading a book when the door burst open revealing his wife. She came inside. She was looking pretty. His eyes travelled her whole body then struck at her face. She frowned. He then straight himself. "Where were you?" He asked seriously. "I went to meet my boy friend aasim. Do you have any problem?" She lied and slipped inside the washroom. He took her lie seriously. She came back saw him already asleep as always shirtless. Urrgghh why cant he wear t-shirt and sleep man?! Huh?! . She sat on the bed and took the A/C remote and increased the temperature and kept back. She kept her dupatta aside and switch off the lights. She slept snatching the blanket from him but he didnt snatch back. Strange. She thought. Soon sleep took over her.


After having lunch minal and fatty watched TV. Shehryaar's dad and mom were out. Shehryaar went to office. Since morning neither he was talking to her nor seeing her. She felt ignored but she dont know why he is ignoring her. She tried to talk to him but of no use. Day happened and here comes night time. After dinner every one went to their respective rooms. She went inside the room. She saw him working on his laptop. Urgghh! Work! Work! Work! Cant he be a human rather being a robot?!
I rolled my eyes. She went near him. He kept working on his laptop but his mind was her. She snatched his laptop. "What the.....? Give me my laptop right now. Its important." He spated angrily. "Oh really?! Then do one thing marry your laptop and live your life happily with it. Fine?" She said while keeping the closed laptop near her chest. He sighed. "Minal! Give me my laptop its important yaar!" He requested. "Ok i'll but in one condition. Answer my question. Why were you ignoring me?" She asked. He ran a hand through his hair while looking away from her. "There is nothing like that so please stop this idiotic questions of yours!" He stated. "Liar liar bum on your fire." She said angrily. "See iam telling you to gimme back my laptop." He ordered. "No! Answer my question and take back your love." She stated still hugging his laptop. "I repeat. GIVE.ME.MY.LAPTOP.BACK!" He said while gritting his teeth. She shrugged her shoulders. He stood up suddenly and walked towards her. He hold her arms tightly and pull her to him "Iam telling you last time. Give me my laptop back. Right now." He spated angrily. "Hmm...nice try but iam not gonna give you until you gimme me my answer." She stated confidently ignoring the fact that there are faces are too close to each other. He tightened his grip of her arms and she winced a little. "Dont test my patience and gimme back." He yelled at her face. She flinched a little. He got off his hands from her arm. He ran a hand through his hair while she was still standing like a total stubborn girl who will get what she want at any cost. "You wanna know?! Then listen. If you are married and then he/she will go out with his/her boyfriend/girlfriend how will you feel, haan?" He asked looking into her eyes. "Say what?" She yelled-asked. He fell on the coach with a 'thud'. He rested his head closing his eyes. His forehead having wrinkles. She ran a hand through her hair. "You are pathetic shehryaar! How can you be so serious?! Like i told you that i was out with my bf and you believed? Are you kidding me?" She asked in disbelief. He opened his eyes and glared. "For god sake shehryaar! Grow up man. She is my friend Aasima. I call her Aasim. It was her engagement." She sat on the bed and said looking at him, who was trying to hide his relieved smile which is ready to come any moment. "Oh!" He said getting up from the coach. He turned facing his back to her. He smiled in relief. "Dont tell me you were getting J ?" She asked smirking. "No. I wasnt." He said picking his towel. "Ah! Dont lie to me. It was evident on your face." She asked still smirking. "Uh! No." He said and slipped inside the washroom. She switched on the A/C and changed herself in her night suit quickly. She sat on the bed when shehryaar came out shirtless. He was about to throw his towel he saw her glaring at him. He gave her a fake cheeky smile and put his towel in its place. A small smile appear on her lips but she shook it away and pulled herself into a warm blanket. He came upto his side and took a glance of her. He smiled and slept hugging his warm blanket.

Tan tadannn...

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Allah hafiz beautiful readers!

Have a nice day!


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