
Chapter dedicated to 'shozabaaa' dhoomie-0508 coz she is cmng tmrw 😙😍😊...



We stepped out of the car. We stood infront of the door. I was about to rang the bell when he did. I glared him he ignored looking here and there. The door opened to reveal my mamma standing. "Assa.." my words lost in my mouth when he interrupted " Assalamualaikum aunty." . "Walaikumassalam are you?" Mamma replied him smilling. We stepped inside."I'm good alhamdullillah!" He replied smiling momma kissed his forehead. I frowned. Mamma! Iam your daughter cant you see me??? "How are you minal?" Mamma asked me. Finally! Its my turn...huh?! "Alhamdullillah! How are you mamma?" I asked her. "Iam fine!" She replied. We sat on the sofa. "Raheeemmmm! Make 2 cups of tea!" Mamma yelled for raheem chachu. "Mamma! You know i dont drink tea?!" I said seriously. "Yeah! I know and i wasnt ordering for you its for me and shehryaar...if you want go make by your own!" She stated. What the hell??? I frowned. I glanced at him who was controlling his laughter keeping his hand in his mouth. How can she do this?! I stamped my foot hard getting up when she ordered "If you are going to make...then please make for us too...i think raheem is little busy?!". I saw him laughing silently at her back and kept quiet when she turned "Oh yeah shehryaar...fathima didnt came with you guys?!" She asked him. I felt like i've no more importance in this house now. I ran towards the kitchen. When raheem chacha entered "Arrey minal beti...when did you came?" He asked. "Just now arrived chacha!" I replied smiling. "You know our house got silent as if a storm came and went and now light came back with you!" He said softly. I felt my eyes moistened. He is so sweet! " sweet of you chacha! Will you do me a favor? I want coffee made by you with some cookies!" I pleaded. "Sure!" He smiled and turned. "Umm..chacha mamma and shehryaar wants tea...they are sitting in the hall...please give my coffee and cookies in my room!" I said. "Okay." He replied nodding his head. I climbed upstairs and walked towards my room. I opened the door and shut. I sighed deeply. I missed you😢..


Shehryaar and me waited for her in the dinning table for lunch. She did came back after 10 mins. I glared her. She rolled her eyes at me. I dont know when she'll grow up and will get serious about life...and this attitude of her...ufff! Allahhh!!!

We had our lunch. Mashallah shehryaar is a very good son i must say...not like my daughter. She went upstairs to her room after lunch...its going to be evening...she didnt even took a glance at shehryaar...i dont know what she is doing in her room....she needs to be here with shehryaar! Ya allah! Give her some manners! Even before her marriage i told her not to lock herself inside the room when guests are here..she will never understand! A person can tell her once or twice but not everytime...i cant handle this girl! She is like her father... stubborn and shameless!

"Aunty!" Shehryaar called. "Aunty? What happened? Are you okay?" He asked. " Yes shehryaar...why are you asking?!" I asked him. "No! You look lost..i was calling for you now!" He said. "No dear! Nothing like tell what were you telling?!" I asked him. "Actually i want excuse...i got to attend a meeting...sooo.." he trailed off. "Okay son! I'll call her! And next time come with fathima...i'ld love to meet her!" I said. "Sure aunty! inshallah." He nodded smiling. "I'll call minal...shehryaar dont mind dear my daughter is very stubborn...." he cut me and said, "Aunty relax! I know her very well,you dont worry!" He said. Mashallah! I wish every parents have a son like him...

I opened her room "Minalll?" I yelled. "Yes mamma!" She replied still looking at her phone. This girlll! "Minal get up...shehryaar is waiting for you downstairs." I said. "Umm? Why would he wait for me?" She asked frowning. "Tch! Come on...dont you wanna go home?" I asked her. "But mamma..this is my home...i dont wanna go with him there!" She said stubbornly. "Tch! Minal...dont be such a stubborn...he is getting late for his meeting!" I said. "But..." i cut her off "No ifs and buts minal! Enough is enough! This stubborness of yours force me to scold you." I yelled at her. She got up from the bed, took her clutch and inserted her phone. "Okay mamma...i wont come back home now! There is no importance for me in and shehryaar live leaving!" She bursted. Uff! She is such a drama queen! But am her mother i know her dramas very well!

We ran downstairs. Shehryaar was busy on his phone. He saw us and quickly stood up. Minal turned her face. "Allah hafiz aunty!" He said. "Dont call me 'mammma'! Allah hafiz!" I kissed his forehead. "Ok aunt...mamma!" He corrected. "Allah hafiz momma!" She said as she hugged me. "Allah hafiz...say my salam to mom , dad and fatima...have a safe journey!" I said. She nodded. They left.


They sat in the car. The whole ride was silent. She was looking out of the window and he was focusing on his driving. Neither he nor she did even looked at each other. After half an hour of their journey the car halted infront of their house. "I'll be late tonight!" He said but she left the car and didnt listened what he said. He thought that she heard and drove away.


I stepped inside the house and greeted mom "Assalamualaikum mom!". "Walaikumassalam! I thought you'll have dinner there..." She said. I felt avoid in my heart. I gulped. What should i say her...that my mamma didnt let me stay there?! 

"How is Mahreen?" She asked as we sat on the coach. "Alhamdulillah! She is good...she said her salaam to you and dad...and was asking for fatty that why she didnt came with us?" I told her. "Alaikum Walaikumassalam!" She said happily. Dad entered the house and we quickly stood up "Assalamualaikum dad!" I greeted him. "Walaikumassalam came? How is your mamma?" He asked. "She is good alhamdulillah! She said her salaam to you!" I told him as we trio sat on the coach. "Oh! Alaikum walaikumassalam!" He replied. "You people sit here i'll check the kitchen once!" Mom said. We nodded. Fathima came and greeted "Assalamualaikum!". We replied. "What happened? What were you guys talking ?!" She asked. "We..." i was cut by dad "Minal dont tell her!" He acted. She pouted "What exactly is it that you guys cant tell meee?!". "There is...there is something...and thats elders matter, you childrens arent suppose to listen!" Dad winked at me. I laughed hard. She rolled her eyes. 

I came downstairs and sat on the table when mom asked "Minal! Where is shehryaar?". Dad and fatty looked at me. "Umm...i dnt know mom! Why? He didnt came yet?" I asked them back. She shook her head. Strange. "Ohho! He'll come by his own..stop worrying about him like he is still two year old! He is married now!" Dad said to mom as she looked worried.

"Tch! minal? Call him and ask where is he? And when he'll come?" Dad's word gave me a mini heart attack! I dont have his number! What am i gonna do now??? I nodded. I took my phone and gulped because i know i dont have his number. I acted like i dialled his number and walked away from the table saying "Hello! Shehryaar?!". I ran towards hall. I looked around to find contacts diary. I quickly tooked it and searched for his number but in vain. Shehryaar! Where the hell are you?! I closed the diary. I marched in the hall for some minutes. I sighed and went to dinning table. "  he is on his way...he was attending some important meeting soo..." i trailed off. "Hmmm...ok.Minal! He'll eat alone so you both have your dinner after he comes..ok?! " She said. I nodded giving a fake smile. Is he still a kid who cant eat alone...need someones company?! Even kids nowadays can eat all alone...huh?!. I climbed upstairs. Now i have to eat dinner with him...i dont know when the hell he is gonna come? I hope he comes soon...


I slowly opened the main door and closed slowly as its 1:00 at night so i dont wanna disturb anyone. I climbed upstairs when i saw fatty's room's light still switched onn so i thought to check out. I opened the door and saw her laying in the bed with her book in her hand. "What are you reading?" I asked her as i stand near her bed. She gasped loud "Bhai! You scared me...Iam reading a novel!" She said. "You know whats the time? Is this the time to read novels? Should i tell mom?" I asked to irritate her but "Yeah! Why not? Sure you can. Even i'll tell mom that you came this late and bhabi was still waiting for you, staying hungry...should i?" She bombared. "Whatt?? She didnt eat?? It means she didnt have dinner?" I asked in disbelief. "You are acting as if you dont know? You told her that you are on the way on phone...and you are coming now? This is so unfair just kept her.." i cut her off and said "She called me? When? Why? I told her already that i'll be late tonight!". She frowned. "But..." she was telling when "Okay! Okay! You sleep...its late already!" I told her and switched the light off when "Bhaiiiii....urrggghhhhh!!!" I stepped out of her room. I love teasing her😉...well...i like teasing my wife too😈😈😈.. I thought as a smirk appear on my lips.

I opened the door slowly and saw her marching from left and right. I closed the door from my leg when she looked at me...actually glared at me. "Where were you?" She asked.

"You saw the time?"

"Who in his right mind comes this much late?"

"Youuu..." she said as she marched towards me when i cut her off "Woah! Woah! Woah!" I backed off. "I already told you i'll be late tonight! Its your fault that you..." she cut me off as i did to her "My fault????? I see...You came late its my fault?! I was waiting for you and thats my faultttt?!" She bombared with questions as she slowly came near me to burn my ear.
"I didnt have my dinner yet just because of waiting for you and is that my fault?! And iam damn hungry idiot! Is this my faulttttttt!!!!!!" She yelled at the last sentence. My eyes popped out of the socket. I gulped. What i was planning...and what actually is happening?! Her cousin was absolutely correct...everyone can expect anything from her..."Why were you waiting for me??? I never asked you to... i already told you i'll be late tonight! I didnt told you to wait for me, did i? Btw i had my dinner already!" I told her hiding my smirk. "You what? You HAD your dinner alreadyyyy???" Her eyes widened and this was as expected question. I didnt eat but...i just love teasing her😈😈...


sorryyyy did i disturb you?!

Oh yeah!

I think i did😅😅😅...

K! bye..















"You whatttt??? You HAD your dinner already???" I yelled at him. "I hate you! I really do hate you! Your death is confirmed now...i'll kill you with my bare hands...and that day is not far. " I said and i raised my hand to kill him by pressing his adam's apple. "Youuuu...urrgghh!!!" I dont know what to say i just wanna kill this person right know. "I was the only bloody wife waiting for her selfish husband i think! How can you? How could you leave your wife and gulped all the foods??" I yelled at him as anger boiled inside me. "Oh hellooo!!! Dont you dare give me this husband wife taunts ok?! Ask me if you even know the meaning of husband wife? And what relationship they share?" He yelled back and made me speechless for a second. I glared him and marched out of the room saying " Idiot! Stupid! Selfish!". I opened the door when "And wives dont say such bad words about thier husbands, my wifeyyy?!" He yelled and laughed. Wifeyy?! My foot! I swear he'll be death with my hands...

I ran downstairs. My tummy making weird sounds. In my whole life this is the first time...first time am having my dinner this late and thats because of this idiot! What the hell he thinks of himself?!. I marched inside the kitchen and turned onn the light. I saw a tray of foods already kept on the slab. May be fatty kept our dinner ready...hmm.. I took the tray and opened the fridge and took water bottle. I climbed upstairs before turning the light off. I opened the door and shut. I saw him wearing a black t-shirt ,sitting on the bed resting his back in the pillow and pulled his half body in the duvet. He smirked as he saw me. I rolled my eyes at him. I removed my slippers at my side of the bed after keeping the tray on the bed. I jumped and sat on the bed. I pulled my hair strands at the back of my both ears. I saw him simply starring at! Actually to my fooddd!!!. "Dont you dare to have a eye on my food! You already had your dinner and you want mine too!" I scolded him as his smirk widened. I started munching my roll when he put his hand on my plate and i slapped his hand away. "Ouch! It hurts!" He said rubbing his hand while his forehead holding little frown.


"No!! Cant you see..each and everything is kept two here..."


"So what...i'll have it too!"

"No way!!"

"I'll...definitely...iam still hungry!"

"Yeah! Yeah! Why not? Why are you having only yours? Have mine too...whats you're having stomach? Or storage box?" I bursted. He completely ignored me and he really did what i said. He took the plate from my lap and kept in his and snatched mine too and started munching.

"This is mineee!!!!" I yelled.

"Its completely not yours! I work hard and i earn money and all of you are alive because of me! And each and every single thing of this place belongs to me! Not to you! Everything is mine! Even the bed in which you are sitting and even whatever you are wearing!" He completed still smirking.

"Why the hell you are being so selfish?!" I asked him still shocked what he just said. He rolled his eyes. I snatched back my tray and started eating. "I brought i'll have them too!" I said. He chuckled. We shared our food. "I wanna bite?!" I asked him. He smirked suddenly and leaned a little towards me, my eyes widened. His eyes rested on my lips for few seconds and he looked into my eyes and spoke gazing into them,"I wont mind!" and winked at me. I felt my cheeks getting little crimson. I gulped hard understanding what he meant, still looking into his eyes. He backed off laughing loudly. I pulled my hair strands back feeling all embarassed. I looked here and there. He stopped laughing. "Hmm?" He offered suddenly. I looked at him, smirk was still plastered in his face. I bit my lips to stop the smile which was about to appear because of his dangerous smirk, before taking the roll from his hand. I was about to bite when he yelled "Its my eaten/bited roll!". "I know really!" I said rolling my eyes. After eating i ran downstairs and kept the tray. I climbed upstairs and opened the door then shut. He was in the washroom. I saw his things spread everywhere and i felt like crying. Why the hell he cant keep his things in its place...urgghhh! Such a jerk he is! I removed my slippers and sat on the bed. I removed my dupatta and kept aside. I turned the A/C onn. He came out and saw me. I pulled myself in a warm blanket. He removed his t-shirt and slept beside me keeping a handsome distance between us. He pulled himself with the blanket and tried to snatch my side but iam smarter than him so i knew he will so held it bit tightly. He groaned then slept turning the lights off.


How was the chappy???

How was their little fight?😄😄😄

One word for the couple?

One word for the chappy?

Any fav scenes???

What will happen next???

Till then allah hafiz beautiful readers! Tc😍...

Have a nice day!


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