Reclamation of power

"But I thought that I couldn't talk to you lot anymore once OFA was taken from me." Midoriya said as he dropped his stance.

"So did we." Nana Shimura said as she and the rest of the vestiges walked over to the table and sat down in their respective seats.

"I must say, I love what you've done to the place." She said as she looked around. "It's much better than what it was before." She added as she looked at her surroundings

"Why thank you." Midoriya said as his alters decided to stay out of sight to avoid confusing the vestiges.

"But I have to ask, why are you here? How are you here?" He asked confused as to how this was happening.

"You can thank your friend for that." Said Yoichi Shigaraki as he gestured to Konshu.

"Well that explained my second question but not the first one." Midoriya said as he looked over to his God.

"Their here because I invited them." Konshu said as he finally put down his book and got up from his chair.

Midoriya looked back at the vestiges before returning his gaze to Konshu. "And can I ask why you invited them?" He asked.

"I invited them to help return One For All to you." He revealed as Midoriya did a double take at what he heard.

"But.... I thought that One for All could only be given to others by ingesting the wielders DNA?" Midoriya asked with curiosity.

"True but thanks to the limited connection you retained from it and my magic, we can cipher off the extra Quirks that it stockpiled over the decades and create a brand new One for All out of them. This would drag the original users back into your head as well as returning a large majority of One for All's strength back to you. This would essentially make it a working copy of the original, just without the other Quirks." The God revealed as the vestiges nodded in confirmation.

Midoriya sat down in shock at the information dump he received as he looked at the vestiges. "Of course whoever is currently holding the Quirk would lose any means of communicating with vestiges as well." Konshu added much to Midoriya's pleasant surprise.

As he spoke, both Grant and Sakai came into view and began placing food on the respective plates before sitting down.

"So when will we be getting the Quirk back?" Midoriya asked.

"Right after we've eaten our food than we can start." Konshu said as he snapped his fingers and suddenly the sky began to darken as the sun began to set casting the area in a beautiful golden glow.

"That's better." He said as he prepared to eat his food.

Everyone nodded as they all dug into their food. Before long everyone had finished and were now cleaning up their plates.

Once they had finished, they found Konshu standing by the river as he gestured for them to come closer.

As the walked closer the landscape began to change from a lush forest with a waterfall to an ancient Egyptian temple dedicated to the moon god with sandy dunes all around.

"Now we can began." The god said as he gestured for the vestiges to walk to the center of the room.

As the stood in the center, the moon shined down on them brightly. Konshu raised his hands and stood infront of his statue. Soon he gestured for Midoriya and his alters to stand in the middle of the circle formed by the vestiges as they all held hands to form a human chain.

Suddenly the light turned harsh and the room began to spin as a beam of light shot down from the moon. As the beam grew stronger the vestiges appeared to be moving closer to the alters, turning more transparent as they drew closer until they could barely be seen.

A beam of energy suddenly surged of the vestiges and latched onto the alters temporarily fusing them together into a single being. Soon the light became unbearable and Midoriya was forced to close his eyes. Suddenly they sensation ended, Midoriya hesitantly opened his eyes and saw that his other alters were standing next to him in one piece. The vestiges were also there sitting on the floor as the imagery shifter to that of a traditional Japanese house.

Konshu was sat in the corner reading his book from earlier before looking up, "Sorry." He said as the vestiges all began to stir. "Although, I think it's time that you woke up now." He said to Midoriya as the world began to grow dark.

As Midoriya slowly came back to his senses, the first thing he felt was someone poking his arm.

"What?" He asked in an annoyed tone, only to see that it was Ain Adofo and she held a look of worry on her face.

"We're here. Also, are you alright?" She asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Of course I am, why do you ask?" Said with mild confusion as to why she was worried.

"It's just that... your glowing." She said hesitantly as he looked down to see that we was indeed glowing a vibrant white light with some lightning equally as white as his suit flashed around.

Midoriya quickly realised that he had One For All again and soon turned it off not wanting to draw anymore attention to it.

"Sorry, I didn't realise that would happen." Midoriya said as he stood up and prepared to leave the bus, adjusting his suit as he went.

Stepping off the bus, Midoriya was greeted to the sight of a giant dome like building. He thought for a second before letting Hanzo take control.

As Hanzo opened his eyes, he thought about a conversation he had with Konshu about the Assassin's Creed. While Midoriya was still in Japan, he had been learning the ways of the samurai before being falsely accused of being UA Traitor. The betrayed had damaged his mindset and being in Tartarus hadn't helped. It was his time in the prison that ultimately turned him vengeful and it was there that he vowed that no-one else would have to suffer the way he did.

This promise lead to the creation of Hanzo Sakai, the cold blooded murderous assassin that only showed emotion to those truly close to him and killed those that abused their power.

It was Hanzo that had protected Midoriya from all the abuse he suffered in prison. He even had a chance to meet Stain again, who upon learning about his condition and how he ended up in prison flew into a blind rage and denounced All Might as a true hero.

Stain had helped both Midoriya and Sakai in mastering close combat as well as making sure that none of the other prisoners messed with him.

Once Midoriya had gotten out of prison, he and his alters left for Moonside High. The school designed to help them master their abilities as well as combat skills. It was here that Midoriya and his alters joined the creed proving their skill time and time again.

Hanzo snapped out of his thoughts as he began to fiddle with his hidden blade, a gift from one of the assassin's upon completing the initiation. The blade was magically enhanced so that each of the alters could summon the blade with their costumes. Although Hanzo was the only one who actually used it the most.

This was due to the fact Hanzo was the most proficient with medieval weapons, Grant was the most proficient with modern day weapons and Midoriya was proficient with both modern and ancient weapons but prefered using his fists most of the time.

Hanzo had also added a Kunai Spear into his costume, a very difficult weapon to master. A useful weapon that allowed him to bring his enemies closer or to allow him some distance from his enemies. As he inspected his suit for creases, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Yes?" He asked as he turned to face a fellow classmate of his.

"I would recommend not to look now but your old school is here." They said as they pointed towards another bus with familiar faces getting off.

"Of freaking course they'd be here." Hanzo mumbled quietly as he tried to calm his growing rage.

And that is it for this chapter! A whopping 1413 words in total.
Just so you know there's no over arcing story for this aside from slowly making Midoriya stronger in order to prepare for a big threat that even Konshu is scared of. Like the Avengers: age of Konshu storyline.
Please enjoy the story for now and goodbye for now my lunar ghosts.

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