Chapter 7: King of Shovel Kingdom

NEW OBJECTIVE: Defend Ship from the Shapelings

"Defend me from the Shapelings while I get us through the fog!" Ship said as he steering the ship wheel. Sora and Lycan are defending Boat while Donald and Barracuda are using their magic on the heartless. Goofy and Heli are combining their spin attack, more Shapelings appears on board and the group don't know how long they're going to last. Then a scythe appeared out of nowhere and smite most of the Shapelings. "Faux de la mort!" a young voice appeare, it sounds like the voice is saying something in French. "Vous horribles créatures ne blesserez pas ces pauvres formes!" What is that voice saying? A red blur dashed through the pack causing the Shapelings to turn into dark clouds. "CIEL CLAIR!!" the voice echoed as the dark fog faded away, it reveals some sort of reaper with a scythe. "Comment avez-vous connu cet endroit? Êtes-vous l'un de ses espions?" the reaper said as he pointed his scythe at the group. "We are no spies, we need your help on a situation we can not beat." Barracuda said. "Oh...I see, please forgive me about that. I was trying to protect the king..." the shape bowed, "You must be Macabre?" Sora said. "Yes my name is Macabre, I am the Void Reaper of Death. If you are wondering about Cube, he isn't in the Void because it no longer exist when corrupted got all of the Great Treeangle's energy. Now tell me about the situation you mortals are dealing with?" "Well...." Ship told Macabre everything what happened and how it all started.

"You're telling me that a pure corrupted named Shockwave was awaken and attacked Paradise, then he unleashed a shape named Gunslinga which is an opposite splitting image of an asshole with an eye patch, Blixer got overdosed with pure corruption and shattered Cube, and finally you seek us to help you?" Macabre said. Macabre seems to be lost in thoughts until the pirate ship bumped near shore. "We finally reached the hidden kingdom!" Sora said, Ship stopped the sail and everyone got off the pirate ship. They walked through the village, it's old and tainted in ruins. "What happened here?" Goofy asked, "Everything went to ruins after a shape reset not just Paradise Kingdom, he reset every kingdoms as well. Shovel Kingdom resist but it resulted in a tainted condition like this..." Macabre said. They reached the ruined castle and entered through the gates, the room was nothing but tainted. Coughing was heard in the throne room of the castle. Macabre gestured to follow them, "Your majesty, we got some visitors that found this kngdom." Macabre said. Three shapes are in the room; the gray king King Usurper, the green knight Striker, and the yellow alchemist Flowers.

King Usurper is coughing like he's sick, Flower gives him medicine to try to cure him. The three shapes looked at Macabre and the group, "How did you find this kingdom? Do you got a reason?" Striker asked. "We need your help, there's a pure corrupted lord taking over Paradise. He even took the great treeangle, can you help us?" Sora said. "There's many corruption lord, those shapes were victims from HER gift. Which shape is the lord?" Macabre said. "I think his name is Shockwave." Goofy said, "Shockwave....I haven't heard of that name in a long time...." King Usurper got up from his throne. "You know that shape?" Donald asked, "He best friend..."

Long ago, a young gray prince named Usurper arrived in Paradise Kingdom with his father. His father is making an alliance with Paradise Kingdom, he let Usurper wonder around the village. Then he stumbled upon the great treeangle, he sees a group of children surrounding a cyan shape with dragon wings and tail. A few children were bullying the cyan shape, they pulling his wings and tail harshly while others are hitting him. "HEY!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!" Usurper yelled, he charged and fight off those shapes. The group of children ran away crying, Usurper looked at the cyan shape and saw that he is crying. "Hey, are you ok?" Usurper asked as he lead his hand, the dragon shape looked at Him and slowly grabbed his hand. Usurper helped him up and pat him, "Why are they bullying you?" "Th-They said I'm d-d-different because I'm a-a non-shape..." the shape said. How cruel of those shapes to think non-shapes are not actual shapes? "That's not true, non-shapes are actual shapes too!" Usurper said. "Who are you? I never seen you before." "My name is Usurper, I'm the prince of Shovel Kingdom! My dad is setting up a alliance with the King and Queen of Paradise Kingdom. What is your name?" Usurper said. "M-My name is....Shockwave...."

"And that's how *cough cough* me and Shockwave met, we've *cough* been best friends ever since." Usurper finished telling them. "We have no idea that he is your friend, King Usurper." Goofy said, "That's fine, it's the corrupted spirit took over him but there's still a bit of Shockwave in his mind." King Usurper. "So, will you help us?" Sora asked, "Of course, we will help you on saving Paradi-" King Usurper fell to his knees and coughed violently and coughed out blood. "What's happening to King Usurper?" Donald asked, "His scepter is becoming weak to keep King Usurper alive, he is dying slowly..." Striker said. "I'm...fine...We must hurry, Shockwave is plotting something as we speak." King Usurper said as he got up.

--At the fortress--

Gunslinga is walking down the hallway until he starting to heard a conversation between Shockwave and someone else in the throne room. He leaned in and listened;

"And giving me the power of darkness will make me stronger?"

"Indeed, it will help you shatter your enemies into pieces. Do we have a deal?"

it seems like Shockwave is having a deal with someone. Then a chuckle was heard...


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