"And this is the receipt from our first date... and this one? It's the ribbons from the first gifts we gave each other... These are the boxes from our engagement rings- I know, mine looks way better... These are the toppings from the wedding cake... Well obviously the one with green eyes is me, does your dad have green eyes? I didn't think so..." Dean sat in the center of the living room in their house, his daughter, Mary, perched on his knee as they looked through the old wooden box in front of them.
"What's this one from, daddy? This one?" She plucked a piece of paper out of the box and waved it in front of him. Smiling, he took it gently and looked at it.
"It's the parking meter receipt from the hospital the night you were born. Your dad and I rushed down there when we heard you were on the way, and we kept it ever since." Mary giggled happily and wrapped her tiny arms around her dad's neck. Dean chuckled and cleaned everything up with one hand, other holding Mary to his side.
"Come on little spider monkey, Charles will be waking up soon, and your dad will be home in an hour. We should get some food in that tummy of yours and make Dad some lunch for when he gets home." Mary nodded and let Dean carry her into the kitchen.
"Honey! I'm home!" Cas' voice rose through the house, making Dean's face light up with a smile.
"In here babe! Mary and I made you lunch!" Cas smiled and walked into the kitchen, wearing his trench coat, brief case in his hand from his lecture. Grilled cheeses were perched on a plate on the counter, a pot of soup on the stove heating up. He leaned in, pressing a kiss to Dean's cheek before picking Mary up and spinning her around. She lit up in a fit of giggles, tiny fists grabbing at his messy hair as she squealed in delight. The baby monitor on Dean's hip starting making sounds and Cas- with Mary in tow- headed to the nursery. Tiny baby Charles was gurgling in his crib, chubby legs kicking up a storm. He started cooing and smiling when Cas came into view. He picked up his tiny son, tucking him in the crook of his arm and heading back into the kitchen where Dean was dishing up lunch.
"I'll feed him and get Mary settled, go get changed and relaxed. It's been nearly 4 years since we met and you still have this stupid trench coat." Dean ran his hand down Cas' side and chuckled. He loved that stupid coat. Castiel glared playfully, huffing and handing him the baby before going to change. When he returned, Dean was fighting to get a fussy Charles to sit in his high chair. Laughing at him, Cas took over, tucking him into the chair gently and cooing to the baby. Dean rolled his eyes in defeat and grabbed the hungry baby some food.
"We still on for Thursday night dinner at Ellen's babe? Sam and Jess will be there- they're bringing the kids, and Gabe said he and Charlie would be happy to come." Thursday night dinners at Ellen's had become a tradition, and for the past 3 years, everyone in the family in Kansas City made their way to Ellen's for her awesome cooking and company. Even John would drag himself away from his hardware shop to come to dinner. Castiel smiled and wiped some goop from Charles' chin as he nodded.
"Of course, wouldn't miss it for the world." Castiel mused as he finished feeding Charles, smiling happily at the tiny boy. When he'd left the envelope that held nearly half his pay check with Bobby, with the risky post it note tacked to the front, he never thought the snarky grease monkey would call. But damn, was he glad he did. Dean was tidying up the kitchen, doing the dishes as Cas fed the kids. He couldn't keep the smile off his face- hadn't been able to since May 24th, when he'd finally married that lovely man sitting at the table behind him, cooing to their baby boy. Dean had never been the glass-half full kind of guy, but now, it didn't matter. Castiel had taken that glass, and let it shatter.
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