Commands and Charts
/hunt alone
Sends your cat hunting alone. Uses 1 energy.
/hunt with...
Sends your cat hunting with the other cats listed. Must have at least 2 cats to work. Can have up to 4. Uses 1 energy.
/patrol with...
Sends your cat patrolling with the rest of the cats listed. Must have at least 2 cats to work. Can have up to 4. Uses 1 energy.
/train battleskill with (name)
Must tag the other cat. Both cats must use the command for it to work. Uses 1 energy.
/train huntingskill with (name)
Must tag the other cat. Both cats must use the command for it to work. Uses 1 energy.
/train forgingskill with (name)
Must tag the other cat. Both cats must use the command for it to work. Uses 1 energy.
/train healingskill with (name)
Must tag the other cat. Both cats must use the command for it to work. Uses 1 energy.
/forage alone
Sends your cat foraging alone. Uses 1 energy.
/forage with...
Sends your cat foraging with the rest of the cats listed. Must have at least 2 cats to work. Can be up to 4. Uses 1 energy.
/heal (cat's name)
Heals the mentioned cat with herbs based on the Healing Chart. Uses 1 energy.
/breed with (cat's name)
A male and female can have kits. This may or may not be the cat's, actual mate. You can arrange for a cat of the opposite gender to have your kits if your mate is of the same gender as your cat. All three must use the command to have kits. Will have 3-5 kits. ANYONE can have kits. Uses 1 energy
Defends the clan from enemies that day. Effectiveness and injury depend on your's and your enemies battleskill. Only warriors and apprentices can defend. Uses 1 energy
Hides your cat during battle and keeps them safe from enemies. Cannot use other commands while hidden. Leaders cannot hide. Doesn't use energy.
/don't eat
Puts your cat at the end of the list. (makes them eat last that day)
/rankup to apprentice
Ranks up your kit to an apprentice only for kits 6 in-game moons or over. Doesn't use energy.
/rankup to medicine cat apprentice
Ranks up your kit to an apprentice only for kits 6 in-game moons or over. Doesn't use energy.
/rankup to (new warrior/med cat name)
Ranks your cat up to a warrior or medicine cat. Only for cats that are 12 in-game moons or older. Doesn't use energy.
Makes your cat play with other cats. Only kits and queens can play. Can be done once a day.
/kill (enemy name)
Kills a passive enemy. Must be done before any other actions or else it could result in injury or death. Number of cats range and will be stated with the event. Uses 1 energy.
/bond with (cat's name)
Binds you and the other cat. Once your bond level is 5 you can have kits. You may only bond with one cat. If that cat dies THEN you may bond with another cat. ANYONE CAN BOND. Uses 1 energy.
Hunting Chart
Skill level 0: catches 0 prey
Skill level 1: catches 0-1 prey
Skill level 2: catches 0-2 prey
Skill level 3: catches 1-2 prey
Skill level 4: catches 1-3 prey
Skill level 5: catches 2-4 prey
Battle Chart
Skill level 0: score of 0
Skill level 1: score of 1-20
Skill level 2: score of 10-30
Skill level 3: score of 20-40
Skill level 4: score of 30-50
Skill level 5: score of 40-60
Foraging Chart
Skill level 0: forages 0 herbs
Skill level 1: forages 0-1 herbs
Skill level 2: forages 0-2 herbs
Skill level 3: forages 1-2 herbs
Skill level 4: forages 1-3 herbs
Skill level 5: forages 2-4 herbs
Healing Chart
Skill level 0: cannot heal
Skill level 1: can heal slightly injured and cough (uses 2 herbs)
Skill level 2: can heal whitecough (uses 4 herbs)
Skill level 3: can heal injured (uses 5 herbs)
Skill level 4: can heal greencough (uses 7 herbs)
Skill level 5: can heal all but nightcough (uses 10 herbs)
I got these commands from SilverStarCat's WitheringFlame Command game! All these commands I got from them!
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