Chapter 18.... Start! ;)
"Let's go, then." Clara's usual energy was replaced with hopelessness, her cheery green eyes now dark and bleak. We were at the Anistar Gym again, and I sat on the sidelines to watch Clyde and Clara battle the powerful Gym Leader again.
However...."Both Frogadier and Chesnaught are unable to battle! Olympia wins!"
I had been watching closely, my Pokemon quietly seated on my lap. Despite Quilladin evolving during the battle, the outcome was the same as the last time. No matter how hard they tried, they were still done in by that Future Sight attack.
"So sad," Bijou, who had joined me to watch, seemed only slightly discouraged by their loss. I suppose that's normal, but I feel on an entirely different level. Losing to Olympia was not only losing a battle, but it was also failing to learn of what lied ahead in the future.
"Come on, Millie!" If I only get to see the two of them just this last time... If we walk outside together and are forced to walk separate paths... Then I want the two of them to be filled with the hope and courage they gave me!
"Olympia!" I run out of my seat, Petilil and Meowstic on my heels.
"Hm? Come to challenge me next?"
Olympia isn't the least bit surprised by my decision. In fact, it's almost as if she'd been anticipating it all this time.
"Millie.." Clara puts her hand on my shoulder, but instead of stopping me she sighs. "Make it quick."
"That I cannot ensure!" I'm determined to last much longer this time! I'm not searching to beat her, but I am looking to achieve something! I'll do my very best this time! So will my Pokemon!
"Meowstic!" Meowstic walks away from Petilil, stopping in front of Clara's feet.
"Hm?" Meowstic tugs at her sleeve with a nod, her eyes burning with resolution.
"Lil!" Petilil hops up and down, and I can see what they're doing.
I hold onto Clara's hand, reaching over to grab Clyde's as well."M-Millie?"
I look at the both of them."I've always wanted to be like the two of you. You both were so incredibly strong, and I thought that if I stayed by you two, I'd get stronger as a result. Then you two taught me that all the strength was inside me, and only me and my Pokemon could bring it out. "I gulp as I start again." You two are my dear friends."
"Millie..." Clara's eyes are full of guilt, and Clyde looks away.
I tighten my grip. "It's okay! It's my time to show that all I've done until this point wasn't for naught! I won't live my life with any more regrets! I'll prove my strength on this battlefield!"
Without any hesitation I let go, turning to my Pokemon and Olympia. "Let's do it!"
"'Kay." Clara rubs her eye, but she doesn't look sad. Instead, she smiles! "Do your best!"
"We're counting on you, Millie!" Clyde adds, and I hug the two of them before they leave to sit next to Bijou.
"Got it!"
"This battle is between Millie, the challenger, and Olympia, the Gym Leader," the referee announces once me and my Pokemon take our positions.
"Are you ready, Millie?"
"Yes!" This time Olympia doesn't frighten me. Neither do her Meowstic, who I've still decided to call Blue and White.
"Then begin!"
I watch as Olympia orders Blue to assist with Helping Hand, and as White readies Future Sight. "Hm.."
For a couple seconds I stand there, closely watching her Pokemon, until Olympia makes them float into the air. Their movements are like Goldeen in a pond, slow but elegant. How can I hit them like this?
"I've got it! Go after them together in the air!"
"Lil!" Meowstic grabs one of Petilil's little nubs, hovering with her psychic abilities.
The two move forward, picking up speed as they form a cartwheel-like movement together. "Hm." Olympia holds out her arms, smiling slightly, but she doesn't order her Pokemon to attack just yet.
"Energy Ball!" Meowstic flings Petilil towards Blue, and Petilil attacks with the emerald ball. The two Meowstic abandon paws to dodge quickly, then continue floating together. Just then Blue and White are ordered to to attack.
"Psyshock! Dark Pulse!"
I gasp as Psyshock lands on Petilil and Dark Pulse on Meowstic, sending them both crashing onto the celestial battlefield. I have to think... Oh!
"Special Energy Ball!"
"Lil!" Petilil hops onto Meowstic's shoulder, creating a large Energy Ball.
"Interesting," Olympia comments, holding out a hand towards us."Psyshock!"
The two Meowstic land on the floor, holding their arms up together to blend their Psyshock attacks. They throw down their paws, their ears uncurling as they begin controlling the combined moves.
"Send it!" Meowstic pushes the large Energy Ball just as fast with her own Psyshock move.
"Jump, Petilil!" As the double Psyshock attack tries to break through the powered-up Energy Ball, I command Petilil to use Seed Bomb on Blue and White.
"Mrow!" Meowstic pushes her Psyshock harder, making the Energy Ball closer to Olympia's Pokemon just in time for the Seed Bombs to land.
"Yow!!" A huge blast of smoke and fireworks erupt from the hit, and I hear clapping above the noise.
It's Bijou! "Great combination! Magnificent!"
"Now, Petilil, Energy Ball Barrage!"
"Lil!" Before the smoke is clear Petilil creates multiple balls leading up to Blue and White. She hops from each one, but instead of creating glitter, smoke explodes from each one as she gets closer to Olympia's side of the field.
"Meow!" The Meowstic lift themselves off the floor in order to see above the clouds of gray, and I order Petilil to latch onto Blue.
I nod to Meowstic. "Get ready for a Shadow Ball."
"Mrow!" Meowstic summons a Shadow Ball in advance, nodding to me to give the order to launch it.
I turn my attention back to Petilil after telling her to stay close and use Synthesis. A bright yellow light is visible through the smoke that's begun to clear, and Meowstic sends a swift Shadow Ball.
"No way!" Clara gasps. "You had Synthesis help Meowstic see where to hit?!"
"Amazing!" Clyde adds.
"Meow!" Blue is hit, landing on the field.
But I can't forget! "Meowstic, I need you to make a special Shadow Ball!" It may just work, since Psychic-Type moves don't work well against Ghost-Types. So a Ghost-Type move...
"Meow!" Protect won't work now, and Future Sight is about to hit!
Just as I predicted, the portals open and the Future Sight attack is unleashed. Meowstic creates a huge Shadow Ball, using all her might to prevent the balls from hitting.
"Psyshock!" Meowstic's efforts pay off, creating a humongous explosion.
"Mrow!" However, my two Pokemon become easy targets for the double Psyshock attack. Petilil gets hit, sending her to land in front of my feet, but Meowstic takes to the air to dexterously dodge the powerful pink beams.
"Petili!" Petilil still manages to stand, and it's at that moment I feel something hit me in the side of my face.
"So sorry!" Bijou yells from her seat."Use the Sun Stone on Petilil! Then you shall win!"
"Lil?" I look to my right on the floor, picking up a peculiar sun-shaped stone, the slightly dull orange color of a Solrock's body. Evolution?
I blink, remembering the battle."Go, Petilil!"
"Lil!" I slip the stone into my skirt pocket, my eyes on the battle before me.
Somehow Meowstic managed to dodge without getting hit, and seems to have destroyed the move. She reaches for the floor with her right paw, and time seems to stop for just a second as she lands, then resumes when she flips back onto her feet.
My wrist... I rub my wrist. For some reason, it feels as if I brusied it, even though I haven't done anything at all to my right hand. "Meow.."
"Are you okay, Meowstic?"
Meowstic turns her head to me with an assuring nod."Meow!"
"Then let's continue!" Olympia yells."Helping Hand and Dark Pulse!"Why aren't they using Future Sight? What is Olympia planning?
This time the attack is aimed solely for Meowstic, who swerves to the side to avoid it. My heart almost stops when the Dark Pulse attack gets closer and closer, but I'm filled with relief when I see the move turn and head back towards Olympia.
"Meow?" Oh, no! It's headed towards Meowstic now!
"Petilil, Energy Ball!"
Meowstic catches the Energy Ball, throwing it behind her to destroy the attack. "Hm. Interesting indeed. Helping Hand!"
"Steal it!" Meowstic has gotten close enough to Blue to intercept, taking the attack boost from his Helping Hand before it reaches White.
"Shadow Ball!"
Meowstic whips around, hitting White with a strong Shadow Ball. "Meowstic!"
"Dark Pulse! Psyshock!" Blue readies a Psyshock while White prepares a Dark Pulse.
"Wait..." As the moves begin to close in on her, I have Meowstic jump so that they hit each other. The collision makes another large gust of, and beneath it I can make out the two white Meowstic fighting.
Just as the smoke breaks away, Meowstic is hit by Psyshock and lands next to Petilil on our side of the battlefield. But this Meowstic doesn't feel like mine..
"Millie." Maybe I just imagined it, but White blinked at me! No, that's my Meowstic!
Olympia doesn't seem to notice, commanding Blue to use Helping Hand and the other to use Future Sight.
"Hurry, Petilil!" White takes a while to recovery but once she opens her eyes she targets Petilil next to her."Seed Bomb!"
"Meow..." At the same time Blue has caught on, shortly after already giving Meowstic power."Attack!"
"Meow!" White jumps into the air as Petilil's Seed Bomb lands on the floor below her, creating large growths of vines that reach up and grab the Psychic-Type Pokemon.
During the same moment Meowstic on Olympia's side smirks at Blue and sends forth an even stronger Shadow Ball. Blue swishes out of its range in the nick of time, the gyrating ball moving past his head.
"Psyshock! Both of you!" Meowstic flees from the oncoming Psyshock unleashed by Blue, and White struggles to free herself from the vines. She manages to destroy them with Psyshock, but faces a hard recoil from the small explosion.
"Now switch!" Meowstic rushes toward us, grabbing White's arm to spin and swing her around. White is the one that gets hit with Psyshock, and then Meowstic pushes her back over to her side of the battlefield with a special Shadow Ball.
"Meow..." She's weakened!
"Great job, Meowstic! You two, Petilil!" At my praise my Pokemon smile, giving each other high fives before facing their opponents.
"Helping Hand and Future Sight!" Not that combo again..
I look to the night sky, seeing the portals fill themselves with the iridescent balls before closing. At least I know when they'll hit, but it'll be difficult to manage everything at once.
"Petilil! Meowstic! Let's do it!"
"Meow... Stic!" Meowstic uses Charge Beam to hit both our foes, but it's reflected with Light Screen.
"Lil!!" Petilil uses the special Energy Ball, but White and Blue's Psyshock and Darj Pulse easily slice through the unbacked move.
"Goooo!!" Petilil quickly creates three Energy Balls that surround the tips or her dark green leaves, and Meowstic covers her paws with enveloping Shadow Balls.
Petilil hops onto Meowstic's back as she runs towards Olympia's Pokemon, the two moves in hot pursuit. "Petilil! Take care of Dark Pulse!"
"Lil!" Petilil twists around, combining the Energy Balls on her leaves to destroy the Dark Pulse. "Petilil!" She jumps off Meowstic's back after her role is finished, allowing Meowstic to dash across the field even faster.
"Destroy the Psyshock!" Meowstic obeys, whirling around to try and block the three beams with the Shadow Balls. The impact causes another explosion, causing her to be tossed forward from being too close.
"Meowstic? Shadow Ball!" Once I see that she's okay, I also notice that she's just a few feet in front of White.
She hurls a Shadow Ball at her foe, buy White twists around and on Olympia's quick command counterattacks with Dark Pulse.
"Meowstic!" Meowstic just barely lands on her feet, and even kneels down from exhaustion.
Plus, there's a Future Sight that'll hit any moments! I look to the sky with worry. It's not yet visible, but the countdown still continues.
Despite all this, both my Pokemon are raring to go, a gleam in their eyes. "Okay! Then it's time to end this!"
Before Olympia can react I have Meowstic throw Petilil at Blue, who is then taken off guard. "Mrow?" White floats up to pluck Petilil off of her comrade, and that's when I order the finishing blow.
"Petilil! Try to fling Blue into White, then use Seed Bomb! Meowstic, do the same with White, and use Shadow Ball!"
Petilil pushes Blue forward, and he crashes into White mid air. She flips and uses Seed Bomb, all in the same moment Shadow Ball and Future Sight hit all three of the Meowstic.
Petilil managed to get away from the explosion, though, but I can't see her small green body in the huge gust of black smoke. From the attack's combination is several fireworks that shoot out from the smoke, spreading further in the sky, making everything look more like a summer festival than a Pokemon Battle.
"Huh?" The referee seems gripped by it all, her face shocked as the three Meowstic finally land and the battlefield clears. The results shock me as well.
The female Meowstic are down, but the male can still fight, and seems to be in somewhat good health too. I look to the left of the battlefield, seeing Petilil looking confused.
I thought the move would get all of them! But if the blue Meowstic survived, and Petilil's still able to battle, then there's only one thing I can do! I quickly return my Meowstic as Olympia hers, and I turn to my remaining Pokemon.
"Fight, Petilil!"
Petilil jumps and stares at me in astonishment."Lil!?"
I yell so she can hear me, my hands surrounding the corners of my mouth to reach her."The blue Meowstic can't use Future Sight! It's all up to you now!"
At first she seems a bit uncertain, then turns to face the male Meowstic bravely. "Petilil!"
"Let's see it, then." Olympia holds out her arms, her Meowstic crouching."Psyshock!"
"Meow..." Blue closes his eyes as he stands on his feet, holding up a paw to summon his powerful attack.
"Get ready, Petilil!" What move can stop Psyshock? Perhaps an Energy Ball?
"Mrow!" The attack is coming!
"Special Energy Ball!" But is it possible for Petilil to block the attack?
Petilil's Energy Ball and the Psyshock are head to head, the moves trying to push themselves through the other. "Keep it up, Petilil!" I don't know how much longer she can last!
I dig into my pocket, running my fingers over the Sun Stone. Could this be the only way? The only way to be able to win?
Just then it hits me. I'm not looking for a win at this point. Probably as over mining as it is I've wanted to prove that I was strong, like everything I did, every decision I ever made, wasn't the least bit regrettable.
But, even if I lose, I won't regret a single thing! I couldn't be prouder of the accomplishments me and my Pokemon made in this battle! Just knowing that will give the courage to face the unknown future!
"I see that now you finally realize," Olympia says with an eerie nod.
"Realize what?"
"Lil!" Petilil is overpowered, sending her flying towards me.
"Petilil..." She's finished.
"Whoa! P-Petilil is unable to battle!" The referee seems slightly amazed and confused by the results. Then she holds out a hand to Olympia. "Olympia is the winner!"
"You did great, Petilil."
"Realizing that you have the courage to face an unclear future," The Gym Leader begins walking in our direction, explaining what she meant. "You and your Pokemon have potential. Never be afraid to unleash it."
"Mrow!" Meowstic bursts out of her Pokeball, and runs back onto the battlefield to stand in front of the Blue. "Meow!" She bows, and I find myself bowing to Olympia.
"Thank you!"
"Team Flare is planning to strike Geosenge Town." Olympia ignores my gratitude, her face getting serious as she lowers her voice so that the others can't hear.
"I thought something like that would happen." So my dreams weren't completely off!
"You will be able to comfort in the time of need, reassuring everyone with what you do onstage."
"What?" But if I don't help by battling, then what use could I possibly be?
Olympia slowly shakes her head as she stops in front of me."You must share your performing world with as many people as you can. Your popularity will soar to the height of the Kalos Queen herself, and you will soon be known as an idol for tranquility and hope."
"But if I had such a powerful fate, but.." I struggle to find the words to say "What makes me different from other performers that share the same stage?"
She places a warm hand on my shoulder, her eyes still full of intensity. "You became this way, not when you started your journey. This is your potential that's being brought into view, your growth."
Growth... The word grips itself around my heart, making my chest tighten. My entire journey has been for growth, and now I must show it.
"Great job, Millie!" I clutch Petilil as Clara runs up to me, praising our performance.
"That was amazing!" Clyde and Bijou join in, all three of them smiling and laughing.
I give a slight smile, too, but Olympia's words ring in my ears. Sharing our performance world.... Showing just how much we've grown. Our potential...
Chapter 18.... End! :|
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