Revenge (P.2 out of 2)

     "Perfect." You stated, satisfied with your work... well Shizuo's work because he was the one carrying you things and pushing them around his apartment. You finished moving in with him in a day because obviously it wasn't that hard for him to carry your shit into his apartment and because you didn't live that far away. Basically, he was pushing things to the left or right, and since you like to technically "edit" people's homes, you pretty much re-designed his whole apartment. He drew the line when you said you wanted to repaint his walls, but no matter, maybe some other time.
     You both sat on the couch, exhausted. You turned on the TV and you both fell asleep to the sound of it playing in the background. The next day, you were awoken by Shizuo threatening to break your phone if you didn't get up and help him make breakfast. You groaned, "Five more minutes..."
"No. Nice try, I know you wont sleep for five more minutes, you'll sleep for five more hours, come on, get up."
"You don't even know where...*yawn* phone is..." You said, about to go back to sleep. "Oh, this?" Your eyes shot open and looked at Shizuo, standing above you, holding your phone in his fingertips. "Hey! I hid it really well this time..."
"Yeah, your bra isn't that great of a hiding spot, (y/n)."
"Come on, get up."
"Fiiinee..." You replied and reluctantly removed yourself from the couch and waddled your way to the kitchen. "What should we make? Pancakes? Waffles? Toast? I like the toast idea, it's less effort, but-"
"I want cake." Shizuo interrupted you. "That's not breakfast, you pile of shit." 
"Yes it is."
"No it isn't, now shut up and drink your milk while I make waffles." You told him, handing him his glass and turning back around to grab the waffle maker. He stuck his tongue out at you and you flipped him off and continued making breakfast.
     Izaya was waiting outside Shizuo's door for you two, and was literally on the verge of breaking in. "God dammit, hurry up. Especially you Shizu-chan, I really need to 'talk' to you." He evilly smiled. He waited another 20 minutes until he couldn't wait any longer. You were handing Shizuo his plate before dropping it and cutting your foot open as Izaya came barging through the door. "Shit, shit, shit." You were yelling at the pain and at Izaya. Shizuo immediately got up and threw his table at Izaya. "IIIIIIIIIZAYAA! HOW THE HELL DID YOU FIND MY HOUSE?! YOU DAMN FLEA."
"Oh Shizu-chan, it's not that hard to follow someone home, you know." Shizuo then threw a chair at him, missing because Izaya moved again. You limped to the bathroom as fast as you can and locked the door. You could hear them fighting as you tried your best to fix up your foot. You cleaned it, wrapped it and held it tight so it wouldn't bleed as much. Your eyes were beginning to fill with tears because of the stress and the pain.
     Then, it was silent. You listened closely as footsteps came closer to the door. You eyes looked in horror as the door to the bathroom door was jiggling. Who could it be? It was either Shizuo or Izaya, but you had no idea which it was. The lock moved, it was being picked. You were hoping, pleading, that it was Shizuo. But, to your dismay, the door loudly slammed open, and your eyes were fixed on a standing, smiling, Izaya.
     And behind him, laying on the ground in a pool of blood, was Shizuo.

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