Another Part

Since I love you guys and you love me, I decided to put another part in this because you guys deserve it and you're all awesome for liking this story and such, so enjoy! Also, I have a one-shots book I kinda started a little while ago and I'll be posting a lot more on there, so yeah, take a look at it. Thank you guys!

     After weeks, you've been waiting for Shizuo to come home from his work trip that he was forced to go on with his 'boss' Tom. Anyways, today was the day your handsome husband was returning, so of course, you decided to throw a little surprise-coming-home party! But.... unfortunately everyone you invited couldn't come because you, of course, planned it last minute (because you may or may not have forgot, until yesterday, that he was coming home). Plus, it was a Tuesday night, so it was a weird time/day for people to go to a party. Anyways, you surprisingly got up at a reasonable hour (*cough*2PM*cough*) and you made some food, decorated a little, and made Shizuo a 'Welcome Home!' banner.

     So, after setting all that up, it was around 9PM, so, you decided to lay on the couch and watch TV. He was supposed to be home around 10 or 11PM, which wasn't too late for you. But of course, you fell asleep after 30 minutes of waiting, and when you woke, it was about 11:30 PM. You sat up, the TV still playing, and looked around. Shizuo was no where to be found. "That's weird..." You muttered. Maybe he was supposed to come next Tuesday? You thought, confused. But... no! You specifically remember it was supposed to be today! You started to worry. But then you noticed the time. Maybe he's just running late? That thought eased your worry a little. 

     After another 30 minutes, you started to pace around, more worried than a mother waiting for the results of their child in a hospital. Then your phone rang. You scrambled to pick it up and answer, almost dropping your phone from excitement. "Hello??" You almost yelled into the phone. "(Y/n)?" You heard Shizuo ask. "YES?! Where are you? Why aren't you home?" You frantically started asking more and more questions. "Whoa, babe, slow down, hold on." He almost had to yell to get you to stop asking questions. "Ok, sorry, it's just you're not home yet so I was worried." You replied. "Yes, I know, and I'm sorry about that, but I don't think I'll be home tonight, we had to make more stops than planned on the way back, but I know tomorrow morning for sure, I'll be there." He said, sounding upset. But, you were more upset.

     ", ok. I guess I'll see you tomorrow..." You were on the verge of tears because it's almost been a whole month since you've seen him and you had everything set up and ready for him. "(Y/n), babe, I'm so sorry, I promise I'll be home tomorrow." He said, worried. "Ok, I'll see you then. Love you." You said, starting to cry. "Love you too." He replied as you hung up. You decided to put all the food in the fridge and you took some decorations down, but you left the banner up, just in case he came home early in the morning. You made your way to your bed, sniffling from crying. As you laid down, you stared at the ceiling, waiting for your eyes to close and put you into your usual deep sleep. 

     Shizuo arrived at exactly 6:43 AM. Knowing you'd be asleep, he quietly made his way inside the apartment. He smiled as he saw the banner, knowing you made it yourself. He put his bags on the couch and made his way to the bedroom. His heart almost melted as he saw your sleeping figure on the bed. Peaceful as ever. The complete opposite from your crazy personality he came to love. He knew you'd probably slap him in the face for waking you up so early, but he was willing to risk that chance to have his lover in his arms. He shook your shoulder a little, then he picked you up and dropped you back down on the bed, then tried taking your phone from your hands....the usual morning routine. You snapped awake once you noticed your phone wasn't in your loving hands. Then once you noticed Shizuo, you squealed with delight and gave him the biggest hug you could.

     "UGH! FINALLY!" You laughed, kissing his face. He laughed and eagerly kissed you back. You were almost crying from happiness when you remembered that he was late. "Wait a minute. You were late, you don't deserve this from me." You said, trying to be mad at him, when it was obvious you weren't. "Oh whatever, tiny." He said hugging you again. You couldn't help but giggle as he picked you up and carried you out to the living room to cuddle on the couch. You assumed he was hungry, so you got up to make waffles with strawberries. (His favorite) As you put the whipped cream on he asked if it smelled weird. You, looking confused, leaned down to smell the whipped cream, only to have him smash your face into it. "HEY! YOU ASSHOLE!" You yelled, chasing him with a can of whipped cream, spraying him with it.

     Yep, just a normal day in the Heiwajima house. It was like Shizuo never left, and everything was normal again. The weird kind of normal though. But of course, the blissful happiness of the two lovers had to be ruined, yet again, by a certain someone. The one and only, Izaya Orihara. His jealousy was still alive and going, even though it's been two years since (Y/n) and Shizuo got married. As you two were done cleaning up your mess, the doorbell rang. "It's like 8 in the morning, who the hell's ringing the doorbell now?" Shizuo asked. "I don't know, but I'll answer it." You said opening the door to the Flea himself. "Hello there miss (y/n). I'm here to pick a package up." He said as you screamed and he grabbed you and ran.

    Shizuo stood wide-eyed, processing what just happened before yelling his famous catchphrase, "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZZZZAAAAAAAAAYYYAAAAAAA!" Before bolting out the door faster than the Flash himself. Izaya was cunning, so he easily hid from Shizuo, but not before covering your mouth with his hand. You bit it, causing him to flinch and pull his hand away. You took that millisecond to bolt out of his grasp, yelling for Shizuo. "God dammit!" Izaya yelled, grabbing you, and taking off once again. Shizuo was close behind, almost an arms length away from Izaya. "Why do you ruin everything!" Shizuo yelled after Izaya, only to have the flea reply with, "Because it's fun, that's why!" 

     Another 10 minutes of the chasing game and you started to get a little bored and pissed off because you're stuck in Izaya's arms, no matter how much you punch, bite, scratch, or even spit on him. He wouldn't budge. He also ruined one of your favorite things, breakfast with Shizuo. And on the day he just got back too. Finally, Shizuo grabbed Izaya by the hood on his stupid jacket and picked him up. Izaya let you go as he was lifted into the air. Shizuo smirked, "Care to do the honors?" He asked you. You evilly smiled, "Why, only if you insist." You said, batting your eyes. "I insist." He said, as you swung your leg back and kicked Izaya straight in the balls, causing a yell of pain. You bowed as Shizuo dropped Izaya and clapped, then he picked him back up and threw him to the other side of the street you guys were on. 

     It was 11 AM as you and Shizuo ate delicious waffles with strawberries and whipped cream, laughing and re-telling the events of that morning before he leaned over the table and kissed you lovingly. You easily kissed him back before putting whipped cream in his face, starting a whipped cream fight once again. 

You two couldn't be any happier than now, and this time, for sure, Izaya couldn't do shit about it.

I hoped you enjoyed! <3

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