Chapter 1: Freshman & Sophomore Year

Chapter 1: Freshman & Sophomore Year

Ashley- 14 years old

Leati- 15 years old

Ashley Fliehr, a freshman girl who is new to town is walking down the hallway to find her locker. She reaches it and the bell rings and the hallway become filled. With her back turned someone comes by a swipes her book bag.

Ashley: Hey!

Summer: That's how quick your stuff can be taken. Never put your things on da floor.

Ashley: Gotcha. I'm Ashley. (Extends her hand)

Summer: I'm Summer. You new?

Ashley: Yeah freshman and I just moved here from overseas.

Summer: What you an army brat? (Blows a bubble)

Ashley: No. My dad is a wrestler.

Summer: OH SNAP! So is ours.

Ashley: Ours?

Summer: Yeah, I got siblings. My sister Myritza, who goes by Mary graduated two years ago. Vanessa is the oldest, than its Matthew, Mary, me and my baby brother Joseph and then we have a cousin who is a freshman as well and her name is Vale but she's like a sister to us because her folks travel as well. You got any?

Ashley: Yeah. My brother name is Reid and I have more but he's the only sibling I know.

Summer: Oh. Well classroom bell is about to ring. See ya around.

With that Summer walked and Ashley was trying to find her way and ran into someone.

Leati: Sorry bout dat. (Picks up Ashley books and purse)

Ashley: It's fine.

Leati: I'm Leati but you can call me Joe or Joseph.

Ashley: I'm Ashley. (Shakes hands)

Leati: You new?

Ashley: Yeah. Is it that obvious?

Leati: YEAH. You must come from prim and proper because we greet differently around here and not with handshakes.

Ashley laughs and he smiles.

Leati: Let me walk you to your class plus I don't want to go to mine. It's weightlifting.

Ashley: You could get in trouble.

Leati: (Mocks her) You could get in trouble. I don't care and no I won't. Weightlifting is not a requirement and plus I'm a sophomore.

Ashley: Yeah but you're not a junior or senior or a jock in sports.

Leati: Not in sports, didn't you just feel the physique when you ran into it. (Ashley laughs) Laugh but you should see me outside of clothes.

Ashley stops laughing because she thought he was serious until he started laughing and then she laughed again.

Ashley: OMG you said that with a straight face I thought you were serious.

Leati: Who said I was playing? (Laughing stops) I'm just joking. Here is your class. Have a nice day.

Ashley gets in her classroom and couldn't help but think about Leati and all his features. She started scribbling XOXOXOs on her paper and the teacher calls on her to read pg.3 paragraph 8 in the Rules & Guidelines Book.

Ashley: Sorry I wasn't paying attention.

Mrs. Krabbs: Next time it will be a trip to the office. Pay attention because the first thing freshmen will say they don't know the rules, well here they go. PAY ATTENTION MS. FLIEHR!

12:45PM- Lunch bell rings

Ashley was looking for a place to sit in the cafeteria and she see Summer but some of her friends take up the chairs so she have to go to another table. Some jocks and their girls from behind start throwing biscuits and paper balls at her.


Jock #1: Pipe down shawty this is our neck of the woods. Accept it and keep it pushing.

Summer: The same reason you should accept the fact that your futures are nowhere and your whores is blowing other men while she's sleeping next to you at night. Let's go Ash, have a seat with us.

(Ashley sits down at the table and everyone is looking at her like she is fresh meat) This is Kenya, Jamina, Sarona, Snookie Da King, Phat Tim and my sister Vale.

Vale: Sup?

Ashley: Hi. I'm Ashley. Oh my gosh, there he is.

Summer: Who?

Ashley: That guy I ran into this morning. He made a joke and I thought he was serious.

Summer: What joke?

Ashley: I should see him naked.

Summer: What guy again?

Ashley: The guy with the black sweat pants and hoodie.

Summer: Who Joe?

Ashley: Yeah and I think he's so fine but he's probably been with a lot.

Summer: No he haven't.

Ashley: How do you know? (Sips her apple juice)

Everyone at the table starts laughing including Summer.

Summer: Because he's my little brother that's how I know.

Ashley: (Spits out her juice) I am so sorry.

Summer: Nah. It's cool. So you got a crush on my brother. Hey it's cool. Many do. Tell me, what did it for you? Was it his eyes? Smile? Sense of humor, way with words? His personality or his looks? Or all of the above?

Ashley: (Stuttering) I—I don't know. I just...umm...(Shrugs her shoulders)

Summer: Don't take it as flirting, he's nice to all women.

Ashley: Okay.

Ashley gets up and throw her tray away until she ran into a guy with a black tank top on.

Ashley: Excuse me.

Leati: Girl from this morning!

Ashley: Thought you had a hoodie on.

Leati: Did. It's hot in this cafeteria.

Ashley: Hey do you run track?

Leati: Every morning.

Ashley: No, as a sport.

Leati: Last year, why?

Ashley: I'm nervous about tryouts. Do you know where theyre held?

Leati: At the track and field and right now but since youre new and didn't know they will be having it all this week and next week. You need permission papers, medical papers and current fiscal.

Ashley: Okay.

School was over at 2:45PM since it was the first day.

Two Days Later...

Ashley was home doing her homework at the computer, writing an essay for Literature & Arts on Shakespeare. Ashley mom called for Ashley to answer the door. She does and it's Leati.

Ashley: LEATI. Hi. What are you doing here?

Leati: I remembered you wanting to join track so I swung by and got the papers. (Closes the door and follows Ashley to her room) So all you need is your fiscal and fill these papers out. You can do some that just get your parents to sign.

Ashley: Thanks and that was very sweet of you. (Sits at the computer)

Leati: So, whatcha doing?

Ashley: Homework. Writing quotes on Shakespeare and the meaning and citing where.

Leati: Oh. "If music be the food of love, play on. There's a beggary in love that can be reckoned, speak love if you speak love for the course of love never been smooth; Love goes by haps; Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps. The stroke of death is as a lover's pinch, Which hurts and is desired"

It was music to Ashley's ears as he recited. She never heard such beauty and should could image love being at a crushing peak as she listened and what made it so special because it was coming from a beautiful person, not only physically but mentally, knowing true art.

Ashley: What? You know Shakespeare? WOW.

Leati: Know it? I am Shakespeare.

Ashley: Well can you repeat and cite from where?

Leati: Twelfth Night Act 1, Scene 1, Antony and Cleopatra Act 1, Scene 1, Much Ado About Nothing—

Ashley: Let me guess, Scene 1, Act 1.

Leati: Naw, Act 2, Scene 2 and always but the Acts first. (Winks)

Ashley: Help me.

Leati: Well since you're begging, sure. Make room.

He goes and sits on the other side of the computer chair with him and Ashley touching skin to skin.

Ashley: (Clears throat) I'll be back and let you do your thing.

Ashley goes downstairs and finds her mom getting ready with pearls around her neck with a black knee length formal dress.

Elizabeth: Hey baby. I'm going out tonight. The nanny, Ellie Joy will be here to be with you and then Friday I'm traveling with your father, going on the road.

Ashley: Again?

Elizabeth: Yes. Who was at the door?

Ashley: The hottest guy from school, Leati. He's helping me with my literature homework. Mom he knows Shakespeare.

Elizabeth: Good baby.

Ashley: I need a fiscal for track.

Elizabeth: Ellie Joy will take you.

Ashley: Why can't you? You never take me or are there? You know what, never mind!

Ashley storms back to her room and slam the door.

Leati: Hey what's wrong?

Ashley: She's never here or there for me. All she cares about is him and his career. How do you deal?

Leati: (Sits beside her on her bed) Knowing that they love me and he's doing what's best for me and the family. How do you know about my father?

Ashley: Summer, your sister. I met her before I met you.

Leati: I know it hurts your feelings but it's not on purpose. They love you and they can have a regular nine to five sometimes they just can't be there. (Lifts her chin and looks into her eyes) But know there is nothing wrong with you or anything is your fault. You're a teenager and blameless for grown people decisions even if they are your parents. So continue to be that intelligent young lady with morals and values and never adjust your standards for acceptance. Be you.

Ashley: (Wipes her tears and he finish wiping them for her) Now that you put it that way, I guess being here is cool, no adults to control or tell me what to do. No bedtime or having to eat all my vegetables.

They lean in for a kiss but her mom burst in.

Elizabeth: Ummm (Clears throat) Ashley finish your homework and Ellie Joy is here. Be good and get ready for dinner. She's cooking her famous chicken casserole. And umm sir, good night.

Leati leaves out andwaves Ashley good bye and night. Her mom slams the door back and Ashley falls to her bed and thinks about Leati and the near kiss.

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