Chapter 93 - A Promise Kept
Week 4 Vote Goal #2: 210 This one is for the final book 2 chapter! <3
By the following night, Jason found that temple was pretty much back to normal.
Any damage to the starstone had been healed by the auroras. The Core chamber was once again sealed. Several of the Serpent's minions, including all three of the crimson siblings, had been imprisoned within temple grounds, and the Serpent itself had vanished without a trace.
In lieu of last night's festivities and to honour Skypillar's victory over the Other, the High Speakers had organised a ceremony for tonight. The temple's courtyards were overflowing with people who danced and twirled and spun in the cool night air filled with laughter and song. Musicians stood on platforms scattered around the courtyards, and it was on one of these such platforms that Jason stood, playing a fast-paced song on his violin for a crowd that never seemed to run out of energy to dance.
As the song Jason had been playing came to an end, he lowered his violin to an enthusiastic applause. The auroras were out in full overhead by now, streaming across the night sky in rivers of teal and violet. With the festival period over for another year, the second moon had disappeared from the sky, leaving it feeling strangely empty.
When the auroras were over, a new year would begin, and with it, so would the time of Pegasus and Nereid with their ascension ceremony.
We'll finally have a full team of Luminaries again.
Olivia emerged from the crowd he'd been playing for, her cheeks red from the last fifteen minutes of continuous dancing. He'd watched her spin through the crowd, her long auburn hair a blazing marker among them.
"Hey, Jase!" she said.
Jason's heart did a little skip. After ever last night she'd just seemed... it was like that cloud that'd been hanging over her had vanished. "Hello, Liv. Are you here to make a song request?"
Olivia pursed her lips. "Weeeeell, sooooort of..." He raised an eyebrow, and she grinned. "Do you remember that song that we came up with before when--"
When Olivia cut herself off and her gaze fell behind him, Jason already knew who stood behind him.
"Jason," said Aurelia. She looked to Olivia and inclined her head. "Shadowheart. May I have a word with you both?"
"Of course," said Jason. The crowd protested as he stepped off the platform, calling for him to come back. He turned back to them, lifting a single hand in acknowledgement.
Olivia cupped her hands to her mouth. "I'll drag him back later, guys! Don't worry!"
The crowd cheered in reply to that.
Aurelia led them through the crowds, closer towards the inner courtyards near the Starlight Hall. She inclined her head towards people as she passed them, called Skypillar's blessing down upon them from the Aspect of Shadow. People called out to her, thanking the High Speaker for her protection, like somehow it'd been her that had faced down the Serpent.
It made Jason uncomfortable, and from the look on Olivia's face, he wasn't the only one.
To Jason's surprise, his mother led him and Olivia into the Starlight Hall's ground floor through a side door, and away from the crowd, she stopped and turned to face them, her skirts swirling around her.
Aurelia placed her palms together in front of her. "In a few minutes, I will introduce you both to the crowd outside. It contains several important government individuals, including the governor from each district."
Jason blanched. If the district governors were here, then his father--
Aurelia continued, oblivious, her face a perfect mask of calm, collected certainty. "After last night's events, they are here to discuss a more involved partnership between the temple and the government presence within this city. The talk has begun, but we are currently adjourned, and I would like you both to provide a song or two for their entertainment."
"Why us?" said Olivia, tilting her head.
"You are both representatives of your Luminary," Aurelia said smoothly. "You have both been brought up in the meetings while discussing the ways we can assist the Chosen of Skypillar, and I believe it would help the temple's cause to see that the Luminaries do indeed place their faith in ordinary people such as yourselves, and that it has great benefits. After your performance, it would be appropriate for you to mingle within the crowd, but bear in mind who you speak with and the power your words may hold to sway them."
Alarms were blaring in Jason's mind. For his mother to place him among government officials was one thing. He knew the appropriate mannerisms, the way he was expected to behave and speak. But for her to so obviously place Olivia at the centre of it...
"I'm concerned that this may not be the right move," said Jason slowly. "Neither myself or Olivia are aware of the temple's stance on these issues and we would not wish to hurt the Luminaries and their work."
Aurelia's eyes narrowed the slightest bit before she regained control. "I disagree, Jason. Your brother has already been handling himself beautifully for the last hour. I thought you'd want a chance to show your talents to those present tonight."
Jason understood the message in her words.
Regan's already out there impressing your father. Don't you want the chance to do the same?
"But of course, if you believe that Olivia may be out of her depth..." said Aurelia, her hand going to her mouth in mock concern.
"I do not."
"Then there is no problem," said Aurelia, clapping her hands together. "Wait here. I'll return in a few minutes when it is time for your introductions. Please have a piece selected by then."
With that, Aurelia swept across the floor in her robes, leaving Jason's chest feeling tight.
When Aurelia was out of sight, Olivia nudged Jason with an elbow.
"Y'no, if you want, we can just leg it right now and go find some other piece of the crowd to hide in."
Jason glanced at her. His mind hadn't exactly caught up to accepting the situation yet: he was still looking for a way out of it. "I don't believe that would end well for either of us. Given that your servitude of Skypillar time here was over last night, my mother would likely make it rather difficult for you to return here."
"Psht, she can't do anything if Banshee says otherwise," said Olivia with the wave of her hand. "But if we're staying, then we should probably work out what we're playing."
"I'll leave the decision in your hands, given I've played almost every temple piece under the stars already tonight. I am confident I can handle anything."
Olivia clucked her tongue, a mischievous smile creeping over her face. "Well, there is one piece that you haven't played tonight."
"I believe my mother may have meant for us to play a temple piece, Shadowheart."
"Well she diiiiiiid say a piece, Frostsong," said Olivia with a smirk. "Didn't say it had to be a temple piece, right? And technically it was temple-approved, because she's the one that gave you the musical right to come up with it."
"Are you--"
"Too late!" Olivia hummed the first few opening bars of it to herself, nodding along. "Yep. I'm feelin' it. I don't wanna sing anything else. We're singing this one."
"As you wish, Shadowheart."
They took the next minute or so to quickly rehearse, to clean up a couple of places where they somehow ended up altering the song each time they played it.
When Aurelia returned, beckoning them over with a flat smile and an encouraging nod, they followed her. She stopped on the top step of the Starlight Hall, gesturing for Olivia to stand on her left and Jason on her right as she spread her hands in front of her and addressed the crowd.
"Welcome, governors and other officials!" said Aurelia, lifting her hands so the gold thread in her robes shimmered. "I trust that you have all been enjoying yourselves tonight, but for now, we have a special entertainment treat!"
The crowd turned to one, giant mass of faces as Jason's eyes found the sky, where the auroras were still blooming overhead.
"I give you, Jason Frostsong and Olivia Shadowheart, two of the most trusted civilians outside of the temple's formal roles. They both serve as aids to their Luminary, Cryophoenix and Banshee respectively, to assist them in a variety of ways. However, they are also two of the most musically gifted individuals that I have ever had the pleasure of coming across, and tonight, they will perform a piece picked especially for you!"
Dread crept over him as he realised exactly what was going on.
This is the exact place that Olivia called down the auroras before.
"And without further delay, I give you, Jason Frostsong and Olivia Shadowheart!"
As Aurelia descended the stairs to stand with the crowd, Jason shot Olivia a panicked look.
She didn't understand. She didn't know his mother's manipulations like he did. She couldn't see what was going on here, didn't know that if this crowd saw what he'd seen the other day--
Olivia just gave him a small, encouraging smile with a nod, opened her mouth, and sang.
The first few notes were vibrant and clear, but they didn't strike against his core like her others could. This song was their creation, and for him, she was sticking to script. Tentatively, Jason lifted his violin and met her melody. He tried to keep his mind focused, his thoughts sharp. His violin melded seamlessly with her voice, and soon, Jason found himself comfortable in the rhythm.
He closed his eyes, letting his breath fall even and trusting his hands to know their way.
Halfway through the song, he realised that it'd changed.
He didn't know when it'd happened. It was the murmurings of the crowd that tipped him off, loud enough to rise above the music. He opened his eyes, faltering for a moment on the strings before he recovered--not into the piece they'd started with, but another, stronger piece that he knew, because he'd heard it last night, pouring from Olivia's mouth as they braved the leaked auroralight together.
Beneath his fingers, his starstone violin was glowing, waves of light literally rippling off his bow as it danced across, and it wasn't just him. Auroralight, silver with the faintest hints of lilac and teal, swirled around Olivia, dancing from her fingertips, surrounding her in its full glory. The starstone of the Starlight Hall around them turned brilliant with an internal glow like fire.
And the crowd could see it all.
Jason tried to stop, but the aurorasong swept both of them away. Neither of them could stop themselves from playing any more than they could stop themselves breathing. Unlike last night as Cryo where he'd been able to resist it somewhat, desperate to hold onto Olivia like she were a fleeting dream among the stars, the aurorasong's hold on him was complete.
With no turning back, Jason threw himself completely into the wordless song and lost himself on the tides with her.
Neither Jason nor Olivia obliged the requested encore.
They were both too drained.
Jason stayed by Olivia's side, concerned for a blackout, but one never came. It was like the auroralight had sunk her her skin. She radiated an internal glow that drew the enthralled crowd to her, each one infinitely curious as to what had just occurred. Though Olivia fended them off with a graceful ease, even going so far as to call it a Skypillar-given blessing, Jason had seen the Liaisers, the videos already being sent and shared of the girl who could call auroralight down from the heavens.
They spent the remainder of the time that the auroras graced the sky mingling with the officials in the crowd, much to Aurelia's pleasure. She trailed them constantly, more than likely eavesdropping on their conversations given the perfect timing she seemed to interject, sharing 'the temple' opinion on whatever matter was at hand.
Jason paid her little mind. His resolve had been set from the moment he'd realised what his mother was doing. It was now only a matter of time, and in his mind, it was already done.
Eventually, the inevitable came.
Sylrael's govenor official, also known as Jason's father, approached in stride with two other men in suits.
"Frostsong," said his father, inclining his head. A rare show of respect--his father usually expected others to speak to him first. "Shadowheart. A commendable performance indeed. We are all quite astounded by the display."
"Thank you, Governor Waveguide," replied Jason automatically.
"We were quite intrigued," said one of the other men with him. "The High Shadowspeaker mentioned that she would be showing us something quite incredible tonight, but I must say, we were not prepared for that. How did you perform such a feat?"
"By Skypillar's will," answered Jason.
"Is that so?" said his father. "How often does Skypillar's will like to manifest around here?"
Jason winced at the word. "The Manifested occurrences and Skypillar's will are two separate events, Governor."
"My apologies for a poor choice of words," said his father. He turned to Olivia. "I understand you're relatively new to the temple life. How is it finding you?"
"Pretty good," said Olivia. She jerked a thumb behind her, back towards the Starlight Hall. "I mean, the mountain apparently likes me, so that's a start, right?"
They shared a polite laugh at that, and after a few more minutes of exchanging polite chatter, Jason managed to excuse them both from the conversation.
"That was kinda weird," murmured Olivia. "It was like the Governor was doing the Aurelia thing where she's trying to catch you out when you're talking."
"That," said Jason, keeping his gaze straight ahead. "Was my father."
"Oh." Olivia patted him on the shoulder. "Well, that explains a lot."
Not long after, the auroras faded from the sky and their torture came to an end as the Governors and their associates returned to their various meetings they'd postponed.
Olivia dragged Jason to a slightly more secluded corner of the crowd.
"I'm kinda exhausted," she said. "I might go take a nap for a bit somewhere if that's okay with you?"
"Of course," said Jason. "Would you like me to find you a room where you won't be disturbed?"
"Nawh, I'll be okay," said Olivia. She pressed her lips together. "Umm, sorry about sorta going off track with the song before. I was just kinda listening to your violin and... it was just there, I guess. I didn't even realise I was doing it until I did and by then..."
"You just couldn't stop?" asked Jason. Olivia nodded. "I believe we may both share fault for this one, Liv. It's nothing to concern yourself over now."
Olivia bit down on her smile.
Jason raised an eyebrow. "What?"
"That's the second time you've called me Liv," she said. "Y'no that only my really good friends call me Liv, don't you, Jason?"
"Why yes," said Jason. "I was indeed aware of that."
Olivia just shook her head and gently punched him in the shoulder. "I'll see you later, Frostsong."
"Of course, Shadowheart. I believe I'm your ride home."
"Don't worry about it tonight," said Olivia. "I'll make my own way home or just stay here for the night. You do what you gotta do and enjoy yourself. Seeya!"
With that, she gave him a smile and walked off.
Jason headed back outside to the crowd they'd previously performed for. His mother hadn't been hard to spot previously, but almost like she knew he was looking for her, she had disappeared from sight.
He walked back into the Starlight Hall, surprised to see the sheer number of Speakers bustling about for the upcoming ascension ceremony. There were a few robes of colours that he didn't often see here. Two of Pegasus's Cloudspeakers floated about in robes of blue and white, a stark contrast to the several acid green and dark blue robes of Nereid's Wavespeakers.
Jason approached one of the two Cloudspeakers when she finished conversing with one of the three High Frostspeakers.
"Ariel, have you seen my mother?"
Ariel turned with a perfect kind of grace, and as Jason noticed the front of her robes, he smiled. With her height, she wore them perfectly, her hair neatly styled into a high ponytail. Despite her age, he knew that she would fill the role perfectly.
"I believe I saw her only a few moments ago, heading into the side corridor," said Ariel, gesturing. Her hands were lost in the long sleeves of her robe. She swallowed, tilting her chin a little higher. "I'm afraid I'm too busy to physically assist in your search."
"It's no problem," said Jason. "Thank you for your assistance."
Ariel nodded, her fingers clenching around each other in front of her.
Jason offered her a smile.
"Don't be nervous," he said gently. "You'll do amazing."
Her perfect calm slipped for a moment, revealing the slight panic beneath. "Thank you, Frostsong. I'll do my best to live up to your words."
"I have no doubt that you will."
Jason left Ariel to her preparations and strode in the direction she'd indicated.
He found the High Shadowspeaker Aurelia berating a pair of Shadowspeakers in a hallway.
"I understand you have additional duties," said Aurelia. "But I must be informed. When she arrives, I need to speak with her immediately. It is of the utmost importance that I speak to her before anything else happens tonight. Are we clear?"
"Yes, High Shadowspeaker," they said, lowering their heads.
"Thank you," said Aurelia. "Now go."
The two Shadowspeakers walked past Aurelia and towards Jason, glancing at him with a fearful expression before hurrying past, keeping as close to the wall when they passed him as possible.
"Mother," said Jason. "May I have a word with you?"
Aurelia's back stiffened slightly, her posture pulled back into line before she turned to face him. "Of course, Jason. You may have a few moments as I head back to the Starlight Hall, I have several duties yet still to perform and--"
"Here would be fine," said Jason. "It may take more than the walk, and I require your full attention for this matter."
She pressed her lips together. "What is it you wished to discuss?"
Jason didn't let himself hesitate, didn't let himself be cowed by her glare. "I assume you recall my promise, that if Olivia were to sing in the performance and reveal herself as a Songstress, I would revoke your position as High Shadowspeaker with Banshee's permission."
"It wasn't the performance," said Aurelia with a sneer. "Nor did any of those officials know what the light meant. Most of them were convinced it was merely a light show."
"Performance or no, the original point still stands," said Jason. "You used Olivia as a tool for your own gain, despite knowing--"
"Are you going back on your promise, Jason?" said Aurelia. "I find it highly unfair that you would change the meaning behind your words to carelessly."
Jason drew a breath through his nose. He was not in the wrong. "You understood the intent behind my promise. If you wish to argue semantics, our piece tonight was also considered a performance, of which several people in the crowd recorded. The Serpent and the Other will know what she is when they see those videos."
"They already knew what she was," said Aurelia with a small laugh. "The Serpent's minions were scrambling about the temple looking for the 'Songstress' and demanding the High Speakers give her up. Which, may I add, I never considered for a moment. Tonight, I gave you the chance to gain your father's attention."
"Yet despite that, you still placed Olivia in the same location during the auroras where her song called them down previously," said Jason. "It was a deliberate abuse of power, and one that is highly unbecoming of a High Speaker, especially a High Shadowspeaker."
"So, what?" said Aurelia, taking a few steps closer to him, her arms folded over her chest as she looked him up and down, one dismissive eyebrow raised. "Are you going to fire me now? Because Banshee gave you the power? She's a child, Jason, as are you. She has no idea how to handle the power she's been given, let alone ready to hand it out to others. She just needs a guiding hand, and apparently I have been too lax with her. I'm sure after a quick conversation, she'll realise that she may have made an error."
"No," said Jason, feeling his tattoo warm on his chest. He drew strength from it. Banshee would not take his mother's side. She saw his mother for what she had always been. "By the power--"
"This is ridiculous," said Aurelia, shaking her head. She made a grab for his violin case, and when he pulled away, she waved a hand in the air and tried to step past him. "I have an ascension ceremony to prepare for."
Jason reached out, placing a firm hand on his mother's shoulders, stopping her from leaving.
Aurelia's eyes narrowed as she turned slowly back to face him. "Choose your next words very carefully, boy. You live under my roof. I will take your violin, and I will make sure that no place in this entire city will let you sleep under their roof. You'll struggle to find somewhere in the outer districts that will take you. You are worthless without me. Anything you managed to accomplish is only because of me."
Jason took a deep breath, never dropping his eyes away from his mother's.
I am enough.
"By the power placed in me by the Shadow of Skypillar, I revoke your status as High Shadowspeaker."
Aurelia stared at him for a long moment, like she couldn't quite believe what she was hearing.
Jason's stomach was twisted into a knot so tight that he felt sick, but he focused on that warmth in his tattoo. He let the shadows soothe him instead of turn his mother's face into something from his nightmares, something that usually sent him into a panic attack just to consider.
Aurelia's face went tight, her fist lifting from her side and across her body, like she was about to strike him when voices from the other end of the corridor interrupted. At that, she hesitated, her face burning with an anger deeper than anything Jason had previously seen from her.
She lowered her hand slowly, her eyes drilling through Jason's.
"We shall see what Banshee has to say on this now," said Aurelia, her voice lilted with a dangerous edge that had once terrified Jason. It meant that she would strike him later, again and again in places that his clothing hid, until he understood.
But he already understood.
He understood that he didn't deserve to feel like this.
That no one did.
"I believe she will be in the Starlight Hall for the ascension ceremony," said Jason.
"Oh, do you?" said Aurelia. She gave a mock bow, sweeping her hands to the side. "Then after you, Jason Frostsong."
Jason kept his head up as he walked back to the Starlight Hall. Two Shadowspeakers approached Aurelia on their way there, informing her that Banshee had arrived in quiet whispered. They threw careful glances at Jason before Aurelia dismissed them in a harsh voice and they scurried on their way.
Banshee stood at the edge of the Hall's ground floor, talking to Pegasus, who almost knocked people out every time his wings moved, and Nereid, who had a growing puddle of water under her feet. Golem and DragonFae were present, speaking to the several High Speakers gathered around them in low voices. A few other Speakers bustled about, leaving the Hall far busier than usual.
Aurelia pushed past Jason without looking at him as they entered the Starlight Hall, her hands folded over her front, and walked straight up to Banshee.
"Shadow of Skypillar," Aurelia said with a courteous bow. "May I have a moment of your time?"
Banshee's eyes flicked from Aurelia to Jason, who stood behind her. "Well, no one appears to be dying but I suppose I can make an exception this once. What's up?"
"My son has informed me that you recently granted him the power to revoke my position as High Speaker if he saw fit."
Behind Banshee, Jason saw both Pegasus and Nereid's eyes went wide, one of them with a startled neigh. Pegasus then made a coughing noise before he placed a hand on Nereid's back and suggested that they go double check on how things were going on the other side of the room.
Banshee barely blinked. "Well I don't know if I'd call it recently, but yes. I did. Why, did he use it?"
"He has been threatening me with it and attempting to blackmail me," said Aurelia. "I--"
"Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there," said Banshee, holding up a hand. She looked to Jason and waved him forward. "Jason, is that true?"
He swallowed. "It is true that I have made use of the power you granted me. It is not true that I have attempted to blackmail her with it. I--"
"That is a blatant lie!" said Aurelia. "He--"
Banshee held up her finger to Aurelia. "I did not say it was your turn to speak. Jason, continue."
"I did make it known to her that I had this power, and after certain events, I made the condition that if she were to try and use Olivia Shadowheart's potential as a Songstress to her own gain and at Olivia's expense, then I would use this power."
For some reason, Banshee seemed surprised by that.
Jason's breath caught in his throat.
She will believe me. She will believe me.
He made an effort to still himself, to centre himself around that core of belief.
... she has to.
Aurelia leaned back a little, almost as if she were confident now in her victory. "You see? He clearly was not worthy of such privilege, Banshee. I must say, it is highly irregular for a Luminary to grant power over their High Speakers to an ordinary civilian. If I--"
"Yeah, but half the way you temple lot do this is backwards anyway," said Banshee. "He is worthy of the privilege."
Aurelia's hands unfolded. "I really don't think that--"
"I don't care what you think," said Banshee. "I don't care what you say. I only care what you do. Actions speak far louder than words, and you, Aurelia Shadowspeaker, who would abuse your own child, who would manipulate others for your own gain and treat your Shadowspeakers like they weren't just every bit as important as you, have been screaming out your true nature for the world for a long time."
Banshee paused for a moment, her hand on her hip as Aurelia just stood there, completely speechless.
"I stand by Jason's decision," said Banshee. "Congrats, Aurelia. You're fired."
"You cannot dismiss me!" said Aurelia, her mask cracking as the rage seeped through. "I am your only High Shadowspeaker. There will not be another willing to step up to be your High Speaker, Banshee. I can promise you that."
"Why?" said Banshee. "Because you'll scare them all off?"
"You are required to have a High Speaker," said Aurelia. "And you as a Luminary are far too irregular, far too improper for Skypillar to bless for long. Without my guidance--"
"Wait, wait, hold on a minute," said Banshee. She took a step back and spread her hands to the side, looking towards the ceiling. "Hey, Skypillar! If you're not okay with me not having a High Speaker, smite me down now! Or make me Dark, whatever suits you better!"
A pause, in which the entire room fell silent to see what Banshee was talking about.
Banshee stepped back towards Aurelia, the eyes of the room still on her. "Nope. Guess he doesn't mind, so you're still fired. I suggest you leave the Starlight Hall now. Only those with Skypillar's or a Luminary's blessing may enter here, and you don't appear to have either."
Aurelia shook. "You can't--"
"Just did. Also, Jason can keep the violin since it's temple property. Bye!"
Banshee turned her back on Aurelia, and the room awkwardly looked away with the exception of Pegasus, whose gaping jaw seemed to have found a new appreciation for Banshee's way of doing things.
But with Banshee's back turned, Aurelia turned to Jason.
"You," she hissed. "This is all your fault!"
Aurelia's hand raised.
Jason closed his eyes, bracing for impact with the handle of his violin case tight in his hand.
Yet no impact came.
Jason opened his eyes, expecting to find his mother walking away.
Instead, he found her with her arm mid-strike between them and Grief pinning her sleeve into the wall, barely half a centimetre away from Aurelia's wrist..
Banshee straightened up from her throw, her eyes dark and the shadows on her clothing swirling off like mist.
"Pillarguards," Banshee said quietly. "Get that woman and her ridiculous outfit out of here."
Jason stepped back as the Pillarguards approached Aurelia and attempted to pull Grief free of the wall. Even with two of them, they could not wrest the dagger free of the starstone, and Banshee seemed inclined to leave it there.
In the end, they used Grief's edge to slice the fabric of Aurelia's sleeve and escorted her away.
A/N - 5k word chapter, a h h h--ALL IN FAVOUR OF THIS CHAPTER SAY I!
Vote goal: 210~ ONE CHAPTER LEFT GUYS <3
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