Chapter 18 - Offerings
tapped her tattoo twice, scanning the horizon from the temple rooftop for signs of her ice-winged partner.
"C'mon, Cryo," she muttered, wiping the drizzling rain off her visor. "It's not even storming that bad anymore, you can totally come and meet me on the roof."
Listening to Jason's group had distracted her from this moment for a few hours, but now it was here, the impending conversations--one in particular--was all she could think about.
The Starsong amulet hadn't disappeared with the rest of Olivia's clothes. Instead, her tunic had altered at the throat, providing a place where her amulet sat snugly unless she pried it loose, as she did now. Holding it in her hands, she wanted to believe that something felt different. That there was something higher calling her, but try as she might, she couldn't catch the phantom memory that made her feel like something was missing.
She tapped her tattoo twice again, and after receiving an answering double-tap, resigned herself to humming, bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet while she waited for Cryo to show up.
A few minutes later in a rush of icy air, Cryo came up and over the side of the building, his talons thudding against the roof as he landed. He'd just unfrozen his wings from his arms and straightened to look at her when Banshee grabbed him by the shoulders.
"Cryo!" she said, her bouncing shaking him as a result. "You're here!"
Cryo stood there, more than a little stunned by her enthusiasm. "I am indeed. Is this a surprise?"
"Well, no," said Banshee, clearing her throat and stepping back. "But I mean, I've kinda been hanging out for this ever since the other night."
Cryo's hand lifted to the small circle of white starstone--his own amulet, frozen to his chest--and released it to his hand. "You mean when we received these?"
"You got one too!" Banshee accepted his when it was offered, her eyes darting around the details, comparing it to her own. "They look exactly the same, from what I can tell. Except yours has a Cryophoenix symbol on it and mine has a Banshee one." She handed his amulet back. "What do you think they mean? I mean, I know we're supposed to save Ella, probably from the Other, but why? Who gave it to us? I thought we got our powers from Skypillar but if it's a Starsong symbol then--"
Cryo took it back in silence, apparently deep in thought.
"What is it, Cryo?"
"Does something feel... odd to you about this?" he said after a moment, his finger running around the edge of his amulet. "I was pla--When I received the amulet, I remember something feeling wrong. Like I'd lost something important. Something that I had to do, or something that I had to remember. Did you experience a similar thing?"
Banshee frowned. "I felt something like that, but I figured it was just my imagination again. Why?"
"It was concerning me that I had forgotten an important part of the mission," said Cryo, refreezing his amulet to his chest. "What do you remember?"
"That together, we have to save Ella Spiritcaller before the temple festival thing is over," said Banshee. "You?"
Cryo nodded. "It's the same for me. At least our information matches up. And as for your onslaught of questions, I have several theories regarding those. As for what these amulets are or why we have to particularly save Ella from the Other, I don't know, but I did some research into Starsong's lore to refresh my memory. Are you aware of it at all?"
Banshee shrugged. "Just assume I'm not and fill me in."
"Very well," said Cryo. "Starsong is often considered Skypillar's other, more fragile half. She is referenced several times, particularly in the lore regarding when Skypillar placed a broken Starsong in the sky to protect her from the Other. It is written that it was Starsong's spirit that gave Skypillar the strength to hold the land and sky apart as the Other tried to bring them together. Only once a year, during the six weeks of the festival, does Starsong's moon appear in the sky, replenishing Skypillar's strength, which is why the auroras are dimmer leading up to the festival. Her essence fades, and is replenished."
"Aaaand this has what exactly to do with our amulets having Starsong's mark on them?"
"Starsong was often described as Skypillar's spirit and soul," said Cryo. "Though we as Luminaries represent aspects of Skypillar--his shadow, his frost, etc--there are mentions that it was Starsong who first crafted the Ascended. So while we embody Skypillar's power, it is Starsong that shaped the image of that power."
"So..." said Banshee, attempting to piece together something that made sense from Cryo's rambles. "You're suggesting that Starsong is the one who gave us these?"
"Possibly," said Cryo. "I would suggest that we ask the other Luminaries if they've experienced anything similar."
Banshee tapped her own amulet at her throat. "Well, it's not like it seems Starsong or Skypillar or whatever want us hiding them, so hey, I'm all for it. Maybe they'll actually tell us something useful this time instead of just stay out of it."
"Perhaps," said Cryo. "May I ask why you transformed earlier today?"
"I had to split the Shimmer wound again," she said with a grimace, touching her side. "It was giving me some serious problems." As Cryo opened his mouth to ask, she answered. "It's doing fine. It's just a little bruised now, doesn't hurt unless I deliberately poke it. Nowhere near what it was before."
Cryo remained silent, his gaze on Skypillar in the distance.
Banshee nudged him in the arm. "Cheer up, cupcake. You're acting like I died or something."
"Far from it," said Cryo. "I doubt guilt would be my only emotion had you been killed."
"Cryo," said Banshee with an overdramatic sigh. "I really don't want to hear about how happy you would have been to accept Ella as your new Lumi partner. You're not gonna get rid of me that easily, you're stuck with me for a while yet."
"Excuse me if I don't feel like joking about this subject," said Cryo after a moment. "But I fear that, had the worst occurred, Starsong would have required the other Luminaries to save Ella from me."
He looked away, but Banshee just punched him in the arm again and smiled at him.
"If I'd lost you, there wouldn't have been shadow or sun that she could have hidden from me," said Banshee. "But as it happens, she didn't get either of us killed, so we're still on the job list to save her sorry butt before she tries it again. Any ideas?"
Cryo shook his head. "I haven't had the time to think it over."
"Well!" said Banshee, grabbing his arm and walking them over the roof towards the Starlight Hall. "Let me talk your ear off as we walk. I had a few ideas--and I figured, Ella's basically a Manifested, right? So it'd make sense for her to go after the thing that she wants, which is Andrew. Probably means that he's in danger, but we could use him as some kind of bait to lure Ella out."
"I don't believe DragonFae would approve of using a civilian as bait."
"Well we wouldn't actually use him," said Banshee. "We'd just make her think he was there. Somehow." She clucked her tongue. "Honestly we should probably move Andrew and his girlfriend into the temple. The gold starstone would make sure that they're safe from Ella. Though if she hasn't done anything yet, she might not later either. No idea how we're gonna find her if she just hides."
"It's likely she'd biding her time, waiting for the second moon to rise. While the auroras are weaker, the Manifested are stronger. Considering you were able to take her, injured and solo, you potentially spooked her."
Banshee eyed her partner. "Was that a compliment, Cryo?"
"Indeed it was. I believe you earned it."
Again, she punched him in the arm. "Look at you. One potentially-fatal wound in me and you've lost your edge."
Cryo just rubbed his arm. "I wish you'd stop doing that, my arm's going to get sore."
She hugged him. "Never! Though in all honesty, we'd better get to the Offerings before they assume we're not coming and start without us."
With that, Banshee shifted into her shadow and leapt off the roof, saluting Cryo as she fell.
She saw him raise his arms, freezing them to the ice crystals of his wings before she had to twist, catching her body on one arm and hand springing off the ground to land on her feet with a ridiculous amount of grace. It felt awesome, and she'd be damned if the people around her didn't look suitably impressed.
Banshee inclined her head towards them as her name passed through their lips before she leapt off the ground, arcing herself towards the Starlight Hall as Cryo flew overhead. The sigils of the other four Luminaries were bright above the main entrance to the hall, the doors underneath which were opened to their maximum, effectively creating an archway several people wide along the wall of the Hall's first floor.
Banshee landed exactly where she meant to, right outside the entrance to the Hall in front of the crowds gathered despite the rain, currently held at bay by the temple guards.
She turned and waved as they called her name.
Offerings were special. It was the one time when people aside from Luminaries and High Speakers were allowed to enter the Starlight Hall. Luminaries weren't obligated to attend--DragonFae and Wyvern often didn't--but Banshee made it to every one she could. It was her chance to really connect with the people she protected. The chance to do something for them that wasn't just fighting Manifested.
Cryo landed beside her, nodding his head as the crowd's attention turned to him, and walked inside.
After a final wave, Banshee followed him.
Banshee caught up to her partner quickly, ignoring the stares from the High Speakers that waited in the centre of the Hall. "Do you think everyone knows about the nest we found? I don't think they've been that enthusiastic before."
"It's hard to say," said Cryo. "I tend to ignore the accolades where I can."
"You're a strange little cupcake, Cryo."
"Says the smoke-woman calling people baked goods."
Banshee gave him a sideways glance and a smirk. "Can I help it if you look positively delicious?"
That one stopped him dead in his tracks as he turned and gave her an utterly confused look. "I--what did you say?"
Banshee just shrugged and walked off to the right where her Luminary shrine sat, keeping her back to Cryo so he couldn't see her barely contained laughter.
"No idea what you're talking about, Cryo," she said, and stepped up onto her dais.
A Luminary's shrine was a fairly simple affair, consisting of a white starstone bowl atop a waist-height stand on a raised platform. At her presence, the rune on the platform's surface that matched the tattoo on her chest glowed red, and the starstone bowl filled with maroon auroralight.
Banshee ran her fingers through it, shivering at the thrill it sent up her arms though the light continued to behave as if she wasn't there.
A metre or so away, Cryo's own rune lit up underneath his feet as he stepped into place.
Under his usual impassive expression, Banshee could have sworn he was blushing.
She didn't get chance to poke him further about it. With all six Luminaries in attendance, the High Speakers were moving from the centre and approaching their Luminary's dais. Harpy, Wyvern had three each. DragonFae had four.
Banshee only had one--Aurelia.
To say it was strange seeing the High Speaker after meeting her as Olivia was an understatement. Now that she'd been on the receiving end of Aurelia's authority, the reverence seemed almost ridiculous. Banshee had to bite down on the smirk as the thought of asking Aurelia whether this would count towards her temple work or not crossed her mind. It aaaalmost would have been worth it, just to see the look on the High Speaker's face.
Banshee managed to contain herself and keep her amusement mostly hidden as Aurelia approached and, as usual, handed her a pouch.
"Your offerings, Shadow of Skypillar," said Aurelia, inclining her head as Banshee took the pouch. "Skypillar's people thank you for your service to this city."
"Thank you, High Speaker," said Banshee, returning the gesture as she resisted the urge to open the pouch right now.
"I come bearing a message from Harpy and DragonFae," said Aurelia. "They request that you and Cryophoenix remain after the offerings are complete to discuss matters related to the discovery of the Serpent's nest."
Banshee's heart beat a little faster. "Tell them that I'll be there. Please."
"As you wish," said Aurelia. "Are you willing to take the people's requests upon this day of offering?"
"Yup," said Banshee, tucking the pouch into her tunic.
Aurelia pressed her lips together and drew in a long breath through her nose before she answered. "I will see that it is done."
With that, the High Shadowspeaker swept away without another word, her robes of crimson and amber swirling like a firestorm around her. She met with the High Frostspeaker between the two shrines, and together, they proceeded to the entryway at the outer side of the Hall.
Banshee just watched them, wondering just how much it'd killed Aurelia not to give her usual 'advice' on the proper way of speaking. Ever since the awkward conversations in the early months of Banshee's arrival, the High Speaker had given up trying to 'gently' correct her speech, but Banshee just didn't see the point of it all. Why would Skypillar care how she spoke, as long as she acted in the best interests of the people she was protecting? If it was so important, why hadn't Skypillar chosen someone else that was already temple-trained in the first place?
Aurelia didn't seem to agree, but she couldn't exactly come up with a counter argument that Banshee didn't roll her eyes at, either.
Banshee released a breath and, with a glance at Cryo, decided to copy his posture. She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin but added her own smile as she heard the calls of the High Speakers outside.
"All Luminaries are in attendance and prepared to receive the children of Skypillar upon this day of offering! Please proceed with respect, and remember that you are entering one of Skypillar's most sacred spaces! Please form an orderly line behind the High Speaker of the Luminary you wish to see, and proceed only when you are admitted. May Skypillar's blessing be upon you all!"
And with that, the offerings began.
The temple guards entered first, two attending each shrine while the rest lined the walls. Their silver-grey suits gleamed from the starstone dust infused into the fabric, and each one had a shield on their back, a sword at their side, and a lightblaster holstered at the hip. Though they trained with all three, Banshee had never seen one use anything but the lightblaster. The starstone weapon was capable of shooting bolts of energy that could be set to stun, paralyse or kill. When you had something like that, swords and shields seemed a little pointless.
With them in position, the crowds came next.
It was always a kind of organised chaos. People filled the Hall's first floor, but there was a logic to the way they organised themselves. They always knew who was next, who was going where, and when their time was up, all without a reminder from a guard or Banshee herself.
Today, the person first in line to see her was a young girl of about eight with her mother.
After seeing the piece of paper clutched in the girl's hands, Banshee knelt down to her level and gestured to the edge of her dais.
"Please, step up," said Banshee.
The girl looked back towards her mother, and after a nod of encouragement, she stepped up and stood before Banshee. "Hi."
"Hi," said Banshee with a gentle smile. "What is it you want to ask me?"
The girl held out her piece of paper, which Banshee took with a word of thanks.
Amy Mirasdaughter, the top of the paper read. I ask of Banshee, Shadow of Skypillar, to help get a set of colouring crayons where they fell into the gutter system in the inner Cevinari district. I can still see them, I just can't get them. I don't have money for more.
Banshee noted the address. It wasn't all that far from her own house, she could easily find five minutes to slip away tonight after dinner.
"How'd you lose the crayons?" asked Banshee, looking up at Amy.
"My brother threw them down there," Amy muttered. "I wasn't done with my picture and he wanted to use them but he said that if he couldn't use them, no one could."
"That's not particularly nice, is it?" said Banshee. "Did you write this note yourself?"
Amy nodded. "I did, Banshee."
"Since you've asked so nicely, I'll come get them for you tonight," said Banshee. "But you have to tell your brother that if he does it again, I'll be coming to have words with him. Deal?"
Amy's face lit up. "You will? Thank you!"
Amy reached out and stepped forward before she stopped, realising exactly who she'd been about to hug.
Banshee just grinned and held out her own arms. "C'mon, can't disappoint me now."
After the hug, Banshee had Amy place her piece of paper in the offering bowl. With one more quick hug, Amy retook her mother's hand and skipped away, a bright smile on her face.
And the line moved on. The next person came with another piece of paper, this time with a request to help them deliver a heavy package from central Aeledrae to outer Sylrael, to which Banshee made no promises. It'd take time, and she couldn't accept every request made of her. Regardless, she still put it in the bowl, where she could take them later and decide on them during the week. If a Luminary attended an offering and received requests, they were required to accept at least one, but she always tried to get as many as she could done within the two weeks.
Some requests she flat out refused and handed back their paper strips, purely for their content. One man asked her to help him in his revenge on his neighbour, who had been caught cheating with his wife. Another asked her to cut off his foot with her dagger, claiming that Skypillar had given him a vision and that it would bring him luck.
That one concerned her enough to give him a serious talking to.
Not everyone had a request to make of her. Some simply wished to meet her, to talk to her. Others felt it was their duty to meet the aspect of Skypillar that they had asked a blessing from with their chosen names. Some asked to touch palms, some had questions about her recent fights, but overall, Banshee was somewhat disappointed when no one seemed to know about their discovery of the Serpent's nest.
Until, across from her, Stefan, the white-haired boy from that very incident, stepped up onto Cryo's dais.
A/N - Any guesses? ;D
Shadowsong cracked the top 100 for the first time last week at #89, CELEBRATORY COOKIES! Also Kiba is a wizard with art I just can't. O_O
Banshee & Cryophoenix by 46Kibahime
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