Chapter 3 - A Visit Of Death

   It happened just as Ian thought it would. The janitor found the principal's body later that night when he came in for cleaning.

   In the morning, the school had become an active crime scene. Most students went back home while some stayed to get some books they might need.
   The official story was that the principal slip and her neck broke during the fall.
   Ian came late that morning, and on entering the school he was stopped by some officers. So he remained outside until he saw Lucas.
'Hey, man!' Ian said.
'Do you think this story is going to stick?'
'I think people don't have any other evidence. But it's obvious the authorities are covering it up.'
'I have some many questions. How did Damien just vanish into the shadows like that?'
'It's called shadow manipulation. It's one of are neat little tricks.'
'Besides Principal Stubbs being dead, the existence of vampire seems absolutely awesome.'
'It's actually not so awesome being a vampire. For some people it brings out the worst in them.'
'You don't seem bad, unlike your brother.'
'I've been around for some centuries now and I learnt to control my dark urges.'
'Wait, how old are you?'
'Trust me, you don't want to know.'
'Were you're parents vampires too?'
'We are the living dead. We can't reproduce, no one is born a vampire. You have to be turned into one.'
'And how do you do that?'
'It's quite easy. You have to die with vampire blood in your system.'
They noticed that Lena was walking up to them and quickly stopped talking.
'I can't believe this happened here.'
'Neither can we. It's truly terrible.' Ian said.
'I'm not sure if I believe this was an accident.' She retorted.
'What else could it possibly be?' Lucas asked.
'I'm not sure. But something tells me in my gut that there's something else at play here.'
A black car pulled over in front of them, and Damien alighted from it. He went over to them.
'What are you doing here?' Ian asked sternly.
'I came here to how my brother was fitting into his new school.'
He then turned to Lucas and placed his hand on his shoulder.
'Hey, kid! How you doing? You look a bit peaked to see me.'
'I'm.......I'm great.' Lucas said defidently.
Damien then turned to Lena.
'You must be the girl Ian told me so much about. I'm Damien, Ian's brother.
'I'm Lena, nice to you. He didn't tell me he had a brother.'
'That certainly sounds like him. I have somewhere to be, so I'll catch you kids later.
'Lena, you and I should probably hang out some time. I'll tell you all of Ian's secrets.'
'Like what?'
'He stopped using his night light when he was fourteen.'
'Nah, just kidding. Although, I can show you some embrassing baby pictures.'
Lena chuckled loudly.
As Damien entered his car and drove away, Ian could not help look at him with spite.
'I better start going back home too.' She said before leaving.
'He came here to gloat,' Ian said, 'classic Damien.'
'I think we should tell her the truth.'
'No! Absolutely not.'
'What if Damien tries to hurt her, she needs to be prepared. I don't feel comfortable lying to her.'
'It's for her own protection. Besides I can protect her.'
'Listen, this girl is like a sister to me. I can't let anything bad happen to her.'
'I understand. I care about her too.'
'I can clearly see that. Don't think I don't notice you two giving yourselves longing looks. If you like her, then ask her out already.'
'I don't know that's a good idea. Damien will use anything he can to hurt me. Besides, my record with women isn't so good.'
'Ian, this is the 21st century. You don't have to take like you're betrothing her. It's just a date. I'm tired of see you both just pining for each other. It's obvious she's into you too but she won't make the first move.'
'You're not going to stop till I agree, will you?'
'Probably not.'
'Fine, I'll see if I can do it tonight. Luckily for me I find it very easy to sway girls. I don't really why they're attracted to me.'
Lucas chuckled as he clean his glasses and put them on.
'Maybe it's because you're handsome, muscular, nice and bearing other good qualities. Unlike me who has terrible luck with girl.'
'Don't beat yourself up, you're still young. You'll find the right girl eventually.'
Ian patted Lucas on the shoulder before leaving the school premises.

   That night a memorial was held for Principal Stubbs in the gym hall. Both parents and students came, along with the school staff.
   Everyone in the gym held a lit candle, and those whose were not lit were helped by others whose candles were lit. Lena's candle was not lit and neither was her sister's who was beside her. Ian tapped her shoulder, she turned back and on seeing him smiled.
'May I?' He said lifting up his candle.
Ian placed his lit candle on her's. This caught her sister, Madison attention.
'Lena, who's your friend?' She asked.
'I'm Ian.'
'So you're the hottie my sister can't stop talking about.'
Lena loudly cleared her throat to disrupt the conversation.
'Looks like I'm not the only one hiding siblings. Have you seen Lucas?'
'He's not coming. Family stuff I guess.'
'Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.'
Ian left them as Lena used her candle to light her sister's. Madison then punched her arm.
'That guy is smoking hot! You should be all over him.'
'That's why you punched my arm?'
'If half the guys here were that hot when I was in high school I would have never left.'
'Too bad you're in college now. Besides, I don't even know he feels the same how.'
'I saw the look on his face when he saw you. He likes you.'
   Vice Principal Micheals climbed the podium and put on the mic. Everyone took their sits holding their candles. The whole gym became very quiet as not a single sound made. That is except from the buzzing that  came from the mic's feed.
   Michaels then began his speech.
'Good evening, everyone! I want to thank you all for coming to honour the memory of a dearly departed friend. Principal Stubbs was a woman of great tenacity and by far an amazing mother.' He said looking at Principal Stubbs' daughter who sat in front cleaning her tears.
   He then continued,
'It is with great heartache that I have to admit to myself and you all that she is truly gone. I have to continue her work, and I promise to do my best to honour her as I hope we all will. Now I would like to say a prayer for her soul.'
He took in a deep breath and began the prayer.
'Father Lord, we beseech you this night to grant reprieve to the soul of Rosa Stubbs. That she may find peace with you in the afterlife. Amen.'
'Amen!' Echoed all in the gym hall.

   After the memorial, on Ian's way out of the school he found Lena standing in front of the entrance. He then approched her.
'Hey, I know we've only known each for a short while now, but I wondering if you'd like to go out with me.'
'Are you asking me out on a date?'
'I guess I am.'
'In that case, then I would love to go out with you. How does now sound? The night is not yet over.'
'Now sounds great.'
   Ian immediately spotted Damien walking towards the back of the school block.
'I'll be right back.' Ian said before heading to the back of the school, only to see his brother leaning on a dumpster.
'What do you want?' Ian asked.
'So you're already planning on going out. How lovely! Now I have to kill her.'
'If you touch her I will end you.'
'You must really like her. I can see it on your face. Don't worry, I won't kill her. I'll need her as leverage against you. But first I'll go back to your house and grab a snack.'
Damien disappeared into the shadows.
   As Ian was about to go back to Lena at the entrance, he realized that Shane was at home alone.
He quickly ran back to the entrance to meet Lena.
'I'm sorry, something came I have to go home. But I'll be back in a couple of minutes.'
'It's okay. I'll wait for you.'
Ian stormed out of the as quickly as he could and ran home.

   Shane was at home just as Ian thought he would be. He was in the living room watching tv when Damien walked in.
'Ian's not at home.' Shane said.
'I know. I came here to see you because I realized that I promised Ian that I would kill one of his loved ones if he didn't back down. I see you as sufficient incentive for that.'
   Shane was absolutely terrified. Much less of Damien than of dying.
'Please, you don't have to do this. I'm begging you!'
'That won't change my mind. Tonight I'm prepared to show Ian that I'm a man of my word.'
   Shane took out a pistol under the chair he sat in, and fired at Damien.
In the nick of time, Ian managed to catch the bullet in his very palm before it went to his chest.
He then grabbed Shane and sunk his teeth into his neck, ripping out his throat in the process.
   After he had fed on Shane's to his satisfaction he dropped his lifeless body on the floor and walked out as if happened with his mouth and shirt stained with innocent blood.

   Lena waited long for Ian, but after about an hour of waiting she decided she could no longer keep her sister waiting. She called him repeatedly but he did not pick the call. Then she tried texting him but received no answer. So she left as it has imminently clear that Ian was coming back.

   Ian got to his house an hour later because he did not use his vampire speed as usual and therefore could not avoid the detour.
   As he entered his house the first thing he saw was Shane dead body.
'No! No! No!' He shouted.
He went down on his knees and tried to revive Shane with his blood. Unfortunately, it was too late. Shane was already dead and gone.
   Ian stood up as his eyes became dark red and bloodshot. He silently gnashed his teeth in angry. This angry was focused towards only one person, Damien.

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