Chapter 9: A Spider could go for a swim!

After Michael helped Kim Possible yesterday and gotten to know her better as well as exchanged numbers and ate a place that he never heard of called Bueno Nachos in which the salads were good though the nachos and tacos not so much but Kim was all right with Michael having salad with her. The next day was a hot day and everyone in Paris were trying to cool off due the weather, family and friends were out to cool off in their pools while some were relaxing in the cool air conditioner to avoid being sweaty. Michael was in his penthouse on the couch checking the weather on TV to see if it was all right to go outside in which it was burning hot meaning that it was no no.

Michael: Geez who would have guesses it would be that hot outside.

Spring: I know I went to get some air and then all of sudden I am burning like the dickens. Speaking of which do you have any sun screen I can borrow.

Michael: In the bag by my bed.

Spring: Thank you. I got a little burned while I was out.(Spring saids and flies to get some sunscreen)

Michael: Didn't know Kwami's can get sun burn weird.


Michael heard his phone go off in which he checked and saw that he gotten himself a text message from Tayla.


Tayla: Hey Michael me and Bridgette are going over Layla's place to swim in her pool and we were wondering if you wanna join since the weather is hot in all.

Michael thought about it for a while and since he doesn't have a pool on his roof that never been installed and it was starting to get warm in his place even if he turned on the air, he then decided that maybe a relaxing swim in a pool would do just fine and he couldn't go to the big pool well because he saw on the news that a lot of people were going there and the place was packed.

Michael: Sure I will go since the big pool area is packed, just send me Layla's address and I will be there soon.

Tayla: Great! I will send you her address now. See you then Michael. 😊

Tayla sent Michael the address to Layla's home which she told Michael that it was a bakery and it could be his first time at seeing what the place looked like.

Michael: Spring we are going out today.

Spring: Seriously in this weather Michael?(Spring saids while applying lotion to her face)

Michael: I got a text from one of the girls saying they want me to join them to swim in a pool at their friends place.

Spring: Ooh who texted you and whose place?

Michael: Tayla texted me and the place we're going to is Layla's.

Spring: I didn't know she had a pool?

Michael: Neither did I, come on let's pack up some up things then we can be on our way.

Spring: All right, I am definitely bringing my little shades with me and my tiny hat.

Michael: I will never understand why you asked me to get you those little clothes in the first place.

Spring: I wanted to try something new for a change Michael just like how you are doing.

Michael: Well, all right if you say so.

After a while now Michael packed up some fresh clothes along with some sun screen, a towel and wore a black tank top with some black swim trunks with a web pattern on them. He then took his keys to his car and locked his penthouse door and headed down with Spring in his bag, he latter hop into his car and turned on the air while putting on his shades to help protect his eyes from the burning sun. He typed in the address that Tayla texted him and when he found the location to where Layla lives he drove off and headed towards the direction of where the place is located.

While driving towards his destination, Michael looked outside his car and saw so many people gathering around the fountain near the Eiffel Tower and it looks like they were having fun playing in the water as well as trying to cool off.

Michael: Huh..didn't people were allowed to cool off in the fountains, I guess its different here compared to the stuff back home.

Spring: Oh we should totally do that next time, go to the fountains and just relax and cool off.

Michael: Maybe one day we will Spring.

Michael then continued on with his destination and after a drive later he came towards his destination where he spotted a bakery that had bright orange colors with some white as well as a cute fox logo sitting next to a cookie while the name of the place said Boulangerie Fox.

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Spring: Wow this is where Layla lives. She was right about living in a bakery and aw look how cute the bakeries logo looks. Its an adorable little fox with a cookie next to it so cute!

Michael: Not bad, and the place looks bigger than then the bakeries I have seen. Might as well go in and see if anyone is at the front.

Spring: Sniff...ooh I smell something good in there as well.

Michael: You're are right something does smell good possibly some pastries being baked.

When Michael got out of his car and and headed inside the bakery, he and Spring were in awe of what they were seeing and that they mean is that they have never seen such amazing pastries like these before and not to mention how nice the inside of the place looks.

Michael and Spring: Wow.....(Both said in thought while in awe)

Michael looked at everything in the bakery and everything looked from delicious to amazing to the smell, even the cakes looked so good in which he might take one home with him to have tonight as a dessert.

Spring: You better get me that cookies and cream cake over there because my sweet senses in tingling.

Michael: Sure, I was planing on getting something here anyway. I got to say Layla was right about living in a bakery and helping her mother make all of these got to say I am impressed.

Hello there, welcome to Boulangerie Fox how can I help you.(A female saids that got Michael's attention and looked to see a woman wearing a white shirt and orange pants while having the same eye color as Layla)

Michael: Hello, I got a text from a friend of mine saying I was invited to a pool day with her and her two friends.

My daughter and her two friends are having a pool get together on the roof are they the ones that texted you?

Michael: Are the girls names Tayla, Bridgette and Layla?

Layla is my daughter, I am her mother the name is Linda Ross.

Michael: Please to meet you Mrs.Ross, I am Michael Troy.

Linda: Oh so you are the boy that my daughter and her friends are talking about. And please you can call me Linda.

Michael: Yea thats me.

Linda: I heard my daughters friend Tayla saying she wanted to invite another person over in which her friend didn't say it was a boy.

Michael: Layla doesn't know I was invited?

Linda: I don't think she does though if you want would you like a tour around our home before I show you where the girls are.

Michael: I wouldn't mind a tour, this place is quite big.

Linda: Splendid just follow me and I will show you around.

Linda took Michael on a tour around the place where she first started with the bakery and the kitchen that was a lot bigger than the Dupain Cheng's bakery back home then she showed him the living room which was quite beautiful.

Linda then showed Michael the bedrooms and bathrooms though decided to let her daughter show Michael her bedroom, but Linda did however showed Michael where Layla likes to paint and do her artwork where there was a hidden door on the wall with a hidden door handle and when it opened Michael looked see a big art room with a lot of art stuff as well as paintings.

Michael: Layla was telling the truth that she wanted to be a painter.

Linda: I am so proud of her, she painted all of these pictures herself. My daughter has skills and really enjoys what she does especially when she is helping me in the kitchen making new pastries for our customers.

Michael: I pegged Layla wrong, she isn't Lila after all and I think both of us will get along quite well as well as the other girls, I mean sure they look like their counter parts but they have different lives and great futures.(Michael saids in thought)

Linda showed every part of the place to Michael and he was impressed with everything and then Linda took Michael to the top of the roof where the girls are and once near the door Linda looked and saw the girls outside sun bathing.

Linda: All right Michael they are outside and just relaxing in the sun, you can go out and see them.

Michael: Thanks and I enjoyed the tour of your home, also after this I would like to buy some pastries before I head home.

Linda: That would be wonderful. Enjoy your time with the girls as well as have fun but not too much fun.

Michael: Uh sure....?

Linda left and soon Michael opened the door and headed outside to the roof where he looked around the area and saw a nice looking pool along with a comfortable chairs and couches even a small fire place near the pool. Michael had to admit the roof of this place looked awesome but then spotted the girls themselves who are sunbathing and don't know that Michael was here with them.

Michael: Ahem...

Admittedly the girls stopped what they are doing and looked towards who was going to speak until their eyes shot open wide at seeing Michael himself in which the girls got up from their spots and wore big smiles on their faces at seeing Michael here with them in which Tayla knew that Michael would come.

When Michael saw the girls getting up from their sun bathing all of sudden he started to blush at seeing the girls in their swimsuits or more like attractive bikini's. Michael looked and saw Bridgette wearing a black bikini with green cat pawn prints, Tayla wearing a ladybug bikini and Layla wearing a orange top and white bottom bikini with a fox on the front of the bikini top.

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Layla: M...Michael...(Layla saids while blushing)

Michael: Hey I got your texted Tayla about coming.

Tayla: Glad you made it, it was getting kind of boring with just the three of us here.

Layla: Wait you invited Michael and didn't tell me?!

Tayla: I wanted to be a surprise.

Bridgette: Happy that you made it Michael. I see you brought your stuff with you.

Michael: Yea just some spare clothes, sun screen, and other stuff the usual.

Layla: did you find yourself up here?

Michael: Your mother showed me the way and gave me a tour around your home in which your bakery is quite nice as well as your art room.

Layla: She showed you my art room.

Michael: Yea and you have talent Layla, and your artwork is very beautiful.

Layla: Oh....t..thank you Michael.(Layla saids while blushing and smiling at Michael)

Michael: You're welcome, so what were you three doing so far?

Tayla: We were just sun bathing and were planing on taking a swim in the pool to cool off care to join us.

Michael: Sure just let me put on some sun screen before I get into the water.

Michael put down his stuff and then took off his tank top that revealed his ten pack that made the girls faces turn absolutely red in which they couldn't believe what they were seeing was real and it was making them hot as well as their hearts thumping like crazy mad.

Bridgette/Tayla/Layla: HE HAS A TEN PACK?!!!! I THOUGHT THAT WAS A MYTH!!!(All said in thought while blushing madly)

Michael took out the sun screen and started to apply to his body where the girls who are watching were starting to feel hot and sweaty as well as their lower half feeling wet and it was hard to control themselves especially trying so hard not to look at Michael when he is putting sun screen on his strong arms and muscle tone body.

Bridgette: Path...path....why am I feeling this way...(Bridgette saids while touching her body without Michael knowing)

Tayla: Oh my goodness is he a god if so please take me....those arms....those shoulders...that...oh my gosh that strong bare's making me hot.(Tayla saids while her body was feeling hot as well as causing her to rubbed her breast together)

Layla: If this is a dream please goddess don't wake me this is making me wet...the more I try to look away the more I want to see this site.(Layla saids while also doing the same thing as Bridgette and Tayla)

When Michael finished applying the sun screen, he looked to see the girls who looked red as well as sweating a lot possibly the heat has caught up to them now while Michael didn't know was that the girls were touching themselves after seeing Michael's ripped body.

Michael: You girls all right? You look a little red?

Tayla: Oh...oh's nothing it maybe the heat..yes thats it...girls let's get into that pool and cool off.

Bridgette and Layla: Yes...yes...absolutely....

The girls without hesitation ran into the pool and jumped in while leaving Michael confused while Spring was giggling at seeing the girls reaction to Michael but also impressed that the girls bodies were perfect than their counterparts. The girls were now in the pool and thanks to the cool water it helped them forget about the site they saw as well as drop the heat on their faces.

Bridgette: Ooh that was close...

Tayla: But you got to admit that was a wonderful site we just seen.

Layla: If I kept on staring for too long I think I wasn't going to last, I was almost ready to burst.

Bridgette: Yea me too, though I never imagined Michael having a ten pack was real. I always thought ten packs were just a myth but we were wrong they are real and Michael has one.

Tayla: I thought I was going to go over to him and feel those abs myself to make sure they were real.

Layla: And those broad shoulders...and those a guy...sigh...

Brigette and Tayla: Yea....

Michael: What you girls talking about?

Bridgette/Tayla/Layla: DAH?!

Michael: Sorry didn't mean to spook you.

Tayla: It's all right just warn us next time when you get into a pool with us.

Michael: Will do.

Layla: How you liking the water Michael?

Michael: Beats sitting at home in the air conditioner all day. The water is just perfect.

Bridgette: Say Michael how you holding up with your stay here in Paris.

Michael: I am doing great so far and I have been meeting a lot of interesting people here in Paris and gotten to know them and hangout with them.

Tayla: That's wonderful news to hear Michael. Have you met or seen any heroins that you bumped into?

Michael: Now that you mentioned it yes I have. I have seen and met Spider-Girl, Ghost-Spider, White Tiger, Jen 10, Kim Possible, Super Girl, Green Arrow, Magic Girl, Phantom, and Wonder Girl.

Bridgette: How did you meet and see them?

Michael: I met Spider-Girl, Ghost-Spider, and White Tiger at the park after my time with you girls. I have seen Super Girl, Magic Girl, Green Arrow, and Wonder Girl at the amusement park while they were facing a group of super villainess's. I met Jen 10 when I went to this smoothy place called Ms.Smoothy and first time I saw her changed into an alien in person then one day she took me and her partner on a mission to stop an alien criminal where I watched from the side lines. Kim Possible I met when I went to the mall at a place called Club Banana, and let's just say she took me to be her temporary partner to stop a villainess named Shego who kidnapped Jan Stone.

Bridgette: YOU MET JAN STONE!!!!

Michael: More like rescued but yes I did meet her and she gave me and Kim tickets to her up coming concert and they are VIP tickets.

Bridgette/Tayla/Layla: Lucky...

Michael: I take that you girls are fan of this Jan Stone.

Bridgette: She is my inspiration. I love listening to her songs.

Layla: Not to mention her pet crocodile Teethe is so adorable!

Michael: So Fang goes by Teethe in this world well at least that never changed Stone still has a crocodile.(Michael saids in thought)

Tayla: I wanted to get shots of Miss Stone so badly.

Michael: Hmm...well since I help save her with Kim Possible maybe just maybe I can get her to get you girls some tickets as well since you want to meet her.

Bridgette: You will do that for us.

Michael: Well sure why not, after all you girls are my friends and I would like make my new friends happy.

The girls smile wide and then swam over to Michael and gave him a hug where Michael felt so many soft pillows on his arms and back that he was trying so hard not to blush while feeling the girls breast on him.

Bridgette/Tayla/Layla: Thank you Michael!

Michael: You're welcome girls.

Bridgette/Tayla/Layla: Oh my...his arms...his chest..and his back feel amazing!!!! And his abs so hard and fantastic!!!(All said in thought while still hugging Michael and feeling his body on theirs)

Soon after the girls let go of Michael and the four of them started to play around in the pool where they had some diving contest as well as splashing each other with water. When they all finished in the water and decided to do some more sun bathing, Michael came out of water with a towel around his neck that made all the girls think of one word.

Bridgette/Tayla/Layla: So sexy......(All said in thought while smiling and blushing at the same time)

Michael was now sun bathing with his shades on while also listening to some music that he put on to help lighten to the mood. He put on some Jaafar Jackson Got Me Singing.

Michael was enjoying his day with some sun bathing and good music until Layla come over to ask Michael for something.

Layla: Hey Michael..

Michael: Yea?

Layla: Would you mine putting sun screen on my back I can't reach. Tayla and Brigette are doing themselves now.

Michael: Yea sure, let me get up.

Michael walked over towards Layla who finished applying sun screen on her front body and face and now laid down on the long chair so that Michael can apply sun screen on Layla's back. Michael put the sun screen on his hands and was ready to put it on Layla who was laying down on her stomach to await Michael to put the sun screen on her back.

Michael: You ready?

Layla: Yea you can go ahead and put the lotion on my back.

Michael processed to put the lotion Layla who then gasped of what is happening in which she started to feel Michaels on her back and it was making her moan while she was trying to hide it. Layla started to feel every part of her body being rubbed by Michael's amazing hands and fingers.

Layla: Oh gosh...his touch is incredible...I started to feel hot right now...but I can't let him know..I..I need to hold on a little bit more.(Layla saids in thought)

Michael was doing Layla's back and shoulders then when he finished, he went to do her back legs that made Layla moan more but Michael didn't hear her and just kept on doing what he was told.

Layla: I...change my mind...I..I don't think I can hold on any much longer....(moan)....(Layla saids in thought while her body was heating up and she was blushing a lot more)

Michael: All right I think that should do it. Your good Layla.

Layla: Path..path...thank you Michael...

Michael: Are you okay?

Layla: Y..yea just want to relax now thanks for the help.

Michael: Sure no problem, now it's time for me to get back to sun bathing.

Layla: He has such amazing hands...I wonder what else he can do with them.(Layla saids in thought)

Michael went back to do his thing and before he was about to sit down and relax like the girls a panic was heard from a crowd of people from below and they were running for their lives.



Michael along with the girls shot up from their spots and went over to look at the screaming people below as well as the loud noise coming from near the Eiffel Tower.

Michael: Uh what is going on?

Tayla: Looks like its SentiBeast, Paon Ombré must of summoned it and is attacking the city.

Michael: So I would probably get my first look at what these versions of SentiMonsters look like.(Michael saids in thought)

Tayla: Best to get in doors we don't want to be a target for a SentiBeast.

Bridgette: Good idea.

Layla: Michael come with me.(Layla saids and takes Michaels hand)

Michael: Uh where are we going?

Layla: Just follow me.

Layla took Michael back inside and towards her room where she opened the door and Michael looked around and saw Layla's room which didn't look half bad and it was normal and not like Lila's one bit.

Layla: Stay here where it's safe, I need to make sure my mom is all right.

Michael: Are you sure you don't need help?

Layla: Don't worry Michael I will be fine, I have Tayla and Brigette with me. Wait here until the whole situation has ended and I am sure the heroines will stop this SentiBeast.

Michael: All right.

Layla: I will be back until this ends just stay in my room for the time being.

Layla shut the door and left while Michael was left alone with Spring who was inside Michael's stuff and came out to see her holder.

Spring: She has a nice room.

Michael: We can look later right now we need to know what this Sentibeast is and try to stop it whatever it looks like.

Spring: You know the words Michael.

Michael: Spring Release The Webs!

Michal changes into Shadow Spider then opens up Layla's bedroom window and shot a web and swung away towards the direction of where the Sentibeast is located.

Back with the girls, all of them were gathered on the roof and when they checked to see if they were compelled alone, three little creatures came from flying out in which were their Kwami's that share resemblance to the Kwami's back in Michael's universe except all of them are females and have different names.

Bella: Great another SentiBeast, geez just when I thought things couldn't get any more annoying.(Bella the cat Kwami saids while looking bummed out)

Dixie: Always the complainer are you Bella.(Dixie the ladybug Kwami saids to her friend)

Fernie: Hey come on girls as soon as we defeat the beast we can all go back to some relaxation.(Fernie the fox Kwami saids to her two Kwami friends)

Layla: Fernie's right, let's take care of this situation and get back to enjoying the sun.

Bridgette: Is Michael safe?

Layla: Yea I had him stay in my room for the time being.

Tayla: Good thinking Layla, now let's transform and do our duty as heroines.

Dixie: Uh should you girls get dressed first because you probably don't want to run around the area in your swimsuits after beating the beast now would you.

Bridgette/Tayla/Layla: Good point..

The girls got dressed now and were now ready to kick some Sentibeast butt and when they were ready they said the ones to transform.

Tayla: Dixie Spots Appear!

Layla: Fernie Pounce Away!

Bridgette: Bella Claws Release!

As soon as the girls transformed into their heroin suits they leaped away and headed towards the direction of the Sentibeast. Meanwhile with Shadow Spider he was swinging towards the area where the Eiffel Tower is located and when he landed on a roof he looked to see the streets covered in what looks to be ice cream like giant scoops of ice cream.

Shadow Spider: Okay now I am starting to see some similarities because the only thing that likes to shoot out ice cream like big ice cream would be Glaciator though since Akuma's are not a thing here, it would mean that it has to be something else that is similar to Glaciator.

Shadow Spider decided before going after whatever caused this mess was to get civilians out of the way so they wouldn't get involved. He swung down and decided to help as many people he can find on the ground who were trapped in ice cream while some who were trying to find a spot to hide. Once that was finished and many civilians thanked Black Spider for helping them, the spider hero swung off and to find the Sentibeast.

Shadow Spider: The girls said that the Sentibeast was near the Eiffel Tower so might as well and see if it is still there or not.

Shadow Spider swung towards the Eiffel Tower then stops when he looks to see more of the giant ice cream all around the area and many people running for their lives so Shadow Spider was at the right spot and now it was time to find the Sentibeast.

Shadow Spider?(A female voice saids from behind the spider hero and looked to see Scarabella with Lady Noire and Vixen)

Shadow Spider: Hello again.

Scarabella: Surprise of seeing you here Spider.

Shadow Spider: I heard some commotion happening and went to investigate.

Vixen: I can't believe I am meeting you in person, Scarabella and Lady Noire told me and the rest of the team about you. I saw on the news of what you did.

Shadow Spider: Thank you, nice to meet you as well.

Scarabella: Listen um...about what happened weeks ago I just wanna say that...

Shadow Spider: You don't have to apologize I am the one who is sorry, I let my past cloud my mind and I realize that I needed a change and a new start. I read about of how you heroines did what you did to help people and it reminded me of myself back when I was great and amazing and I wanted that feeling again so I have made a decision.

Lady Noire: And what would that be?

Shadow Spider: I guess I don't mind fighting alongside new people and at least you girls are nothing like my old team because you are better and more wiser than them.

Scarabella: Then will you join us...

Shadow Spider: What the hell, it's getting kind of boring fighting alone. Though I will not only fight alongside you Miracle Force but I will also help the other heroines as well because it looks like they need some guidance on how to deal with their enemies.

Scarabella and Lady Noire couldn't hold it in and just engulfed Shadow Spider into a big hug in which the spider hero smiled under his mask and hugged the girls back while Vixen smiled at the scene then changed when she looked to see the Sentibeast.

Vixen: Guys its the Sentibeast!

Scarabella, Lady Noire and Shadow Spider stopped and turned around to see the Sentibeast itself except when Shadow Spider looked at more closely it looked absolutely ridiculous because it looked like the complete opposite of Glaciator.

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Shadow Spider: Uh...what the hell is that suppose to be?

Scarabella: That is a Sentibeast sent by Paon Ombré to terrorize Paris.

Shadow Spider: Seriously that thing is suppose to show terror?

Lady Noire: Pretty scary huh.

Shadow Spider: No not really, it actually looks adorable then scary. All it is a big pink monster that looks like bunny covered with chocolate all over its face and the ears are ice cream cons.

Vixen: Eh for once I agree this Sentibeast looks absolutely adorable then the ones we faced.

Scarabella: Well, be that as it may we need to stop it.

Lady Noire: Any idea on how it was created?

Scarabella: Probably someone who couldn't get an ice cream on a hot day and Paon Ombré used that to make a Sentibeast though how did this thing make all this ice cream appeared.

The heroines and spider hero looked closely at the creature and they saw something that made them know how the creature made all the ice cream appear in which the Sentibeast opened its mouth and shot a large amount of different flavors of ice cream and it started to hit some of the buildings as well as some vehicles.

Shadow Spider: Wow that is so...

Vixen: Yea I know what you are going to say next.

Scarabella: Come on we need to lore it away from civilian population.

Shadow Spider: Lore it to the park area, there is plenty of open space for us to fight it and no civilians will get in harms way.

Scarabella: Good thinking Spider. All girls and spider lets save the day together.

Vixen/Lady Noire/Shadow Spider: Right!

The girls and the spider hero jumped down towards the front of the creature who looked to see them and began to fire its ice cream at them where all of the dodged the attacks to avoid being hit with giant scoops of ice cream. Lady Noire and Scarabella used their staff and yoyo to block the attacks while Vixen use her flute to make multiple copies of her to attack the creature but the beast itself got the upper hand and with one attack all the copies of Vixen disappeared.

Shadow Spider: The bigger they are the harder they fall.

Shadow Spider got an idea where he shot a web around the beast legs and did it all around the creature and when the spider hero found out his webs were nice and tight on the creatures legs he began to pull with his strength to make the Sentibeast fall to the ground.

Shadow Spider: Girls give me hand and help me bring this thing down!

Scarabella: You heard him girls, bring it down!

All the girls grabbed the web and help Shadow Spider pull and when they pulled, the Sentibeast was starting to tip over when suddenly the whole beast itself fell to the ground and landed on its back.

Shadow Spider: My webs will hold him down they are strong. For now we have to find the..

Vixen: The Dark Feather.

Shadow Spider: They don't call it an Amok here, well at least dark feather sounds better.(Shadow Spider saids in thought)

Lady Noire: Think it is about time to use a Miracle Charm.

Scarabella: You read my mind kitty.

Shadow Spider: Miracle Charm?

Lady Noire: You will like what is going to happen.

Scarabella: Miracle Charm!

Scarabella saids the words that were the opposite of what Ladybug said but still the same in which the object appeared and landed in the hands of the heroin where everyone looked to see the object in the shape of a bomb.

Lady Noire and Vixen: that a bomb...(Both said while shaking of seeing the bomb charm)

Scarabella: Yea...I believe it is though why give me this? I can't even find anything to use it.

Shadow Spider: give me the bomb I got an idea for it.

Scarabella: What are you doing to do spider?

Black Spider: You will see. Got any matches on you?

Vixen used her flute to summon a match and then Shadow Spider took it and lit the bomb and then headed over towards the Sentibeast and jumped on top of it until the spider hero was close to the creatures mouth.

Shadow Spider: Hey big fella open ride because I am in the mood for some cookies and cream ice cream!

The Sentimonster opened it mouth and then when an opening came Shadow Spider threw the bomb into the creatures mouth and jumped away and ran towards the girls who didn't know what was going on until Black Spider.

Shadow Spider: Take cover it's gonna blow!

The heroines and the spider took cover and then the next thing that happened was that the Sentibeast began to blow up like a ballon and then soon it exploded leaving a pile of ice cream all over the place.

Shadow Spider: All right it's safe to come out now.

Scarabella: did you know that would work?

Shadow Spider: The one thing that can melt ice cream is fire or an explosion.

Vixen: Look there's the dark feather!

Scarabella: I'm on it! No more terrorizing the city little dark feather. Time to Purify! Got Ya! Farewell little white feather. MIRACULOUS SCARABELLA!

Scarabella purified the feather then threw the object into the air and fixed all the damages to the city itself and all the people cheered in greatness.

Shadow Spider: Just like back home, everything gets repaired though Scarabella's words are different from what Ladybug saids in which it sounds more amazing to use.(Shadow Spider saids in thought)

Lady Noire: Wasn't that amazing spider boy!

Shadow Spider: It was something.

Scarabella: Good work today girls and you too Spider. Thanks for helping us.

Shadow Spider: No problem. You have spirit and heart Scarabella, I can see how you treat your team with respect and how they look up to you just don't stop yourself from doing the impossible.

Scarabella: Wow..that was so honorable..I will do that spider thanks.

Shadow Spider: Mhm..well time to head off see you girls around.(Shadow Spider saids then swings away)

Scarabella: Whoever is under that mask has to be someone absolutely incredible.(Scarabella saids in thought while smiling at the spider hero)

Lady Noire: It's going to be nice having someone like him around here.

Vixen: I agree....oh crap! We need to make sure Michael is all right!!

Scarabella and Lady Noire: OH MY GOSH!!!

The heroines headed back to the bakery and landed on the roof where they transformed back into their civilian selfs and headed down towards Layla's room to see if Michael was ok. When they arrived at the door and Layla opened it to her room she looked to see Michael was still there and still shirtless as well in his swimsuit that made the girls blush again.

Michael: I take that the situation outside was dealt with?

Tayla: Oh yea it was thanks to the heroines as well as that Shadow Spider hero.

Michael: Good to know.

Layla: Are you all right Michael, you're not hurt are you?

Michael: No I am fine just been sitting here until the situation has past.

Bridgette/Tayla/Layla: Thank goodness..(All said in thought with relief)

Michael: So now that is over with what now?

Layla: It's still sunning outside and the weather is good, wanna head back up and relax in the pool

Michael: Sure why not.

Bridgette: Great let's get back into our swimsuits and head up.

The girls took off their clothes to reveal their bikinis in which Michael looked away so the girls can get undressed and once they were done, Michael faced them and soon all four of them headed back up to the roof to have some fun in the sun and swim in the pool. Michael spent a lot of time with the girls and they were having fun spending time with Michael that they couldn't help feel something towards him like he was meant to meet them like it was destiny.

After they had their fun in the sun and the pool, the girls changed out their swimsuits and put on their normal clothes and so did Michael and decided to watch a movie together where Layla decided to put on the Disney movie The Lion King and Michael didn't mind because he used to watch that film and it was great especially the soundtrack. Michael watched the movie with the girls and some felt sad and happy when they saw the movie in which caused them to cuddle into Michael's arms. Michael didn't pay no mind to what the girls were doing and just kept on watching the movie until it ended. The next movie they watched was Tarzan and let's just say Michael was a huge fan of that movie, he loved every minute of the scenes as well as the soundtracks and even the songs sung by Phil Collins. When that movie ended Michael looked at the time and thought about heading off but the girls wanted him to stay some more.

Tayla: Do you really have to go Michael?

Michael: Yea I actually have other plans today before heading home.

Layla: Are you sure you can't stay for a little bit longer.

Michael: Sorry girls maybe some other time I will.

Bridgette: All right though it was nice having you here with us Michael.

Michael: Same and thanks for inviting me over, I'll come back again and also try those other pastries in this bakery.

Layla: I am sure you will love them Michael.

Michael: I know I will since you and your mom baked them.

Layla: I am so going to make him something special that he will absolutely enjoy.(Layla saids in thought)

Michael: See you girls later and thank you.

Tayla: Wait before you go...

Michael: Yea what is....

All of sudden Tayla gave a kiss on the cheek to Michael in which Layla and Bridgette followed pursuit that made Michael eyes widen of what the girls just did.

Tayla: T..that was a thank you for spending the day with us...

Layla: And..for being so kind to us...

Bridgette: As well as for being...such a good friend....

All three girls said to Michael while blushing and playing with their hairs shyly, Michael just smiled and gave the girls pat on the heads that made them blush more.

Michael: That is very sweet of you girls, and I wouldn't mind hanging with you again and if you bring the others I don't mind spending time with all of you.

Michael saids then takes his leave while the girls smiled while thinking one thing in their minds and that was something that they will think about all the time when they see Michael.

Bridgette/Tayla/Layla: What a guy......sigh...(All said while blushing and giving Michael dreamy eyes)

Michael headed down stairs where he saw Linda selling pastries to her customers and asked that if he can get a cookies and cream cake and some small pastries to go in which Linda smiled and got all of the stuff that Michael asked for and he did pay her for it even though she sailed it was free for now but he still payed her and wanted to thank her for the tour of her lovely home.

Spring: Seems like you have a great time with them Michael.

Michael: Yea I guess you could say that, they may look like their counterparts but they are the complete opposite of them. I got to say this world may have its differences but it does have such interesting people living in it.

Spring: It sure does even the heroines are great.

Michael: Mhm.

Spring: So what are planning on doing next?

Michael: Well, go home and take a nice shower while you can have a piece of this cookies and cream cake and then later on we can go on patrol of the city.

Spring: Sounds good to me and I can not wait to stick my teeth into that delicious cake.

Michael and Spring headed back to the penthouse where Michael put down his stuff and took off his clothes in the bathroom to get a shower while Spring was looking at her cookies and cream cake that looked absolutely amazing and the smell was making the spider Kwami drool.

Spring: Oh that looks good...cookies and cream cake with Oreo cookies on top and then cookies and cream Hershey bars on top with some chocolate icing....I can just stare at it forever.

Spring too a piece of the cake that Michael cut up for her and when she took the bite of it, it made her eyes widen with the flavors that she started to eat the entire piece of cake until there was nothing on the plate.

Spring: Sigh....that was soo good.

Michael: Seems like you enjoyed your piece of cake Spring.

Spring looked to see Michael out of the shower with some pants and was putting on a shirt while his muscle tone body was showing that made Spring blush for some reason. Spring didn't know why she was acting like this for some reason but shrugged it off and smiled at her holder.

Spring: I enjoyed it a lot Michael thank you.

Michael: Any time.

Night came in the city Paris and right now Michael now in his Shadow Spider suit was doing patrols around the area to see if there is any commotion going on and so far everything seems to be quiet but too quiet. While he was swinging around he decided to take a break and relax until he continues on until his spider senses were picking up something close by and he went to investigate. Shadow Spider headed towards the area where his spider senses went off and looked down in the alleyway and saw a groups of thugs fighting against a blonde girl wearing a mask and also a crop top and skirt with knee boots in which Black Spider recognizes the girl to be Stripperella.

Shadow Spider: Looks like the heroin Stripperella is out fighting crime though I am still don't understand why she is called by that name. Looks like she could use some help, there is about like ten thugs down there with her so might as well have some fun.

With Stripperlla herself she was taking down almost four guys on her own while the remaining five were waiting for the right moment to take her out but unknown to them Shadow Spider was behind them and decided to make his appearance by punching one of the guys in the face.

OH SHIT ITS THAT SPIDER GUY?!!!!(One of the thugs said in alarm)

Stripperella: Huh?

Stripperella finished off the four guys then looked towards the other five or four and looked to see the Shadow Spider hero taking them down one by one with such incredible speed and agility. The heroin saw Shadow Spider attack the other guy where he webbed the guys hands so he couldn't use the gun they landed the guy a powerful right upper cut to the jaw that made the guy fall unconscious.

Stripperella: Whoah....I can't believe I am seeing the guy I saw on the news, he's incredible.

Shadow Spider then looked to see only two guys left and so he decided to web up the first one and hang him upside down then threw a sucker punch in the guys face who later fell unconscious then the spider hero looked towards the last guy who had a machine gun on him in which the man smirked and opened fired at the spider hero.


Stripperella: GASP!...Watch out!


Shadow Spider took the hits but thanks to his impervious suit he didn't feel a thing and all of the bullets dropped down to the ground and it made the gunner pale of what he just saw and not only him but Stripperella was in shock of how the spider hero didn't get killed and still standing.

Shadow Spider: My turn dipshit.(Shadow Spider saids webs the guy)


Shadow Spider: Not happening, and its past your bed time so nighty night.

Shadow Spider shot another web at the guy and did a flip and had the gunner flip over Black Spider and slammed into the ground leaving the gunner unconscious. After Shadow Spider finished he went ahead and webbed up the remaining the thugs so they couldn't escape until the cops arrive.

Shadow Spider: Are you all right?

Stripperella: Heh yea I am all right but what you did was totally cool. I saw you on the news about a guy dressed up as a spider and I thought it was a cosplayer pretending to be a hero but I was wrong when I saw the whole thing happening. Got to say I am impressed spider, very impressed.

Shadow Spider: Thank you, Stripperella I take it.

Stripperella: Yup thats me.

Shadow Spider: Can I ask why the name Stripperella?

Stripperella: Well that is because I am a stripper as a civilian and the name just came into mind.

Shadow Spider: Ah, I see.

Stripperella: Your name isn't bad either and the whole black spider suit really gives it away.

Shadow Spider: Yea I guess it does.

Stripperella: Thanks for the help I really needed it, these guys don't give up so quickly.

Shadow Spider: Thugs like these guys never do.

Stripperella: Better call the cops to let them know the trash is taken care of.

Shadow Spider: Good idea, and don't worry about them escaping my webs are a lot more stronger than what the web maidens have.

Stripperella: Brilliant.

As soon as the cops arrived Stripperella explained the situation that the thugs stollen weapons from the police station and were planning to rob a bank but luckily the heroin was able to stop them with the help of Shadow Spider who aided the heroin in the fight. The police thanked the heroin and the spider hero and took away the thugs to have them locked up.

Stripperella: So spider got anything to do.

Shadow Spider: I am still gonna go on patrol of the city, crime never sleeps.

Stripperella: I hear that a lot, mind going on patrol with me I just got word that there has been a kidnapping involved and some goons are holding a child for ransom.

Shadow Spider: Thats the other thing I hate stupid people holding an innocent child for ransom, let's go.

Shadow Spider grabbed Stripperella in his arms that made the heroin blush but then blushed more when she felt the heroes muscles as well as his ten pack that the heroin felt when her hand touched them.

Stripperella: Oh my gosh...he's ripped and has a ten pack....ok stay calm girl..stay absolutely calm..

Shadow Spider: You ok?

Stripperella: Huh? Oh yea I am totally cool let's be on our way.

Shadow Spider: Right.

Shadow Spider shot a web and swung away with Stripperella hanging onto to him and was enjoying the feeling of being in the heroes arms. Unknown to them, someone wearing a black suit with white hair was watching everything and the person was female and she was eyeing the spider hero with interest. That person was known other than the Black Cat.

Black Cat: Ooh..looks somebody is lighting up my fire. Tall, handsome, nice suit, and those muscles..mmm..this little kitten has just found herself the jackpot as well as a mate. Looks like a certain Black Cat will have to give this spider an introduction and possibly something even more. And who would of thought this spider looks so good in black, my favorite color.

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