Chapter 7: Spider meets Aliens and Ghosts!

Last night after Michael revealed his secret to Ghost Spider about him being from another world minus his secret identity, Michael was pleased that Ghost Spider promises to keep his secret safe so no one else knows about it until he is ready to explain of his origin. After the patrol that they did together which there was no danger lurking around both spiders got along quite well together and look forward to teaming up again. At first Michael didn't want to do teams anymore but after a year has past and thought it over with Spring who encouraged her holder to let go of the past and keep moving forward and try something new in which Michael did and thinks that these girls could help him forget about his old team who treated him badly.

Right now today Michael is enjoying some relaxation with Spring where both him and her are at Ms.Smoothy enjoying some refreshments on a nice day even though it started to get hot out but Michael didn't care.

Spring: Michael this has to be the best place to get smoothies, I mean I had smoothies before but these are far more better and more delicious.

Michael: I agree with you, and the flavors are even more interesting. I wonder how they make these smoothies so good.

Spring: Who knows and besides its nice to get out of the penthouse again and enjoy life even though its burning hot out.

Michael: That is why I decided to wear a tank top and some conformable jeans that so I wont get sweaty.

Spring: Us Kwami's don't even sweat. Though we do get sunburn sometimes.

Michael: You don't sweat but still get burned from the sun wow you little guys are so bizarre.

While Michael and Spring were enjoying their smoothies a truck parked nearby with a logo that saids Max's Plumbing in which two females were coming out and one was Jen 10 herself and the other was a female alien wearing blue armor.

Jen: Come on Rooney let's grab a smoothie before our next assignment.

Rooney: Very well Jen. But we must be quick my intel shows that the next alien attack will happen in the next hour or so.

Jen: Hey don't worry we get our smoothies, I go alien, kick butt and we win simple as that.

Rooney: Do you always have to say those things every time we go on a mission.

Jen: Hey it's not all the time. I only say it at the proper moment.

Rooney: Sigh..I need a vacation after this.

Both Jen and her partner Rooney headed over to Ms.Smoothy and when they got there Jen spotted someone sitting near a table in which was the cute boy she met. When Jen looked at Michael she saw that he was wearing a tank top that made his muscular arms stick out that causes Jen too blush at the site.

Jen: I can't believe he's here!

Rooney: Who?

Jen: This insanely cute and attractive boy I met the other night at Ms.Smoothy. Oh my gosh every time I look into those eyes of his it makes my mind go wild.

Rooney: Seems like your female instincts are kicking in Ms.Tennyson. I never seen you react this way before, you are usually fighting aliens or staying home playing that game called Sumo Slammer.

Jen: it getting hot out here or is it just me.(Jen saids while blushing at fanning her face)

Rooney: Actually the temperature outside will start to cool down at least half an hour.

Jen: You really need to know more about your earth's history Rooney.

Rooney: Hm possibly, does this boy have a name.

Jen: His name is Michael, moved here couple days ago and he's so handsome!

Rooney looked over to where Jen was looking at in which she looked to see the boy Jen was talking about and had to admit for human this boy was extremely handsome which great features and a good figure and the boys eyes are quite remarkable.

Rooney: Hm for a human he does have interesting looks, perfect hair, nice eyes, well built body, strong appearance I can see why you are interested in someone like him.

Jen: Such strong arms...(Jen saids in thought while staring at Michael and his muscular arms)

With Michael after he finished his smoothie and so did Spring who later went back into her holders pocket, Michael got up from his spot to throw away his empty cups until he spotted Jen along with a female alien next to her.

Michael: Oh hey Jen surprise of seeing you here and I see you brought a friend with you.

Jen: H....hi Michael...n..nice to see you too.(Jen saids while blushing and trying to form words)

Michael: My name is Michael Troy nice to meet you miss.(Michael saids to Rooney while holding out his hand for her to shake)

Rooney: I am known Rooney Blonko of the planet known as Revonnah and current resident of earth please to meet you Michael Troy.

Michael: Likewise, it's quite shocking that aliens exist at first I didn't believe it until Jen turned into one and ran off. I should definitely get out more and see what's out there in the world.

Rooney: You will be surprise whats out there. Myself and Jen along with the plumbers have encounter hundreds of different alien species from other worlds as well as some living on earth.

Michael: Plumbers?

Jen: Not the plumbers where we fix sinks or toilets. The plumbers are intergalactic space police where hunt down dangerous alien criminals and lock them up for their crimes across the galaxy as well as on number of planets like earth.

Michael: No a-fence but Plumbers doesn't really suite the name why not just call yourselves  Galactic Protectors now that sounds like a better name to describe of what you guys do here on earth as well other worlds.

Rooney: Actually for once thats not a bad name I like it.

Jen: And it sounds cooler.

Michael: And let me guess that truck you both were in is actually an alien space craft that changes into a normal truck so no one can know what it looks like.

Rooney and Jen: How did you know?

Michael: Oh come girls you really think that an alien girl and a girl wearing an alien watch that can transform into different species are driving around the city in a truck that isn't a normal truck but something far more different. I'm a lot smarter than I look.

Rooney: He does make a good point, not bad.

Jen: Can't he get even more amazing.(Jen saids in thought)

Michael: So I take that you two are on an important assignment correct.

Rooney: Yes we got a report of activity happening from below the city, so we are heading to UnderTown to check it out.

Michael: Under what now?

Jen: Oh yea your new here well you see Michael Paris is not only the home of the heroines who help save the city but it is home to some aliens living underground. The city is called UnderTown and we have one back in Bellwood only this one in Paris is a lot more bigger and there are hundreds of different species of aliens living there.

Michael: Wow that is something. An alien city right under the city of love crazy.

Rooney: Nobody knows about it except for us plumbers and I guess you know as well since we just told you.

Michael: Don't worry if this is a secret place I wont tell a soul. Secrets are meant to be kept hidden for a reason.

Rooney: According to your bodies behavior you are telling the truth. I thought you would flip out and scream after finding out that more aliens live on earth.

Michael: No not really I seen a lot strange things happening so I am used to it.

Jen: Looks like the line is getting shorter, I'll grab out smoothies and we can be on our way.(Jen saids and goes to get the smoothies leaving Michale and Rooney to themselves)

Michael: While she does that mind if I get to know more about your species Rooney as well as the other aliens.

Rooney: No one has ever asked about my species before.

Michael: Well I am new around here, I like to learn as much as I can.

Rooney: Very well since Jen isn't the person who wants to hear or listen to knowledge of different aliens and their worlds.

Michael: Let me guess she just hits them with out knowing what they are and what they do.

Rooney: Yea that sounds about right.

Rooney and Michael sit together and talk about the different alien species as well as Rooney's home world and her kind in which Michael was amazed of the knowledge that he was getting from Rooney as well as the history of the plumbers and what they do for the galaxy. Rooney was pleased to meet someone who enjoys listening to stories as well as ancient cultures she can tell her and Michael will become great friends.

Michael: Incredible so many species and so many different planets got to say Rooney I am impressed with this knowledge you shared with me especially your species on your home planet.

Rooney: Why thank you, you're probably the second person who enjoys listening to my stories as well as my adventures which includes my knowledge of the different alien races.

Michael: Whose the first?

Rooney: Oh that would be Max Tennyson, he's Ms.Tennyson's grandfather and retired plumber agent. Though he still helps out the plumbers in catching all sorts of dangerous alien criminals.

Michael: He sounds like a good man, I would like to meet him if I get the chance.

Rooney: I am sure you will like him. He was the one who recruited me to be a member of the plumbers. He was impressed with my skills and knowledge as well amazed of my skills with machinery where I showed off my Proto-Tool here.

Michael: You made this yourself.

Rooney: Mhm, it's one of my best creations its basically all weapons put together into one. It change into sword, rifle, blaster, grappling hook and even a bow and arrow.

Michael: That is wicked, I like to see this thing in action.

Jen: Rooney they didn't have blueberry so I got you grape instead. So what you two talking about while I waiting.

Michael: She was filling me with the many spices of aliens around the galaxy as well as the ones on earth. Her knowledge impresses me now that I know about the aliens and what they do and if encounter any of them I know which ones to avoid and not go near.

Rooney: He is very respective towards what I told him and shows great manners.

Jen: Rooney you didn't fill his head with that stuff you told me did you.

Michael: Oh come Jen lighten up, I like listening to peoples stories as well as learning ancient cultures. Besides I need to learn as much as I can.

Rooney: See Ms.Tennyson he gets it why can't you be like him.

Jen: Whatever.(Jen saids while pouting)

Michael: Hehehe.

Jen: Whats so funny?

Michael: You pouting like that is kind of cute.

Jen:(BA-DUMP!💚).....He thinks I'm cute!(Jen saids in thought while blushing)

Beep! Beep!

Michael: Whats that sound?

Rooney: Looks like its time to go, Jen lets head down to UnderTown and see what the disturbance is.(Rooney saids while checking her plumbers communicator)

Jen: All right let's go.

Michael: Well I might as well get going as well it was nice meeting you Rooney and good luck catching an alien Jen later.(Michael saids but then his arm gets grabbed by Jen)

Jen: Hey why not come with us Michael.

Michael: Huh?

Rooney: Uh Ms.Tennyson I don't see that is good idea.

Michael: I agree with your partner.

Jen: Oh come on this could be your chance to see me in action and your first time visiting an underground alien city.

Michael: Jen I don't think...

Jen: Pretty please.(Jen saids while giving Michael a sad look and making her eyes look big)

Michael: Oh god no....

Michael tried to look away from Jen while Jen herself wasn't stopping making the face and pushing Michaels arm into her soft pillows that Michael started to feel but didn't pay no mind but just kept looking away until he looked to see Jen still with the same look with a small little tear coming down her face and with that Michael got defeated.

Michael: Sigh...fine just stop with the face.

Jen: Yes!

Rooney: She does that every time.

Michael: I can see why.

Jen: This is so great you can see me go alien heroin and see how cool I am.

Michael: Let me guess she likes to show off of how amazing she is.(Michael whispers to Rooney)

Rooney: You have no idea.

Michael along with Jen and Rooney go into the truck together except there were on two seats until Jen came up with an idea in which she had Michael sit down on the chair while Rooney drives and when Michael sat down Jen sat on his lap which Michael didn't know what kind of idea Jen had in my mind.

Michael: Uh Jen what are you doing.

Jen: What does it look like I'm sitting.

Michael: Why on me?

Jen: Because you make a comfortable seat, you don't mind do you.

Michael: I guess not since theres only two seats.

Jen: Oh my gosh I sitting on his lap I score big!(Jen saids in thought)

Rooney: I really don't understand human customs at all.

Michael: I hope you don't this is getting awkward.

Rooney started the engines and then soon drove off with Jen and Michael. After a while the truck when underground and into the sewers where Michael probably thinks that the reason why they call the place UnderTown is because the whole place in all the way below the city itself so that no human can find it or seek it out. When the truck stopped Rooney, Jen and Michael got out and then started to walk towards the direction where Michael was hearing noises that sound like a city as well as small town until he saw something that blew his mind away.

Michael: Whoah...

Jen: Michael welcome to Sous-Ville which is UnderTown in french. Pretty cool right.

Michael: Yea, an underground city with so many aliens. How was something like this even possible.

Rooney: Since earth became an open system.

Jen: There are a lot of amazing shops around here Michael that sale so many cool things like food, gadgets, weapons, basically everything.

Michael: Well as much as I want to site see everything here I do believe you two have that assignment still in mind.

Rooney: He's right I am picking up the disturbance couple meters from where we are.


Rooney: Actually scratch that I believe it's already here in front of us.

The three looked to see what looks like a female but more cyborg that was red and black with a small face with yellow eyes and was carrying bags of stolen alien tech and jewels.

Michael: Who is that suppose to be?

Rooney: Fistina she is species called Acrosians. A race that is from an unknown planet as well as a species that do not have torso in which that metal cybernetic body is what is keeping her whole. She is wanted for thief and private destruction and she has obsession with shiny jewelry. Though the stolen tech she has on her is probably something she was hired to do.

Michael: Does she have a weakness?

Jen: Just leave it to me, I will take care of this situation. It's Heroin Time!(Jen saids and dials the watch then changes into an alien)

Jen(BlitzWolf): BlitzWolf!, Huh I was going for four arm maiden but I guess this would do. What do you think Michael.

Michael: Uh did you just turned into a huge puppy dog?

Jen(BlitzWolf): Actually it's an alien wolf. Now watch as I take down the criminal.(Jen saids then runs towards the Fistina)

Michael: Tell me something Rooney does she come up with a plan to beat the enemy or does just do whatever.

Rooney: It's like every battle she faces, turns into an alien, kicks butt while sometimes she gets her butt kicked and at the end sometimes the criminals is beaten or gets away.

Michael: Sigh..If she wants some advice I think she should learn from her enemies find a weak spot exploit it then attack it otherwise she is just going to get her butt handed to her without a proper and genius plan.

Rooney: You know for a male human of your species you actually have great advice. 

Michael: Thanks you aren't so bad yourself Rooney but I think you should give Jen a hand before Fistina kicks her butt to the next week.

Rooney: Right though it would be best you take cover, because when comes to fighting alien criminals it tends to get messy and violent.

Michael: I will do that, good luck.

Rooney nods and then goes over to the fight where Jen is facing Fistina. Michael took cover behind the shots where he and Spring watch to see the fight happen.

Jen(BlitzWolf): Hey Fistina! What happened the jewelry stores on top were not to your licking.

Fistina: Oh no I actually found what I am looking for up top and now that I found something else that I like I be will be on my way but first I will take care of destroying you first.

Fistina put down the bags and charged at Jen in which she charged as well but then looked to see Fistina coming at her with a metal fist but dodge the attack and then grabbed Fistina from behind and flipped her over slamming her into the ground.

Jen(BlitzWolf): Whats the matter Fistina did the big bad wolf just kicked your butt.

Michael and Spring: She should pay more attention to fighting than making jokes.(Both said in thought while watching the fight)

Fistina then got up and grabbed Jen by the leg and threw her towards Rooney who was about to shoot Fistina with a net but was hit with Jen and both were on the ground while Michael and Spring facepalm themselves after that embarrassing move.

Fistina: You should have kept your eyes open.

Jen(BlitzWolf): Dully noted...but let's see how you like this!(Jen saids then opens her mouth where a sonic howl came out)

Fistina saw this and dodged the attack where Jen's attack missed and hit one of the UnderTown's shops in which Michael and Spring were shaking their heads of how Jen was doing so far and so far it's not looking too good.

Spring: Should you step in and help because I don't think this isn't looking too good.

Michael: Might as well.

Spring: All yours Michael.

Michael: Spring Release The Web!

Michael changes into his Shadow Spider suit and when completed he went to study Fistina and how to beat her while Jen and Rooney were fighting her. Jen was attack Fistina head on while Rooney was firing her Proto-Tool but it wasn't making any hits due to Fistina's powerful armor. Shadow Spider who sticking towards the walls analyzes Fistina in which he remembered something that the girls he met at the amusement park saying that Fistina is a cyborg with a alien head meaning that separating Fistina head from her body might slow her down.

Shadow Spider: Looks like I will be going for the head. Though if her bodies is cybernetic and could possibly move on its own might as well have it destroyed can't allow someone like her to use it again.

With Jen and Rooney both were still fighting Fistina who is not backing down until Jen decided it was time to switch aliens.

Jen(BlitzWolf): All right this is getting embarrassing time for a change.

Jen hits the symbol on her chest and now changes into another alien that looks cybernetic with one eye and was glowing green.

Jen(Upgrade): Upgrade!, Upgrade looks like this alien would do nicely.

Fistina: Hold still so I can punch you!(Fistina saids then fires her fist at Jen)

Jen(Upgrade): Uh-oh.

The fist headed towards Jen but then out of nowhere a spider web caught the fist and then the fist itself headed back towards Fistina and the fist hit her in the face and she fell to the ground that caught both Jen and Rooney off guard of what just happened.

Jen(Upgrade): Ok? What just happened?

Not what who.(A male voice saids that got both girls attention)

Both girls turned towards the front and looked to see Shadow Spider with Fistina's metal fist in his hand who later crushes it.

Shadow Spider: Can't have something like this flying around.(Shadow Spider saids after crushing and destroying Fistina's hand)

Jen(Upgrade): No way you're that Shadow Spider hero! Awesome!

Shadow Spider: Thought you could use some help with metal face.

Rooney: I have heard about you on the news it's a pleasure to meet you sir. Though how did you find yourself all the way down here?

Shadow Spider: My spider sense was picking up something from below the city and I went to check it out until I found this city as well as people screaming and running for their lives which is the cause of this female cyborg here.

Rooney: For that we thank you but I afraid this conversation will have to wait.

Shadow Spider: Agreed because it looks like Fistina is up and ready to fight.

Fistina: Who is the one responsible for crushing my hand?! Who would dare to hit Fistina!

Jen(Upgrade): She looks pissed.

Shadow Spider: Well I did stop her attack and destroyed her metal hand.

Fistina: You! So you are the one who has did this to me. I will enjoy crushing you insect.

Fistina charges at Shadow Spider and when she aimed her remaining fist at him, Shadow Spider grabbed her by the arm and flipped her over and slamming her head into the ground that left both Jen and Rooney in awe of how strong Shadow Spider is.

Shadow Spider: Don't watch the eyes, watch the hands.

Jen(Upgrade): Nice one!

Fistina got back up again and started to throw punches at Shadow Spider but thanks to his incredible thinking and speed he was dodging every attack that Fistina was throwing at him.

Fistina: Why don't you just hold still?!

Shadow Spider: Not my fault you can't hit right. Here let me show you what a real hit looks like.(Shadow Spider saids and twisted his arm back and delivered a mean punch to Fistina head and she went flying towards the wall)

Jen and Rooney moved out of the way and looked to see Fistina got punched and flew into the wall itself that left a big whole inside. Both of them were in shock of what they just seen and never knew someone like Shadow Spider had such strength.

Rooney: I must say for a male dressed as a spider, his strength and reflexes are unique.

Jen(Upgrade): Unique more like totally wicked awesome.

Shadow Spider: I may have hit hard but I don't think she's not giving up look.

They all looked to see Fistina coming out of the rubble and looked more pissed off than ever after being hit by a man dressed as a spider.

Fistina: For an insect you show such great strength but it wont be enough to defeat someone like me.

Jen(Upgrade): I got an idea, Spider I want to try something and I don't if it would work do you trust me.

Shadow Spider: Whatever you have plained go for it.

Jen(Upgrade): Great and don't freak out about what I am going to do.

Shadow Spider: Why would I...whoah what the hell?!(Shadow Spider saids as Jen went into his suit and was soon begin covered all in green and black)

After few seconds later Shadow Spider was now in a totally new look where his suit was black but with green eyes and a green spider with the alien watch symbol on the chest followed by four spider cybernetic legs on the back.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Shadow Spider: Whoah this is new.

Jen(Upgrade): Sorry about the freak out thing but like I said I have a plan and that is this. What do you think?

Shadow Spider: Not bad of an idea whats the plan.

Jen(Upgrade): We kick Fistina butt together. You use your spider like powers while I make them better and then we win.

Shadow Spider: You really should learn from your enemies before facing them. Think before attacking them, look for a weakness exploit it then attack it.

Jen(Upgrade): Good advice now let's take her down.

Shadow Spider: All right might as well give this new suit a test run.

Shadow Spider with Jen attached to him charged at Fistina while the female alien herself did the same thing and when she was about to hit Shadow Spider he backed flipped and shot a web at Fistina's head and threw her up into the air and slammed her down to the ground.

Shadow Spider: Let's see how she likes it if she didn't have any arms nor legs to fight with.

Jen(Upgrade): I see what you are getting at let's do it.

Fistina got up from the attack and then looked to see Shadow Spider aiming his spider legs at Fistina that began to glow green meaning that the spider hero is about to blast Fistina. Shadow Spider fired and shot the right arm off Fistina and then when the alien female was about to charge for what has happened she got her left leg shot off leaving her lipping with only one arm and one leg.

Rooney: Genius aiming for the limbs will keep Fistina from fighting.

Shadow Spider: Looks like it times to end this.

Jen(Upgrade): Let's do this.

Shadow Spider charged at Fistina and aimed his right fist at the center of the female alien cyborg that caused the fist to go through Fistina making her cybernetic body loose power and fall to the ground that left her shock that someone like Black Spider was able to defeat her with some her from Jen 10.

Shadow Spider: Now that her body is destroyed she can no longer cause any trouble.

Jen(Upgrade): Nice shot by the way.

Shadow Spider: Not bad with the upgrading for my suit, didn't know something this could work.

Jen(Upgrade): I am full of surprises. Rooney care to do the honors.

Rooney: It would be my pleasure Ms.Tennyson.

Rooney walked over and removed Fistina's head from her destroyed body. And when that was done Jen came off Shadow Spider and changed back into her human self.

Jen: Looks like our work here is done don't you agree.

Rooney: It would appear so thought now without help from...huh.(Rooney saids then looks to see Shadow Spider gone)

Jen: Hm? Hey where did spider go?

Fistina: For a spider he knows how to make a quick getaway.

After Shadow Spider left and was about to go change back into his civilian self all of sudden he spotted a stand with something that caught his eye. He shot a web and slide down to see what he was seeing and that was a strange looking robots that looks like a spider.

Shadow Spider: What these things?

Alien Stander: I see that you looking at the spider bots that I have here.

Shadow Spider: Spider bots?

Alien Stander: Yup I am actually giving these away for free since no one really doesn't seem to be interested int them. I told that they come in handy with spy work as well as follower orders to their masters command but I guess some people in this town are just not into these things.

Shadow Spider: How many of these spider bots do you have?

Alien Stander: Oh I have about 50 of them why you may ask?

Shadow Spider: These spider bots might come in handy and I can use them for patrols and missions.(Shadow Spider saids in thought)

Shadow Spider: I will take them off your hands since no one is planning to buy them and you said that they are free right.

Alien Stander: Yes they are, besides I need to make some room for the new stuff that would be arriving.

Shadow Spider: Well I will take these spider bots out of your hands I could use some little robotic spiders for patrols as well as use for spying on people who appose a threat.

Alien Stander: They're all yours man. I will also throw in this custom backpack that goes along with them.

Shadow Spider: I will take that as well sir.

Alien Stander: All yours, say aren't you one of those spider people from on top cause I'm big fan of them and would like a picture for my wall.

Shadow Spider: I am and sure I wouldn't taking a picture for you.

The alien stander got his camera and took a picture of Shadow Spider and once he thanked him and gave him the backpack with the spider bots inside, the hero shot his web and headed back towards the same stand he was hiding and changed back into Michael Troy.

Michael: I see that the fight is over?

Jen: Michael! Oh my gosh tell me that you saw everything. How did I do?

Michael: Well you did all right so far though do try not to charge in without coming up with a plan to defeat your enemy otherwise you will just get you butt handed to you.

Jen: Oh hehehe yea I guess you saw me getting beat up too huh. I will take your advice Michael and say where did you get the backpack from?

Michael: Oh one of the stands was giving this away for free since he needed extra space for new stuff to arrive and I looked at the bag and thought it was kind of cool.

Jen: Well I am just happy that you are all right thats all that matters.

Michael: Thanks so where's Fistina.

Rooney: Right here in my hand.

Fistina: Ooh whose this strong and handsome fine young man. Say hows about after I get a new body lets get know each other better.

Michael: Sorry I don't date alien heads especially that only has a cybernetic body. No offense.

Fistina: Aww.....

Rooney: She also has her ways when talking to men. I guess it has no affect on you Michael.

Michael: No it doesn't really.

Jen: Anyway now that is taken care of hows about I show you around UnderTown.

Rooney: Ms.Tennyson don't you think we should...

Jen: Rooney come on this is Michael's first time and I want to show him a good time. Let's go Michael I will show the coolest places around here and where to get the best stuff.(Jen saids and takes Michaels hand and drags him into UnderTown)

Michael: Oh boy..

While Jen took Michael around the city Rooney headed back to the truck to inform that Fistina is taken care of and will be locked up as soon as Jen comes back from her time with Michael. Jen took Michael all around the city in which Michael saw so many things that he never knew existed that made Jen smile that Michael was enjoying himself while Jen was spending time with a hot boy that makes her heart skip a beat. Hours later of getting a few things from the stands both Jen and Michael headed back to where Rooney is with Fistina's head in the back and locked up.

After they left the sewers Michael asked to be dropped off because he has things to do while Jen looked down and wanted to show Michael plumbers base of operations but Michael told her next time and it made Jen think it over and has decided to let Michael do his own thing but promises to take him to the base just the two of them. When they dropped him off and Jen waved bye to Michael and look forward to hanging with him again, Michael went to enjoy the rest of his day with Spring at his side and with the sunsetting they decided to go out and get some dinner before heading home.

Spring: Where are we going Michael?

Michael: I am thinking about getting something to eat, possibly a place where they sale burgers. I could go for one right about now.

Spring: Hey theres a place right there that sales burgers. East Burgers.

Michael: East Side Burgers. Restaurant vegetarian. Hmm never been to this place before good eye Spring.

Michael headed inside the place and placed an order for a burger and once it paid for it and got himself a drink he went to look for a place to sit but there was people already sitting at the tables until she spotted one with just one person sitting alone. Michael decided to go over and asked to sit down with the person who turned out be a girl with black hair wearing a white shirt with red circle in the middle and jeans.

Michael: Excuse mind if I sit here as well the other tables are full.

Sure not at all help your...........(BA-DUMP!❤️)

All of sudden the girl stopped talking and just stared at who was talking to her in which was Michael who was absolutely gorgeous and handsome that made the girl blush at the site but what drawn her to him was his beautiful blue eyes that were much bluer than her own. Once sat down the girl has never seen such a really hot guy like Michael before especially how muscular he was.

Michael: Thank you most appreciated. I'm Michael by the way, Michael Troy. name is Danielle Fenton or Dani for short.(Danielle saids while blushing at Michael)

Michael: Please to meet you Danielle or do you prefer Dani.

Danielle: Danielle is just fine only those who I know call me Dani.

Michael: Danielle it is and it sounds like a lovely name for someone like yourself.

Danielle: Who is this handsome boy! He even thinks my name sounds lovely.(Danielle saids in thought while blushing more)

Michael: So where you from Danielle, I'm from London just moved here weeks ago.(Michael saids while hiding the truth)

Danielle: Oh I'm from America, I used to live in small town called Amity Park until it didn't really work out that well so I moved away and decided to start my new life here in Paris.

Michael: Trouble with something from your past.

Danielle: Something like that but also to get away from a town filled with so many ghost encounters.

Michael: Wait you mean you are from that place where actual ghost exist, here I thought they were just myths but after some new friends I made told me that ghost and aliens are real I couldn't believe it.

Danielle: Yea a lot of people don't believe in those things unless they see it in person.

Michael: True but I never seen a real ghost before but I have seen a real alien like Jen 10 who can turn into aliens and I met her partner who is also an alien though never met a ghost.

Danielle: I am sure you will when they come out and scare people.

Michael: Especially when I found out about this ghost heroin Phantom though I still don't know what she looks like after my friends described her.

Danielle: She used to be a heroin in my home town and always there saving people from ghost though some people didn't trust her nor see her as heroin but more than a menace because she was you know a ghost.

Michael: People can think of crazy idea's of who a person is or what they do that makes them who they are.

Danielle: Say tell me why did you move away from home didn't like it back in London.

Michael: Not really, got turned on by my former classmates who believed in a psycho path liar who lies to get what she wants and later use those lies to hurt people in a very bad way. After I exposed her and she went off to prison I moved away and never talked to my former friends ever again. I came to Paris to start fresh and meet new people who can help me forget about my past that happened a year ago.

Danielle: I am so sorry you had to go through something that. I moved away to get away from not only my past that happened in school as well but to get a break away from my family who are obsessed with hunting ghost except for my sister Jazz who went off to find her future just like me.

Michael: Must be nice to have parents though minus the ghost hunting as well as having a sibling.

Danielle: You never had that.

Michael: I grew up on the streets, never knew my parents because I don't remember them. I was latter taken in by a nice man who gave me a home and treated me like family. When I got older I moved away to London to start a life until everything turned upside down and my life fell apart once more and now I am here in Paris rebuilding my life all over again.

Danielle: That's so tragic never to be part of a real family and not have any siblings to look after you. I am sorry you never had a great life Michael.

Michael: It's all right I am over it but now that I am here in Paris my life is getting a whole lot better and I'm making new friends which is good. At least I don't have to put up with my former classmates and that liar girl who is now locked up in prison.

Danielle: What did she do besides lie to others?

Michael: Cause the deaths of innocent students from different countries to kill themselves while being bullied by their former friends who believed in the girls lies and promise them dream futures. Later planned threats in her diary for future idea's and later worked with a dangerous criminal to make her look more dangerous and with that I found the evidence about what she did and had the authorities take her away and locked up along with the criminal she worked for.

Danielle: My god that is just so wrong on every level. And you once called friends just ate it all up and just toss you aside for someone new and shiny.

Michael: Yup and that included my ex who the liar showed fake images of me with other women that is clearly photoshopped but no my ex believed what she saw was true and ended our relationship permanently.

Danielle: Ouch that must of hurt a lot.

Michael: It did and I don't really care not even those who I use to call friends.

Danielle: I know how that feels, I too was bullied in school and the teachers and principals wouldn't do anything to stop it.

Michael: Same with mine. Good thing I got the school board in on what I did and both the teacher and principal were fired and will be replace with new people.

Danielle: Wish I could have thought of something like that.

Michael: Speaking of friends do you have any before you moved here.

Danielle: Two of them there was Sam Manson and Tracy Foley. Sam is my best friend, she and I knew each other for years and she's like the girl who doesn't like anything girly and is a vegetarian all the way. She wears all black due to the fact she is goth but I still like being her friend and she always had my back during school.

Michael: She seems like a good person, I can see why you like having her as your friend.

Danielle: Thanks and Tracy she is like the brains of the friendship we have. She is wicked smart and always gets A+'s on all of her assignments. Other than being a total nerd she is such a wonderful friend to me and Sam and all of us looked out for each other.

Michael: Where are they now?

Danielle: After I left, Sam moved away to be with a boy she met where both of them are enjoying their lives together but we always stay in touch to see how our lives are doing. Tracy went off to become a technician to help develop new tech that could help the world and yes she and I stay in touch as well even sent me pictures of her designing the new flip iPhone that came out a while ago.

Michael: Wait she designed the the flip iPhone like the one I have right here.

Danielle: Yea thats the one, how you liking it.

Michael: It way more cooler than the regular iPhone like way cooler.

Danielle: I will let Tracy know that you approve of her phone design.

Michael: Good it's always nice to let people know how others think about their work.

Danielle: Yea.

Beep! Beep!

Danielle: Oh looks its that time, I get to going.

Michael: I understand probably have to do something important.

Danielle: Something like that, though if talk and hangout some time heres my number.(Danielle saids and hands Michael her number)

Michael: Thanks it was nice meeting Danielle.

Danielle: You too Michael bye.

Michael: Bye.

Spring: She seems like nice girl and it looks like that you and her had something in common.

Michael: You mean the bullying and the teachers and principal not doing anything to help.

Spring: Uh...I guess thats the only thing sorry.

Michael: It's all right though she is quite pleasant, I wouldn't mind seeing her again.

Michal finished his food and headed out and looked to see that it was night and proceeded to walk home until all of sudden he heard shouting coming from an alleyway and went to see what was the commotion about until he saw what appears to be a ghost that was floating in the air who was female but wore weird looking outfit that kept on shouting the words beware.

BEWARE I AM FOR I AM THE BOX GHOST! And I am here to spread terror and fear with my supply of bubble wrap of doom!

Michael: You got to be kidding me that is suppose to be scary, how lame even for a ghost.

Spring: So lame, I seen ghost in movies that are more terrifying than this loser.(Spring saids in thought)

Michael: And Box Ghost what kind of stupid name is Box Ghost.(Michael saids in thought)

Box Ghost: Now to cover this city in my supply of bubble wrap of doom hahahahaha!

Can you just give it a rest already some people are trying to enjoy their lives here!(A female voice saids behind Box Ghost)

Michael looked up and saw where the voice was coming from and saw a girl with snow white hair, tan skin, green eyes, while wearing a white and black jump suit with the logo DP on the chest meaning that this was the ghost heroin Phantom.

Michael: So that is the ghost heroin known as Phantom.

Spring: I like her style.

Box Ghost: Beware I am the Box Ghost for I have the power over these boxes that you see below us and the bubble wrap of doom!

Michael and Spring: Is she for real right now.(Both said while watching the scene)

Phantom: Yea yea we get Box Ghost beware blah blah, look just get in the thermos so I can go home.(Phantom saids and takes out a thermos and points it at Box Ghost)

Spring: Is that how she's catches ghost with a thermos?

Michael: Seems that way.

Box Ghost: BEWARE! For I the Box Ghost who will show the power of my bubble wrap of doom!

Michael: If she's said beware and chants out her name one my more time I think I am going to loose it.

Phantom: Sigh...I had enough of this clown.

Phantom uses the thermos and then a blue energy came out and was aiming for Box Ghost who dodged the blast.

Box Ghost: Hahaha! Your metal cylinder thing cannot stop the Box Ghost! Now feel the power of my bubble wrap of doom!

Box Ghost uses the bubble wrap and had it wrapped around Phantom's whole body that made her loose her grip on the thermos. The thermos landed on the ground near Michael in which he looked at it and decided to give Phantom a hand with this loser called Box Ghost.

Michael: Thinking what I am thinking Spring.

Spring: Definitely. Also I am getting tired of hearing those lame words Beware I am The Box Ghost. Someone please shut the woman up.

Michael: Oh she'll shut up all right.

Phantom who was still trapped in the bubble wrap was getting anode with Box Ghost and her lame words as well as her obsession of trying to be scary which she is clearly not.

Box Ghost: Hahaha! You see my bubble wrap of doom has you trapped for I the Box Ghost is victorious!

Phantom: Again really with the gloating seriously it's getting old really.

Box Ghost: BEWARE! I The Box Ghost will have....


Both ghost looked down and saw Michael who looked anode as well as much as Phantom and that got the Box Ghost mad.

Box Ghost: Whats this a human insulting the Box Ghost! BEWARE!

Phantom: Michael?(Phantom saids in thought)

Michael: Seriously again with the word beware! I mean come on say something other than that word and quit yelling out your name because it's really annoying!! Oh and you wanna know something your bubble wrap sucks ass!

Phantom: Pfff...hehehehe.

Box Ghost: Gasp! How dare you insult my bubble wrap of doom! For that I must trap you and show you what the fear of my bubble wrap of doom is capable!

Michael: Please like I am scared about being covered in bubble wrap how lame came you be.

Phantom: Super lame.

Box Ghost: Bubble wrap of doom show this human what true fear is!

Michael: Excuse me but before you wrap me up mind if I ask you something but you have to come down so I can tell you.

Box Ghost: How do I know you are not tricking me.

Michael: Ok I guess I wont tell you the secret of the cardboard box of destruction.

Phantom: Cardboard box of destruction?

Box Ghost: Cardboard box of destruction? Tell me the secret of this box of destruction!(Box Ghost saids and flies down towards Michael)

Spring: Hehehe this is going to be classic.(Spring saids in thought while hiding in her holders pocket)

Box Ghost: What is this Cardboard Box of Destruction that you seem to know?

Michael: Oh it is one the most powerful cardboard boxes known to man, it saids to be able to control all the boxes around the world. In the right hands the being will be able to take control of those boxes and use them against others basically speaking you will have an army of cardboard boxes at your command.

Box Ghost: I the Box Ghost must have this cardboard box of destruction! Where may I find it?

Michael: It said that the great beings sealed the cardboard box in a cylinder compartment so that it can never be used again unless the chosen one reveals itself to it only then will the cardboard box of destruction will be set free.

Box Ghost: A cylinder container you say where can I find this cylinder container that you speak of?

Michael: Pay close attention my ghostly friend and I will share the secret with you.

Box Ghost: Yes.

Michael: In order to find the cylinder container you must call upon it with another cylinder container only then the real container will appear in palm on your hands.

Box Ghost: Uh where can I find another cylinder container?

Michael: Oh you can use mine I just finished the soup that I had inside of it.(Michael and hands the thermos that Phantom had in her hands)

Phantom: Oh my gosh he's setting a trap for her this is gold and she is actually buying it.(Phantom saids in thought while enjoying the show)

Box Ghost: Excellent!

Michael: Now to call out the real cylinder container you must activate the cylinder container you have in your hands.

Box Ghost: How do I do such a thing?

Michael: There is switch on the cylinder that will allow you to activate the cylinder. Push it and it will allow the cylinder container which you seek that contains the cardboard box of destruction appear right before you eyes.

Box Ghost: I SHALL DO IT!

Box Ghost push the button on the thermos and the next she knew she was being sucked into the thermos itself that left her completely fooled and stupid.

Box Ghost: Didn't see this coming.......ahhhhhh?!

Once the Box Ghost was sealed inside the thermos Michael close the lid and Phantom was free from the bubble wrap.

Michael: Wow can't believe she fell for that what a sap.

Phantom: That was both brilliant and hilarious!! Hahaha I never knew someone like Box Ghost would far for a trick like that and you even made sound true.

Michael: What a loser. Here you are miss Phantom.(Michael saids then hands the thermos to Phantom)

Phantom: Thanks...and um thanks for helping me really appreciated for what you did.(Phantom saids while blushing)

Michael: No problem, got to say that was by far the worst ghost encounter I have ever met though seeing you for the first time is really cool.

Phantom: Oh thank

Michael: Michael my name is Michael.

Phantom: You can call me Phantom thats what everyone calls me.

Michael: Nice name, well Phantom as much as I want to stick around I gotta head home.

Phantom: Oh wait um...would..would you like a lift back...I..I mean I could fly you back..(Phantom saids while playing with her hair and blushing more)

Michael: Are you sure I don't want to ware you down.

Phantom: Just think of it as a thank for stoping Box Ghost.

Michael: All right if you insist.

Phantom: Great just hang onto me and you will be all right.

Michael: As you wish.

Michael hanged onto Phantom while Phantom wrapped her one arm around Michael but with the other she felt Michael's chest and later his abs where she started to feel that Michael has something no man has and that is a ten pack.

Phantom: HE'S HAS A TEN PACK?!! HOLLY COW I THOUGHT THAT WAS MYTH BUT IT'S REAL!!!(Phantom saids in thought while blushing madly red of what she just felt)

Michael: You all right?

Phantom: Huh? Oh yes I am perfectly fine, well um let's be on our way shall we.

Phantom soon took off into the air with Michael hanging onto her and two were flying over Paris and the view was remarkable from above. Phantom looked at Michael smile that he was enjoying himself and it made the heroin smile included that the cute boy that she met as Danielle Fenton was having fun. Michael told her which way to go and what roof to land on, and after a while Michael and Phantom were on top of the penthouse while the night was still good.

Michael: That was incredible. Thanks for the ride back.

Phantom: You're welcome and I am happy that you like the ride especially with a ghost like me.

Michael: Well for a ghost you know how to give a guy like me a great time, you are something Phantom and probably even more so.

Phantom: No one has ever said that to me before.

Michael: I could be the first.

Phantom: Say um....

Michael: Yes?

Phantom: It's nothing forget it, I should be on my way. Take care of yourself.

Michael: Sure and you do the same.

Phantom: Hope to see you again Michael.

Michael: Unless it's not a ghost fight then yes I am sure we will see each other again.

Phantom: Good night.

Michael: Good night Phantom.

Phantom: Michael Troy..I am so seeing him again.(Phantom saids in thought)

Phantom smiled at Michael then soon took off while Michael waves her goodbye. Soon he went into his penthouse and got a shower and headed to bed with Spring at his side. The next day Michael will meet the other heroins of Paris and will encounter their enemies as well.

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