Chapter 6: One Lucky Spider!

Michael who was in his penthouse was relaxing and watching tv while Spring was sitting next to him eating cookies. Michael wanted to see what is going on in Paris that is new until he saw a commercial of Paris's casino and looked to see a really awesome black car that took Michael's liking and has got to have it.

Michael: Spring time to head out.

Spring: Where are we going Michael?

Michael: The casino.

Spring: Why there?

Michael: I could use a set of wheels and probably something more while I am there.

Spring: All right, are you going to dress up there since casino's are pretty fancy with people wearing suites and dresses.

Michael: I don't see why not and luckily when we went shopping I picked some nice black suites to wear.

Spring: Great!

Michael then got up from his spot and went to take a shower and put on his new clothes that he got at the stories days weeks ago. After changing and seeing that the suite looks good on him, he and and Spring headed out and walked towards the casino while many women were eyeing Michael for how handsome and amazing he looks in his black suite. Then after walking a couple blocks later Michael came to the casino that looked amazing and far more better than the place back in his old world. Michael then walked inside and saw how awesome the placed looked from the inside and after showing his id he went to have a look around the place.

Spring: Wow this place looks even fancier in person Michael.

Michael: You can say that again. Well time to see what I can win here and maybe try to find that car that I saw on the commercial.

Michael proceeded to walk around the casino and check out the machines as well as the tables but he decided not to do the tables since they cheat like hell he should know because he seen people loosing lots of money on those bet tables so he will stick with the machines and some other fun games.

Spring: What do you feeling like doing first Michael?

Michael: Hmm let's see how much money I can win with one of those slot machines.

Spring: Hey hows about that one, win $25,000 dollars for a wheel spin.

Michael: Not a bad choice Spring good eye.

Michael went over towards the wheel itself and put in some money into the machine and gave a good spin and waits until the wheel stops.

Spring: That was a good spin Michael think you will win?

Michael: Not sure sometimes people don't win these sort of machines they always ended up with less money and as soon as that wheel stops I would probably get....


Michael and Spring just stood still while the whole machine exploded in lights and music until one of the guards came over to see Michael who was still shocked of what just happened that he just won himself $25,000 dollars on his first try.

Guard: Congratulations sir you just won the $25,000 dollar cash prize.

Michael: Uh thank you...

Guard: You take the recent out of the machine and head right over to the counter and they will give you your money that you won.

Michael: Thank you sir most appreciated.

Guard: Enjoy the casino.

Michael took the recent out of the machine and put it in his pocket because he wanted to see what else he can win even though he got lucky but he will probably see what the other machines have to offer.

Michael headed over to the next machine where you can win money between $50,000 to $100,000 dollars and decided to have it go. Michael put in the money and started playing the games until after minutes later he won over $100,000 dollars and received a recent just like before and he added up the two recents together and confirmed that he now has $125,000 dollars.

Spring: Michael your on a role! I should start calling you The Lucky Spider.

Michael: Hehehe thanks Spring. Still it's shocking that I am so good at these things and I can just play and win without loosing how interesting.

Spring: Hey check out that, they are giving away something called a fabricator.

Michael: Fabricator?

Michael headed over to the slot that has this machine that Michael never seen before and decided to ask a guard more about it and what it does.

Michael: Excuse me sir but what this thing called a fabricator?

Guard: A fabricator is a machine that used to designs outfits basically it can design and type of clothes or suits even foot wear. It even comes with many different fabrics and a personal scanner where if a person's outfit got ruined or destroyed the fabricator can scan the outfit and you can customize and remake it better and more stronger with the other fabrics.

Michael: Ooh that is something I can use and I can design my own outfits. I am so taking that home with me.(Michael saids in thought)

Michael: Thank you sir for the information. Though can it do anything else besides make outfits?

Guard: Oh yea it can also upgrade technology as well.

Michael: Cool I am so going to win that thing. I could use a fabricator at home.

Michael went to the slot and played the game and then after three rounds he didn't win but tried again until all of sudden the slot ringed loud that got everyones attention meaning that Michael won the fabricator and it made him smile big that he won something that he can use.


Guard: Congratulations you just won the fabricator after three rounds then won it on the fourth. May I see some id sir.

Michael: Sure.

Guard: And where would you like to have your fabricator delivered Mr.Troy.

Michael gave the guard the directions of his place so he can have someone drop off the fabricator there while Michael continue on playing more games at the casino. Michael then stopped by a bar and ordered himself some water as well as some food since he could use a bite to eat after playing some games. After a while Michael went on to play more slot games until his eyes caught on something that he couldn't believe what he was seeing in which was the black car from the commercial and it looks like other people want it.

Michael: Oh that is what I call a car.

Spring: It's called a Bugatti La Voiture Noire. I can tell that car has your name written all over it Michael and it has a nice color to it.

Michael: Indeed and it looks like other people are trying to win.

Michael looked at a lot of people gathering around the car and trying to win it until Michael eyes caught on someone who looks familiar as well as the second one. Michael looked to see two women wearing blue and red dresses until all of sudden when their faces turn Michael looked to see both Asami and Korra together.

Spring: Hey isn't that Korra and Asami the two girls that you bumped into weeks ago?

Michael: Looks that way and it looks like they to want the car.

Spring: Yea but I don't think black is their color.

Michael: Might as well go say hello them while waiting until most of the people are done with the slot machine.

While Michael headed over to the girls both Korra and Asami were talking about the car in front of them where Korra was telling Asami that she doesn't need anymore cars since she can practically build them herself.

Korra: Asami seriously you don't need anymore cars, we practically tones of them in the garage.

Asami: I know but this one is new and fast I got to have it.

Korra: Sigh..what I am going to do with you. I don't understand why you need it since you can build them yourself.

Asami: Yea but these versions are more better. So I am going to take the chance and win it.

Get in line because I called dibs on that car when I saw it on the commercials.(A male voice saids from behind the girls who turned around to see Michael in his fancy suit that caused both Asami and Korra to blush at the site)

Michael: Fancy seeing you again Asami and you too Korra.

Asami and Korra: MICHAEL?!

Asami: Wait Korra you know him?

Korra: You know him as well?

Asami and Korra: How did you two meet?(Both said to each other)

Michael: I met Asami after I helped her fix the problem with her car and later I met Korra who didn't have enough money to pay for her food.

Asami and Korra: Oh.

Michael: Yup, though it is nice to see you two and what brings you both to the casino.

Asami: Well Korra and I are having a girls day out together and decided to come to the casino to have some fun.

Korra: We were able to make some money playing the slots though the tables not so much they cheat.

Michael: I agree to that one, I too have been doing the same thing and I made myself over $125,000 dollars.

Asami: You made that much money already!

Michael: Yea how much did you two make?

Korra: Uh...about $10,000 dollars but we're still trying.

Michael: Well your getting there, I also won this thing called a fabricator and its being delivered to my place now.

Asami: DANG IT! I wanted that fabricator for so long. Sigh..guess there is always next time.

Michael: Actually there is one more left and if you hurry you might actually win it.

Asami: Oh thank goodness, after this Korra we are going to get that second fabricator.

Korra: Sure whatever you say, after we get your other car here.

Michael: Don't you mean my car.(Michael saids with a smirk)

Asami: Your car?

Michael: Yea that car has my name written all over it and black is my favorite color so I taking that beauty home with me.

Asami: In your dreams I call dibs.

Michael: Well we will see Miss Sato and besides I am feeling lucky today and that car will soon be mine and Korra may have point do you have tones of cars in your garage.

Korra: See even he agrees with me.

Asami: Your point?

Michael: How are you going to fit another one.

Asami: I will think of something.

Michael: Hehehe whatever you say but that car is mine.

Asami: Wanna bet on it.

Korra: Asami I don't think...

Michael: Whats the bet?

Asami: If I win this car you will have to treat me and Korra to lunch at a fancy restaurant.

Michael: Not bad though if I win the car you will have to treat me to lunch as well as pay me $5,000 dollars.

Korra: Asami your not seriously..

Asami: DEAL!(Asami saids that shacks Michael's hand while Korra facepalms herself)

Korra: She's doomed.

When they looked to see no one won the car both Michael and Asami nod and headed over to the slot machine while Korra waits to see who will win.

Michaels: Ladies first.

Asami: What a gentleman, prepare to loose Michael.

Michael: Oh I think its the other way around Asami.

Spring: Michael is so going to win I believe in him.(Springs saids in thought while inside her holders pocket)

Asami took her turn and played the slot machine where after trying so many times she couldn't find herself to win and when she checked to see that she was low on money she got up and looked defeated and then Michael went up next.

Korra: You shouldn't have done that bet.

Asami: I know but come on many tried to win this and they all lost how do we know that Michael can...


Asami and Korra: SAY WHAT?!!!

Michael: Oh would you look at that I won, like I said today is my lucky day.

Korra: He won...he actually won....

Asami: Unbelievable...

Guard: May I see some id sir.

Michael: Here you are my good man.

Guard: Congratulations Mr.Troy, you won the new Bugatti La Voiture Noire and here are the keys to the car. I will have someone take the car outside for you.

Michael: Most appreciated.

Asami: Sigh..looks like you won the bet so here.(Asami saids and hands Michael a recent of $5,000 dollars)

Michael: Keep it.

Asami: You don't want it? But you won the bet.

Michael: True but I am not that kind of guy and besides the reason why I wanted the car is because walking around the streets got pretty boring and I could use something to drive. Also I decided to just treat you girls to lunch myself.

Korra: Wait you're treating us to lunch I mean really.

Michael: Sure why not, I mean do you two want to go to lunch.

Asami: Yes! I mean of course we would like to go to lunch Michael.

Michael: Great before we leave hows we play a couple more slots and this time I will win you girls some money.

Korra: You will do that for us.

Michael: Of course I will because you two are my friends and very sweet.(Michael saids with a charming smile that made both girls heart skip a beat and blush)

Asami and Korra:(BA-DUMP!❤️💙)......He's so perfect.(Both said in thought while blushing)

Michael took the girls around the casino where he was able to win them over $200,000 dollars while Michael on the other hand won over $500,000 dollars but kept it secret from the girls and after they both thanked Michael for winning them more money they headed out towards the new car that Michael won. Michael got into the car and then looked out to see Korra and Asami standing still looking at Michael in his car.

Michael: Well what are you waiting for BlueBell and RubyRed you are getting in or what?

Korra: BlueBell.....(Korra saids while her face turns crimson)

Asami: RubyRed.....(Asami saids while her face turns crimson as well)

Both got into the car where Korra sat in the front that made Asami pout while Korra gave her a look that said better luck next time Sato. Soon Michael started up his new car and the sound of the engine was music to his ears.

Korra: So what place you have in mind Michael?

Michael: Ever heard of a restaurant called Le Meurice.

Asami: Oh I heard about that place, it has the best fancy food and fine dinning.

Michael: That it does, I read about it online.

Michael drove towards the direction of where the restaurant was located and once he parked the car as well as opened the doors for both Korra and Asami who thanked Michael for being a gentleman they all headed towards the rescue together and got theme-selves a nice spot by the fire place and above it was a beautiful painting with a great view of the city by the window.

Korra: This place is fancy.

Asami: I know right, thanks for taking us here Michael.

Michael: My pleasure.

Korra: While we wait hows about we have a conversation about whats been going on in our lives.

Asami: You don't mind Michael.

Michael: I guess not.

After hours later of talking to each other about their homes and the friends they made except when Michael told them the same story like he told Zatanna and her friends both Korra and Asami felt sad for Michael as well as pissed that his former friends and a certain liar that they don't know of took everything from Michael and left him shattered but he told them to let it go that he moved on with his life and was enjoying himself. Both girls did felt jealous that Michael had a girl in his life but was later dumped when Michal told them about what happened with his ex and the liar who is in prison rotting for her crimes. Michael didn't told them Lila's name because he didn't want to bring it up.

Soon after the conversation ended and they had their food that they ordered and it was delicious. Asami and Korra thanked Michael for treating them to lunch and decided to go for a walk around Paris and will just take an Uber home after words. Michael then went back to his car and was about to leave when Spring came out to see her holder and was smiling.

Spring: That was very sweet of you to do that for them Michael. They seem really happy.

Michael: Anything for new friends, friends that I can trust now.

Spring: See not that you know you can trust these people and become their friend, you think you can possibly give the heroins a chance.

Michael: Sigh....I guess I could give them a chance. It's been a whole year now since I trusted anyone these days though this world may look like my old world but everything is different and the heroes are most smarter and wiser than the ones back home I think change is good and I guess teaming up with new people would be good for me.

Spring: Thats the spirit Michael!

Michael: Let's head home and have the fabricator put together and then later on we can go on patrol of the city.

Spring: Sounds good to me and it looks like it is going to start raining soon so best to get home before it starts to pore.

Michael: Right.

Michael started up the car and drove back to his place where he looked find the fabricator in a box and took it up to his place where he put it all together and had it placed empty room that he found in his place and decided to use it for the fabricator. Michael then read the instructions of how the fabricator can work and how it makes things and after testing it out Michael was able to make himself a black leather jacket that fit perfectly on him.

Michael: Well now that I know how the fabricator works hows about we head out for patrol.

Spring: You know what to say Michael.

Michael: Spring Release the....


Michael stoped and heard a thump on top of his roof in which Spring heard it as well. Both looked at each other and decided to go see what that noise was and once they were on top they looked to see that it raining but also looked to see what looks like Ghost Spider herself but she didn't look too good and is covered in scratches and claw marks as well as fell unconscious.

Spring: Oh my gosh what happened her?!

Michael: I don't know but she doesn't look well and where on earth did she get these injuries from.

Spring: We can't just leave her out here in the rain best to take her inside where it's warm and possibly get those cuts fixed up.

Michael: Right and it looks like her suit is damaged as well.

Michael went over and picked up Ghost Spider in his arms and carried her back inside and once in his place Michael placed her down on the couch and checked to see where the injuries were.

Spring: I can't see where the injuries are Michael, you are going to have to take off her suit in order to see them.

Michael: Hells know I am going to regret doing that. I will keep her mask on because it's best not to know who she is under the mask.

Michael took off Ghost Spider's suit and where she wore nothing but a bra and panties but Michael didn't pay no mind to that as he looked to see the injuries that was all over Ghost spider's body in which he saw some cuts and scratches but not too serious so he took out his medical kit and started to clean off the cuts and scratches. Once he was finished he took out a long black shit and placed it on top of Ghost Spider's body and then covered her up with a blanket.

Michael: I will leave some pain killers next to her so that it will help ease the pain.

Spring: What do you think cause this to happen to her?

Michael: Probably something dangerous and with claws, sharp claws. Looks like not only her suit is damage but her web shooters as well.

Spring: Say why not fix them with the fabricator. The fabricator does say it not only fixes suits but also technology as well so why not make Ghost Spider a new suit and new web shooters.

Michael: Why not and I could use that new fabric that I got along with the fabricator. I saw many of them so I think I will use the impervious as well as the flame residence fabrics for the suit.

Spring: Sounds interesting but what happens if she waits up.

Michael: I will explain everything when she gets up in the mean time best to work on her suit for now.

Michael took the suit and web shooters to the other room and placed them on the fabricator where the machine began to scan the items and when it finished scanning Michael went ahead and got to work on the structure of the suit where he decided to keep the suit designs the same but make a few changes as well as upgrading the web shooters which he was impressed of how the web shooters were created by Ghost Spider since he already seen Spider-Girl's web shooters.

Spring: Hows it coming along Michael?

Michael: Pretty good the suit is almost done and the web shooters are completed and I couldn't fix her shoes since they got destroyed completely so I went ahead and made her these sneakers with a spider logo on them.

Spring: Thats a nice touch Michael. I see that you added the webbing to the gloves of the suit.

Michael: I thought it would look cool with the webs on the glove area.

Spring: I am sure that Ghost Spider will love it.

Michael: Speaking of which better go see if she is awake or not, best to hide Spring don't want her to see you.

Spring: Copy that.

Michael went out of the room and headed towards the dinning room and looked to see Ghost Spider waking up and it looked like her head was bothering her.

Ghost Spider: Argh...ow my head what happened?

Michael: Ahem.

Ghost Spider turned and looked to see the boy she met in the park where her eyes under her mask widen and then she jumped off the couch but then looked to see that she wasn't wearing her suit nor her web shooters but just her mask and a long black shirt.

Ghost Spider: Uh what happened to my suit and where are my web shooters? And how did I end up here?

Michael: I found you unconscious on my roof you were covered in cuts and scratches all over your body and you were caught in the rain and looked cold so I took you in and patched up the cuts as well as left some pain killers to help ease the pain.

Ghost Spider: Oh.....wait a minute did you undress me?!(Ghost Spider saids while blushing crimson under her mask while hugging herself)

Michael: I had to because I couldn't find where the cuts and scratches and I pay no mind to what I saw my main focus was getting you fixed up and after I was done I gave a black shirt to cover yourself as well as blanket. Both your suit and web shooters got damaged when I found you.

Ghost Spider: He did that for me..and he didn't care what I had under my suit and just patch up the injuries I had. Wow not only he is handsome and hot but he is also a gentleman who respects women's privacy.(Ghost Spider saids in thought)

Michael: I left your mask on because since you're a heroin, I didn't want to invade of who is behind the mask things like that are meant to be kept a secret from others.

Ghost Spider: Well thanks for not doing that though where is my suit and web shooters?

Michael: Your suit took a lot of damage there were holes and claw marks all over it and your ballerina shoes got messed up big time as well as your web shooters.

Ghost Spider: Oh I see...

Michael: Not to worry thanks to this fabricator that I got your new suit and web shooters will be ready to go.

Ghost Spider: Wait you have fabricator!

Michael: Uh yea I just got it today at a casino.

Ghost Spider: He's making me a new suit that is so sweet.(Ghost spider saids in thought)

Michael: Would you like to see the results.

Ghost Spider: Heck yea I do!

Ghost Spider came out behind the couch and was about to walk over to Michael but then trip and was about to fall when all of sudden she got caught in Michaels arms.

Michael: Best to watch yourself, I mean you are still a little banged up.

Ghost Spider:(BA-DUMP! 💖)....Oh wow his arms are so manly and his chest...oh my gosh is that a ten pack I just felt! I thought it was a myth!(Ghost Spider saids in thought while blushing red under her mask)

Michael: I think it would be best that I carried you to the room.

Ghost Spider: Oh yes of course thank you.

Ghost Spider: This is the best day of my life don't let it end!(Ghost spider saids in thought)

Michael took Ghost Spider to the room where she looked to see the fabricator as well as her brand new suit that looked the same but with webbing on the gloves.

Ghost Spider: Wow it looks awesome.

Michael: Thanks and I used different fabrics to give the suit a more strength. I used both impervious and flame residence meaning that your suit is impervious to any attack as well as flame proof. Also machine washable.

Ghost Spider: Even better.

Michael: I also made these new shoes to go with the suit, they are basically custom seekers with a spider logo on them and your new and improved web shooters are right here.

Ghost Spider: You did all this yourself for me.

Michael: Either this or you go around wearing that damaged suit right there in public.(Michael saids while pointing to the damaged suit)

Ghost Spider: They look brand new and more upgraded I don't know what to say.

Michael: Call it as a thanks for protecting Paris.

Ghost Spider: I am so going to meet him as a civilian.(Ghost Spider said in thought)

Michael: How did you end up all banged up in the first place?

Ghost Spider: Myself along with Spider-Girl, Silk, and Wolverine were taking down Miss Kraven and The Lizard in which Kraven was getting away and so was the Lizard so we split up to take them down and I went to find the Lizard in the sewers but then she got the drop on me and attacked me. I barley got out there with my life and I tried calling for backup but it looked like my web shooter communicator got destroyed after I fell unconscious.

Michael: You went to take on the Lizard by yourself why didn't any of the girls come along with you as backup because taking down a dangerous villainess's like the Lizard is not safe for a one woman to handle.

Ghost Spider: I guess so....

Michael: Next time think before you spring into action and also come up with plans to help you win a fight.

Ghost Spider: I will keep that in mind thanks um..Michael was it?

Michael: Yes.

Ghost Spider:(Grumbling)...

Michael: Seems like you haven't eaten anything either.

Ghost Spider: Yea...

Michael: Why don't you freshen up and take a shower while I cook something up for you.

Ghost Spider: Wait really I don't want to be a burden.

Michael: It's quite all right and besides your basically a house guest well more like penthouse guest you know what I mean.

Ghost Spider: I...I...thank you.

Michael: You're welcome, go take your shower bathroom is near the bedroom and your suit is all ready to go as well as your web shooters.

Ghost Spider: Thanks and thanks for helping me.

Michael: No problem.

Ghost Spider headed off towards the bathroom with her new gear while Michael was in the kitchen cooking up something for her to eat since she could use some food in her belly. When Ghost Spider got into the bathroom she took off the shirt she had on as well as her bra and panties including her mask that revealed herself as Gwen Stacy. Then she turned on the shower to hot and felt the warm water on her hand and when she checked to see that the water was perfect she hop in and began to take her nice relaxing shower.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Gwen: Sigh....much better. I can't believe that cute boy I met in the park did this for me and not to mention I am using his shower to clean myself. The girls are going to be so jealous about what I did. When I look at him in the eyes I can't stop thinking about those amazing and gorgeous blue eyes and that smile of his makes my heart beat so much. I wonder if he likes playing the drums, I got to ask when I meet him as a civilian. 

After an hour later Gwen finished her hot shower and dried herself off then proceeded to put on her new suit which felt more comfortable than her old one and the shoes as well as the web shooters fit perfectly. She then threw out the old mask and put on the new one where the eye lenses were much more clearer to see.

Gwen now in her new Ghost Spider suit walked out of the bedroom and headed towards the dinning room where she looked to see Michael finishing up cooking food for her.

Michael: Hows was the shower?

Ghost Spider: It was great and the suit fits perfectly. How do I look?

Michael: You look spectacular.

Ghost Spider: Thanks so what did you make for me.

Michael: Fiesta scrambled eggs with some orange juice.

Ghost Spider: Oh wow this looks so good! You made this yourself.

Michael: Sure did, so why don't you sit down and eat so you can get your strength back.

Ghost Spider: I think I will.

Ghost Spider sat down and lifted her mask up to her nose and began to eat her food where she found the eggs very delicious as well as pleased with the orange juice. Michael looked to see that Ghost Spider enjoyed her food that made Michael smile then after she finished Michael took her plates and wash them while she had a look around his place.

Ghost Spider: Got to say this is nice looking penthouse you have here.

Michael: Thanks. Though I am thinking about getting a bigger place but for now I will stick to living here.

Ghost Spider: Well as much I want to stick around I better get going I still have a lizard to catch.

Michael: You're still going after it alone.

Ghost Spider: Don't worry I be will all right and thanks to the upgraded suit you made me there is no way lizard breath will be clawing this suit.

Michael: Still I think it would best to bring someone with you.

Ghost Spider: Hey I'm a big girl I can handle it.

Michael: All right.

Ghost Spider: Well time to get going....but there is one more thing I want to do before I take off.

Michael: What would that be?

Ghost Spider walked up to Michael and then lifted her mask up to her nose and planted a kiss on Michael's cheek that caught him off guard while Ghost Spider smiled and blushed a little.

Ghost Spider: A thank you for everything and a thanks for the new suit. Well bye and hope to see you again Michael.

Ghost Spider then opened the window and shot a web leaving Michael alone in his Penthouse with Spring coming out seeing of what she saw with Ghost Spider and Michael.

Spring: Seems like she likes the suit.

Michael: Looks that way.

Spring: She also gave you a kiss for a thank you how sweet.

Michael: It was a friendly kiss nothing more.

Spring: Sure it was.

Michael: Spring she's going to face that Lizard villainess alone best to go after her and help her out.

Spring: Absolutely you know what to do.

Michael: Spring Release The Web!

Shadow Spider shot his web and began to follow Ghost Spider's direction where he looked to see her heading down into the sewers in which he did the same. Once down in the sewers Shadow Spider followed Ghost Spider's path until all of sudden he lost her but kept his guard up until he heard a noise coming from further down the path he was on and ran towards the direction then stopped when he looks to find Ghost Spider as well as the monster reptile known as the Lizard.

Ghost Spider: Come on just hold still so I can hit you!

Lizard: You can try but I will tare you apart!

Ghost Spider: Why do they always do this?

Shadow Spider watches as Ghost Spider and Lizard go head to head at each other where Ghost dodged all of Lizards attacks but the beast herself was quicker and grabbed Ghost by the leg and slammed her into the wall. Then when Shadow Spider looked to see Lizard about to end Ghost Spider where the beast brought out her sharp claws, Shadow Spider jumped in and delivered a hard punch to the Lizard's right side face.

The Lizard herself went flying into the wall while Shadow Spider landed on the ground in front of Ghost Spider who looked up and saw Shadow Spider himself and he just saved her yet again.

Ghost Spider: Shadow Spider?

Shadow Spider: Looks like you need some help with this mess.

Ghost Spider: I..I...wait I thought you were a solo kind of guy and doesn't like to do team ups.

Shadow Spider: Sigh..I been giving some thought about what you said and I guess I can give you girls a chance. You are not like my old team, you girls are more smarter and wiser than them so hows about I led you my help included.

Ghost Spider didn't say anything but instead she engulfed Shadow Spider into a big hug where under her mask she was smiling and soon Shadow Spider hugged back.

Ghost Spider: Thank you.

Shadow Spider: You're welcome, now hows about I take care of lizard breath over there.

Ghost Spider: You sure you can take her? She's pretty nasty and not to mention she has really big sharp teeth and claws and one big long hard tail.

Shadow Spider: Don't worry I got something for her.

Lizard: RAAAAAHHH!!!! Who dares to lay a hand on me THE LIZARD!!!

Shadow Spider: For a lizard you really are bad at gloating not to mention you smell bad I guess living in the sewer didn't do so well for you.

Lizard: Another spider! Now things are getting interesting and I am going to enjoy of ripping you into pieces!

Shadow Spider: You can try lizard bitch.


Lizard charges at Shadow Spider while Ghost Spider looked worried until she looked at Shadow Spider's hand that started to glow as well as spark meaning something is going to happen.

Lizard: DIE!!

Shadow Spider: I don't think so. VENOM PUNCH!!!

Shadow Spider shot his fist at Lizard's gut that left the beast shocked and paralyzed not to mention felt a huge amount of pain in her gut. Ghost Spider was in awe and shock of what she just seen with her own eyes and never knew Shadow Spider could do something like that.

Ghost Spider: Whoah!

Lizard: Gah....cough! saids in pain and was ready to collapses)

Shadow Spider: I am The Shadow Spider and you are finished.

Lizard: Arghhh.......

Lizard then fell unconscious while still in pain after that attack delivered by Shadow Spider and when Shadow Spider saw the lizard was down he webbed her up in his strong spider webs so that she couldn't get free nor escape.

Shadow Spider: Well that was fun, wanna drop scaly and do some patrols.

Ghost Spider: THAT WAS AMAZING!!!! Oh my gosh what was that you just did.

Shadow Spider: It was my venom punch with it I can paralyze my enemies for hours giving me enough time to round them up and hall them off to prison.

Ghost Spider: I didn't know you can do that?

Shadow Spider: There are a lot things people don't know what I can do.

Ghost Spider: Still it would be cool if we can do that.

Shadow Spider: Come on let's get out of here and drop off scaly to the cops.

Ghost Spider: Sure.

After Shadow Spider and Ghost Spider left the sewers and handed Lizard over to the police who were shocked that Shadow Spider was able to catch one of the deadliest villainess's but told them that it was team job which both him and Ghost Spider took Lizard down together and it made the Ghost Spider smile under her mask. Soon both spiders were on top of the Eiffel Tower looking at the view of the city.

Shadow Spider: I have to apologize.

Ghost Spider: For what?

Shadow Spider: For my behavior towards you girls, I got too caught up in my past and have forgotten what it was like to be part of something great.

Ghost Spider: Hey you nothing to apologize for I get it all of us have a dark past that we couldn't let go I should know because I had one too.

Shadow Spider: How?

Ghost Spider: Back in New York I couldn't save a person that I cared about in my life and I never forgave myself for it but years later after meeting such wonder friends who looked after me and showed me a better path, I came to realize even though the past still haunts me I will always remember the good times I had with the special person in my life and he once said to me plant your feet and keep moving forward and thats what I been doing for the rest of my life.

Shadow Spider: Who was it?

Ghost Spider: My dad, he was a cop a great cop but then he lost his life during a fight and I never saw him again. And sadly my mom passed away before dad became a cop.

Shadow Spider: I am sorry for your loss.

Ghost Spider: Thank you, and what about you?

Shadow Spider: Before I became the Shadow Spider I was no one, I lived on the streets my whole life never knew my family because I don't remember them. Later I was adopted into a family of monks who taught me everything including to learn how to fend for myself and protect others, one of them became my father and he was good man he trained me himself along with those who I came to see as my family and I wouldn't be the man I am if it weren't for them.

Ghost Spider: Do you miss them.

Shadow Spider: I do, even though we're far apart I will always think of them in my heart and see them in my dreams.

Ghost Spider: So I would like to change the subject. I been meaning to ask you how did you get your spider powers if you didn't get bit by a spider.

Shadow Spider: Sigh..promise me to keep this a secret and don't tell anyone else especially your friends and the miracle force because I am not ready to tell them.

Ghost Spider: Of course I will be happy to keep a secret just between us.

Shadow Spider: To answer your question no I didn't get my spider powers from a spider bite I got them from the ring on my finger.(Shadow Spider saids and shows Ghost Spider his miraculous)

Ghost Spider: How did you get spider powers from a ring?

Shadow Spider: Because it's not an ordinary ring, it's a miraculous.

Ghost Spider: A mean like what the miracle force have.

Shadow Spider: Yea.

Ghost Spider: But how....there's never been a spider miraculous was there?

Shadow Spider: My father gave me this ring, I spent my whole life training of becoming of what I am and use my powers to help people.

Ghost Spider: If you say what is true then do you also have..

Shadow Spider: A kwami yes I do, her name is Spring. She and I have been through a lot together. And of course I know all about the miraculous since my father was a temple guardian.

Ghost Spider: But the miracle force said to us there's never been a male miraculous holder nor male guardians makes me wonder that you are not from around here are you.

Shadow Spider: No I am not I mean by here I mean in this universe. I come from another world Ghost Spider one that doesn't have you, the web maidens, White Tiger, Wolverine, Striperella, Jen 10, Phantom, these Woohp spies and the Villainess's you all face.

Ghost Spider gasped in pure shock of what she just listen to and sitting next to her is a miraculous holder from another world where none of the heroins exist not even her and it made sense because there's never been a male hero in their world in years not even one until now.

Ghost Spider: You're from another world....

Shadow Spider: Yea.

Ghost Spider: But if you are why are you here and not back home?

Shadow Spider: Back home I was betrayed by the team of heroes and when I mean a team of heroes I mean a group of miraculous holders just like the Miracle Force in which they were their counterparts.

Ghost Spider: Are you saying that the Miracle Force in your world their counterparts betrayed you is that why you refused to join other teams.

Shadow Spider: Yea at first, I thought the miracle force would be like them but I was wrong they are nothing like them sure they shared similarities to my old team but they are more smarter than them and more focused.

Ghost Spider: What made them betray you?

Shadow Spider: In my world we had a male villain named Hawk Moth who was a super villain who is also a miraculous holder but uses its power for evil by sending out dark butterflies called Akuma's that can take over peoples mind based off their negative emotion and once Hawk Moth finds that negative emotion he takes control of that person and turns them into super villains. Puppets and slaves to do his bidding.

Ghost Spider: Kind of like Paon Ombré who uses her miraculous for evil but to take over a person mind and turned them into villains that is scary.

Shadow Spider: Of course we also had a female villain named Mayura who is similar to Paon Ombré who summons monsters while using a dark feather called an Amok and no they don't call it Sentibeast where I came from they call them Sentimonster which is basically the same thing.

Ghost Spider: Ok and why did your former team betrayed you did this Hawk Moth have something to do with it.

Shadow Spider: Yes and along with someone I put in prison for her whole life.

Ghost Spider: Who?

Shadow Spider: A pathological liar who is a dangerous criminal who lies to get what she wants and use fake connections so that people would believe her and if people didn't believe her or expose her well she will make the persons life a living hell and thats what she did to me in my civilian life. She lied to my former friends who I knew for years and spread fake rumors about me hurting  her and doing awful things in which my former friends turned their backs on me including someone I used to be in love with and I was filled with nothing but rage and when she got Akumatized into a villain I let out my anger and attacked her where I broke her arm and due to my hatred Hawk Moth sensed my negative emotion and turned me into a dangerous and deadly version of my spider self in which I became the Savage Spider and I nearly killed my former teammates and when they cured me they kicked me out and called me a threat and a monster as well as a freak. I still remember the things I did.

Ghost Spider: My went through all of that and they just forgotten about you. How could they be so selfish!! They should have been there for you and stood by you how could they believe in someone with fake stories like that.

Shadow Spider: They didn't share a single brain cell after the girl came to my school and ruined my life but I am happy that she is locked in prison along with Hawk Moth and Mayura and had their miraculous taken away from them.

Ghost Spider: What was your villains goal?

Shadow Spider: Hawk Moth wanted to use the powers of the ladybug and cat miraculous to grant him a wish that could not only destroy the balance of the world but destroy it meaning many lives would be lost and the world will fall into chaos. When two of the most powerful miraculous are merged together then can grant the holder one wish but a wish that comes at a terrible price and the price is not a good one.

Ghost Spider: Did he not know about what wish could do?

Shadow Spider: He didn't care he let madness cloud his mind and for that it destroyed him and everything he ever worked for got thrown away just like him.

Ghost Spider: And the heroes if you can even call them that?

Shadow Spider: I never spoken to them after they kicked me out and later after I exposed the liar girl then I left and went back to the temple with my father and stayed there for a whole year. As for the heroes I don't care about them anymore and I will never forgive them not even those former friends of mine in school.

Ghost Spider: I am so sorry you had to go through so much in life Spider.

Shadow Spider: It's fine and I needed to get that out of my system.

Ghost Spider: But if you say what is true then how did you end up here in our world.

Shadow Spider: My father told me about a prophecy.

Ghost Spider: What kind of prophecy?

Shadow Spider: Once every hundred years a chosen miraculous holder is selected to got to a place and become another worlds protector basically speaking I was chosen by the temple guardians to be transported into a whole new world by opening a portal that would allow a miraculous holder to travel to another world. My father told me many have been chosen to be sent to other worlds but I didn't know I was one of them until he explained to me that I was worthy of going to a new world and at first I was going to deny the offer but realize that my past was still haunting me so I took the offer and decided to become the chosen holder to be sent to another world. Even though I will miss all at the teachers and students who were family and friends as well as my father who was wise and a good man to have been my adopted parent, I will always remember them in my heart and keep the memories of them for all time. So I took what I need and was later transported to a whole new world that looks like mine but different which is good even though it has its problems and dangers I will still learn to live with it for the rest of my life.

Ghost Spider: thats how you got here. And your father raised you well I would like to meet him if he ever came to our world.

Shadow Spider: I am sure you would like him. Promise me that you keep my secret.

Ghost Spider: Of course I will, after what you have done for me and my friends I would keep this between us and only us.

Shadow Spider: Thank you.

Ghost Spider: What other heroes do you have in your world?

Shadow Spider: Do you guys have the United Heroez in this world?

Ghost Spider: The Who now?

Shadow Spider: I guess not. They are basically a group of superheroes from New York. There are male and women heroes in the group and they fight together to protect the world.

Ghost Spider: And do they have boys in the miraculous group where you come from?

Shadow Spider: Yea they do.

Ghost Spider: I see and you are the only spider there.

Shadow Spider: Yea but here I am not.

Ghost Spider: You are truly something else Spider probably even more so.

Shadow Spider: So are you girls.

Ghost Spider: Wanna do those patrols together.

Shadow Spider: Sure. Race ya! WHOO-HOO!(Shadow Spider saids then jumps off the Eiffel Tower while doing a flip)

Ghost Spider: Hahahaha! Hey no fare!

Shadow Spider: Sorry but I get a head start! Try to keep up little spider!

Ghost Spider: Hey who you calling little!

Both Ghost Spider and Shadow Spider jumped off the tower together and shot their webs out and swung towards the city to do patrols but unknown to them two people were listening to the conversation in which were both Scarabella and LadyNoire.

LadyNoire: Shadow Spider is a miraculous holder?!

Scarabella: From another world and was betrayed by ourselves, no wonder he didn't want to team up with us I feel so bad for him now. Not to mentioned that he had villains who uses a miraculous for evil just like Paon Ombré.

LadyNoire: He also lost so much of his life due to what those people did in his world. Never knew someone would go through something so horrible. What should we do?

Scarabella: Keep this to ourselves, Shadow Spider can tell us when he is ready to open up more about himself. But I think we should talk to the guardian about the information of holders being transported to other worlds is possible.

LadyNoire: All right, though for once I never seen Shadow Spider look so excited that way I guess he just needed someone to help him through his tough time.

Scarabella: Yea come on wanna head back to home, I am sure Shadow Spider and Ghost Spider have the patrolling handled.

LadyNoire: Ok.

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