Chapter 5: More Heroins and Villainess's?

After Shadow Spider defeated his first villainess known as Electro as well as met with two of the spider maidens Spider-Girl, Ghost Spider along with White Tiger, he swung from building to building while also thinking about what Ghost Spider said to him about teaming up but after what happened in his universe he cannot deal with the same trauma again so it was best to fight the battles on his own until he decided rather or not to team up with others again.

Shadow Spider: Maybe I was a little too hard on them. I know what went down in my world and how my former teammates treated me after the whole Akuma and Lila incident I just can't get that feeling out of my head. Maybe I just need something to help me get distracted.

While swinging around Paris all of sudden Shadow Spider came to a halt and landed on to of a building and looked down to see what looks like a small theme park with people having a good time. He looked to see rides, games, good food as well as entertainment.

Shadow Spider: What do you know they have a theme park here just like back home but this one is packed with people. The one back home was never packed while this one is full of many people coming in, you know what maybe this could be the distraction I need. I could use some fun right about now, play some games and go on some rides just like the good times.

Shadow Spider jumped down from the building and landed inside the theme park and hid himself so no body can see him transform back into his civilian form.

Shadow Spider: Drop The Webs.(Shadow Spider saids then transforms back into Michael Troy)

Spring: What's going on Michael?

Michael: Nothing Spring, just came to this theme park to distract me.

Spring: Ooh I love the theme park!

Michael: That's why I decided to come here because I think this is something I need. I need some fun in my life and this place right here is where I can have fun.

Spring: Have to say, this version of theme park is a lot bigger than the one back home and I see a ton of people coming in.

Michael: Thats true Spring, there is a lot of people here. Might as well enjoy myself.

Michael came out of his hiding place and began to walk around the theme park in which he saw so many different rides and some of them looked new to him since this is a totally different version of Paris but looked to see that the games at stands look the same as well as the food stands. Spring smelt the food that was being made and it made the little Kwami drool but stopped when Michael gave her a look to wipe her mouth and she did but went to continue looking at the stuff at theme park while hiding inside her holders pocket.

Spring: Hey Michael check out that ride there. I think it looks like a roller coaster.

Michael: Let's go see.

Michael walked towards the front of the ride and got a good look of what the ride in which was indeed a roller coaster but a coaster that Michael never been on before and saids to be fast meaning that its a ride that Michael wouldn't mind going on.

Michael: Rock N Roller Coaster Aerosmith. Huh never seen that in my world, and its saids to be exciting as well as wicked fast. What do you think Spring wanna go on it?

Spring: Sounds fun and I do love fast rides.

Michael: Just stay in my pocket and try not to fall out.

Spring: I am always careful Michael.

Michael then saw the line for the ride and went to wait until it was his turn to go on the ride and while waiting four girls came and wanted to go on the ride as well in which they were in front of Michael who was waiting patiently until the next call to board the ride.

Excuse me, my friends and I are wondering if this is the line for the ride?

Michael: Hm? Why yes this is the line for the ride, I just got in line.(Michael saids to the girls and turns around to see them)

When the girls were about to thank the boy in front of them all of sudden their eyes widen as well as the blushes on their faces increased of seeing such a very handsome and attractive man in front of them that made their hearts thump like crazy while thinking one word in their heads and that was hot.

Girls: Whoah so attractive/Mm that's a boy right there/He's a cutie/Those muscles.(All girls said in thought while checking out the cute boy in front of them)

Michael: The wait for the line is five minutes so I just got here. Say you girls all right you look a little flush there?

Oh were all right it must be the heat. My name is Zatanna and these are my friends Artemis, Kara, and Cassie.

Michael: Pleasure to meet you girls, I'm Michael.

Zatanna: Nice to meet you to Michael.(Zatanna saids while still blushing)

Cassie: Look at those biceps and amazing ripped body.(Cassie saids in thought while looking at Michael's muscles)

Artemis: Tall, handsome, amazing blue eyes, not to mention god dam hot now that is man right there.(Artemis saids in thought)

Kara: Oh wow.....he's so tall, and his voice it's making me hot.(Kara saids in thought while fanning her face)

Michael: So you girls going on this ride as well.

Zatanna: Cough..yes Cassie saids it suppose to be fast and exciting.

Michael: Thats what it said on the sign I just read. I like rides that are full of excitement as well as go wicked fast.

Cassie: Really me too! I love rides that go so fast because it just brings out the thrill of the fun.

Michael:: Cool, what kind of rides do you girls like?

Zatanna: I like any ride except I hate waiting in the lines for hours.

Michael: Oh yea that is something I don't like, it's a good thing I always arrive early to the theme parks so I can get first in line.

Artemis: I basically like all the rides except for that one ride where you have to stand next to wall and the whole ride spins in a circle, I nearly got sick from going on that ride.

Michael: You mean that zero gravity ride, yea been on it didn't really feel the thrill of it. I just got stuck to the wall and thats mostly it.

Artemis: Exactly.

Kara: I like the same thing basically all the rides but the ferris wheel is my favorite because it shows a great view of the area.

Michael: That it does, I do like looking at great views of the area.

Zatanna/Artemis/Cassie/Kara: Maybe we can give you a good view too.(All said in thought)

After the five minutes have past Michael along with the girls were up next and as soon as they were at the front of the ride and looked to see there can only me too people for each cart, the girls were trying to think of who will go with Michael. Michael got in the front cart and strapped himself in while the girls were talking to see who will sit with Michael until all of sudden Zatanna got the opportunity to sit with Michael while the other girls were still talking.

Michael: Looks like we are riding together.

Zatanna: Hope you don't mind.

Michael: Not at all sweet Z.(Michael saids with a charming smile that made Zatanna blush even more)

Zatanna:(BA-DUMP!❤️).....Sweet Z.(Zatanna saids in thought)

Artemis/Cassie/Kara: OH COME ON?!(All said in thought while looking to see their friend Zatanna with Michael at the front)

Soon the girls got on the ride while Zatanna gave the girls a better luck next time look that left the girls to glare at their friend but stopped when Michael looked back at them with his charming smile and sparkly blue eyes that made them blush and feel more relax. The ride then started in which the carts blasted away in such great speed and everyone who was on the ride was having a blast even Michael who was screaming in joy along with the girls who were having the thrill of a life time. After the ride ended Michael had a face that said that was the greatest ride I have ever been on while the girls were thinking the same thing but were too focused on Michael to think about the ride.

Michael: Got to admit that was something.

Cassie: I'll say best roller coaster ride ever.

Michael: Well maybe not the best but if I ever go on the others I will see which one was better.

Kara: Say Michael all of us are hanging out together here would you like to tag along with us.

Michael: Hm, I got no plans for today and it wouldn't hurt to hangout with new people sure why not.

Artemis: Great you can start by winning us some prizes.

Michael: Wait what?

The girls took Michael to the stands where each of them wanted what they wanted and Michael had to play to win them which he didn't mind as long as he is having fun. Michael went up the stand where you have to shoot an arrow at the target in order to win the prize in which Michael knew about shooting arrows after spending his time with the guardians at the temple back in his universe. Michael took the bow n arrow and shot his targets dead in the center that left the girls in awe that Michael shot the targets perfectly in the center without messing up. Admittedly after getting more targets in the center, Michael won Zatanna a black wolf plushy, Artemis a pitbull plushy, Cassie a horse plushy, and Kara a white dog plushy. Soon everyone felt hungry and decided to get some food at a stand and sit together while talking to one another.

Artemis: Where did you learn how to shoot arrows like that?

Michael: Years of practice, I started at the age of five and took me couple tries to get the form right but after I got older I grew to become highly skilled in archery.

Zatanna: Thats very impressive Michael.

Cassie: What else can you do besides archery?

Michael: I am highly skilled in martial arts, I basically know every form of kung fu, karate and taijutsu. I spent years training to become what I am while under the guidance of my teachers and fellow classmates.

Artemis: I definitely got to see him in action one day.(Artemis saids in thought)

Kara: Your parents must be proud of you.


Michael heard what Kara said then looked away that got the girls attention and saw the look on Michaels face meaning something was wrong.

Kara: Michael did I say something wrong?

Michael: I don't have any parents...I never knew them. I lived my life on the streets and learned how to survive on my own. I was brought to a group of people who looked after me for so many years and once I got older I decided to leave and live a new life on my own.(Michael saids that made all the girls gasp in shock and sadness that Michael never had a childhood nor had a family)

Zatanna: Michael were sorry we didn't know.

Michael: It's all right really, I am used to it. After I left my former home I decided to come to Paris and start my new life here in which I just arrived a couple days ago so I am still settling in for the time being. I used have a great life back home but things went down hill and not in a good way so I thought coming to Paris will help me forget about my past and help me move on.

Artemis: If you don't mind why did you decided to leave? I'm not saying you don't have to tell us I am just wondering why?

Michael: Went to school for three years, made lots of friends, lived a good life and fell in love with a girl who brought happiness to my heart.(Michael saids that made the girls smile but got jealous that Michael had a girlfriend)

Michael: Life was going great for me until someone new came to school and turned my life into a living hell.

Kara: What happened?

Michael: Sigh..a new girl from Italy came in and spilled lies to the whole school and it turned out she was a pathological liar who lies to get what she wants, she told fake stories to my classmates who ate it all up without fact checking the sources in which they didn't share a single brain cell. She manipulated them, promised them fake dream jobs, told lies to make her look like the victim, made a mockery out of me and thats what she did. She told lies about stuff I did to her and my former classmates who I knew for three years turned their backs on me and called me a liar, bully, and a bad person who they think I was doing harm to the girl but in reality she was the one causing the problems not me. The whole school turned their backs on me even the girl who I used to love broke my heart after the girl showed the class fake pictures of me with other people that was clearly photoshopped but no matter what I did to expose the girl, the class and my ex didn't believe me and just turned away from me.

Artemis: Jesus...I heard of people like that but to be able to do something so horrible is just wrong.

Kara: Is the girl you know still around?(Kara saids while also inside wanted to find the girl who tell lies and break her in which the others were thinking the same thing)

Michael: No, she's in prison right now because I was able to expose her for the monster she truly is. Turns out she was not only a pathological liar but also a wanted fugitive who was responsible for the deaths of countless students from different schools as well as lying about famous celebrities who gave the girl lawsuits but it turns out causing the deaths of students that is something she has been doing for a long time, manipulating people to fall for her lies as well as get those to turn on others that causes them to kill themselves. So the girl is spending her life time in prison far away from me. After that I left my former home and sent a video to my former classmates that I will never be returning to them or forgiving them for what they all did to me and as for my ex well it is best that she moves on and forgets about me since this all happened about a year ago and I am already moving on with my new life.

When Michael finished, the girls were in both shocked, horrified, angry as well as sad that brought tears into their eyes that Michael went through such a horrible life and was betrayed by those who thought were his friends and a girl who causes nothing but harm and destruction.

Zatanna: that why you moved get away from what you have experienced.

Michael: Yea...

Artemis: What was the name of this girl who did such bad things to you.

Michael: I don't want to talk about it or mention her god dam name. Though I am happy that she is locked up in prison where she belongs.

Cassie: I take that your former classmates didn't get their dream jobs that they wanted.

Michael: Nope and I don't really much care. It was their own fault for not fact checking their sources in the first place.

Kara: And all of this happened a year ago?

Michael: Yea.

Zatanna: We're sorry you had to go through such a tragic life Michael.

Michael: Thanks for your concerns. I'm over it now, and right now I want to settle down and start my whole new life here. Also I am taking a break from relationships, I'm not ready to be with anyone else because of what happened with my ex.

Artemis: Though would you consider making new friends for the time being.

Michael: Actually I already have, I met a lot of new people when I came to Paris and they have great lives as well as plans for their future which I am still trying to find mine.

Cassie: Thats good you're moving on and making new friends to help forget about your old life.

Michael: Yea and who knew that Paris had heroins here, I mean that was a shocker when I first arrived here.

Kara: What kind of heroins did you see?

Michael: I bumped into a couple of them like Spider-Girl, Ghost Spider and White Tiger though I never seen the others like those Miracle Force girls as well as the other heroines like Stripperella, Wolverine, Silk, Water Spider, and Electric Spider. I already done research on them as well as the villainess's they faced.

Cassie: Well did you know there is more of them out there.

Michael: There is? I never knew that.

Zatanna: Yea they are amazing and they work well together to stop their enemies from harming innocent lives.

Michael: What are their names?

Kara: Well there is SuperGirl who has super human strength, has the ability of flight, can shoot lasers from her eyes, x-way vision to see through solid matter, impervious skin, and super speed.

Michael: And let me guess she wears a fancy cape and has a big S on her chest.

Kara: How did you know?

Michael: Wait she does, I was just guessing.

Artemis: Green Arrow is the archer of the team, she is highly skilled fighter as well as brilliant with a bow n arrow. She doesn't need powers to fight since she likes to fight the way she always wants to fight her battles. She wears a green suit and carries around high tech bow.

Michael: She seems cool.

Cassie: WonderGirl is amazing, super human strength, bullet proof bracelets, impervious skin, carries around a lasso that can reveal a persons hidden secrets and the person that is caught by the lasso called the lass of truth cannot resists its power. She can also fly as well just like SuperGirl.

Zatanna: Lastly there is MagicGirl, her abilities relay on sorcerer of magic like spells. Her gifts make her a great addition to the team. She can use her magic to help the team win battles as well as use spells that can deflect and defend and many others.

Michael: Wow that is a shocker, two super powered girls, one magic and one highly skill archer. I might have to read about them if I get the chance.

Cassie: Oh there is also Jen 10, Kim Possible, Black Cat, Black Panther, and Phantom. As well as a group of super spies from an organization called Woohp.

Michael: Who are they?

Kara: You never heard of them?

Michael: Uh I am new here so how could I possibly know what goes on in Paris.

Zatanna: He's right Kara. He is new here and still settling in.

Kara: Right sorry, anyway Phantom is a girl who has ghost like powers Michael.

Michael: Ghost powers? You mean like she can fly, go through walls, turn invisible, like an actual ghost, never knew that ghost would be real.

Zatanna: That they are Michael, Paris had some experience with ghost appearing out of nowhere causing chaos but thanks to Phantom she is able to handle the situation.

Michael: I see, what does she look like?

Artemis: Tan skin, green eyes, snow white hair while wearing black and white jumpsuit with a DP logo on her chest.

Michael: DP whats that stand for?

Cassie: Her full name is Dani Phantom but decided to just use Phantom.

Michael: Got it and what about this Jen 10 is that really her name?

Artemis: Her full name is Jennifer Tennyson or Jen for short. Jen is well know in the world since she doesn't really need to costume because she has this watch that allows her to transform into many different alien heroin forms.

Michael: Whoah back up, you mean aliens are real just like ghost. Wow I have definitely got to get out more and see the world.(Michael saids that made the girls giggle)

Zatanna: That's right Michael, aliens do exist and well we have some encounters and troubles with them day after day but Jen always wins every fight while using her alien heroine forms. Each form comes with their set of unique abilities and they all come in so many shapes and sizes.

Michael: So she just goes out into the open without a costume or a mask but just has a watch that turns her into aliens.

Kara: Yup thats right. Some heroines don't need mask because well people here are sometimes delusional and can't figure who the heroin is with or without the mask.

Michael: And these spies who are they and what do they do? Also who are these two more cat heroin as well as this Kim Possible?

Zatanna: The Woohp spies are a group of highly trained girls who battle criminals as well as dangerous villainesses that want to take over the world. Woohp is a secret organization of hero protection.

Michael: I see and are they skilled.

Artemis: They are especially while using their gadgets to help them win battles. They are great heroines even though they do not have powers.

Zatanna: Black Cat is a heroin similar to Lady Noire minus the magical suit. She has incredible speed and strength as well as clever hiding skills. She wears a black jumpsuit and a black mask. Her hair is as white as snow.

Cassie: Not to mention she's a big flirt. She likes to do it a lot more than Lady Noire.

Michael: Great another flirting cat just what I need.(Michael saids in thought)

Artemis: Black Panther, oh Michael you will love her. Highly skilled fighter, smart, clever, Vibranium suit, sharp claws, and knows how to chill.

Michael: Vibranium what is that?

Kara: Vibranium is a metal that came from space and it's the most rare and impervious metal in the world and can be only found in Black Panthers homeland Wakanda.

Michael: I never heard of a place called Wakanda, might have to look it up and see for myself.(Michael saids in thought)

Cassie: Lastly there is Kim Possible, she is a world hero just like others. She goes around helping people and stopping baddies. She doesn't have powers but she has great skills in hand to hand combat as well as martial arts. And her reflexes she those skills for being a cheerleader.

Michael: Impressive. Very impressive. I might have to more research on theses other heroines so I know what they do for the world.

Cassie: Hey speaking of heroes did you hear about that new hero in town, the one in that dark spider suit.

Artemis: You mean Shadow Spider, yea I saw him on the news and seen what he did.

Kara: I am still shocked that there's a boy hero, I mean I never met a boy hero before as a matter of fact I don't think I ever saw one until days ago.

Cassie: When I saw him go into the building to save that innocent baby who was trapped in the fire, I thought I was going to have a heart attack until the explosion came but then I saw Shadow Spider dropped down safely with the baby in arms now that took some guts to do something like that.

Artemis: I don't understand how he is still alive after going into the building that was on fire.

Cassie: Maybe his suit is fire proof. Just like WonderGirl's and SuperGirl's.

Zatanna: I wonder where got his power from.

Artemis: Probably the same thing as the web maidens.

Cassie and Kara: Bitten by a spider and boom powers.

Zatanna: What do you think Michael?

Michael: Who knows could be a mystery, we might never know. But tell me are there other villainess's here since I read about the others.

Kara: Actually there are, theres Cheetah who was once a human being until she injected herself with a serum that turned her into an animal who uses her gifts to steal and harm innocent people who get in her way.

Cassie: She's basically a woman that looks like a cheetah and acts like one.

Michael: I see and the others.

Artemis: Lady Shiva, basically an assassin that is trained to fight and kill. Also she is very clever if you ever encounter her and can easily fend you off without giving a crack at her.

Zatanna: Killer Frost, is a villainess that has ice powers but she is not friendly she's un-friendly and turn a person into an ice statue or freeze them so they cannot escape.

Kara: Banshee is a girl who has a sonic screech that comes from her vocal cords and once she releases it, it can create a sound that can harm a humans hearing or worse. Skull tattoo face while dressed as someone who is gulf with white hair and grey eyes.

Michael: I have to check these girls online and see what else they can do.(Michael saids in thought)

Artemis: As for Jen 10's enemies there is Label.

Michael: What kind of villainess name is Label?

Zatanna: She's basically like an evil twin of Jen but is actually an alien trapped in a body that looks like Jen in which she too has an alien watch like Jen but Label uses it to destroy Jen.

Michael: Wow that's crazy.

Kara: The last three are EightEight who is an intergalactic bounty hunter along with Fistina who is an alien with cyborg body and then there is Swift who can glide with her wings and shoot lasers from her eyes and tail.

Michael: What about Phantom's enemies?

Artemis: There's no information about how many enemies she has.

Michael: So let's state the fact that she has so many that no one knows who they are.

Girls: Yup.

Michael: And the Woohp spies enemies?

Girls: Classified.

Michael: Oh.

After a while Michael had a decent conversation with the girls who enjoyed spending their time with Michael who latter exchanged numbers with him that made the girls smile that they now get to call or text him if he wants to hangout with either of them. Then after their talk and food they went back to have fun at the theme park where they went on more rides and played more games and won so many prizes and the last ride they went on was the ferris wheel. When they have finished Michael looked at the time and thought about calling it a day until next time.

Michael: Thanks for a fun time girls really appreciated.

Zatanna: Glad you enjoy it Michael and thanks for spending time with us. We had fun.

Cassie: Let's do this again another day.

Michael: Sure just pick a day that you are free and we can all hangout together.

Zatana/Kara/Cassie/Artemis: Or you can hangout with just me.(All said in thought)

Michael: Well might as well head home, it was nice meeting you four, look forward to seeing you again.

Artemis: You too Michael though would you li........


The conversation ended quickly when they all heard an explosion nearby and went to see what it was until they looked to see three villainess's causing chaos. The first one was woman that looked like a Cheetah, the second was blue with white hair and was blasting ice, and last one was with a skull face and was shouting out sonic screeches from her mouth meaning what Michael was looking at was Cheetah, Killer Frost, and Banshee.

Michael: Looks like those three are the villainess's that were mentioned to me. Better change and take care of the situation but I will have to leave the girls, I am sure they will find somewhere to hi......and they are gone.(Michael saids then looks to see that the girls were already gone)

Spring: Looks like we have a job to do Michael.

Michael: Looks that way Spring. Better do the same thing I did with Electro, learn from my enemy, find a weak point exploit it and then go for the finish.

Michael ran into an abandoned game stand where the theme park workers ran for their lives away from the villainess's causing problems and once alone Michael said the words.

Michael: Spring, Release The Webs!

Once transformed Shadow Spider shot his web towards the Ferris Wheel and landed on top of the ride where he looked down and saw the villainess's but also others who were fighting them in which Shadow Spider looked to see a green archer fighting against Cheetah with a girl using a lasso to help the archer against the female cat, while a girl dressed like a magician was using some kind of energy from some words she said and was facing off against Killer Frost. Then lastly was a girl wearing a red cape with the letter S on her chest was facing Banshee meaning that these girls were the heroins that Michael was told about.

Shadow Spider: So thats Green Arrow, SuperGirl, WonderGirl, and MagicGirl. Guess the girls were right, there are other heroins here.

Shadow Spider eyes the battle that was taking place in which the heroines were getting the upper hand against their enemies but sooner or later the villainess's always come on top and thats where Black Spider will spring into action. Black Spider studied the villainess's and their abilities and how the spider hero can handle them. Black Spider saw that Banshee gets her powers from her throat where the screech comes out so he will have to web up her mouth shut so she doesn't yell, Cheetah moves just like an actual cheetah with both killer claws on both feet and hands while sharp fangs so he would need to knock her out cold so he can trap her, and lastly Killer Frost who uses ice powers, Black Spider knows one thing that can harm ice and that is heat.

Shadow Spider: I know what I have to do to stop these women. I will do one at a time, Banshee is first.

On the ground Banshee was facing SuperGirl who was using her laser vision to shoot Banshee but the villainess dodged the attack and yet out her sonic screech towards SuperGirl.

When Banshee's screeched hit SuperGirl, the blonde super heroin hearing was starting to hurt a lot in which she crushed her ears tight to avoid Banshee's power while the villainess's was coming towards her.

SuperGirl: ARGH.......Can't....hold....much.....longer.....

Banshee moved closer towards SuperGirl but then all of sudden her mouth gets webbed up tight that left Banshee confused of what just happened until out of nowhere a fist comes her way delivered by Shadow Spider himself.

Banshee then soon got hit towards the wall and fell unconscious but was soon later webbed up by Shadow Spider who made sure that the villainess wouldn't get loose.

Shadow Spider: One down two to go.

SuperGirl: Argh...what happened?

Shadow Spider: You all right SuperGirl.

SuperGirl looked up and gasp of who she was seeing with her own eyes and that was Shadow Spider himself then looked to see Banshee knocked out cold and completely webbed up.

SuperGirl: It's you!

Shadow Spider: Thought you could use a hand.

SuperGirl: You saved me from Banshee.

Shadow Spider: Figure she's gets her power from that screech of hers so I webbed it shut so that she can't use it and then delivered the blow that knocked her out cold.

SuperGirl: Did you just arrive here?

Shadow Spider: I was already here, I was watching from above. I was studying your enemies one by one, monitoring their abilities, finding a weak spot, exploit it and then go for the finish. Have you girls ever thought about doing that.

SuperGirl: Uh....

Shadow Spider: I will take that as a no. To defeat your enemy you must learn from them, and find out their weakness otherwise they're just gonna hammer you down the hard way.

SuperGirl: He actually makes a really good point there.(SuperGirl saids in thought)

Shadow Spider: Now that Banshee is taken care of time to get Cheetah.

SuperGirl: Wait how are you going to beat her?

Shadow Spider: You will soon find out.

Shadow Spider swung away while SuperGirl followed and wants to see what the boy hero is going to do. With Green Arrow and WonderGirl both were facing Cheetah together where the female cat was attacking the girls with incredible speed and cat like reflexes. Cheetah attacked WonderGirl and clawed the heroin in the back then kicked her towards the theme park rides. Green Arrow fired arrows at Cheetah but the villainess's was too fast to get hit with the arrows. When Green Arrow found out that she was running out of arrows to fire and used her bow to attack Cheetah all of sudden the villainess kicked the bow out of heroines hand and delivered a kicked to the gut from Cheetah where now Green Arrow was on the ground.

Green Arrow: Argh....

Cheetah: Well that was fun, I will have to get my claws a manicure after I claw your face off. So tell me little girl any last words you want to say.

Green Arrow: Go to hell cat bitch.

Cheetah: I will take that as a compliment anything else to say.

Shadow Spider: I got one hows about looking behind you!

Cheetah: Who said.......

Cheetah didn't finish her words as she was slammed from behind by Shadow Spider himself that made Green Arrow looked upon the one who saved her in shock and awe.

Green Arrow: It's him...

Shadow Spider: You good Green Arrow.

Green Arrow: Yea, I'm good thanks for the save.

Shadow Spider: No problem.

Cheetah: Argh...who did that?!

Shadow Spider: Why hello there.

Cheetah: Another spider? You have got to be kidding me. How many spider people are there.

Shadow Spider: Lots but this one right here is going to be one to take you down.

Cheetah: Hehehe, and how are you going to do that?

Shadow Spider: Oh like this, Green Arrow grab on!(Shadow Spider stretches out his arm to Green Arrow who takes it and then all of sudden Shadow Spider swings her around and then did something got Green Arrow thinking until she smirked of the idea that Shadow Spider was doing)

When Shadow Spider spin Green Arrow around, the heroin let go of Shadow Spider's arm and delivered a kick to Cheetah's face in which the villainess didn't see it coming and was soon banged into a car.

Shadow Spider: Good kick.

Green Arrow: Creative idea, how did you know it would work.

Shadow Spider: My battle plans never failed me, now to deliver the final blow.

Cheetah got up from her attack and was about to charge and attack the heroes when all of sudden Shadow Spider did a flip over Cheetah then webbed her and lifted her up into the air and then slammed her body on top of the car knocking her out cold.

Green Arrow was in awe of what Shadow Spider just did and was impressed by the guys skills even SuperGirl who was floating in the air saw the whole thing and not just them but WonderGirl who came out of the destroyed theme park ride saw the whole thing that left the girl speechless.

WonderGirl: Whoah.....

Green Arrow and SuperGirl: Yea..

Shadow Spider: Two down one to go.(Shadow Spider saids while webbing Cheetah with his strong spider webs)

With MagicGirl, she was facing off against Killer Frost who was firing ice spears at the girl who was deflecting the attacks with her spells and magic.  MagicGirl was running out of options to get close to Killer Frost when all of sudden a certain someone dropped down next to MagicGirl.

Shadow Spider: Need some help.

MagicGirl: It's you..Shadow Spider.(MagicGirl saids in awe of seeing the hero face to face)

Shadow Spider: I know a way to beat her.

MagicGirl: How?

Shadow Spider: Her powers are ice correct.

MagicGirl: That's right.

Shadow Spider: And do you know what melts ice.

MagicGirl: Heat!

Shadow Spider: Exactly use a spell to create a fire circle around Killer Frost and once she is venerable I will go in and finish her.

MagicGirl: Let's do it.

On Shadow Spider signal, the hero shot a web towards one of the rides and landed on top and looked to see Killer Frost still shooting her ice at MagicGirl until Shadow Spider shot a web at Killer Frost to distract her.

Killer Frost: Oh great another spider to squish.

Shadow Spider: Like to see you try!

Killer Frost shot ice blocks at Shadow Spider who didn't hurt him due to his miraculous strength in which the hero just punched the ice blocks while MagicGirl works on the spell that Shadow Spider mentioned to her.

MagicGirl: Cercle Phenix!

MagicGirl said the spell and soon Killer Frost was surrounded by flames that were heating up all around the villainess and her ice powers were weakening meaning that Shadow Spider's plan was working and when the hero found an opening, he swung down in full speed and punched Killer Frost that made the villainess get smashed into the wall then fell unconscious follow by being webbed up by Shadow Spider.

Shadow Spider: That's all three of them.

WonderGirl: IT'S REALLY YOU!!!

Shadow Spider heard and looked to see WonderGirl running towards him with a big smile on her face and once she was close to the hero she went all fan girl over him.

WonderGirl: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh I can't believe I am meeting the Shadow Spider in person and he helped us beat the villainess's. You were awesome no wait you were spectacular!!

Shadow Spider: Uh thanks.

Green Arrow: Sorry about her she's get over excited when she meets someone new.

Shadow Spider: I can tell.(Shadow Spider saids in thought)

MagicGirl: Thank you for your help Spider, we wouldn't be able to take them down if it wasn't for your idea's of action.

SuperGirl: He told me that we should learn from our enemies and find their weakness's and exploit them so that way we know how to defeat them in battle without any problems.

Green Arrow: Not a bad idea, why didn't we think of that before.

Shadow Spider: I guess you just needed someone to show you the way.

WonderGirl: You were incredible, I never met a boy hero before. Not one who is so strong and mysterious.

Shadow Spider: I been getting that a lot lately. As much I want to stick around, I have things to do. Though it was nice to meet you girls. See you around, and don't worry about the villainess's my webbing is a lot stronger than the web maidens so they wont be going anywhere.

MagicGirl/Green Arrow/WonderGirl/SuperGirl: What a guy.(All said in thought while admiring the spider hero)

Shadow Spider shot his web and left leaving the super girls who were watching the male hero leave until the police came and took away the villainess's and put on heavy tight chains and devices to block their powers and once that was done the heroines left to patrol the city while thinking about two people and that was Shadow Spider and the Michael Troy who they look forward to see again soon. Black Spider landed in an alleyway and changed back into his civilian form and headed out to head back home.

Spring: That was brilliant of what you did back at the theme park Michael.

Michael: Thanks Spring.

Spring: You gave those girls some good advice and I hope they use it when they face their enemies again.

Michael: I know they will, they are heroines of this world after all.

Spring: Thats the only thing, it looks like you made more new friends and got their numbers.

Michael: Yea I did, they were nice people as well as great heroins.

Spring: Wait a minute..what did you mean great heroins?

Michael: Those girls I met are the heroins I can see the resemblance between each of them. Zatanna is Magic Girl, Kara is Supergirl, Cassie is WonderGirl, and Artemis is Green Arrow. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure them out especially when both Zatanna, Cassie, and Kara don't wear mask and I can tell that was Artemis under the mask.

Spring: Wow who would have guessed that four girls are the heroines and you figure them out on your own.

Michael: Yea but other than them being heroines I do think they are wonderful to be around.

Spring: And have well behaved manners towards you and you showed them respect.

Michael: I did. Look forward to hanging out with them along with the others I have met and got their numbers.

Srping: So now that you know that they are the heroines are you going to tell them who you are?

Michael: I will just keep that part in mind but maybe in due time I will reveal myself.

Spring: Very well and say after that fight you had with those villainess's I am getting a little thirsty can we stop over and get something to drink.

Michael: What are you in the mood for?

Spring: I can go for a cookies and cream smoothie.

Michael: Well you are in luck because there's a smoothie building up ahead.

Michael walked up the smoothie place where he got a good look at it up close and for some reason the character on the place looked kind of cartoony and funny looking but checked out the menu and saw so many different smoothie choices to pick.

Spring: Ms.Smoothy? I don't remember this place being in our world?

Michael: Because it doesn't exist where we came from. This is a totally different world but it does look like it has good smoothies and they have cookies and cream.

Spring: YA!

Smoothie Worker: Hello and welcome to Ms.Smoothy how can I help you.

Michael: Hello I will like one cookies and cream smoothie please with whip cream on top.

Smoothie Worker: Coming right up sir.

Spring: Ooh whip cream on top I like that even more!(Spring saids in thought)

Smoothie Worker: Here you are sir one cookies and cream smoothie with whip cream on top.

Michael: Thank you ma'am keep the change.

Smoothie Worker: Why thank you, enjoy.

Michael: I will.

Michael sat down by a table and tried the smoothie that turned out to be delicious and when he gave Spring a sip she too enjoyed the taste of the smoothie until both agreed to come back here for smoothies all the time. While they were enjoying the smoothie a girl came up to them in which Spring saw a girl heading towards her and her holder and hid inside Michaels pocket until the girl who was near the table spoke.

Excuse me mind if I sit here all the tables are full.

Michael: Hm? Oh yea sure I don't mind. Help yourself.


Michael looked to see the girl who had long brown hair, green eyes, brown skirt wearing black socks, green and white shoes, and a shirt with the number ten on the chest until Michael thought of something that the girls back the theme park mentioned about someone named Jen 10 meaning that this girl sitting in front of Michael is that Jen 10.

Jen: OH MY GOSH THIS GUY IS SO HOT!!!!💚 (Jen saids in thought while blushing at the cute boy in front of her)

Michael: So she must be Jen 10, the heroin as well as the girl who can turn into aliens with that watch she is wearing on her wrist.(Michael saids in thought)

Michael: name is Michael nice to meet you.

Jen: I'm Jen....Jennifer Tennyson but you can just call me Jen for short.(Jen saids while blushing)

Michael: Nice to meet you Jen.

Jen: Same here, never seen you around here before.

Michael: I am new to Paris, arrived here couple days ago. Still getting settled into my new home.

Jen: That's cool. For me I just got back from fighting another alien who was causing trouble down town.

Michael: I take it that you're Jen 10, the girl who can transform into alien heroines while using that watch on your wrist correct.

Jen: So you know of me.

Michael: I just found out today about you along with the other heroines here in Paris and their enemies. I did online research.

Jen: Well maybe when the next alien fight shows up, you can watch me in action.

Michael: Uh don't you think it is dangerous for you to expose yourself in the open.

Jen: Don't worry I do this all the time, if a villainess shows up, I just press down the watch, turn into an alien and boom I kick butt I win and the villainess is defeated.

Michael: Well just be careful because you don't want your enemies coming after the ones close to your heart.

Jen: I make sure something like that never happens and besides my family and friends do the same thing I am doing, saving the world, fighting aliens while keeping the those close safe.

Michael: All right. But you don't let fame get in the way right?

Jen: I am not really into fame or money, I do this to help people who can't defend themselves like all heroines do.

Michael: That's good to know.

Jen's watch: Jen we got another alien breakout in sector twelve ninety get here as soon as you can.

Jen: Sigh..I will be right there.

Michael: Looks like you are needed once more.

Jen: Seems that way, but before I go here.(Jen saids and hands Michael a paper)

Michael: Whats this?

Jen: Call me or text me because I want to show you what I do sometime.

Michael: Oh okay, well I should give you mine.

Jen: I'M GETTING HIS NUMBER EEEEEEE!!!!💚 (Jen saids in thought with excitement)

Michael: Here you go.

Jen: Thanks. Now it's heroin time!(Jen saids and turns the watch that is selecting an alien in which Michael was looking at the many different aliens on the watch)

Michael: I guess aliens do exist here in this universe.(Michael saids in thought)

Jen: Xlr8 here we go!(Jen saids and slams the watch where she engulfed in a green flash of light)

Michael shielded his eyes of the green light and when it dyed down all of sudden he didn't see Jen but what looked like a blue reptile with a helmet on wheels while also showing the same logo from Jen's watch on the chest.

Jen(Xlr8): Xlr8! So Michael what do you think?

Michael: You just turned into a lizard on wheels.

Jen(Xlr8): Yup this is one my alien heroines, Xlr8 with this alien I have super speed and speaking of speed I got a run, have to stop another alien see you later Michael!

Jen saids while Xlr8 ran so fast that Michael was in awe of how fast Jen ran even Spring saw this too and she was speechless what she just richness.

Michael: This world can't get anymore stranger.

Spring: A-huh.

Michael: Aliens, ghost, heroines and villainess's yea one weird universe but it's my new home have to deal with it.

Spring: And you got another girls number, just how many numbers are you getting that are from girls.

Michael: No clue. I need some sleep.

Michael headed back home, took a nice shower and once done he plopped into his bed and drifted off into sleep while trying to process the new information he got from the new friends and heroines he met.

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