Chapter 4: Faces from the past but with different names and lives!

After Michael aka Shadow Spider had his talk with the two heroines of Paris as well as saved the life of another civilian named Gwen and took her back to her place to rest, the spider hero decided to do some patrols around the city to see if there is anyone else need of saving but after spending hours searching the area and looked at the time that it was starting to get late and so he shrug back to his place and changed back into his civilian form.

Spring: So how did it go Michael?

Michael: Sigh well I have to say they are not like the Ladybug and Cat Noir back home though Lady Noire acts like Cat Noir except she flirts with boys so that is similar to what Cat Noirs does and as for Scarabella at first I thought she would be like Ladybug but she is completely different and more honest including that she knows intel information pretty well.

Spring: See I told you that they are different from the holders back home.

Michael: Yea but I am still not teaming up with them because I am not going through that same situation again.

Spring: I know you felt that way after what happened back home Michael but maybe you could possibly in your heart gives these new people a chance who knows maybe they might surprise you.

Michael: I will give it some thought Spring. Scarabella did fill me in with information about the vileness's in this world and I think I will look them up tomorrow.

Spring: Well at least there is no Hawk Moth or Mayura here.

Michael: True but they did say about a person named Paon Ombré and she uses SentiBeast to attack Paris.

Spring: You mean SentiMonster right?

Michael: I guess they changed the name here, but we will worry about that later for now let's get some sleep.

Spring: YAWN!..Sounds good to me.

Michael: Good night Spring.

Spring: Good night Michael see you in the morning.

Meanwhile with Gwen, after she was saved by the masked hero known as Shadow Spider she couldn't get the guy out of her head and the way he fought those thugs who tried to attack her was something to be amazed especially how highly skilled Shadow Spider fought them on his own and they couldn't even touch him. Then after Shadow Spider left, Gwen went ahead and called her friend Petra to come over along with the others so Gwen can informed them of what she encountered.

Half and hour later Gwen heard a knock on her door and looked to see her roommate Petra along with Ava, Laura, and Cindy. She invited them all in and once they were inside Gwen can informed them of what happened couple hours ago because they are in for something new.

(Edit for Petra was done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Petra: I got your call Gwen what is that you wanted me and the girls here for?

Gwen: I called you girls here because I encountered something interesting and yet mysterious.

Ava: And what would that be and why do you have bandages on you?

Cindy: Gwen were you attacked by one of the villainess's?

Gwen: No I wasn't though I got jumped by some thugs after coming out of the music store if you are wondering.

Petra: What?! Gwen why didn't you text me and we could have gotten to you on time.

Gwen: Petra I'm fine really there is nothing to worry about and besides someone else already took care of those thugs who attacked me.

Ava: Really who? Was it the cops?

Gwen: No actually it was a boy.

Petra: You got saved by a boy.

Gwen: Actually yes a boy but a boy in a spider suit.

Petra: Oh not this again, a boy pretending to be a spider now I am seeing everything.

Gwen: Petra this guy is not a pretender I saw what he can and he is highly skilled. I never seen anything like it, the way he took down those thugs in front of me was anything I couldn't possibly do. He just came out of nowhere and took down the thugs who tried to harm me and I wouldn't be standing if it wasn't for that guy in the spider suit.

Ava: Did you at least get his name.

Gwen: He calls himself Shadow Spider, have to say when I met him he is a mature kind of guy though for some reason he feels off probably something to do with his personal life.

Petra: A boy spider here in Paris what are the odds.

Laura: Actually Gwen could be right about the whole Shadow Spider guy.

Cindy: How would you know that Laura?

Laura: Because they're talking about him on the news now, see for yourself.(Laura saids while turning on the news channel)

All the girls gathered around the television and looked to see that was Gwen was right about there being a boy spider in which all of them except for Gwen were in absolute shock as well as in awe that they never knew something like this would appear in Paris under their noses.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Cindy: I guess you weren't bluffing about there being a boy in a spider suit.

Laura: Not bad of a suit.(Laura saids in thought while eyeing the spider guy on the screen)

News Reporter: Greeting people of Paris, this is Paris News reporting to live with some interesting and shocking news that we discovered. It all started this evening where a large fire was spread and many civilians were trapped inside the place but luckily fire department and the police were able to get everyone out in time so they wouldn't be caught in the fire. But then news got out that child was still trapped inside the place while the fire was still spreading and the mother of that child was dispersed to get inside the building and save her child but police held her back and told the mother that it was too dangerous to go in until both the heroines LadyNoire and Scarabella arrived on the scene.

Cindy: Well thats good to know, at least they arrived and I can tell they went in and saved the mothers child.

Ava: Keep watching and we will find out.

News Reporter: When the heroines arrived on the scene the mother asked the two females to go and save her child but unfortunately the fire was spreading quickly and the heroines were trying to figure out a way to go in and save the child but the smoke and fire were growing fast and the mother of the child was getting worried until out of nowhere he came. When all hope was lost for the child trapped inside the building, something came swinging towards the burning building and reporters stated that it looked like a man dressed as one of the Web Maidens but for some reason he wore a black suit and was shooting webs out of his wrist and then when this stranger saw the fire and heard the mother's cries to help save her baby, the spider burst through the window and headed inside the building.

Petra: He went into a burning building on his own! That's suicide!!

Gwen: It looked like he knows what he is doing Petra, let's just see what happens.

When the girls looked at the screen and saw the fire was spreading more and more as well as looked upon the mother of the child who was getting worried and it made the girls feel bad and emotional for the poor woman until all of sudden there was a huge explosion that came from the window and it made all the girls gasp in horror until out came Shadow Spider himself holding the baby he found inside. Once they saw what the spider guy just did, they couldn't believe what they just saw in which they looked upon the spider guy who looked absolutely fine and not burned and the baby he was holding in his arms was fine and well.

Shadow Spider: Don't worry ma'am your baby is all right.

Woman: Oh god bless you sir god bless...thank you...

Police Woman: Who are you?

Shadow Spider: Later right now hand me those fire extinguishers I need to put the fire out before it spreads any further and hurry.

The girls then looked to see Shadow Spider taking the fire extinguishers and headed back into the building and after he was done he explained to the officers of what happened and how the fire was started as well as giving his name and soon left with many people taking pictures of him.

News Reporter: Just who is this Shadow Spider and where did he come from, we may not know but for the fact is that what he did was the most bravest heroic act in history. But whoever he is, he is someone who defends the innocents. More updates about him will come soon as soon as we find more about what he does. This is Paris News today back to you.

Gwen: Wow just wow....I couldn't do anything like that without getting burned.

Petra: What is that suit of his made of? I got to know more about this guy.

Laura: It also saids theres been a report of a spider web with three thugs trapped and I think it could be related to this Shadow Spider.

Cindy: We didn't go on patrols on that day, so it looks like this new spider took care of the situation.

Petra: Yea but who is he? How long has he been in Paris?

Ava: Whoever he is, best to keep an eye on him. And monitor his every move.

Laura: And if I can get his scent then I can pin point of where he goes.

Cindy: Though I have to admit his suit does look really cool especially that it is in black.

Petra: It almost looks like mine but better.

Ava: Jealous?

Petra: No.

Gwen was thinking to herself about this Shadow Spider and she wanted to get to know more about him and what he does and how he gain those powers of his but she will have to wait until she meets him again that is if she could find him because Paris is a big city and the spider guy could be anywhere.

The next day, back at Michael's place where the spider hero was at his desk looking up online about the villainess's around the area and found the information about each of them except for Paon Ombré who didn't appear only her Sentibeast that reminded Michael of the Sentimonsters back home. So far Michael was able to look up the information about the others and what they are capable of doing in the field.

Spring: So what do you got on the women villains here Michael?

Michael: After looking them up, I found a lot of information about each one except Paon Ombré because they have been no sitings nor photos of her kind of reminds me of Hawk Moth and Mayura who hide in the shadows and wont allow anyone see who they truly are.

Spring: We will worry about that later hows about showing me those women that you looked up.

Michael: Here they are.

Spring: Huh? Never heard nor seen villains like them before? Though some of them look creepy.

Michael: I seen creepier.

Spring: What do you plan to do if you encounter one of them Michael?

Michael: I will learn from them before I do anything, find a weak spot then attack it as well destroy their equipment so that it can never be used again. Locking them up is no longer an idea because if they locked these women equipment again they are just going break out and steal them back.

Spring: Good idea Michael.

Michael: Best to save the information about them, I'm gonna need it if I ever do encounter them though they will probably go down so easily. After I see them fight, I will look for the weak spot and down they go.

Spring: For now hows about we go out and enjoy life before something else happens and you need to do hero work.

Michael: I was thinking about going to the park and read my favorite books. Sure let's head on out and then after words we can find a nice place to eat for lunch.

Spring: I would like that.

Michael and Spring headed out their place and walked along the streets to go to the park near the Eiffel Tower because thats where Michael usually likes to go when he is alone. While waling on the streets he came to a stop due to there being a green light and the cars were moving along the way and while waiting until the light turns red he looked to see a girl who was on her phone and not paying attention to the crossroad in which Michael looked to see a speeding car coming fast and it was about to hit the girl who had no idea what was going on until Michael took action and grabbed the girl and pulled her back to the safe side.

Whoah what the heck happened?

Michael: I think it would be wise to get off the phone and look before you cross the street because you were almost hit by that speeding car that drove past us.

Oh...I guess I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, I just got a text from my friends that they all want meet me at the park and I was about to text them back but I didn't know I was crossing the street while there was a green light.

Michael: Just watch yourself next time.

I will do that and thank you so................(The girl turned around towards Michael to thank him for helping her but stopped when the girl looked upon at the most handsome and good looking boy in front of her while Michael just stood still with his eyes widen of who he was looking at in front of him)

Michael: be........hows this possible....(Michael saids in thought while the memories from his past were coming to him)

Michael started to have his flashbacks of the one girl who made his life amazing but turned into a living hell after a certain liar came and ruined the whole thing in which the girl that Michael was in front of him looked exactly like the girl he used to be with aka Marinette Dupain Cheng.

Michael: Why.....why did this have to happen....(Michael saids in thought)

Hey are you all right? Hello? Is something the matter?

Michael: Huh? What?

I am sorry but it looked like you were in some kind of trance. Are you okay do I need to call for help.

Michael: I am all right just got lost in thought thats all.

Well if you say so, then we're good.

Michael: For now.

My name is Bridgette by the way, Bridgette Dupain Cheng.

Michael: Bridgette? So this girl in front of me that looks like Marinette doesn't go by Marinette but goes by this name Bridgette just what kind of world am I in.(Michael saids in thought)

Bridgette: My gosh, this boy is handsome!! Those eyes, that amazing black hair and those muscles...and his voice sigh it is very pleasing to my ears.(Bridgette saids in thought while blushing at the hot guy in front of her)

Michael: Names Michael.

Bridgette: Nice to meet you Michael, and thanks for saving me from almost getting hit by that speeding car.

Michael: You're welcome.

Bridgette: I take that you are not from around here.

Michael: I arrived here two days ago, still getting settled.

Bridgette: Well I would like to be the first one to welcome you to Paris.

Michael: Thanks.

Bridgette: So where you off too Michael?

Michael: I am heading towards the park area near the Eiffel Tower to read some of my books here.

Bridgette: Really because thats the same park that I am meeting up with my friends. Would you like to walk together well if you want to.

Michael: I hope she isn't like Marinette because that would be a problem.(Michael saids in thought while thinking about how he was with Marinette)

Michael: Sure.

Spring: Wow who would have guess that there would be someone who looks just like Michael's ex girlfriend makes me wonder who else is here in this world that looks the same but different.(Spring whispers from inside her holders pocket)

Michael then walked with this Bridgette girl and while they walked together Michael was thinking that if this girl looked just like Marinette it was wondering that her friends will look like the same people who turned their backs on him for a sick lying criminal who is is rotting in prison in his world. Michael decided to keep those in the back of his head until he meets these friends of Bridgette's and hopefully they are nothing like the people he used to know.

Bridgette: So how you liking Paris so far Michael.

Michael: It's all right so far.

Bridgette: Where did you used to lived before you moved here?

Michael: I don't give out information like that its a personal matter.

Bridgette: Oh I'm sorry I didn't know.

Michael: Just don't ask questions that are personal because I don't like to talk about them.

Bridgette: I understand.

Michael: Whats that you got in your hands that book. Is it a sketch book?

Bridgette: Oh no this is my music notes, I like to write songs and sing out the words. I want to become a music song writer where I can write my own songs and sing them in front of a crowd.

Michael: So she's not into fashion like Marinette that could be a difference.(Michael saids in thought)

Bridgette: My parents own a book store where they have a collection of different story books as well as books about history, science, art, fairly tales, you name it.

Michael: I see and do you help out at the book store.

Bridgette: Yea I help them organize the book shelves and help customers find what kind of book they like to read. My parents names are Tim and Sally Dupain Cheng.

Michael: Tim and Sally Dupain Cheng wow now this world is getting more bizarre by the minute.(Michael saids in thought)

Michael: So how long you dreamed of being a music writer?

Bridgette: When I was a little girl, my mom put on some music that made me feel so calm and relaxed as well as happy and after that I became so fond of music and the people who wrote their songs and sang them to the crowds that is something I wanted to do for the rest of my life and I have my fiends to support me for it.

Michael: I see.

Bridgette: And what about you?

Michael: I don't have plans for my future yet still thinking about it.

Bridgette: I am sure it will come to you sooner or later.

Michael: I know it will.

Soon both Michael and Brigette arrived at the park area in which they looked find lots of people around the area and it was probably due to the fact that the weather was nice today and everyone was having the time of their lives.

Michael: Looks like we arrived.

Bridgette: Yea and the weather feels great. Say wanna meet my friends I could introduce you to them.

Michael: Maybe some other time I would just like to...

Bridgette: Please...

Michael: Oh no not the puppy dog pout anything but that.

Bridgette: Pretty please.

Michael: Argh...fine just don't do that same look again.

Bridgette: I make no such promises. Come on let's head over to the park area!(Brigette saids and runs down the steps)

Spring: You know Michael she may look like Marinette but for some reason she doesn't have the same interest as her especially that her family works at a book store instead of a bakery also she wants to become a music song writer this could be a difference in this world.

Michael: It could be though I am not sure about her friends, I get the feeling they will be like them.

Spring: You will know once you meet them.

Bridgette: Come on Michael!

Michael: Might as well get it over with.

Michael walked with Bridgette into the park area to meet these friends of hers and once they were near the area that Brigette told Michael about that her friends were located, both saw a group of girls sitting on blankets and having snacks and drinks until they spotted their friend walking towards them.


Bridgette: Hey girls hope you don't mind I brought a new friend to join us. Michael I want you to meet my friends.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Michael: I knew it..they look exactly like their counterparts but for some reason they don't seem like them.(Michael saids to himself)

Bridgette: Michael, this my best friend Talya.

Michael: So she must be the Alya of this world.(Michael saids in thought)

Tayla: H..hi nice to meet you Michael..(Tayla saids while blushing at the boy in front of her and not just her but other girls as well)

Girls: WHO IS THAT SUPER HOTTIE!!!(All said in thought while blushing at the most attractive boy they have ever seen)

Michael: Hello.

Brigette: This here is Zoe, Celina, Ruby, Jules, Jessica, Kagomi, Alexa, and Layla.

Michael looked at girls in which some of them looked like the people he knew back home but some reason the other two like Zoe and Jessica they are two that he doesn't know of except when Michael remembered that he remembers Zoe because she was his first civilian to save in this new world but then looked at the last person named Layla in which he looks to see that she looks like the bitch he got rid of and thrown in jail but yet for some reason she looks like the polar opposite. This Layla girl had nice skin, eyes that looks more green and not like snake eyes along with dark brown hair that doesn't resemble sausage hair and the way the girl is dressed actually looks nice and not ugly to what Rossi wore but Michael would just need to keep an eye on this Layla because even though this girl looks like his enemy but doesn't he cannot take the chance and wait and see what happens.

Zoe: Oh wow....(Zoe blushes at the boy she is seeing)

Ruby and Jules: Such beautiful eyes..(Both said and blush at the site)

Alexa: Nice muscles..(Alexa saids while blushing)

Celina: He looks like Prince Charming.(Celina saids while looking away in shyness)

Jessica: That is what I call sexy!(Jessica saids in thought while liking the boy in front of her)

Kagomi: He seems very respectful.

Layla: Oh my...I never seen such beauty.(Layla saids while blushing at the boy she is looking at as well as the other girls)

Tayla: He has to be the most attractive guy I have encountered.(Tayla saids in thought)

Bridgette: Michael is new around here and just moved to Paris.

Zoe: Well if you are Michael, then welcome to Paris.

Michael: Thanks.

Bridgette: Wanna hangout with us, we are all have snacks and drinks and we can show you around Paris.

Michael: I already know my way around Paris though I guess I wouldn't mind some company as long as I get to still read my books.

Bridgette: Oh absolutely of course you can and please to help yourself to some drinks and snacks.

Michael: Thanks I think I will.

Layla: Oh girls I brought some delicious pastries from my moms bakery hope you don't mind.

Bridgette: Not at all Layla.

Michael: Bakery?

Alexa: Oh you have got to try Layla's pastries Michael they are to die for. Especially that Layla and her mom own the best bakery in all of Paris.

Michael: You have a bakery?

Layla: Yea me and my mom own a bakery called Boulangerie Fox. I help my mom out with the pastries there as well as give out free samples to customers.

Michael: Ok now I am completely loosing my mind, because this version of whats her name looks so different from her as well as the fact she acts like a normal human being but also has a different life and she works at a bakery I thought that was Marinette's life unless this world has a switch life where everyone has different life styles and their own futures just like Bridgette.(Michael saids in thought)

Layla: Even though I like to help out my mom with the bakery, I still want to continue on with my dream life.

Michael: And what would that be?

Layla: My dream is to become painter.

Michael: A PAINTER?!!! OKAY NOW I AM LOOSING MY COMPLETE MIND!!!(Michael saids in thought while his eyes widen of what Layla just said)

Layla: I always loved the idea of being a professional painter and after seeing so many paintings that the museums as well as other artist creating their own creations I wanted to follow in that dream.

Tayla: And you will do amazing Layla.

Layla: Thanks Tayla.

Tayla: Wanna know what my dream is.

Michael: Let me guess you want to become a reporter.

Tayla: Wow thats actually a great career but no that is too much work for someone like me to do but good guess Michael. What I want to do is become a photographer.

Michael: A photographer?

Zoe: Tayla likes taking pictures of the most amazing sites around Paris and the images are breathtaking.

Jules: Show him the pictures you took weeks ago.

Tayla: I took these shots during the weekends Michael and they are my best shots.(Tayla saids and hands Michael the pictures)

Michael: These look great and the sunset picture really captures the image perfectly as well as the one where the building is showing its reflection towards the water. I think being a photographer would suite you well Tayla.

Tayla: You really think so.

Michael: If you put your heart into it there is nothing you can't do.

Alexa: Just like the rest of us here, my dream is to become an adventurer. I like to travel a lot with my family and see so many great places.

Ruby: I want to become a ballerina dancer while Jules wants to become a makeup artist.

Jules: It's true.

Zoe: I want to be a movie director, it's been my dream for a long time.

Jessica: I am still searching for my dream but it will come to mind.

Michael: I am doing the same thing.

Kagomi: I want to help train people in the ways of martial arts, which is why my mother signs me up for martial art classes.

Celina: For me I want to be an archaeologist.

Michael heard everyone say what they wanted to do in their lives and couldn't believe what he heard in which he thought that the girls who look like the people he knew back in his world wanted the same thing but in reality they did not and wanted to follow their own dream, dreams that are different and yet sound promising. Michael then came to realize that these guys may look like his former friends but they don't act like them at all in which he thought about what Spring said to him about the people here may look the same but somehow they all do not nor act like the people back home.

Michael: Seems like all of you have great dreams to follow.

Bridgette: We sure do and you will find yours some day Michael.

Michael: Thank you.

Layla: Oh Michael my pastries you have to try them, I baked them myself.(Layla saids and takes out the pastries and shows them to Michael)

Bridgette: You got to try those Michael they are absolutely delicious.

Layla: Try one.

Michael took one of the pastries that Layla has in which was the one with the berries and cream on top and once he took a bite of it, all of sudden Michael was filled with flavor and the taste was delicious and not poison because he knows that Rossi back in his world would always try to fill food with poison but for Layla her food was yummy.

Layla: What do you think Michael?

Michael: Mmm it is actually really good.

Layla: Really!

Michael: Yea, let me try the others.

Michael tried the others and they too were really good, he had pastries before back home but not like these because they had more flavor to them as well as a nice texture for each one that Michael tried.

Michael: They were good Layla very good, you have creative skills of making delicious pastries.

Layla: T..thank you Michael.(Layla saids while blushing at the comment)

Spring: It looks like my holder is starting to open up to the girls.(Spring saids in thought while watching and listening to the conversation between the girls and Michael)

Then soon everyone went to have conversations on their own while some like Michael, Kagomi, as well as Bridgette decided to read books and write songs. So far the day was going great and Michael was actually starting to lighten up as well as enjoying some time in the park reading his book while also meeting new friends who are nothing like the former friends he had back in his world and they all exchanged numbers with Michael who didn't mind to do the same. After a while all the snacks and drinks were gone and the girls decided to pack up and continue on with their day and for Michael he told the girls that he is going to take a relaxing walk around the park area in which they smiled that he wants to do his own thing and they asked to text them if he wants to hangout again and Michael told them that he will think about it.

Michael: Well Spring I guess I pegged you wrong, those girls may have looked like their counterparts but they were the complete opposite.

Spring: I am glad you finally see what your father meant that this world mat look the same but there are differences.

Michael: Yea and none of them are like the others not even Layla, I thought she would be like Lila but I guess not she is the opposite of her which is good and I don't have to deal with someone who lies under their lips.

Spring: See exactly they are not like your former classmates they good people who live great lives and wants to make a difference in this world.

Michael: Yea just like how I am.

While Michael was walking and enjoying his little talk with Spring all of sudden both heard a noise coming from somewhere but didn't know where and it sounded like a girl who was chanting out of webs until Michael looked up and saw a girl but not just any girl, the spider girl herself who was falling and about to hit the ground until Michael held out his arms and waited at the spot where Spider-Girl will land and once she was close, Michael caught her in his arms.

Spider-Girl: Huh? What happened?

Michael: You were falling out of the sky and almost hit the ground but luckily I caught you just in time.

Spider-Girl: Who...(BA-DUMP!❤️)...(Spider-Girl was about to say something but stopped when all of sudden her heart began to skip a beat of the person holding her in his arms)

Michael: You're not hurt are you miss?

Spider-Girl: Oh my gosh...oh my gosh.. oh my gosh...I JUST BEEN CAUGHT BY A TOTAL HOTTY AND HE'S GORGEOUS!!!❤️ (Spider-Girl saids in thought while hearts were hovering around her)

Michael: Uh miss are you all right?

Spider-Girl: Huh? Oh..oh yea I am fine thanks for catching me.

Michael: No problem though why were you falling in the first place?

Spider-Girl: I ran out of web fluid, forgot to replace them.

Michael: Web fluid?

Spider-Girl: Yea they are these cartridges that contain web fluid that I made myself.

Michael: So she doesn't shoot out real webs but webs that she made herself pretty impressive, I guess Ghost Spider is the same thing though I am not sure about the others might have to see for myself.(Michael saids in thought)

Michael: I see, so what is the lovely Spider-Girl doing out on a day like this.

Spider-Girl: HE CALLED ME LOVLEY EEEEEEE!!!!❤️(Spider-Girl saids in thought)

Spider-Girl: I was doing patrols with one of the Web Maidens and White Tiger, we were seeing if there was any trouble happening but it looks like there is no trouble at all.

Michael: Trouble is always around you just don't know when it is going to happen at the proper moment.

Spider-Girl: Well I have my spider sense for that to alert me whenever danger is close.

Michael: Yea I know I looked you up ok the computer along with the other heroines in Paris.

Spider-Girl: Thats good then, you know who the heroines are and what we all do to protect the city.

Michael: Yea including the villainess's you girls face. Tell me who is your most dangerous foe.

Spider-Girl: Oh that would be Goblin, she is one of my most deadliest enemies.

Michael: Really because she looks like a jolly green elf flying on a glider.

Spider-Girl: Pfff..hahaha I might have to use that when I see her next time. So got a name for the boy who saved me.

Michael: Names Michael, Michael Troy.

Spider-Girl: Nice to meet you Michael names Spider-Girl but I guess you already knew that.

Michael: Yea the whole red and blue suit really sticks out.

When Spider-Girl was about to say something all of sudden the conversation stopped when a new voice came from behind Spider-Girl in which was White Tiger and next to her was Ghost Spider.

White Tiger: Hey Spidey, what happened ran out of webs again.

Ghost Spider: I keep telling her to refill her web shooters before leaving but she never listens.

Spider-Girl: Girls come on cut me some slack, besides I didn't get hurt on anything that counts for something.

White Tiger: What did you do fall into a tree and landed on the ground after words.

Michael: Actually she fell into my arms while I was taking nice walk around the park.

Both White Tiger and Ghost Spider looked upon the boy in front of Spider-Girl and all of sudden their eyes widen and their hearts starting beating like crazy of the handsome and very cute boy they were seeing that causes both of them to blush under their masks.

White Tiger and Ghost Spider: Hello sexy/Wow that is what I call handsome.(Both said in thought while looking at Michael)

Michael: I take that you two must be Ghost Spider and White Tiger.

Ghost Spider: know us...(Ghost Spider saids while blushing under her mask)

Michael: I did my research on you girls online. Ghost Spider second in command of the Web Maidens and heroine of Paris with a radical spider suit. White Tiger acrobatic ninja with steel claws and cat powers and takes the job seriously just like the others though you are head strong and more determined.

White Tiger: Not bad well for a boy I mean.

Michael: Not bad yourselves for a couple of beautiful women in super suits with amazing abilities and skills.(Michael saids to the girls who blushed even more under their masks)

Spider-Girl/Ghost Spider/White Tiger: He..he thinks were beautiful!!(All said in thought while smiling under their masks and blushing)

Michael: Well it was nice meeting you girls but I should get back to enjoying my day in Paris and I think you should get back to patrolling the city like good heroines would do.

Ghost Spider: Huh? Oh yea I guess we shall, come on girls let's get to it.

White Tiger: Right.(White Tiger saids and leaves with Ghost Spider but not without taking one last look at Michael)

White Tiger: I wonder if he likes to train because that body is telling me that he does.(White Tiger whispers to herself then heads off with Ghost Spider)

Spider-Girl: Well time to do heroin work, and thanks again for catching me Michael.

Michael: No problem take care.

Spider-Girl: I guess I will see you around.

Michael: Maybe.

Spider-Girl: I know I will see you again.(Spider-Girl saids in thought then takes off while waving to Michael)

Michael waved back to Spider-Girl then continued on with his walk while Spring heard everything and was amazed of seeing the other heroines in person and she could tell that Michael will see them again maybe when he goes out as Shadow Spider. Soon after relaxing for a while in the park, Michael decided to go on patrols as well as Shadow Spider in which he walked into an alleyway like before and said the words to Spring who later merges with the spider miraculous and then Michael became the Shadow Spider and shot a web and swung away.

Shadow Spider: Let's see if there is anything I can do to take my mind off other things.

While swinging across the city and finding something to do besides patrolling all of sudden his spider senses were picking up something a couple blocks down in which he stopped and looked to see electricity shooting out of nowhere and decided to go have a closer look of what is going on. Shadow Spider swung towards the electricities location and once landed on top of a building and hid behind a chimney he looked to find Spider-Girl along with Ghost Spider and White Tiger fighting against what looks like the girl that Shadow Spider looked up online, the one who can use electricity from a suit and that person was the villainess Electro.

Electro: Whats the matter had enough already.

Spider-Girl: You wish we are just getting warmed up.

Electro: Well then allow me to warm you girls up!(Electro saids and fires her electricity at the heroines who dodged the attack)

Electro charged at the girls and attacked each of them with her electricity while Shadow Spider was monitoring the villainess's movements as well as the suit that she is wearing and looked to see where the source of the power was coming from, and that was the back on the suit as well as the belt.

Shadow Spider: Looks like I just found out where Electro gets her power from.(Shadow Spider saids in thought)

White Tiger went in to attack but gets shot by Electro and pushed back while Ghost Spider and Spider-Girl attack on both sides and shot their webs on Electro but were easily disintegrated but the power Electro has on her and then soon she shot both spiders with electricity and were now pushed back along with White Tiger.

Electro: Well that was easy, honestly I thought you girls will play a little harder to get.

Spider-Girl: Hey you try doing the heroin work without a good night sleep.

White Tiger: Spidey no time for your silly jokes.

Electro: You know that cats right hows about I just put you down for a nap right now.

Like I will let you do that.(A voice saids from behind Electro who turns around to see who it was in which was Shadow Spider himself)

Spider-Girl/Ghost Spider/White Tiger: It's him....(All said in thought while looking upon Shadow Spider in person)

Electro: Who the heck are you suppose to be?

Shadow Spider: Why don't come and find out sparkles.(Shadow Spider saids while cracking his knuckles)

Electro: Hehehe I like a good challenge fine by me. Now burn up!(Electro saids and fires her electricity at Shadow Spider who remained still)

The heroines gasped of what happened where they see Electro firing her power at Shadow Spider who didn't move a muscle and just took the hit head on. Electro thinks that the spider guy is now in pain but what she didn't know was that Shadow Spider didn't feel anything since all those years of training with his miraculous he can now withstand any attack being thrown at him which includes electricity.

Electro: How was that!

Shadow Spider: Really is that all you can do.

Electro: WHAT?! You should be in pain right now I just shot you with full powered electricity!!

Shadow Spider: Really because I didn't feel anything, that was a pretty pathetic attack you just did. Here let me show what real pain feels like.

Shadow Spider moved in full speed that caught Electro off guard and soon met with a big punch to the face by the spider guy and soon Electro went flying towards the wall while the heroines were in shock and awe of what they just see and couldn't believe that this guy in the spider suit withstand the power of Electro's suit and didn't fall to the ground in pain and then landed a mean punch to the girls face.

Electro: ARGH?!!!

Shadow Spider looked to see Electro smashed into the wall and fell to the ground and it got him the opportunity to get rid of the electric power that the villainess was using and once he took the stuff off without Electro knowing the villainess got back up and grunt in pain from the hit.

Electro: You gonna pay for that!!! Now I am really pissed off prepare to get fried spider.

Shadow Spider: And how are you going to that?

Electro: With..Huh? Where is my equipment?

Shadow Spider: Looking for something.(Shadow Spider saids while holding Electro's gear)


Shadow Spider: Sorry but no, your far too dangerous with this kind of tech so I think I will do the right thing and that is this...(CRUSH)...(SMASH).

Shadow Spider crushed Electro's equipment and then smashed it with his foot destroying the whole thing completely that left the villainess in shock and anger that all her hard work into building that stuff was now completely destroyed.


Shadow Spider: And I don't care.

Electro: You....You......YOU ARE GONNA MPH?!!!

Electro didn't finish her sentence yet because she got webbed in the mouth by Shadow Spider then he shot more webs at her until she was completely covered in webs that she cannot break free from.

Shadow Spider: You need to learn to shut up and get over it, it was a pile of junk in the first place.

The heroines looked at what happened and they had no words to describe of what happened and their eyes widen like dinner plates and their jaws hanging down under their masks. After everything they tried to take down Electro the spider guy they saw on the news took the villainess down in seconds and destroyed the equipment in the process.

Ghost Spider: Whoah....that was something.

White Tiger: He withstood the full power of Electro's suit and was completely unharmed and the way he moved so fast was a bigger surprise.

Spider-Girl: What is that suit of his made of?!(Spider-Girl saids in thought)

Shadow Spider: You three all right?

Spider-Girl: Okay I am going to be the first one to say this to you.

Shadow Spider: And what would that be?

Spider-Girl: That was...that was...THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!

Shadow Spider: Uh thanks I think?

White Tiger: You know how hard it was to take Electro down I mean it isn't an easy job without getting blasted but you on the other hand was able to beat her and destroy her gear in a matter of seconds.

Shadow Spider: Thats because I learn from my enemies, find their weakness exploit it and then attack it. I was watching the whole fight and saw where Electro's power was coming from and after I figured that out I stepped in and took care of the situation.

Ghost Spider: You know girls I think he gave us the idea to try that next time.

Shadow Spider: Glad you agree but when you face off against your enemies word of advice destroy their equipment so that they can no longer use once they are sent to prison. I read that once they are sent to prison they keep their gear and weapons locked up but are easily taken back by them so I think destroying their things after beating them is the best way to avoid any more problems.

Spider-Girl:(Facepalm)....Why didn't I think of that before I defeated the villainess's.

Shadow Spider: Well now you know. I think you girls can take care of Electro now and have her sent to prison it was nice meeting you.(Black Spider and was about to take off when a hand grabs him)

Ghost Spider: Wait.

Shadow Spider: Yes?

Ghost Spider: Thank you for saving our lives.

Shadow Spider: My pleasure.

Ghost Spider: We heard and saw of what you did and well...

Shadow Spider: I can't...

Ghost Spider: How did you?

Shadow Spider: Look don't take this the wrong way but you girls looked very skilled and good people but I just can't be part of any teams anyone.

White Tiger: You were part of team?

Shadow Spider: Used to until that team turned their backs on me and said things I don't want to mentioned. I refuse to go back down that path, I am better off fighting my own battles.

Ghost Spider: But...

Shadow Spider: I'm sorry but I have too say no to your offer, and you need to respect that.

Shadow Spider shot his web and swung away while leaving the heroines to themselves who don't know what caused the guy to feel that way in the first place.

Spider-Girl: He probably has a dark past that haunts him, maybe thats why he said no.

Ghost Spider: Maybe but I get the feeling there is more to that.

White Tiger: We may never know, come on let's take out the trash and patrol some more.

Spider-Girl: I am with you Tiger.

White Tiger and Spider-Girl grabbed Electro and took her away to the police while Ghost Spider was pondering on what Shadow Spider said to her and wants to know what really made him not want to team up with others.

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