Chapter 12: Spider meets The Leauge of Heroins!
The following day after Michael met this worlds guardian of the miraculous and finding out that the Miracle Force were the girls he met on first arrival who also his ex-friends counterparts who excepted Michael and made him feel more welcome. Michael was finally happy that he has a whole new life to start with and good news that the miraculous of the butterfly doesn't exist in the heroin world though he was shock that the other remaining miraculous don't either. Spring was happy as well that her holder was starting to feel like his former self that he is making more friends and going help saving people just like how she remembered him. Michael still talks with the girls in or out of costume and still likes to hangout with them as well as the other girls Michael met during his stay in the heroin world.
Today it was night time in Paris and Michael in his Shadow Spider suit was doing patrols around the area to spot any threats happening since there weren't any for the past two days and in the morning all was clear but he kept his watch over the city to make sure something might happen.
Shadow Spider: It been like two days already and there hasn't been a single incident taking place. Though I must keep my guard up just to make sure something might happen any time soon. My spider sense should warn me if there is any possible danger around.
While Shadow Spider was looking over the city from above all of sudden his spider sense was picking up something near an abandoned warehouse and went to see what it was. When he landed and looked through the window he saw what appeared to by a giant woman that left Shadow Spider in shock but then the giant woman fighting someone who looked similar to Wonder Girl but she had black hair along with a red and blue suit with silver armor and a lasso.
Shadow Spider: There is more heroins and villainess's, just how many are there in this world. The girl with the lasso shares similarities to Wonder Girl I guess they are possibly related though I do not know the giant woman I guess she is the enemy.
Shadow Spider looks at the fight between the warrior female and the giant woman in which the giant woman was getting the upper-hand and smacking the warrior female like a rag-doll while the warrior herself was throwing everything at the giant woman. Spider can tell that the female warrior is highly trained in combat as well as having super human like strength though powerful she is getting beat by this giant woman who keeps on punching and throwing the warrior all over the place. Spider then found option to beat the giant in which he headed inside the warehouse and looked to see the giant picking up the warrior female and was crushing her in the woman's grasp.
Giant Woman: Got anything to say little wonder.
The giant woman brought her other hand up into a fist and was about to punch the female warrior again when all of sudden her arm gets stuck for some reason and couldn't move it where she looked to see that he arm was webbed up and stuck to the wall.
Shadow Spider: You know that is not very lady like.
Giant Woman: Oh look a little Etsy bsty spider that is going to get squashed by big bad Giganta.
Shadow Spider: Yea I don't much care who you are but I will not allow you to harm that girl you have so think fast!
Shadow Spider shot a web and swung towards Giganta and delivered a harm punch to the woman's face that made her drop the female warrior and Shadow Spider swung down and caught her. Giganta hit the ground but was still conscious.
Giganta: Damn that insect.(Giganta saids in thought while feeling that hard hit on her face)
Shadow Spider: Hey you all right.
The female warrior opened her eyes and looked to see a man wearing a spider like suit next to her while also seeing Giganta on the ground injured.
Shadow Spider: Names Shadow Spider.
Wonder Woman: Wonder Woman.
Shadow Spider: You related Wonder Girl?
Wonder Woman: We're like sisters and are you the one who attacked Giganta.
Shadow Spider: Yea I am but she's still conscious. I got an idea of how to beat her.
Wonder Woman: I'm listening.
Shadow Spider: I'll web her legs together and while she struggles you go for the finishing blow and I will take care of the rest.
Wonder Woman: Let's do it.
Shadow Spider and Wonder Woman teamed up against Giganta who got up from her attack and when to attack the heroin and hero where both of them dodged the attacks being thrown by Giganta until Spider found an opening and started to webbed up the woman legs where she is struggling to stand still or move but thanks to the strong webbing she is unable to move.
Shadow Spider: She's webbed, let her have it!
Wonder Woman flew up towards Giganta and delivered a number of hits towards the female where Wonder Woman punched and kicked as well as through Giganta head on both sides of the buildings pillars and when spider saw another opening he went for the final blow.
Shadow Spider: VENOM PUNCH!
Shadow Spider uses his special power and punch Giganta in the gut and when the fist collided with the villainess she went flying into the wall and fell unconscious that left Wonder Woman in awe of what she just seen the spider do.
Wonder Woman: By the goddesses..
Giganta was down and started to shrink to her normal size that made Shadow Spider surprise that the woman can change her body shape to different sizes. Spider then webbed the villainess up so that she would escape.
Shadow Spider: I definitely need to do more research on more heroines and villainess's in this world.(Shadow Spider saids in thought)
Wonder Woman: Thank you for your help.
Shadow Spider: My pleasure, have to admit I never met nor seen someone like you around here before.
Wonder Woman: I could ask the same thing, I have never met a male hero before in which I never knew one even existed.
Shadow Spider: I been getting that a lot lately. I can tell that you can hold your own in fight though it would see that your enemy was getting the upper hand.
Wonder Woman: I trained my whole life though this is the first time I let my guard down.
Shadow Spider: Here's some advice learn from your enemies, find a weak point exploit it then attack it so that you can get the upper hand before they do.
Wonder Woman: I will keep that in mind. I am known as Wonder Woman member of the League of Heroines.
Shadow Spider: League of Heroins?
Wonder Woman: You never heard of us?
Shadow Spider: No this is first time I am hearing about this. I mean I have met other heroins during my stay here but I have never heard or knew about there being other heroins out there in which I should totally do more research as well as know about the other villainess's here.
Wonder Woman: Wait a minute Wonder Girl told me about there being a male hero in Paris who wears a black like spider suit and help her and her friends defeat Killer Frost, Cheetah, and Banshee.
Shadow Spider: Yea I am that same spider who fought with MagicGirl, SuperGirl, Green Arrow, and Wonder Girl. I am also the one who saved the child from a burning fire as well as took down the Lizard and Electro as well as stopped all the scumbags running around the streets bringing harm to the innocents.
Wonder Woman: I was always thought there being a male hero was just a rumor or a prank but seeing you here in front of me and seeing how you took down Giganta was all the proof I needed.
When Wonder Woman was about to say something else all of sudden her com-link was beeping and took the call.
Wonder Woman: Yes? No I am fine the situation is taken care of and I had some help. No this one is trustworthy I know it and I owe him my life. Yes I understand, I am on my way.
Shadow Spider: What's going on?
Wonder Woman: I been tasked to bring you with me, the team would want to meet you in person.
Shadow Spider: And where is the team located?
Wonder Woman: Somewhere we where keep watch over the whole world. Take my hand and I will show you.
Shadow Spider did what Wonder said and then soon she carried spider in her arms that made spider feel embarrassed but while being held Wonder Woman can feel the spiders amazing tone muscles that made her blush but decides to hide it. After flying for a while they landed into an alleyway and came towards a brick wall until spider saw push a hidden button on the wall that revealed some kind of machine.
Shadow Spider: What is this thing?
Wonder Woman: This is called a Zeta-Tube it allows us to teleport to any parts of the world. We have them set up everywhere in case any other parts of the world need our help. Come, the team is waiting for us.
ZetaTube: Recognize Wonder Woman A-03
Wonder Woman: It will ask for your name once you enter.(Wonder Woman saids then disappears)
Zeta Tube: Identity please
Shadow Spider: Shadow Spider.
Zeta Tube: Scanning now. Recognize Shadow Spider A-35
Shadow Spider then walked into the Zeta-Tube and soon vanished as well and when he walked through he found himself in a large room and then looks to see Wonder Woman waiting for him.
Wonder Woman: Welcome to our base of operations.
Shadow Spider: Whoah...wait a minute are we in space right now because I can tell that is the earth I am seeing right now.(Shadow Spider saids while looking out and seeing that he was in outer space which brought him in awe)
Wonder Woman: Welcome to The WatchTower.
(Edit WatchTower done by me: 95nicholasnm)(I just change the color and added some more windows to the place)
Shadow Spider: This is absolutely incredible.
Wonder Woman: We keep track on rather there is going to be a possible threat around the world and its our duty to protect those in need.
Shadow Spider: Just like how I am dedicated to protect those in need.(Shadow Spider saids in thought)
Soon the doors open and out came the other heroins in which Shadow Spiders looks to see MagicGirl, Green Arrow, Wonder Girl, White Tiger, Stripperella, and SuperGirl. He also sees Wolverine though they never met in person but also sees other heroines that he doesn't know about or seen before.
Wonder Girl: SPIDER!!!
Wonder Girl flies over and hugs Shadow Spider followed by Green Arrow, MagicGirl and Super Girl.
Shadow Spider: Hehehe nice to see you to as well as you girls.
Green Arrow: What are you doing here, we haven't seen you in couple weeks.
Shadow Spider: Things have been gone quiet for the past few weeks and the villainess's have been lying low so there was no crime happening lately. Also for my being here I was told I was to be brought here.
White Tiger: Join the club, I have been itching for some fighting all week because staying home all day was getting kind of boring.
Shadow Spider: Good to see you Tiger as well as you Stripperella.
Stripperella: Hello there, spider.
So this is the guy that you girls have been telling us about.(A girl wearing the yellow and red suit said)
Shadow Spider: You must be the other heroins, please to meet all of you. I am known as Shadow Spider.(Shadow Spider while giving the women a bow to show his respect)
Wolverine came over and started to sniff Shadow Spider that made him feel awkward while the girls just shook their heads of what Wolverine was doing.
Shadow Spider: Uh what are you doing?
Wolverine: I don't know why but for some reason you smell pretty good.~
Shadow Spider: Ok....
MagicGirl: Spider these are our other teammates sorry we didn't tell you about them sooner.
Shadow Spider: It is quite all right.
Green Arrow: The girl who was sniffing you is Wolverine.
Shadow Spider: I know I did my research on her.
MagicGirl: This here is Robin and Girl Flash.
Girl Flash: Hows it going webs.
Robin: Hi Robin, but I guess you already know that hehe.
Wonder Girl: The chick wearing the helmet is Red Hood.
Red Hood: Got to say when I saw the news about there being a boy spider, I thought it was just a prank but after seeing you in action the television got to say you got some moves spider.
Shadow Spider: Thanks though can I ask why you call yourself Red Hood if your not wearing a red hoodie because all I see is a bucket on your head.
Basically all the women smirked and hide their giggles because they know it was so true.
Red Hood: Argh...I hate when people say that!
Robin: I told you to get a red hoodie in the first place but no you decided to go for the bucket head.
SuperGirl: Spider these two are our best friends Miss Martian and Rocket.
Miss Martian: Hi it is a pleasure to meet you spider, I mean Shadow Spider. The girls told me how you help them take on the villainess's thank you for helping them.
Shadow Spider: It was my pleasure, judging by your appearance your a species of alien.
Miss Martian: You can tell I am an alien?
Shadow Spider: It's not that hard to see it. Also nice to meet you Rocket.
Rocket: Sup big tall and covered in webs, got to say dig the suit.
Shadow Spider: Thank you.
Wonder Woman: Shadow Spider allow me to introduce to you Mera and BatWoman.
Mera: Greetings.
BatWoman: So you're the male hero I been hearing about on the news.
Shadow Spider: I am.
BatWoman: You are also the one who assisted Wonder Woman while she was battling Giganta.
Shadow Spider: Yes. I was doing patrols around the city to see if there was any crime happening until my senses picked up a disturbance inside a warehouse and I went to investigate it until I saw Wonder Woman battling Giganta and I offer her my help.
Wonder Woman: Still thankful for what you did.
BatWoman walked over and took a closer look at Shadow Spider while also walking around him to see this male hero and what he is capable of until she stops and looks upon the spider in question.
Shadow Spider: Is something the matter?
BatWoman: How long have you been doing this job?
Shadow Spider: 3 years, I am highly trained in combat as well as stealth. I can hold out my own in a fare fight and I never back down from one. I spent my entire life training to become what I am. I know about the risk I take and I know everything there is to being a hero as well as protecting those in need of help.
Shadow Spider stops talking than looks towards his arm and sees a golden lasso wrapped around him and turns to see Wonder Woman holding the lasso.
Wonder Woman: Just to make sure you are telling the truth.
Shadow Spider: I can this thing is magic correct.
Wonder Woman: It is called the lasso of truth it reveals a person hidden secrets so they can not tell a lie. You cannot resist its power.
Shadow Spider: Whose saids I was resisting it. I hate lies always have and always will.
BatWoman: Where did you get your powers from?
Shadow Spider: From my miraculous.
MagicGirl: Wait you have a miraculous like the ones the miracle force have.
Green Arrow: I thought you got your powers from a spider bite like the web maidens.
Shadow Spider: True my powers may be similar to the web maidens but I get my powers from a miraculous and I have been using my miraculous to help people and I have been trained by the greatest in mastering its abilities.
Wonder Woman: He's still speaking the truth.
BatWoman: Does the miracle force know about you.
Shadow Spider: They do and I trust them even when I revealed myself to them as well as my identity.
BatWoman: I see. I want you to reveal yourself.
Shadow Spider: You want me to show you my identity. Why?
BatWoman: I want to see if you are trustworthy and I want to know your origin of how you became Shadow Spider.
Robin: Uh bats don't you think that taking things a little too personal.
Green Arrow: Spider can be trusted, he saved our lives and helps others.
BatWoman: I want to know what his intentions are.
Shadow Spider: Fine but you have to do the same, if I going to reveal my identity you have to do the same. I don't like keeping secrets, keeping secrets just brings more pain.
All the heroines looked at each other and if they want to gain spiders trust then they have do what he asked.
BatWoman: Very well, we will go first.
Shadow Spider: Also Green Arrow, SuperGirl, MagicGirl, and Wonder Girl don't need to tell me who they are because I already know them.
SuperGirl: You do? How?
Shadow Spider: Once the others reveal themselves you will know.
Miss Martian: Well then on earth I am known Megan Morse, I am martian who can change its form so I took on the form of a red hair girl.(Miss Martian while changing into her human form)
Rocket: Raquel Ervin.
White Tiger: Ava Ayala.(Tiger saids while taking off her mask)
Girl Flash: Wendy West.(Girl Flash saids and takes off her yellow mask)
Stripperella: Erontica Jones.(Stripperella saids and takes off her mask)
Wolverine: Laura Kinney. (Wolverine saids and takes off the mask)
Green Arrow: Artemis Crock.(Green Arrow saids while taking her mask off)
SuperGirl: I am also an alien as well spider though on earth I go by Kara Kent.
MagicGirl: Zatanna Zatara.
WonderGirl: Cassie Sandsmark.
Wonder Woman: I am known Dianna Prince daughter of Hippolyta of Themyscira.
Shadow Spider: Wait Hippolyta, she's was the original holder of the ladybug miraculous thought I think this one in this world is different.(Shadow Spider saids in thought)
Mera: I am Princess Mera of Atlantis.
Shadow Spider: Atlantis exist here too and there are people there.(Shadow Spider saids in thought)
Robin: Well since everyone is revealing their identities I guess I should too, names Rachel Grayson.
Red Hood: Jacklyn Todd.
BatWoman: I am known as Brianna Wayne.
Shadow Spider looked at all the women and their identities in which all of them were very beautiful and gorgeous.
Shadow Spider: Damn they are not bad under the mask while some don't wear mask but still share beauty and good looks.(Shadow Spider saids in thought)
Rachel: So are you going to reveal who you are now.
Shadow Spider: Very well. Lower The Webs.
A light appeared over Shadow Spider in which everyone shield their eyes until the light dyed down so the girls can see who is under the mask until they saw something that made them all blush at the site they were seeing while four had their jaws dropped to ground of who was behind the mask of Shadow Spider in which was Michael himself.
Michael: My real name is Michael Troy and this is my kwami Spring.
Spring: Hello!
Women Minds:
Diana: By goddess...I never seen such eyes.
Laura: I have found my mate!
Rachel, Wendy: Hello daddy!
Jacklyn: Holy shit that is pure hotness!!
Mera: So handsome...
Ava: He's the hot boy I saw at the park!!!
Erontica: Oh wow...I dance around someone like him any day.
Raquel: Whoah that is the most sexiest man I have ever seen in my life!!
Megan: HE'S SO CUTE!!!
Brianna:(BA-DUMP!❤️).....Have I found my future soulmate.
Out Of Women minds
All the girls except Zatanna, Artemis, Cassie, and Kara were blushing at the most hottest man they have ever laid eyes upon, the mire sight of Michael was making all the girls heart skip a beat.
Zatanna/Artemis/Cassie/Kara: MICHAEL?!!!!
Michael: Hehe hey girls surprise.
Michael: Yea and it didn't take a rocket scientist to discover who you four were I mean I can tell that you were the heroines the minute I helped you. Kara, Zatanna, and Cassie, you three don't wear mask so it was easy to spot you and Artemis I can tell it was you under mask because I know those grayish eyes anywhere as well as the blonde hair.
Cassie: But you...we...
Michael: And whose else knows about the heroines and what they do you girls obviously you just gave me the answer.
All four of them slapped their foreheads for being so carless that they exposed their secrets like that even though it is only Michael who knew this whole time.
Michael: You girls really need to keep your identities more hidden otherwise someone is going to know who you are.
Zatanna: We will make sure to do that and it is just shocking that you Michael the boy we met at the amusement park is Shadow Spider.
Rachel: Wait you girls already knew him. Why didn't you tell us about him?
Cassie: We didn't know he was Shadow Spider but getting to know the real him was truly remarkable.
Rachel/Wendy/Raquel/Laura: Lucky..(All said in thought)
Megan: So this is your Kwami.
Michael: Yes her name is Spring. Spring meet the other heroins.
Spring: Wow more heroins this world is full of surprises.
Artemis: What did she mean by that Michael?
Michael: Sigh..looks like I am going to have to tell my origin and the truth.
Zatanna: What truth?
Michael: Truth is girls I am not from around and when I mean here I mean not from this universe. You see I am from another world where all of you do not exist.
All girls: WHAT?!!!!!
Brianna: Diana is he....
Diana: He speaks the truth...he's still holding the lasso.
Cassie: You're from another world but how is that possible!
Artemis: Wait did all the stuff you said to us at the amusement park weren't true.
Michael: No that stuff actually happened except for living in London, I used to live in Paris.
Zatanna: He may be onto something, I am sensing some powerful magic surrounding him.
Spring: That is the effect of the magic that was used to bring both me and Michael here.
Mera: How did you come to be here?
Michael: It's a long story, a really long story.
Brianna: Best to tell us.
All the girls sat down while Michael gave them his bio while holding the lasso so he will say the truth. He told the girls everything about who he was and where he came from as well as the there only being miraculous holders as well as other heroes that they never heard of but also in shock they none of them exist where Michael comes from not even the enemies they faced. Michael told them about his childhood of how he was alone in the streets with no idea who his family was nor has any memory of them. He told them that he was taken in by the guardian of the native American miraculous Monk who became his adoptive father and helped raised Michael as it own son.
He told that he was raised by Monk at the temple of the miraculous where they help train students to become miraculous holders in which Michael was the best student and earned himself the miraculous of the spider. The girls were in awe of what they were hearing and impressed with Michael though sadden by how he was so young and doesn't have a family until Monk took him in. He explained to them about the dangers happening in Paris where he was sent to help the other miraculous holders deal with a super villain named Hawk Moth who uses a miraculous to turn people into super villains using a dark butterfly called an Akuma that takes over a persons mind while focussing on their negative emotion.
The girls were shocked and yet pissed that someone would use their powers to take over people and turn them into villains based off their emotions. Brianna asked if the miraculous of the butterfly exist in their world and Michael have spoken to this worlds guardian and found out that the miraculous of the butterfly along with the others do no exist which brought everyone into a relief. He later told them about the prophecy that once every hundred years a miraculous holder is chosen to be part of something great which is to travel to another world become that worlds protector and so Michael was chosen to be part of that prophecy and with the help of his father and the others they transported Michael into this world so that he can start a new life and help protect this world and its people.
Zatanna: So thats how you came to be here. With magic.
Michael: Yes.
Diana: I never imagined there would be other universes out there. I thought we would be the only ones.
Michael: I don't know how many there are out but I can tell there is so many of them.
Brianna: It would also seem that you have been taught well by those who have trained you.
Michael: I had my father and my friends at the temple to thank for that.
Rachel: Do you have boy heroes where you come from.
Michael: Yes, we do have male heroes where I come from as well as females. Though you girls, this watchtower, the web maidens, the villainess's, all of this doesn't exist.
Wendy: Different world, different heroes wow my brain is melting.
Raquel: Whoah...
Ava: You said there were other miraculous holders right, what were they like.
Michael: They are the Miracle forces counterparts though they all have different names and suits as well as identifies.(Michael saids while looking away that caught the girls attention)
Zatanna: Michael?
Erontica: Something happened back home didn't it. Before you came here right.
Michael:...Yea...I don't like to say it.
Megan: Would it help if we see what happen.
Michael: How?
Megan: I have mind reading abilities, I can see your thoughts and look at what happen that is if you want to do it or not.
Diana: We wont pressure you.
Michael: Will it hurt?
Megan: Don't worry I will not do anything that will harm you.
Spring: It would be best to show them Michael, just to get it out of your system completely.
Michael: Sigh..all right read mind link everyone up but be warned you may not like what you gonna see at the end.
Megan: Hold still and just let your mind go blank.(Megan saids when her eyes turn green and uses her powers on Michael)
Soon Michael's mind went blank while the girls were now all link too Megan who took them into Michael's mind itself and started to see images in front of them that showed his memories.
Artemis: Where are we?
Megan: We're inside Michael's mind.
Cassie: Hey look there are images coming forth.
All the girls looked at the images and it was Michael's memories from his past and present. They looked to see a version of him when he was younger who was scared and alone in the streets without anyone to look after him.
Michael(Young): 😢sniff......
Zatanna: He looks so sad...
Rachel: I guess he never had a family, I could relate...
Wendy: I feel bad for him.
They looked at the memory of Michael who was alone until they saw Monk who the girls could see that this was the man who took Michal in and raised him.
Monk: Hello little one.
Monk: Do not be frighten, I mean you no harm. Though why is a child so young doing in a place like this where are your parents?
Michael(Young): I...😢sniff...I don't know...I don't have any parents...I don't remember them....😢sniff.....I was left here all by myself....
The girls hearts were broken of what they were seeing a young Michael so scared and so alone during his childhood.
Monk: I am so sorry, do you at least have a name.
Michael(Young): M...Michael...T..Troy....
Kara: I just want to give him a big hug right now.
Monk: My name is Monk, please to meet you Michael. would seem that you have no home nor have any idea who you belong to so how would you like to come live with me.
Michael(Young): R..really....
Monk: Yes someone like you doesn't deserve a life like this, come live with me and you will be treated as one of us. You will have a home, food, as well as people who will take care of you.
Michael(Young): I...I want to go with you....
Monk: Think of me as your new father and I will raise you as my own, and in due time you will become someone of great importance.
Diana: What a remarkable and wise man he is, I would like to meet him.
Brianna: Now we see who is the one who took care of Michael his whole life.
The girls watch the young Michael in the other memories where he is having fun with the students at the temple while also playing that made the girls gush at the cuteness of how Michael was so little and so fun that they just want to give his little cheeks a pinch and cuddle him in their arms.
All the girls: HE'S SO CUTE!!!❤️(All said in thought while watching little Michael)
Soon they all watched his teenage years where he grows to train with the temple students as well as with his father who trained Michael in combat and self defense. Rachel and Brianna were impressed by Michael's skills in fighting that they would like to have spare with him to see how skilled he truly is. Then it showed Michael getting the miraculous of the spider and being tasked to go to Paris and help the fellow miraculous holders who have to deal with Hawk Moth and at first Ladybug and Cat Noir thought Shadow Spider was the bad guy which made the girls think that these holders are not that highly trained but after Shadow Spider explained that he was from the temple they trusted him to be part of the team.
Artemis: Who calls a heroin Ladybug I mean really that doesn't even sound like a true heroin name.
Ava: She should have just called herself ScarletBug or Lady Scarlet those names actually sound better.
Cassie: And did you see that Cat Noir guy, I mean that guy looks like stripper and that bell on his neck weird.
Erontica: I may be a stripper but that guy has no fashion sense at all and the belt tail lame.
Laura: His puns are lame as well.(Laura saids while watching the cat hero and his dumb puns)
The girls then look to see Michael going to a school where he was introduced to the class where he met lots of different people who treated him with kindness and became such good friends with him.
Mera: Seems like he made some new friends on his journey.
Cassie: Pst..Zatanna you don't think that they are the ones well you know...
Zatanna: We have to watch and see.
They continued to watch Michael being Shadow Spider and help the miraculous holders save lives and defeat the Akuma villains that the girls saw and found the villains to be totally stupid looking and have such weird powers but then saw how Ladybug captures these Akuma's and restores the city to normal similar to what Scarabella does with the dark feathers. They see Michael having the time of his life and later looked towards a memory where he found love.
Marinette: Michael come and try my new macaroon I just made its really good.
Michael: You know how I enjoy your pastries Mari. Mmm wow this is really good and is this red velvet.
Marinette: I knew you will like it.
All the girls: HE HAD A GIRLFRIEND?!!!(All said in thought)
Diana: She looks nice.
Megan: I guess this was Michael's first love at site.
Ava: Wait a minute those two people in the memory next to that girl Marinette look like the people I seen in that book store where I buy novels from. They have a daughter named Bridgette so I think that this Marinette is that girl Bridgette's counterpart.
Raquel: Looks like she's into fashion, got to say her designs are not half bad.
Laura: I think she went too much with the pink in her bedroom.
The girls watch as Michael and Marinette being a couple which brought jealously into their eyes but some like Zatanna, Artemis, Kara and Cassie know that the relationship ended when Michael told them of what happened.
Erontica: Seems like Michael lived a good life but what changed?
Zatanna: I think we are about to find out.
The happy memories then soon turned into memories that brought Michael pain and suffering as well as a broken hearted. They looked to see the memories of the two super villains Hawk Moth and Mayura.
Brianna: So that is Hawk Moth, the villain of Michaels world.
Laura: He doesn't look so tough to me.
Diana: Looks can be deceiving. Though who is the other one, the female with the feathers.
Megan: Her name is Mayura, she can sent out dark feathers called Amok that can created beings known as SentiMonster I guess that basically what the Miracle Force's enemy does.
Cassie: So the heroes job is take down these Akuma villains and change the butterfly back to normal while fixing the damages, I just don't understand why they don't just go find the villain I mean Michael seems to be doing it.
Jacklyn: I betting these heroes in that world don't even know what they are doing, I mean look how young they look at least Michael has brains and skills.
Rachel: Also Ladybug is the leader right, isn't her job to find the villain and take them down. Scarabella is doing that I don't understand why this Ladybug isn't doing it.
Megan: Actually she's been trying to find out who Hawk Moth and Mayura are but there was no luck finding out who they were.
Brianna: I bet I can find out who they are in two seconds.
The memories changed towards the school year where the girls look to see Michael talking with his class mates until the teacher introduces a new student that made the girls gag at the sight of seeing a girl with sausage like hair and eyes that look like a venomous snake.
Lila: Hi everyone my name is Lila Rossi, nice to meet all of you.
Wendy: Ok I am going to state the obvious and saying that girl looks creepy.
Artemis: For once I agree and that smile I can tell that is fake.
Raquel: What the hell is up with that hairdo, is she wearing sausages on that head of hers.
The girls eyes the sausage hair and none of them liked her one bit especially when they see her talking shit about doing amazing things and meeting famous people which is totally a lie as well as making promises to the classmates about getting future jobs and that is when Zatanna's eyes widen of who this person is.
Zatanna: Is this the person who ruined Michael's life.(Zatanna saids in thought)
They saw how the girl Lila was sprouting lies and the classmates ate up the lies in which the girls couldn't believe that these people who were Michael's classmates would believe in this girls crap. But then things turned downward when Lila told lies about Michael in which the classmates turned their backs on him.
Alya: I can't believe you will bully Lila!
Nino: Not cool dude.
Rose: I thought you were nice Michael.
Kim and Ivan: Jerk.
Alix: Lila is a nice person why would you hurt her, she has been nothing but kind and sweet to us.
Marc: I am sorry but I don't think me and Nathaniel can be friends with a bully.
Nathaniel: Don't bother talking to us.
Kara: What the fuck is wrong with these people?! Are they seriously taken that bitches side and not a friend.
Cassie: Kara, I think that is the girl that Michael told us about the one who ruined his life.
Jacklyn: What do you mean?
Zatanna: Michael told us about a girl from Italy who told lies to get what she wanted and by doing so she spread fake rumors about Michael as well as turning those close against him making him the bad guy while this girl this Lila Rossi remained an angel but I can see now that this evil little devil is someone who I want to shoot a spell at.
Lila: How does it feel that I took everyone away from you. Very soon all of them will turn against you and you will have nobody. I warned you that I will take everything away and you didn't listen. You will end up like those who I lied to and you end up the same way as them Michael. Dead. Oh and you better enjoy your last moments with Marinette because sooner or later she will know the man you truly are. She too will never believe you.
Raquel and Erontica: THAT SLUT!!!
Jacklyn: I like to stick a bullet through her skull.
Artemis: I am about five seconds of shooting an arrow through her head.
Cassie: So that is the scumbag who made Michael's life a living hell.
Wendy: And those classmates of his how could they take the side of a liar.
Brianna, Diana, and Mera look angry at the girl who did such awful things that they wanted to hunt her down like the animal she is and beat the living crap out of her.
Marinette: How could you do this to me Michael!!!!
Michael: Marinette I didn't do these things!!!
Marinette: I see you in the pictures hanging with other girls and you don't see yourself doing nothing!!!
Michael: Marinette they are fake, Lila is....
Marinette: I hate you Michael!!! We're are done!!!
All the gasp in shock of what happened to Michael that and how he felt so heart broken and so alone again and his own girlfriend believed in the lies without finding out if the pictures were real or not.
Adrien: Michael you need to take the high road, Lila lies are not hurting anyone. If you just apologize everything will be fine.
Michael: Take the high road...Take the high road!!! Are you god damn serious right now Adrien, you know that she is lying but you just let her do it and because of her I lost everything I cared about!!!
All of the girls: HE KNEW!!!
Adrien: If she gets exposed she will get akumatized again.
Michael: She gets akumatized a lot are you seriously defending that bitch than a friend that you knew for three years. How could all of you take that girl serious when she lies under her mouth and you are not doing anything to stop it.
Adrien: That is why you need to take the high.....
Michael: Fuck you Adrien and fuck this school and Lila can drop dead for whatever I care because I am done!!! You and everyone else are no longer friends but brainless sheep who fell for a lying bitch.
Laura: What an asshole that Adrien guy is!!
Girls: Coward..(All said while glaring at Adrien)
Volpina: Oh look the little spider decided to come out and play.
Shadow Spider: I am going to break you...
The girls watch as Michael attacks Volpina and punches and kicks her as well as beat her down followed by breaking her arm that left them gasping in shock but they knew that the liar deserved it. But then they saw an Akuma coming near him and they were afraid of what is coming next.
Hawk Moth: Savage Spider, I am Hawk Moth your friends and allies have turn against you and the one who brought you so much pain is being defended by them I will give you the power you need to get your revenge though you must do something for me in return.
Admittedly everyone gasp in horror of what Michael became and saw him attacking the miraculous holders while trying to get his claws on Lila who ran away. The girls were brought into tears while some wanted to destroy Lila and teach those morons a lesson for ruining such a good persons heart.
Shadow Spider: Ladybug...
Ladybug: I am sorry Spider but after what you tried to do just now, you can no longer be part of this team as such you will not be joining us to defeat Hawk Moth.
Diana: How dare she say such things, it is not his fault. You took the wrong side.
Brianna: They are no heroes just a bunch reckless fools who took the side of a liar, they should be a shame of themselves.
Wendy: If they came here I would super speed bitch slap and punch them all in the face.
Megan: Oh Michael....
Shadow Spider: Now I can see it now its hard to believe the so called heroes who think they know what it takes to be real heroes are nothing more then a bunch of stuck up assholes and I bet in your civilian forms your all are nothing but jerks and selfish morons whose egos are way up your assess.
Laura: You tell them Michael. They deserve for what they done to you.
Artemis: I agree they became a team and they turn their back on him for someone who is an absolute bitch.
Ava: Traitors is what they are.
Shadow Spider: I don't know why Master Fu gave you a miraculous. You and everyone else are not worthy of being heroes and I take back everything I ever said about you. I'll leave but let this be a warning if you ever try to find me after seeing the truth about who the real monster is well I wont hesitate to take you down.
Soon the girls watch where Michal found evidence of Lila and what she did in which everyone was angered and shocked that the girl caused more then just lie she caused people to kill themselves and have their bullies torment them while believing in the lies Lila told. Michael called up the countries and told them about their liar and it will please him that the liar will spend the rest of her life rotting in prison along with Hawk Moth and Mayura who were defeated in battle.
Megan: So after this...he spent his life alone in Paris until his father came and took him back to the temple where he spent a year trying to forget about his past until he arrived here a month ago. I can't believe someone like him would go through such terrible pain.
Megan undid the mind reading and everyone was back where they were while Michael opened his eyes to see that all the girls were looking at him in tears and hurt.
Michael: you know what I have been through..
Spring: Michael.(Spring saids and cuddles into her holders cheek)
Brianna: Michael..I..I...I'm so sorry....
Diana: I have never seen such horror...
Mera: You have been through so much in your life...
All the girls embraced Michael into a deep warm hug while showing tears coming down their eyes that they never met someone who went through such a tragic life. He became a hero than lost himself as well as having those turn against him and a liar making his life miserable.
Zatanna: I am sorry Michael...😢sniff...I am sorry..
Cassie: I never seen how you truly felt....they betrayed you...hurt...😢sniff...and...I couldn't say anything after what I saw.
Laura: If I see that liar and those bastards I will slice them in half!
Kara: We understand why you didn't want to tell us the full truth...😢sniff....I don't want to see someone like so hurt.
Wendy: I thought nightmares were bad but what I saw was terrible. Sorry you had to go through that Michael.
Rachel and Jacklyn: Us too....
Michael: Girls I....
Artemis: Michael I don't want to see you upset nor would I want anything bad happen to you.
Raquel: Your a good person even if we just met...I never felt so sad.
Ava: Your not alone Michael...we too have been through horrible incidents..for me I lost my mom..she was killed by one of the villainess's.
Kara: For me I lost my world and my parents..
Artemis: I lost my sister...and my family treated me like an outcast.
Rachel: For me it was my parents...
Jacklyn: I don't even know my parents I too was on the streets.
Brianna: My parents were killed in front of my eyes...
Laura: I too was lied as well as used...
Diana: You're not the only one whose been through so much...we all have been there.
Megan: But that didn't stop us for being who we are, we had friends to look after us and people who treat us with such kindness just you are doing when you came here.
Erontica: No matter what will always have those looking out for you just like how you did with us as Shadow Spider.
Michael took in what the girls all said to him and he started to embrace them and smile for they said meaning that he was never alone, he had new friends who treated him like family and friends who stick together no matter what.
Michael: Thank you..all of you. You're right I am never because I have you all to thank for that. All of you gave me what I always wanted a new life and amazing friends who happens to be amazing and very beautiful heroines.(Michael saids to the girls with a sweet smile that made all of them blush)
Girls: He..he call me beautiful!!!❤️(All said in thought while smiling and blushing)
Michael: If you girls ever need any help give me a call and I will be there to aid you.
Girls: Thank you Michael!!❤️(All said and hug Michael)
Michael: By the way are there any other heroines and villainess's I should know about since I didn't know there were more of them.
Zatanna: Well besides all of us here as well as the other heroins you probably already seen there are actually three more but two of them are solo's and one is a member of the team.
Michael: Who are they?
Brianna: The first one is Talia Ah Gul, she and I went to the same school together and is part of a group called the league of warriors but she disappeared over six months ago nobody knows where she is not even us. We searched everywhere but couldn't pick up a trace.
Michael: I see and the others.
Cassie: Loona well she's a girl who only goes to battle if someone pisses her off and she's a species called a HellHound.
Michael: I read about HellHound's but I always thought they were just myths never imagined one being here.
Zatanna: She's a very chilled girl but when someone makes fun of her or touches her stuff she will break that person into pieces trust me we know and seen it.
Michael: If I ever encounter her I will make sure to keep her from doing that.
Diana: The other is Gine, like Megan and Kara she too is also an alien but from a warrior race in another dimension.
Michael: Really what race is she from?
Ava: She's from a race called Saiyan's who are basically a group of people who look like humans but with a monkey tail.
Megan: They use energy within their bodies to get strong, it is called Ki.
Michael: This Ki is like spiritual energy because I think know about that.
Megan: Exactly. They also have the ability to transform.
Michael: Let me guess into a monkey.
Rachel: Actually into a giant gorilla but she can only do it under a full moon, the full moon is what gives the apes their power. She told us and showed us luckily she can control her ape form because when Saiyans transform they loose complete control of their former self.
Michael: Damn..first aliens, heroines, villainess's and now people who can turn into giant apes wow your world is getting more bizarre than before but I can deal with it.
Zatanna: You will get used to it Michael.
Brianna: As for the villainess's there are some that are troublesome. Lady Two Face and Queen Joke.
Michael: How dangerous are those two?
Rachel: Very dangerous.
Jacklyn: Keep an eye on Queen Joke she is bad news far worse that Lady Two Face.
Michael: Duly noted.
Laura: Sabretooth, she's an old enemy of mine.
Diana: You already met Giganta but there is also Areas Goddess of War and Herculean.
Michael: You mean Ares God of War and Hercules right.
Diana: There are male versions of them?
Michael: Uh yes but they are not alive in my world.
Mera: Ocean Mistress is mine, she tried to take over Atlantis but myself and the Queen were able to defeat her and lock her away.
Michael: Hard to believe Atlantis still exist.
Mera: You have an Atlantis where you came from.
Michael: Use to until the boy version kwami of destruction sunk it.
Zatana: Really the kwami that LadyNoire has the boy version sunk Atlantis.
Michael: Oh yea and nearly destroyed the tower of Giza and wiped out the dinosaurs.
Everyone eyes widen of the information and Mera had to make sure that this kwami of destruction stays away from Atlantis.
SuperGirl: LiveWire is my enemy she used to be a radio girl until she got into an accident and changed into a being that can harness the power of electricity something like that Electro girl you put away a month ago.
Michael: Another electric girl perfect. Anyone else I should know.
Kara: Well there is an enemy of Jen's, she is tyrant and conquer of worlds. Her name is Vilgara.
Michael: I can tell that she is someone not to mess with.
Kara: Yes. There is also FrightWig, Nyancy Chan, Rojo, and Subdora.
Michael: I will do research on them when I get back.
Zatanna: You already met Phantom and help her take down the Box Ghost.
Michael: Box Ghost was a lame ghost but I can tell that there are other ghost who are dangerous.
Zatanna: Ember McLain, Spectra, Kitty, and The Fright Knight. Ember is a music ghost who uses her guitar to gain power, Kitty is her friend who likes to manipulate others while the Fright Knight is a cold heartless ghost that wears armor and carries a green glowing sword that can cut down anything in site. Spectra best to keep an eye on her she is someone not to be messed with.
Artemis: We saw that you teamed up with Possible and took down Shego but there is also Camille Leon and Electronique to deal with. Camille can changed her appearance using shape shifting abilities to change her skin into anyone she sees. Electronique another villainess who uses electric powers.
Raquel: There is Mysterio, she can create allusions but they are fake though people fall for them easily so beware of her.
Michael: Right and besides I seen allusions before and they don't have no effect on me.
Brianna: The enemies of Woohp spies we cannot say who they are since Woohp wont allow us to know what they do.
Michael: I know I tried the same thing but no such luck.
Ava: Erin Stevens, she's a mercenary who steals weapons to people to make a quick buck but her true attentions are unknown. She goes by the name KillMonger.
Michael: I will have to do more research on these others as well. But as much as I want to stick around, its getting late and I should be heading back home.
Zatanna: I can take you back.(Zatanna saids while wrapping her arms around Michaels)
Rachael: That wont be needed Zatanna I will be more than happy to take him back home.
Spring: Uh oh I see where this is going.(Spring saids in thought)
Diana: Cough, actually since I am the one who brought him here it should be my duty to see that he gets home.
Zatanna and Rachel: Who asked you!
Michael: Uh girls?
Michael then seen all the girls arguing about who will take Michael home in which he and Spring looked scared of these women fighting each other and decided to just slip away quietly and take the Zeta-Tube back.
Brianna: All right enough!!!
Everyone stopped and looked at Brianna who was giving them a bat glare to make them all stop fighting and calm down.
Brianna: I will take him home, no ands or butts about it. Michael would you like....huh?
Zeta-Tube: Recognize Shadow Spider A-35
Shadow Spider: Oh look at the time girls sorry cannot stay for long got a lot of things to do so bye talk you again later!(Shadow Spider saids then disappears)
Zatanna: Well at least I have his number.
Artemis/Kara/Cassie: Same.
Girls: YOU HAVE HIS NUMBER, TEXT ME IT!!!!(All said while ganging up on the four girls)
Zatanna/Artemis/Kara/Cassie: Michael help...
Meanwhile with Michael who was in his Shadow Spider suit, he arrived back in Paris and close the Zeta-Tube so that no one can see or find it. When he was done he shot a web and swung back to his place but unknown to him someone from the shadows was watching the spider and video tapping the spider swinging from building to building. The stranger was wearing a black suit that with gold and silver armor all over the body with sharp claws on the fingers while also wearing a mask that looks like a panther. The being came out of the shadows and revealed herself as the Black Panther.
Black Panther: Interesting very interesting. Now I see why I was sent to the outside world.
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