Chapter 10: Ladybug Finds Out The Truth!

Quantic Universe:

Since a year has past after the battle against Hawk Moth and Mayura has ended, the heroes celebrated their victory over their win against the super villains but after a year has past things didn't go so well now that crime has spread around Paris. The heroes were doing their best to keep the city safe from criminals and dangerous thugs and so far they were doing all right but they still. felt like they needed more help to deal with the situation and the only one who dealt with these sort of problems was Shadow Spider. Even since one of the guardians of the miraculous told the heroes that they were band from coming to the temple and explained of what happened with Shadow Spider they all felt bad and horrible for what they have done to him and he didn't deserve such disrespect. Ladybug blamed herself for not kicking Shadow Spider off the team and saying those awful words towards him and those same words still haunt her.

Ladybug tried in her power to keep the city safe after she defeated Hawk Moth and Mayura but deep down in her heart she missed the hero who aided her into battle and always has been by her side every step of the way. Ever since she lost Michael her former lover, she started to miss the spider hero more because Shadow Spider always supported her and was a fellow member of the guardians but ever since the incident with Volpina and becoming the Savage Spider, Ladybug morn the things she and her teammates said to the spider and after the villains were defeated many people. questioned what happened to the spider hero because he was always there for them when they needed him the most but when Ladybug got the news thats Shadow Spider vanished and went back to the temple she and her team were band from going to the temple since they betrayed a fellow guardian.

Ladybug spent her time trying to forget about the bad things she has done as a heroin as well as Marinette Dupain Cheng, she wished she could reverse time and fix the wrong doing that she has caused to both Michael as well as Shadow Spider.

Right now the spotted heroin was on top of building thinking about a certain spider while still remembering the things she said to him and it the thought of it still brings Ladybug into so much pain and loneliness.

Ladybug: 😢sniff....Why didn't I give him a chance to explain could I have been so angry with him....I betrayed someone who has been by my side and help defended Paris...he taught me what it takes to be a hero but now I can't stop thinking about what I said to him.

FlashBack(After Savage Spider incident):

After Shadow Spider was De-Akumatized he looked upon his team who were staring at him with hate and horror in which Shadow Spider remembered what he did as well as what he became after Hawk Moth Akumatized him.

Shadow Spider: Guys I..

Rena Rogue: SAVE IT!!

Cat Noir: What the hell was that?! You almost killed Lila and not to mention us what were you thinking!!

Queen Bee: You are ridiculous spider utterly ridiculous!

Many of the other heroes looked down on the spider and many didn't want to be around him because they were scared of what he has become while under the control of Hawk Moth.

Shadow Spider: I didn't know what came over me.

Carapace: Dude you went all savage on us not cool.

Shadow Spider: Look I am sorry for what I did I just...

Cat Noir: What?

Shadow Spider: You wouldn't understand. Besides why do you even care about that Rossi girl in the first place she lied about knowing us and not to mention myself and destroyed a civilians life how could you stick up for a person like that.

Rena Rogue: She is nothing like that!

Shadow Spider: And how would you know. You wouldn't know if it bit you on the ass.

King Monkey: You almost bit my head off!

Ladybug who was glaring at Shadow Spider for his actions walked towards the spider while he was trying to explain the situation and him until he saw Ladybug coming towards him.

Shadow Spider: Ladybug I..



Shadow Spider: Ladybug...

Ladybug: I am sorry Spider but after what you tried to do just now, you can no longer be part of this team as such you will not be joining us to defeat Hawk Moth.

Queen Bee: She's right about one thing you are a freak always have and always will be.

Viperion: Sorry friend.

Ryuko: Don't apologize he doesn't deserve it.

All the others agreed while Shadow Spider looked between guilt and anger as well as sadness that he lost his spot on the team and made everyone turned their backs on him and the one person he blames is Lila Rossi who ruined both his hero and civilian life.

Shadow Spider: Your right...I don't deserve to be part of anything.

Ladybug: It's best you leave and never bother us again.

Shadow Spider: Now I can see it now its hard to believe the so called heroes who think they know what it takes to be real heroes are nothing more then a bunch of stuck up assholes and I bet in your civilian forms your all are nothing but jerks and selfish morons whose egos are way up your asses.

When those words hit the heroes they all gasped in shock of what Shadow Spider said to them especially when the last words struck Ladybug that shattered her heart.

Shadow Spider: And its hard to believe that the spotted hero became a stubborn piece of shit, I don't why Master Fu gave you a miraculous. You and everyone else are not worthy of being heroes and I take back everything I ever said about everyone of you. I'll leave but let this be a warning if you ever try to find me after seeing the truth about who the real monster is well I wont hesitate to take you down.

After Shadow Spider said those words and swung away, Ladybug broke down into tears while the rest looked down and thought that maybe they went too far but Shadow Spiders words hurt them more. And that was the last time they saw Shadow Spider and after a year has past he was nowhere to be found or seen again.

End of Flashback

Ladybug: I should have never said those things to him, I should have never fell for Lila and her lies because of her I lost two good people who treated me with such kindness. I want to see him again, I want him back with us. I want to see Shadow Spider again.

Ladybug?(A male voice saids next to the spotted heroin in which was Viperion)

Ladybug: 😢sniff...Oh Viperion hi...

Viperion: You still thinking about him aren't you.

Ladybug: Yea....

Viperion: Listen I know things haven't gone so well after what happened and trust me I miss him as well he was good hero and a good friend. We made mistakes and failed sometimes.

Ladybug: I know but I want to see him so much and apologize for what I said to him!! I never felt so broken up and after I lost someone I loved and after spider left my life shattered and I never felt so lonely. I just want to make sure that he is all right and well.

Viperion: I know you do Ladybug and we all do but like the temple guardian said we are band from ever seeing Shadow Spider ever since we turn our backs on him.

Ladybug: Well thats not going to stop me from trying to see him.

Viperion: What are you going to do?

Ladybug: I am going to the temple and I am going see Shadow Spider and apologize to everything that I have said to him and ask to be the hero we care about once more.

Viperion: Want me to go with you.

Ladybug: No I want to do this alone, please don't tell the others.

Viperion: All right and if you see him tell him I want to make up for lost times, we all do.

Ladybug: I will make sure to tell him, I just hope he will give me a chance.

Ladybug then took out her yoyo and swung away and headed towards her new apartment that she bought after finishing school early and moved out of her parents place. Once she landed on top of the deck she headed into her room where she opened a box that contained the miracle box that was in the shape of a ladybug.

Plagg: Hey pigtails what you doing back?

Ladybug: I am going to the temple to see spider.

Plagg: What? Um weren't you and your team band from the temple because of..

Ladybug: I know what you mean! Sigh..I just can't stop thinking about him Plagg ever since I lost Michael things weren't going to well and now that I lost Shadow Spider my life fell apart. I want to make sure Spider is all right and I want to apologize for everything I said to him.

Plagg: But what if he doesn't except it?

Ladybug: Then I will try harder, Paris is the not the same without him everyone including me miss him.

Plagg: I get the feeling that something might happened when she gets there.(Plagg saids in thought)

Ladybug: Kaalki come on out I need your assistance.(Ladybug saids when the horse Kwami appears out of the miracle box)

Kaakli: At your service guardian. What do you need?

Ladybug: We are going to the temple to visit someone and I need your help getting there.

Kaalki: As you wish Ladybug.

Ladybug changes back into Marinette so she can perform transformation of combing the two miraculous together.

Marinette: Tiki, Kaakli Unify!

Now transformed into PegaBug, the heroin was ready to go to the temple and see her spider friend and hope that he would forgive her for everything that happened a year ago. But unknown to her that the certain spider was no longer apart of this world and PegaBug wont like what she finds out.

PegaBug: Voyage!

PegaBug opened a portal that lead to location of the temple where all the monks and guardians  are living as well as mastering their skills. Once the heroin step through the portal she looked to see the temple in person and it was beautiful especially the snowy landscape surrounding it.

PegaBug: Theres the temple, best to hide in plain sight I don't to alert any of the temple guards. I just hope Shadow Spider is in either of the rooms. Voyage!

PegaBug opened another portal that leads into the temple and when she entered she looked to see monks and their students training together and PegaBug found the location of where the rooms were and decided to head to it while staying hidden. While inside PegaBug looked around and saw symbols what appeared to be animals meaning that they belong to the ones who wore the miraculous and so the heroin walked down the hallway to find what she is looking for.

PegaBug: Lets see, Crane...crocodile....dolphin....shark....eagle....scorpion....elephant wow some of these miraculous I never seen before but where is (gasp!) spider this is it.(Pegabug saids while looking at the symbols of different animals until she spotted the one she was looking for)

PegaBug then undo her transformation and turned back into Ladybug, she took a deep breath and calmed herself so that she can see Shadow Spider. She she carefully opened the slide door and headed inside the room and when she was in all of sudden the room was emptied like nobody was inside like it is completely abandoned.

Ladybug: What? Did he move to a different room?

You shouldn't have come here Ladybug.(A male voice saids from behind Ladybug who gasp in fright and looked to see Master Monk staring at the spotted heroin)

Ladybug: You're one of the temple guardians.

Monk: Yes I am Master Monk, Great Guardian of The Miraculous and keeper of the Native American Miracle Box. I see that your stumbled upon my sons room.

Ladybug: Your son?

Monk: Yes the one known as Shadow Spider is my son. I raised him since he was a small child that was abandoned at a young age and took it upon myself to raise him as my own.

Ladybug: Then you know where he is, I want to tell him how truly sorry I am and to apologize for all the things I said to him.

Monk: I am afraid I cannot do that Ladybug since he is no longer with us.

Ladybug: GASP! You mean he is.....

Monk: No he is not he is all right and enjoying his new life somewhere far far away and away from the people who ruined his life meaning you and your team of miraculous holders. I am very disappointed of what you did to him.

Ladybug: I know I made a mistake the biggest mistake of my life and I hated myself for what I have done to him and I want to make things right please I need to know where he is, I miss him so much.

Monk: Like I said he is somewhere far away and when I mean far I mean he is no longer apart of our world in other words he is in another world enjoying his new found life.

Ladybug: What....?

Monk: My son has been chosen to become a hero in another world. For hundreds of years a guardian of the miraculous is chosen to transport to another word to become that words new protector and my son has been chosen to be that hero. I can tell that he is doing great over in that word we transported him too.

Ladybug: What would you do such a thing?!

Monk: I didn't he chose this for himself and he wanted to get away from all of you for how you treated him as a hero and as a civilian.

Ladybug: As a civilian but I never met him as a civilian.

Monk: You did in which you broke his heart after you falling for someone with false claims.

When those words hit Ladybug she started to have memories of one person who was betrayed by her as well as many others including the same person who took everything from that person in which the pieces started to come together.

Ladybug: M...M...Michael....

Monk: Yes he is my son and the hero known as Shadow Spider. You shattered my son and those who thought were his friends turned their backs on him and I have never seen him so broken and sad but was happy that he was back with us and wanted to forget about his past.

Ladybug: Michael was Shadow Spider all this time.

Monk: As soon as he took the offer he was teleported to a world where he can make a difference and a place where none of you will ever find him. Even though he is no longer with us, he will always be with us always and he will always think of us while he staying in the world he was sent too.

Ladybug: Michael...the boy I fell in love with..the boy who showed me kindness as well as took care of me has been Shadow Spider all this time and I...shattered him and broke his heart...what have I done....and now because of me...I will never see him again. My Michael, my spider are the same person.....and now I lost my chance to apologize to him.(Ladybug saids in thought while tears were building up in her eyes)

Monk: You did a terrible thing to him and not just that but you all are unworthy of being miraculous holders. My son however has proven himself to be a true miraculous holder and great hero.

Ladybug: Please bring him back....bring him back to me..

Monk: I cannot do that nor can he come back, once teleported to a new word there is no return.

Ladybug: Then send me there I want to see Michael again!

Monk: You lost that chance when you broke his heart and he told you to move on.

Ladybug: I don't care! I want my Michael back...I want him back in my life....I..😢sniff...I want my spider.

Monk: I am sorry Ladybug but there is nothing you can do, and he never forgave any of you not even you. It is best that you leave and never step foot in this temple again.

Ladybug broke down into tears that she now knows that Michael Troy who was her love life and now ex was the spider hero all this time and was no longer in her world but in another world living a different life without her. Without any word she transformed back into PegaBug and opened a portal to her bedroom. When she arrived back she transformed out of her heroin suit and broke down in sadness and felt upset even more while the Kwami's looked were sad for what the Marinette found out.

Marinette: I will never see him again...and its all my fault!!

Tiki: Marinette...

Marinette: Leave me alone.

Marinette went up to her bed then looked to see a Shadow Spider plushy that she got when Shadow Spider first made his appearance years ago. She looked at it with tears in coming down her face and started to remember that times when Ladybug and Shadow Spider fought side by side together.

Marinette: You were by my side this whole time...and I...😢sniff...I betrayed you...I betrayed our trust...our friendship....and our love for each other. Now that I know who you really are, I can't stop myself from crying. Michael....I am so sorry....I wish I could take back everything that I said to you while you were still with me and when you were the Shadow Spider. Please...come back to me.

Marinette moved over towards the doll and gave it a big hug while more tears came down her face and soon she cuddle the doll in her arms and drifted off to sleep and wanted everything to go back to the way it used to be. All the Kwami's gathered up and decided to comfort Marinette for support after what she discovered.

Marinette: Michael...I still love you.

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