Chapter 1: Goodbye Paris!

Michael's Pov:

All right everyone lets do this one last time. My name is Michael Troy, many of you are wondering if I was just this average guy with a normal life well hate to say it you are wrong. You see I was an orphan who didn't have any parents that I don't remember having any at all since I was alone and scared as well as thought I was going to be alone forever until something happened. One night while I was alone in the dark I was met with this man who wore what looked like a ancient style of clothing and he looked upon me with sadness since I was a frighten little boy who didn't have anything in life and the man saw something in me that would change my life forever. The man took me with him to this temple deep in the mountains where he told me that he along with other people are guardians but I asked what kind of guardians in which he told me about these magical items called the miraculous that could give a normal person abilities that no man can ever dreamed of and at first I didn't believe it since magic was just a myth but when the man known as Monk showed me the miraculous as well as these adorable little creatures called Kwami's who are tiny gods who have been around since the beginning of time and space, I believed it and was taught in the ways of the guardian to where Monk too the job to teach me everything there is to know about the miraculous and its secrets and in due time I came to see him as like a father and he thought of me as like his own son. While growing up with the temple guardians, I had to learn history from the world I came from where I was taught math, science, history, arts, combat and much more and sooner or later I became quite smart and learned a lot thanks to the help of my adoptive guardian Monk and to the fellow guardians of the miraculous who were so kind to me and treated me like one of their own. After a couple years later with the guardians I received the miraculous of the spider where I met my Kwami named Spring who was thrilled to have me as her holder and I spent the days and months training to use my miraculous so I can use it for the greater good just like Monk saw it.

Monk gave me a task to go back to the world where I came from and learn to socialize with other people so that I could get out more and see things and since I used to live in the world I came from even though it was in the streets, I knew about each part of the world as well as the cities and one of them caught my eye and that was Paris located in France. Monk took the liberty of giving me money so I can find myself a place in Paris and learned about the people in the city as well as try to make friends that are around my age but also brining Spring and my miraculous with me just in case something happens. Once I arrived in Paris and settled down, I got transferred into a school called College Francoise Dupont thanks to Monk who did the paper work for me and there I met a whole bunch of people around my age and they were all so nice to me and we all became friends. I got to know each of them and what they like to do in their lives as well as got to hangout with them. Then all of sudden I found out that the miraculous of both the butterfly and peacock were stolen and were in the hands of two villains named Hawk Moth and Mayura, but also found out that there was a guardian who went into hiding for so long and gave the miraculous of creation and destruction to two people called Ladybug and Cat Noir and I saw their fights against the villains called Akuma's that Hawk Moth sent out to help him get the miraculous because what I learned about the two miraculous is that when you merge them together they can grant any wish the person who wears the two jewels but each wish comes at a price and not a good one. So I decided to step in and help them where I took the name Shadow Spider and at first the heroes didn't trust me but after I told them I was trained under the guidance of the temple guardians where they taught me all about the miraculous and their secrets both heroes gave me their trust and I was excepted into their team because I also was told that Ladybug became the new guardian of the miraculous after her master sacrifice himself to protect the secrets of the miraculous from Hawk Moth. Ladybug told me everything that has happened in life as the guardian as well as her struggles and I felt bad for her and offered to help her whenever she needs it and it made the girl very happy and see later introduced me to her teammates who I came to see them as partners as well as friends.

For the past three years I have been the one and only spider hero wearing a miraculous and I am pretty sure you all know that rest. I help save the city, I fell in love with a girl named Marinette Dupain Cheng who goes to the same school as I do and at first she had a thing for this guy name Adrien Agreste who is the son of the famous fashion designer Gabriel Agreste, turns out she could barley talk to the guy without panicking and decided to let go of him and soon gotten to know me and soon both me and her took things slow and then months later we became something amazing and I couldn't be any happier and her friends approved of mine and Marinette's relationship. It also turns out that Marinette's parents own a bakery where their pastries were the most delicious treats that I have ever tasted and it made Marinette smile. I save the city again and again, again and again...well I am pretty sure you all know what I mean. Anyway back to my story, you see after every battle that me and Ladybug as well as our team been through in keeping the city safe from Hawk Moth, I still love being a hero and protecting innocent people, I mean who wouldn't because hero doesn't just protect one person a hero protects all and thats what I am doing for this city as the Shadow Spider. I have to say life was starting to look good for me and nothing couldn't change that or so I thought because something did change my life and not for the better.

Soon a new student came into the school and I have to say she wasn't someone I want to get involved with even my Kwami Spring saw it and she knows that this new student who goes by the name Lila Rossi was bad news and her name sounded so much like the word lie well that is because this girl is a big overgrown liar and lies to get what she wants. She told my class lies about what she did in life and at first no one believed her but sooner or later everyone started to believe in the liar while some like my girlfriend Marinette as well as Adrien didn't because they knew that Lila was lying to them but Marinette didn't know Adrien knew and just kept silent while the others started to hang around the new girl. Soon when Lila spotted me, she thought she could drag me into her lies as well but it didn't work since I do fact checking that was taught to me by the guardians at the temple and when her plan failed, she started to spread lies about me that I did awful things to her like attack her, push her down the stairs, steal her things in which everyone who I thought were my friends gave me looks and said things that hurt me but Marinette stood by me side and told her classmates that I wouldn't do something like that since we've all been friends for three years in which calmed things down until Lila told everyone that her so called disease was making her spill out lies where she said she has lying disease but when I looked it up on the internet there was no such thing as lying disease so Lila was lying to everyone again. Then she got Akumatized into the villain known as Volpina who was a cheep knock off of Rena Rouge but soon was defeated by me, Ladybug and Cat Noir. I kept my eye on Lila and see what she has plans as well as other lies she was going to tell my classmates or former classmates since they are starting to believe in Lila's lies even more. Lila lied to everyone about meeting famous people and helping saving lives but I knew that she made all these up as well the promises that she made everyone in class in which will never come true if they open up their eyes and see the light. Then soon Lila started to spill out more lies about me as well coming in with fake cuts and fake blood thinking that I did those things to her and soon everyone who I knew for years turned against me while Marinette still kept close to me while Adrien told me to take the high road saying that Lila's lies are not hurting anyone in which they are hurting me and I just wanted to knock some sense into Adrien because taking the high road is something you need to say to tabloid reporters like my classmate Alya who made this blog called the LadyBlog at first was filled with so many things about the heroin until she posted stupid things about Lila and her fake adventures. The class called me a bully as well as a bad influence and not even the teacher nor the principle didn't do anything to help except one teacher who was my favorite science teacher saw how the class was treating me and knew about Lila and her lies helped me out and I thanked her for what she was doing for me. But then the most horrible moment came when Lila pulled off her most biggest lie yet and it shattered my heart completely because when Lila came back to class with some photos and showed them to the class it showed pictures of me with other women but when I saw them, all of them looked completely photoshopped and not that good of editing in which they were all fake and not real but then when Marinette saw them closely and when I told her that these were nothing but fake photos created by Lila to make me look more miserable, the one thing the girl I fell deeply in love with did something and that is she slapped me hard in the face and cried of what she saw and when I explained to her I didn't do those things she told me that we are done and that we both broke up and it shattered me completely that not only I lost friends that I knew for years but I also lost the girl I fell in love with. Adrien knew that Lila was lying and didn't say anything because I just found out that he is nothing but an asshole and a coward, I stopped being friends with him after he took the liar's side and now I am alone without any friends and a girl that I came to love broke up with me and I was no longer allowed to see her because her parents kicked me out of the bakery and was banned from the place.

When Lila got Akumatize again, I let out my anger as Shadow Spider and attacked her head on and broke her arm that left the heroes gasping in shock of what I did and when Volpina looked upon me in my Black Spider suit, what she saw was fear and hatred under my mask that made Hawk Moth surprised and sent another Akuma and this time it landed on me and he took control and turned me into a monster version of my Black Spider form but instead of the hero my Akuma form went by The Savage Spider where my whole costume changed differently while also having sharp claws on both hands as well as a large mouth from the mask area with razor sharp teeth and it made Ladybug and the team scared of what I have become.

Even though I was Akumatized, I still remember all the things I did in which I almost killed my teammates as well as Ladybug but also Volpina who I almost ripped off her head if Cat Noir haven't stopped me from doing it in the first place and soon Volpina was changed back into Lila and she ran for her life while the team and Ladybug dealt with me in my Savage Spider form. It took hours for the team to take me down and transform back to normal but the damage was already done because now the team looks at me in fear as well as Ladybug who I made a promise to fight along side her and protect the city but now she kicked me off the team and everyone I knew like Cat Noir, Pigella, Purple Tigress, Viperion, Rena Rogue, Carapace, Queen Bee, Bunnix, Minotaurox, King Monkey, Pegasus, Caprikid, Rooster Bold, Miss Hound, and Ryuko all turned their backs on me and decided that I will never be part of their team again and they all called me a threat and a monster and it broke me completely because not only I lost everyone I knew, I lost the team that I came to know as friends as well and I have never felt so alone.

When time past Hawk Moth and Mayura were defeated who turned out to be Gabriel Agreste and his assistant Natalie meaning the war was over but things will never be the same and I watched from the side lines as the team and Ladybug took down the enemy and saved Paris. When people asked of what happened to Shadow Spider, Ladybug didn't answer them not even the team because they still cannot forget what I did and what I became due to what Hawk Moth turned me into and so I decided to look away and forget about everyone I cared about even Marinette who I deleted her from my phone as well as gotten rid of the pictures of me and her when we were still together as well as the clothes that she made for my birthdays and I donated them to poor people who appreciated me doing something for them. I cut off contact with everyone I knew for the past three years and I never talked to any of them since not even the heroes who turned their back on me. The only people I can only trust is my Kwami Spring, the guardians at the temple, my science teacher and my adoptive parent Monk. School was never the same, the classmates avoided me as well as Marinette and I couldn't take it anyone and I thought coming back to the world I use to live in was good but I was sadly mistaken because it filled with nothing but people who lie and turn those who love you against you and leave you all alone.

That is when I decided to end things once and for all in which I looked up everything that Lila did as well as got the school board into the situation happening at the school and told them about the irresponsible people teaching the students which included Miss Bustier and Principle Damocles who did nothing to stop the bullying as well as finding out what a student was spilling in the school. I also did some research on Lila Rossi and found out that the girl was actually a wanted person who caused the deaths of students from different parts of the country due to spreading lies to others and bullying others until they committed suicide and I also hacked into the schools camera's and saw all the things that Lila did and blame all the things on me. As well as taken the pictures that she made where during a swing around the city, I followed Lila to her place and snuck into her room and found the pictures as well as her diary filled with many lies and threats she planed over the years. Soon after I gathered all of the evidence of what Lila did, I saved all of the stuff into a flash drive and placed all the other things in folders along with the diary that contain the threats and decided to contact the police about their wanted murderer and said that they will be in Paris in two days. I swore that Lila will pay for what she has done to me but I cannot forgive those who abandoned me not even Marinette because it is best that she forgets about me and move on with her life because when the truth comes out I will be long gone due to the fact that I have nothing left in this city and I was now alone.

End Of Pov

It was dark in the city of love but now known as the city of lies in which a certain miraculous holder who has lost everything in his life after Hawk Moth and Mayura were defeated and thrown in prison for their crimes, the black suited spider hero sat on top on a chimney while the sky was dark and soon started to rain and thunder clouds were formed and lightning shot down from the skies.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Shadow Spider has been sitting in the rain for hours while also thinking about the times he had with the team as well as Marinette but soon started to forget about them and after the way they treated him, he didn't want anything to do with them after those mean things that they said to him and saw him as an outcast and a threat. Under his mask he was filled with guilt, anger as well as sadness all because of what a liar did to him and when the truth comes out that Lila is a liar and the real threat, Black Spider aka Michael Troy will be nothing but a memory and a shadow.

Shadow Spider: Sigh...I should've never left the temple...I should have stayed with the guardians. I thought coming back to the world I came from could help me but I guess I was wrong..I don't belong anywhere and I don't deserve to have any friends or someone who I can love because after what that bitch Rossi did to me, I have never felt so alone. I wish Master Monk my father was here...I miss him so much.

While Shadow Spider was mourning the lost of everything he cared about a certain someone appeared from top of the houses and it was his adoptive parent Monk who he found out what has happened to his adoptive son and felt sad for what went down and how everyone treated him including the other miraculous holders who was not pleased of how they treated him because of how Black Spider found out the truth about that Rossi girl and all she has done. Monk saw how Michael who was in his spider suit looking down in shame as well as broken and have decided to take him back home to the temple where he can be among those who took care of him.

Shadow Spider: Master Monk....I have failed you...I am sorry.

Monk: No my son you haven't failed me.

Shadow Spider: Master!(Black Spider saids and looks behind him to see his adoptive parent who felt sorry for what his adoptive son has been through)

Monk: Hello Michael..

Shadow Spider: It is good to see you again Master but what are you doing here?

Monk: I got word of what has happened here in Paris and what has happened to you and I am sorry that you have suffered so much pain my son.

Shadow Spider: wasn't your fault Master...I thought coming back here would help change for the better but I guess it didn't and for that I lost everything that I had for the past three years and now I feel nothing but emptiness inside.

Monk: I know Master Su-Han saw everything that took place as well as what Hawk Moth did to you and what you became that made the other holders turn away from you as well as how you were lied to and how you lost the girl you loved. I should've gone with you my son, and kept watch.

Shadow Spider: Nothing can change this Master...there is nothing left for me here and I want to go back home to the temple because thats where I truly belong with my people. I have already sent out an email that I am not coming back to that school that I went to and I sent a video about everything that has happened to my science teacher since she was the only one I could trust.

Monk: It is for the best my son, now that Hawk Moth and Mayura are defeated and the miraculous are safe, there is no reason for you to stay here any longer.

Shadow Spider: I have all of my things packed up and being sent back to the temple, and paid my rent at the place I staid in. I also decided to cut off my contact with everyone that I knew from school because I cannot forgive them for what they have caused me.

Monk: And the girl?

Shadow Spider: It's best that she moves on...after she slapped me in the face and told me that we are done...I don't want anything to do with her and I have already gotten rid of the stuff she gave me and donated the clothes to the poor.

Monk: I see...

Shadow Spider: And the authority's will be arriving to take away Rossi and throw her in prison for her crimes and her lies will be spilled while the principle and the teacher of my former classmates will be removed and replace with better people who will do their jobs right. I also did contact some celebrities about who Rossi lied about and they seem pissed off.

Monk: You have learned well my son.

Shadow Spider: Thank you.

Monk: Come, let us return back to the temple my son. The guardians await for your return back home.

Shadow Spider: is time to go home. But can you give me a minute alone I need to say a few words before we leave.

Monk: Take the time you need my son, I will be waiting until you are finished.(Monk saids and jumps away from his son to give him alone time)

Once Shadow Spider saw his adoptive parent leave to have some alone time, the spider holder looked towards the city and started to say his farewells as well as no longer he will deal with liars and betrayers.

Shadow Spider: Goodbye city of love, thank you for the memories though I will not be coming back here ever again because after I was lied to as well as betrayed by those who I came to know as my friends and teammates I cannot bare to stay in a place filled with nothing my toxic people who would believe in someone who manipulates people and turn others against them. To all of those who were my former friends and now my former classmates hope now you will see the truth and....Marinette don't bother coming looking for me because I know you will find another love who will fill your heart up after all you shattered mine after not believing in what I said about Lila and those photos. Adrien I hope you rot in hell like your father because I will never forgive for what you have done and everyone else who turned against me. Though I will miss you Ms.Mendeleiev, thank you for being there for me and I really enjoyed your teachings and your assignments. And Lila I hope they put you down like the dog you are..because you deserve nothing to live for not even Hawk Moth and Mayura who are in prison. Goodbye and good riddance and this is last you will see The Shadow Spider.

After his speech Shadow Spider shot his web and followed his Master so that they both can return to the temple and Shadow Spider aka Michael Troy can forget about everything that has happened in the city of Paris and will no longer have anything to do with the former people he knew as well as Ladybug and the other miraculous holders who turned their back on a former friend who didn't deserve such shame.

The next day, everyone was in school who were getting ready to start class but soon discovered that a certain someone wasn't in class yet or bother to show himself at the gates which made the class confused onto where their former friend and classmate who thinks he is a bully to what Lila told them about him and what he didn't do. Marinette didn't bother that her ex boyfriend wasn't here yet because after those pictures she wanted to forget about him while Adrien who was still taking the high road thinking that Lila's lies are not hurting anyone but soon he will know what real pain feels like and so will Lila as well as the rest of the class. Then soon Miss Bustier came in with a sadden look on her face that caught everyone's attention.

Bustier: Hello everyone...I hope you are all doing well.

Alya: Miss Bustier are you all right? And whats with the box?(Alya saids that got everyones attention)

Bustier: It has come to my attention that I will no longer be teaching this class since I have been fired by the school board themselves.

Everyone except Lila/Chloe/Marinette/Adrien: WHAT?!!

Bustier: It's true my teaching license has been permanently removed and that of Principle Damocles who was also fired from his job as well.

Nino: What do you think happened with them dude?(Nino Whispers to Adrien)

Adrien: I am not sure Nino?

Bustier: You all will be getting a new teacher soon as well as a new principle as for me I will not aloud to teach ever again and Damocles will no longer be a principle of any school due to what the school board found out.

Rose: Why what has happened that got you fired?

Bustier: I didn't do my job right and now I am being sued by the school board for allowing bullies to harm others and not bother to help out.

Alya: It had to be that Michael-Brat!!(Alya saids in anger that got everyone to shout out)

Bustier: No it wasn't him....because he never did any of those horrible things.....and...I was a fool.

Marinette: What?...

Then soon a group of police officers and lawyers from the school board came into the room that got the room confused except for Lila who looked pale of what is going to happen.

Ms.Rohan: Good morning students I am Ms.Rohan head of the school board and it has come to my attention that this school has a case of bullying and people turning on each other while also teachers slacking off and not doing their jobs as well as a principal who isn't even fit to be help the students in this school.

Sabrina: Dad what are you doing here?

Officer Roger: We will discuss this after school, because after this you are in big trouble young lady and that includes your classmates here.

Everyone except Lila: What did we do?(All said in thought)

Ms.Rohan: Now then which one of you goes by the name Lila Rossi?

Lila: That would be me miss....I...I am sorry I am sorry I didn't mean for Michael to do this...

Alya: Don't worry Lila they are probably here to take care of that brat.

Ms.Rohan: Actually it's the other way around because Lila Rossi is the one who is in trouble and being place under arrest for the crimes she has caused in Paris as well as in the other countries.

Nathaniel: Crimes? Lila never did any crimes?

Alya: Yea Lila is a good person!

Ms.Rohan: No Lila Rossi is a wanted criminal for the deaths of students who have been driven to commit suicide after this girl lied to many students about things that other students did to her and drove their friends to harm to them and later killed themselves.(Ms.Rohan saids to everyone who gasped in pure shock as well as Marinette)

Officer Roger: Lila Rossi I am placing you under arrest for lying, bullying, and murder and you have the right to remain silent until Ms.Rohan finishes her speech.(Roger and his police men grab Lila and put cuffs on her hands then dragged her down stairs and in front of everyone)

Max: Ms.Rohan how can there be any proof that Lila did anything bad?

Ms.Rohan: I have the evidence right here along with a flash drive containing her wanted sign as well as the crimes she has committed over the years. We also have her diary filled with threats and plans to lie to others.

Lila: HOW DID THEY GET MY DIARY?!(Lila saids thought while in shock and anger)

Ms.Rohan: We found a lot of dangerous plots that this girl has and I think it would be wise that you all take a looks of what she wrote inside her diary.

Alya was the first one to look at the diary to prove her friend was innocent but then she turned absolute pale of what she was reading and the threats that were written in Lila's own handwriting because Alya knows what Lila's writing looks like. Then soon everyone else looked that the diary including Marinette and Adrien who both turned pale after what they have read and gave the diary back to Ms.Rohan.

Ms.Rohan: As you can see everyone this diary that belongs to Lila Rossi that contains everything that she has caused as well as the victims she has killed due to her lies. And now I will show you all her wanted list that is on the drive here along with how many students suffered at the hands of this criminal.

Everyone looked at the screen and saw the wanted list of Lila Rossi as well as the crimes she committed over the years and every country wanted her dead or alive that made the class scared of what they saw on the screen.

Ms.Rohan: We also got contacted with some famous celebrities who will be suing miss Rossi for her lies about what she has told all of you and will receive a lot of lawsuits and as for your blog miss Cesaire I am afraid that your blog will have to be deleted at once because that blog is filled with lies and nobody will be hiring you for your lack of fact checking your sources as well as posting things about a dangerous fugitive.

Alya: NO! I spent...

Ms.Rohan: Either that or you will get tones of lawsuits at your front door and will be blacklisted by every news station around the world and no one will take you seriously. You will also be spending jail time for assisting miss Rossi for her crimes.


Ms.Rohan: Also it has come to my attention that we also found these photographs of different people with others who look as real as you all can see them.(Ms.Rohan saids and the officers showed the pictures as well as the pictures of Michael with the other women that made Marinette hurt)

Kim: What about them Ms.Rohan because they all look pretty real to us?

Ms.Rohan: Well thats where you are wrong because we took them down to a detective who specializes at finding out what is real or not and he confirms that these photographs that you all see are fake and photoshopped.

Marinette: Wait then that means......what have I done.....(Marinette saids in shock and found out what she did was the most horrible thing she has ever done in her life)

Ms.Rohan: We did find videos of Lila Rossi causing problems in school in which we found the videos in the camera's around the school area and saw what miss Rossi has caused to some of the students here.

The video showed everything that Lila did and the class turned to Lila who was paling like a ghost in which she got many glares from the classroom as well as finding out that she was a liar after all and they didn't believe it until now.

Officer Roger: One of my officers also check the cities camera's where we found this girl catching an Akuma out of the air and talking to Hawk Moth herself meaning that she has also been working with a terrorist for years now.

Ms.Rohan: You are correct Officer Roger because it was also shown that she also put an Akuma in her earrings and spoke to Hawk Moth meaning that she has been working with Hawk Moth for some time before he was captured and defeated by Ladybug and the heroes. Also students it would be best to look up any clams that miss Rossi did like say traveling around the world, helping people, being Ladybug's best friend, meeting celebrities because let's just say she hasn't done any of those things but stayed home all day long and skipping school.

Everyone but Adrien looked up any claims to Lila but nothing came up only things on the LadyBlog and when they checked so many times it was obvious that Lila lied to them, she lied to all of them in which now everyone wanted to get Lila and make her pay for lying to them as well as lying about the promises that she made to them where none of them will come true.


Rose: Its no wonder Prince Ali is no longer in contact with me....😢sniff....I told him about Lila and he said he doesn't know about her and he cut himself with me.(Rose saids with tears coming down her face while Juleka converts her while glaring at Lila)

Mylene: We trusted you!(Mylene saids while Ivan is hugging her)

Marc: You are sick Lila...

Nathaniel: I agree..

Max: There is 99% you also lied to many others and did awful things to them.

Kim: How did we became so blind...

Chloe: Your ridiculous Lila utterly ridiculous!

Ms.Rohan: Now that you all know what this girl is, I think when your new teacher and principal arrives they will give you a lesson about bullies as well as people who manipulate others into driving them to kill themselves as well as bring harm. And as for you Lila Rossi, you're not only expelled from this school and being arrested but you are also sentenced to life in prison in which we have all the parents approval who have lost their children because of you and the judge made his claim that you will spend the rest of your life behind bars outside of France and will receive tuns of lawsuits from everyone and your mother was called and she is not happy at all.


Ms.Rohan: Oh the evidence came from a charming young man who gave us what we needed to find you and throw you in jail for what you did and after the pain you caused him after you turned these students against him, he took the time to look up everything that you have done so he can expose you for the criminal you are.

Adrien: Um who was this person ma'am?

Ms.Rohan: I think his name was Michael Troy.

Everyone: (Gasp!)....Michael......

Ms.Rohan: I take that you all know him?

Nino: He was our friend in class.....oh dudes and dudettes what have we done!

Alix: Oh my could we be so blind....we turn our backs on the person who treated us with kindness and respect....

Marinette: 😢sniff......MM...Michael...(Marinette saids with tears of pain that she mess up big time and broke the boy who showed her love and then tare it apart after what happened with Lila)

Everyone except Lila looked down in sadness of what they all did to their friend or former friend and they all want to apologize to him for making his life miserable as well as Marinette who wants to see the person she loved for years and hope that things could be made up and the first thing she wants to do and give the man she loved a big hug and apologize for slapping him and making a huge mistake.

Ms.Rohan: I see now that all of you turned your back on that Michael Troy due to what Miss Rossi said to all of you with fake promises and fake injuries as well as lying about someone who didn't deserve such treatment. I hope you all learned not trust someone who doesn't lie their way to get what they want without any proof and for that I bid you all a farewell. Officers take this criminal away and lock her up for good.

Officer Roger: Yes ma'am, let's go Miss Rossi.



Lila didn't finish her sentence as she was punched hard in the face by a very pissed off and crying Marinette Dupain Cheng who looked furious of what this girl has done to Michael and will never forgive Lila for what she has done to her ex boyfriend.


Marinette soon fell to the ground and was crying in tears of sadness and pain in which Chloe got up from her spot and comfort the girl who lost the man she loved because what the liar did to him and the one responsible for Marinette breaking up with Michael and leaving his heart shattered.

The police then took the unconscious Lila Rossi who now has a broken nose as well as the broken arm from what Shadow Spider did to her and then Ms.Rohan left the room so that the class can feel the guilt of what they all did to their classmate that they knew for three years and they promise when Michael comes in they will apologize for everything that they did to him as well as Marinette who wanted to see Michael and take back what she said to him and hated herself for slapping him in the face. Then soon Ms.Mendeleiev came in with a sad look on her face that got the classes attention.

Mendeleiev: I hope all of you learn that listening to someone new doesn't always work out for the best in which I have never been more disappointed in my own students.

Rose: Ms.Mendeleiev do you know where Michael is?

Alya: We want to apologize for everything that we have done to him! I am so stupid and I said such awful things to him....I am such a bad friend.

Nino: We all did things to him Alya and we will apologize once we see him.

Mendeleiev: I am afraid that wont be possible.

Ivan: What do you mean?

Mendeleiev: Sigh...Michael is no longer a student at College Francoise Dupont...he's gone.

Admittedly everyone broke down of what they just heard and not just them but Marinette as well who couldn't believe that Michael was gone and was no longer a student in school.

Alix: would've told us!

Nino: Dudette did you really think he would tell us after what we all did to him...

Rose: When....when did he leave?

Mendeleiev: He left a day ago....he sent me a video so that all of you can hear what he has to say but you may not like it because I never seen such a wonderful student of mine so broken and alone.

Soon the teacher put on the video screen so that everyone can see what Michael has left them and they hoped that Michael was still around even if he left the school they hoped that they will have a chance to speak with him but what they didn't know was Michael was no longer in Paris nor France. Then soon the video came on and everyone in the room looked to see their former friend Michael who didn't look happy at all that made Marinette upset at seeing Michael so down.

Michael(Video): Hello..if you all are watching this it means that I am no longer in school nor am I a student at College Francoise Dupont well that is because I left because after what has happened in school between you guys and Lila Rossi I couldn't take the pain any longer so I handed in my school papers and turned in everything that I had so that I am no longer coming back to this school because I am no longer welcome there.

Marinette: Michael....

Michael(Video): Sigh...When I came to Paris, I wanted to start a new life and make friends around my age and I have in which after I was excepted into this school you all treated me with such kindness and respect and it made me very happy that I get to be life everyone else because truth is I never had anyone when I was younger, I didn't have parents, no home, no friends nothing until I got adopted by someone who was very wise and generous and he took me in and raised me like his own son and I couldn't been any happy for what that man did. Then soon when I moved to Paris and met all of you I came to see you all as such wonderful people and had such great talents, and while spending time with each of you I came to see you as more than just my friends I came to see you all as like my brothers and sisters so basically I saw you all as family.

Many girls in the room broke down into tears while the boys felt sadden of what Michael thought about them that he saw them as like his family because how they treated him before Lila came.

Michael(Video): guys showed me a great time here in Paris and I thank you for what you did for me and help me start a whole new beginning for me. But also during my time in Paris and after making such wonderful friends who excepted me in their lives I not only found friends but I also found love in which I met you Marinette Dupain Cheng. A girl who is adorably clumsy as well as has a large heart who cares about those around you and has such loving parents who love their daughter very much and I couldn't found the perfect person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with than you Marinette. You made me gifts for my birthdays, showed me a great time in the city of love, we had our first dance and kiss under the stars as well as treating me to some of those delicious pastries that your parents bakes which are still good.

Marinette: I..I..I am so sorry Michael....(Marinette saids in thought while the tears are still coming down her face)

Michael(Video): I have to say my life was going great in Paris. I had friends, a girl who I love with all of my heart, a teacher who I came to like and appreciate..yea life was great for me until it turn into a living HELL.

When Michael said the last part with venom in his voice it started to scare the class as well as Marinette who is now panicking of what is going to happen next.

Michael(Video): You might be wondering why I am sounding more different now well that is because my former classmates of mine that I knew for three long years turn their backs for someone new and betrayed me in which I am disgusted of what you all became after a certain gut sucking lying bitch that came into class and started lying about things that she didn't do and later spread lies about me.

Everyone: Oh no.....(All said in fear)

Michael(Video): At first none of you didn't believe in her lies which was good to know but then when more of that bitches lies started to get even more annoying you all believed her without finding any sources of her clams just like our little miss tabloid reporter here isn't that right Alya the blogger who made a blog after Paris's heroin Ladybug but now it is a blog filled with nothing but pathetic lies.

Alya: 😢sniff.....I'm sorry Michael....I am so sorry! I should have check my sources like all reporters do!!

Michael(Video): Lets not forget about the lies that were spread about me about bullying that witch Lila who I think is pretty pathetic for a girl who likes to lie to others and turn people against others, I mean seriously you guys knew me for three god dam years and you already knew Lila for like two months I mean how stupid can all you get for just believing in one person who has no proof that I did any of those things to her makes me wonder that you would believe anything that comes out of the trap of a mouth of hers. Like for example Max how could a napkin hurt your eye its made of soft paper and it cannot cause blindness and your wearing glasses for peep sake honestly use your brain for once oh wait I forgot you lost it after Lila damaged it with the lies she spoke about.

Max: Why do I have 99% chance that he is right...a napkin can never hurt me because it is made of soft paper...I am such an idiot.

Michael(Video): All of you became Lila's mindless goats and lost the site of who you truly were. I am ashamed to even call you guys my friends nor my brothers and sisters because right now I don't see any of that in you anymore because you are the ones who became the bullies just like Lila.

The whole class now felt like their world has been shattered because they knew what Michael said was true they treated him badly even though they never attacked him or beat him but they cut him off and abandoned him like a lost puppy.

Michael(Video): I thought you guys were good people as well Miss Bustier and Principle Damocles well I guess I wrong, I don't deserve to be friends with any of you nor be friends with people who believe in a liar that who turned out to be a total psychopath who killed innocent students due to her lies makes me wonder if I staid in school you would drive me to kill myself.


Kim: I..I don't know guys I mean we did look like people who wanted to drive someone to kill themselves...


Michael(Video): Now that you all have taken the side of the liar instead of listening to someone who has been your friend for three years I don't want anything to do with you all and if you want to apologize to me because I know that you all just found out that Lila is liar well hate to break the news to you I don't forgive any of you and I don't want your apologies.

With those words it broke the classes hearts that Michael their former friend doesn't want their apologies as well as wants nothing to do with them because after they took Lila's side and after listening to Michael's broken voice it made the class tear up in sadness and pain.

Michael(Video) As for you Marinette...

Marinette: No....please no....

Michael(Video): I loved you with all of my heart and I wanted to do a lot of amazing things with you but after Lila showed those fake pictures of me with those women and after I tried to explain that they weren't real....what did you do oh yes you SLAPPED IN THE FACE THATS WHAT! Then you ended our relationship with false evidence...I cannot believe you...I thought you were the one for me but I guess I was mistaken.

Marinette: Michael don't...please..don't..please.

Michael(Video): I am sorry Marinette but...I can no longer be with someone who didn't believe me...and all the things you gave me I donated them and the pictures of us together gone...I think it is best that you forget about me because you shattered my heart...I don't think I will ever recover from it....😢sniff....I am sorry but it's over and you were right to end it all.

Marinette:(GASP!)!!!!!! MICHAEL!!(Marinette screams in pure horror and sadness in which her heart broke into pieces after what she did too Michael and after what he said on the video she has lost the man she loves because of what Lila Rossi did to him and her.

Michael(Video): 😢sniff...I am sorry Marinette but it's for the best...just move on with your life and just forget about me because I will be nothing more than a memory nothing more nothing less.

Marinette: AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!😭(Marinette cries out her heart after everything that has happened and now she will no longer see the man who she fell in love with and no longer feel his touch)

Michael(Video): And as for you SON OF HAWKMOTH whose head I wanted a crush with my bare hands!!

Adrien: Gulp....

Michael(Video): You knew Lila was lying the whole time and you didn't bother to tell anyone about it all because you think her lies are not hurting anyone well they were shit head because they hurt a lot of people including me and I was sick and tired of you stupid advice take the high road well hate to break the news to you Adrien Agreste you are suppose to say that to tabloid reporters I guess being held in that mansion for so long made absolutely stupid.

Nino: Dude is he saying what is true did you know about Lila being liar?


Michael(Video): If all of you are gonna ask that he knew about Lila being a liar then yes he did know but decided to be a coward and hide the truth from all of you because he afraid she would get Akumatized well who gives a fuck she wasn't that much an Akuma anyway I mean Shadow Spider took her down with no problem. Have to say Adrien you are as bad as Lila and more pathetic than that father of yours and I hope he rots in hell just like you and I can tell that your mother would be disappointed of what her son turned out to be.

Adrien looked down in shame because Michael was right he did know about Lila being a liar and thought her lies were not hurting anyone but they were and he blew it and didn't tell any of his friends and his mother would have been disappointed in him.

Michael(Video): Do me a favor Agreste take your stupid high road advice and shove it up your ass because now you will know what it is like to be alone just like how I was when I was on the streets. Also if any of you try to contact me don't bother I blocked your numbers after you took Lila's side and deleted everything that we did together and also don't bother looking for me either because I already left France and will never come back ever. This is no longer The City of Love now it is The City of Lies..Goodbye.

Video Ended

When the video ended Ms.Mendeleiev was brought into tears that she will miss her favorite student and will never come back in which she exit out of the room to get some air while also thinking Michael will be all right and away from the city. The class was silent but then all hell broke loose when everyone burst into tears and sadness that their friend who is no longer their friend is gone and is never coming back and has blocked all of them for what they did to him while Adrien looked down in shame for being the idiot he is until Marinette stood in front of him in anger and hatred with tears coming down her face.

Marinette: You knew........(Marinette saids with venom in her voice)

Adrien: Marinette I...

Marinette: You knew all this time and never told us not even me......

Adrien: I was trying to keep the peace....

SLAP!(Marinette slaps Adrien in the face)


Adrien: Marinette wait!

Alix and Kim: YOU KNEW!!!(Both saids in anger and ready to hit something meaning Adrien)

Nino: How could you not have told us dude! We lost a good friend because of Lila and you didn't bother to tell us because you were afraid she would get Akumatized what about the rest of us we were Akumatized as well doesn't our feelings matter or is it just Lila's.

Adrien: But Lila...


Rose: How could you Adrien....

Juleka: You are just like Lila and probably worse than your father.

Max: There is 20% that you wont make out of this room alive.

Adrien: Guys can we talk about this...

Alix: We're giving you a five minute head start.

Adrien: Guys please I was just...

Kim: Make it three minutes.

Adrien: Lila just wants...

Ivan: Two minutes.(Ivan saids while cracking his knuckles)

Admittedly Adrien got up from seat and ran out of the room where both Alix, Kim, and Ivan chase after him to give the Agreste what he deserved while the other mourn their lost friendship with Michael who is long gone and is never coming back to Paris or France. Chloe called up her father saying she wants out of the school and transferred to a different place in which he excepted his daughters decision. Sabrina was going to get a harsh punishment when she gets home and that includes everyone else because their parents were informed of what happened and things will never be the same again.

As for Marinette, after she ran out of the school and headed back home with tears that she will never see Michael again and it broke the poor girls heart that she shattered the man she came to love and care for and now he was no longer in France nor has anyway to contact him since he blocked everyones number including Marinette's. When she arrived home, her parents saw her and she looked completely upset and asked what happened and when Marinette told them everything they both felt hurt and sadden for Michael as well as their daughter who will no longer see Michael ever again and both Tom and Sabine brought their daughter into a hug to help calm her down but she was still crying over Michael and wanted him back but the damage was done and she has to live with the consequences so does everyone else.

Tiki, Marinette's Kwami felt bad for her holder but she was also disappointed that she didn't take the time to hear Michael's story and for that Tiki didn't bother to speak to her nor did the heroes other Kwami's who were ashamed of their holders actions and will never forgive them. Plagg was fed up with his holder Adrien and after he came home with the beatings, Plagg took the ring and flew away and headed towards Marinette's place where the poor girl stayed in her bed while hugging a frame of her with Michael and kept on thinking about him and wanted him to come back to her but sadly it didn't matter because Michael made it clear that he is never coming back. As soon as Plagg arrived with the ring and finds Marinette sad, the Kwami felt hurt for what his holder did to Marinette and not told her about Lila because Michael would still be here and Marinette wouldn't feel so broken. Both Plagg and Tiki comfort Marinette to keep her calm then soon she drifted off into sleep with tears coming down her face while the Kwami's stayed close to her.

Things will never be the same again and as for Michael, he will have to live with that he has lost everything in his life except for his adoptive parent as well as the guardians who welcomed him back to the temple with open arms but saw the sadness in the boys eyes and allowed him to go to his room with Spring who felt sorry for what her holder has been through and promises to be by his side all the time. Michael will now spend his life at the Temple and never leave it because the outside world is too full of toxic people and lies and he doesn't want any part of it ever again. Monk saw this and decided to come up with something that can help his son so that he doesn't feel the loneliness anymore but it will take time for him to come up with something so he will just let Michael rest and try to forget everything until he is ready to get back on his feet again.

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