Roundtable Hold - 2

Compared to every other chapter, this one isn't super long, but I'm happy to post it, nonetheless.

Despite me asking for some questions, I received only a question for me! It was nice, but it wasn't exactly what I was asking for. Alas, I'll figure out more questions.

For this chapter, I'll be a bit more specific, for those of you who like the Black Knife Assassin so much, why? I'm just a bit confused seeing as how I've written... like 3 sentences talking about her.

Regardless of that, enjoy the chapter!


Gathering up his courage, (Y/n) strolled into the room where Fia would be.

Fia was a Deathbed Companion and ally of (Y/n)'s. She'd even be connected to the Prince of Death, Godwyn, if (Y/n) helped her pursue her goals. And now, as the Shadow Sovereign so intricately connected with Destined Death, he thought she'd have something to say about him.

Except she wasn't there.

On her bed was Sellen, lying down and resting, her eyes closed. She was still wearing her academy robes, but her glintstone crown was sitting on the floor. Melina sat and read more of her tome, wearing her traveler's garb.

When (Y/n) entered, Melina closed her book and smiled at him gently. She could immediately sense his confusion. She shook her head despite his silence, "When we arrived, she was nowhere to be found. If this was the meddling of an Outer God, I hesitate to say why."

(Y/n) slowly nodded, glad that Melina was on the same page as him. "Huh."

Melina bowed her head lightly, "Quite odd. Perhaps the changes to this world are more than we anticipated?" Despite her normal confidence, Melina was stumped on why Fia wouldn't be at the Roundtable Hold just as much as (Y/n).

He shook the thoughts aside, not particularly worried about Fia's safety. In the past, Fia was an ally, if a distant one. And something silent within him guaranteed Fia's health. It was far from logical, but it brought him confidence, nonetheless.

With a nod, he easily set the thoughts aside. (Y/n) approached and glanced at Sellen's sleeping face. "How is she?"

To his utter surprise, without opening her eyes, Sellen responded. "Awfully. I managed to forget how constricting a physical body was until now. I question why I missed it so much."

(Y/n) blinked, looking at Melina. She said, "She's fine. She'll be here longer than expected, but she'll live."

"Of course, I will. I wasn't one of Raya Lucaria's best to fall to something as simple as a weakened body." She looked at (Y/n) tiredly, revealing her icy-blue eyes. "Did you succeed, my apprentice?"

(Y/n) smirked, thumbing behind him. His shadow bubbled like a liquid as Sellen followed his thumb to see Godrick standing behind him, and her tired eyes widened. "Ah. How splendid." Godrick fell back into the Shadows as (Y/n) gave his mentor a thumbs-up. She closed her eyes again, laying her head back. "Melina, watch him carefully. He is a fool. He did just kiss a woman who adores him."

(Y/n) opened his mouth, but nothing came out despite his desires. He met Melina's eyes, immediately seeing past her nonchalance into a realm of determination. Before he could speak, she said, "So far, you have three." Without any emphasis, she pointed to herself, Sellen, and loosely towards Roderika. "Is there anyone else?"

There was a brief silence, (Y/n)'s mind flickering through the Lands Between. And then his mind caught onto one specific woman, he slowly nodded. "Yeah... I... well, maybe thinking about it romantically is wrong. I just want to help her as best I can."

Melina examined (Y/n)'s expression for a minute before methodically nodding. "I trust you." Her words were simple, but they held a heavy power. (Y/n) softly nodded to her, extending his hand. She took it, and they simply held one another.

Even as (Y/n) spoke, they continued to hold hands. He turned his attention to the resting woman. "Sellen?"

The sorceress turned her head minutely, "Yes?"

"What do you know about Rogier?" He asked. The woman slowly opened her eyes, blinking for a long time.

She said, "He was once a formidable Spellblade that was in the Academy, and he and I do have... history. His goals are quite simple; he wants to learn of the history behind the Night of the Black Knives, and Godwyn's subsequent death."

(Y/n) nodded, having already known that. And he knew that it was Ranni who orchestrated the night, having wanted to be free of the Greater Will's desires. He hummed, "So, what should we do? We have all the information he wants and all."

Sellen stared at (Y/n) bewildered. "We tell him?"

(Y/n) scratched the side of his head. "I mean...."

Sellen rolled her eyes, and Melina giggled silently. "Are there any valid reasons for us not to tell him? He's an ally, is he not?"

(Y/n) nodded, trying to find the right way to explain his hesitance to overshare. However, upon thinking, he realized he'd lose more than he'd gain by keeping information from Rogier. Before he said anything, Sellen spoke once more. "The worst that happens is that he acts foolish when he learns of the Lunar Princess."

Melina squeezed (Y/n)'s hand, and his eyes returned to her. "And you will be there to help him through that foolishness." She hadn't said it like an order, rather, as an observation. And she was correct. (Y/n) would do everything in his power to help Rogier.

He nodded, glancing between the two women. "You two... are ominously good at being on the same page."

Sellen's lips curled upwards weakly, and Melina's free hand laid on the sorceress's hand. Melina rubbed (Y/n)'s hand with her thumb, looking at Sellen. She spoke slowly, "We seem to understand one another."

(Y/n) smiled, deciding to say nothing. He laid his hand on Melina's head before doing the same on Sellen's surprisingly plush thigh, shaking them both gently. "I'll be back, you two. I've gotta speak with Rogier and Nepheli, then, we're heading to Caelid."

Sellen let out a huff. Melina nodded gently, "I will stay with Sellen, until she—"

"Stop with that. I'm not a toddler who needs to be coddled, Melina," Sellen said, interrupting Melina without pushing her hand away. "Go with him. If it's that big of a deal, you can have Rogier watch over me."

Melina and (Y/n) traded glances, and Sellen picked up on the silent communication despite her closed eyes. "Our history is not romantic, at least, it isn't on my side." That only made (Y/n) and Melina met gazes even harder, causing Sellen to let out an exasperated sigh. "An explanation for another time. If you must, bring it up to him directly."

(Y/n) and Melina shared one last look before the former of the two shrugged, spinning around and leaving the room. He cast Hewg a nod of respect and Roderika a somewhat worried glance before continuing.

On the balcony of the Roundtable Hold which overlooked the lower section of the Hold. To the right of the entrance, Rogier and Nepheli sat next to one another, talking. Before (Y/n) entered, he listened for a second.

"That man, he's certainly not normal," Rogier said, intrigued. "The number of spirits following him would be inconceivable for even some of the demigods."

Nepheli hummed, "I agree. It's incredible. And he's helped us for so little, defeating Godrick on his own. As a warrior, I can only respect his strength."

Rogier sighed, "He seems like the type who'll be impossible to crack, horribly strong too. I'll have to find my answers another way."

And at that, (Y/n) strolled in, immediately receiving Nepheli and Rogier's full attention. "Hey."

Rogier stared with wide eyes, while Nepheli stood up with a respectful nod. She extended her hand to (Y/n). They shook hands, "Thank you. Is there anything I can do to repay you for your help in Limgrave?"

(Y/n) was surprised, but quickly regathered himself. Nepheli was the type to want to repay her debts as honorably and quickly as possible, although (Y/n) didn't have much to gain from ordering Nepheli around. And then, a bolt of sudden inspiration hit him.

"There... may be, but it'll depend on Rogier," (Y/n) said, causing Nephehli to turn her head in confusion, looking back at the Spellblade. The sorcerer frowned, meeting (Y/n)'s eyes.

"What do you mean, (Y/n)?" Rogier asked.

(Y/n) tapped his head, "I have information. About the Night of the Black Knives, about the death of Godwyn's soul, and... about Lunar Princess Ranni, the mastermind behind it all."

Rogier's eyes widened, and (Y/n) hoped Ranni would forgive him for what he was about to share. He looked up to Nepheli, who shrugged. She was nowhere near as interested as Rogier, but she stuck around regardless.

(Y/n) shared what he knew regarding the information Rogier was searching for. He kept the Outer Gods, the resetting of the world, and unnecessary details hidden, simply for convenience.

After it all, Rogier barely managed to open his mouth and stammered, "Why would you share this all? You're quite scary already, but this information is simply...."

(Y/n) smiled nonchalantly, "I just trust that you two are my allies. No reason to hide what I know. And Sellen recommended it," he shrugged, noting Rogier's heightened attention. (Y/n) nodded back to the Hold, "She's here, if you want to speak with her."

Rogier slowly, mechanically nodded. His mind was clearly elsewhere upon the mention of Sellen, but he managed to reel himself back in, returning to the conversation at hand. "What do you gain from this all? We've done nothing to earn your trust, we could easily backstab you."

'Interesting. He's trying to convince me not to trust him, just to get his answers,' (Y/n) glanced over the two, his eyes unconsciously glowing with Destined Death. "For some reason, I have a feeling you two wouldn't do that."

Nepheli and Rogier were assaulted with unconscious chills. Just standing close to (Y/n), they were uncomfortably close to something that was naturally vile. It wasn't his intention, but the warrior and sorcerer very clearly understood that (Y/n) wasn't a person to be trifled with.

Indeed, his strongest Shadows were ready to leap out to his defense. Terra, Agheel, and Godrick were all ready to brawl at the earliest notice, but (Y/n) was the one to hold them back.

(Y/n) held his hands up, shrugging. "Besides, I don't think I'll give you both many reasons to betray me."

The two gave each other silent glances. Rogier nodded at (Y/n), "It's hard to not want to trust you. If what you say is true, then it may be possible to save Those Who Live In Death after all, in my way."

The Shadow Sovereign nodded towards Nepheli, "You should both head to the Village of the Albinaurics, there are some people you two can help. There should be a young Demi-Human named Boc somewhere in Limgrave. Find him and take him with you too, tell him I sent you. When next we meet, we'll try to find a way to achieve your goal, Rogier."

Nepheli nodded, determined and happy to now have a concrete goal laid out before her. But then, she was faced with a problem. "But what about my father? I can't ignore what he's done to assist me."

(Y/n) gave her a thumbs-up, remembering Gideon's words from a past life. "Just think of this as me employing your abilities, nothing more. He told me himself that he would appreciate that."

Nepheli nodded, leaving it at that. Rogier stood from his spot, attempting to pick up his rapier, just to grope at empty air. (Y/n) suddenly realized he never gave it back to the man, so he casually had a Shadow hand it to him, although the action didn't go unnoticed.

"They're... in your Shadow?" Rogier muttered, his face becoming pale. (Y/n) noted his surprise, handing off his weapon. He nodded. Rogier sighed, "Then... could you be...." Rogier devolved into a muttering mess, in his own world.

Nepheli and (Y/n) looked, before sighing in sync. With a quick goodbye, (Y/n) left the muttering sorcerer and respectable warrior and returned to Sellen and Melina. In the room, everything looked the same, including the two still holding one another's hands.

"Okay, I'm all set," (Y/n) smiled. Melina squeezed Sellen's hand before letting go, rising gently from her chair. The Fell God's Tome was tucked underneath her free arm.

Sellen pouted tiredly, "And what about me? Do I get a farewell kiss?"

(Y/n) smiled, unaware that Sellen could even make such a face. Before he could respond, Melina gently bent over and pecked Sellen's lips. (Y/n) stared, his mouth falling open.

She rose as if nothing happened, but her face was somewhat flushed. Melina averted her eyes from (Y/n)'s face, "How's that?"

Sellen smiled, a bit too brightly for someone who was so tired, "Perfect. Someone has to do it."

(Y/n) felt his eye twitch, realizing it was probably a type of revenge after he kissed Roderika. Even paying a little attention to what the two were feeling, he could tell there was a sense of satisfaction brought by their kiss, and a certain attraction that the two felt towards him, but also towards one another. It was extremely surprising to him.

He sighed, sinking in his spot a little bit. 'Don't know what I expected, but this is gonna be tougher than I thought.'

He scratched the side of his head, coughing into his hand. "Sorry," he apologized, not quite sure what else to do.

Sellen smiled brighter, "Relax. Go enjoy yourselves in that rotted wasteland. Try not to go around romancing every woman you see, (Y/n)."

"Ha. Ha," (Y/n) laughed sarcastically. "Very funny. Let's dash, Melina."

Melina nodded, laying her hand briefly on Sellen's thigh, just in the same place where (Y/n) once had. "Yes."

And so, with a touch, the two returned to the Lands Between. And with a call, they were on Agheel's back, flying to the Caelid Wilds. They landed near the Smoldering Church, which basically bridged the gap between Limgrave and Caelid.

(Y/n) hopped off Agheel easily, but Melina gently slid off the dragon's wing. (Y/n) looked back at her, as if asking for her permission, she sighed and rolled her eyes, but her small smile was undeniable. At that, (Y/n) tapped the ground with his foot twice, and his shadow expanded at once.

Flowing outwards, the rotted ground of Caelid was painted black, and all at once, his Shadows began to claw their way out, led by their strongest peers, Godrick and Terra. As the Soldiers rose, they knelt, with the bigger creatures bowing their heads to show their respect.

Even though he'd seen the sight a few times before, (Y/n) felt like his breath was stolen away from him. His 2000-strong Shadow Army was quite the sight to see, with over half of it being the Grafted Beasts that Godrick had created when he was being powered up by... something, presumably the Greater Will.

Curious of his strongest Shadows' abilities, he sent most of his Shadows scouring over Caelid to fight and kill anything that was hostile and useful for the Shadow Army. On him though, he kept Godrick, Terra, and Agheel.

With those three destroying everything in the path, (Y/n) patiently walked alongside Melina, speaking up after a few shockingly peaceful minutes. "What do you like about Sellen?"

Melina glanced over to (Y/n), the question never making her lose her rhythm over the rot-ridden ground. They had to make sure they were careful, otherwise they'd fall directly into several puddles of rot, not that Melina actually had to worry about that, being a mostly spiritual body and all. Melina hummed, "Her beauty is one-of-a-kind."

(Y/n) blinked, snatching a stray arrow from the air — which came from a hidden Kindred of Rot, insectile monsters that were changed fundamentally by the rot of Caelid — and throwing it back through the monster's head. He slowly turned his head as he silently noted Agheel burning the surrounding area to a crisp, looking at Melina. "That's it?"

Melina shrugged minutely, and with her small shoulders, it was incredibly easy to miss. "Must there be more? Her appearance has opened my curiosity for her personality, beyond her charming wit and her incredible intelligence."

"Ah. So, there were other parts."

Melina stared blankly. "I thought my sarcasm was clear."

(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered with how fast he began to blink. "Melina, we need to work on your sarcasm."

Melina stared blankly ahead, a very small smile rising. "Yes, I suppose we may."

Without waiting at all, (Y/n) gave Melina examples of sarcasm, trying to emphasize how important the tone of Melina's voice would be, as well as which words she should probably use to get a sarcastic idea across.

As they spoke, the two dragons and Demigod encountered a menacing enemy, another dragon. (Y/n) and Melina didn't pay enough mind to stop their conversation, but they were both paying attention to the scene, in case (Y/n) would need to step forward.

Determined to let their liege have his conversation, they synced themselves together immaculately as their enemy noticed their presence. Their enemy was the Decaying Ekzykes, a dragon who was a victim of the Scarlet Rot, yet still pushed on even as the rot ate at its very being. As such, it was a formidable enemy of (Y/n)'s in his past life.

As the decaying dragon rose from its resting place, Godrick — the smallest of the three strongest Shadows — pounded his cane into the ground. Unlike before, there was a burst of black energy instead of golden energy.

It gathered next to the dragon, forming on the solid ground. It created two pitch black, large arms made up of many smaller creatures' arms. At once, the arms snatched onto the decaying dragon's wings, stopping it from flying altogether.

The rotted creature shrieked and spat out a wave of Scarlet Rot, which would certainly begin to destroy anything organic that it touched, and it was quickly making its way to (Y/n) and Melina. While the Shadows were confident that (Y/n) could survive the Scarlet Rot, they had to make sure that (Y/n) and Melina's conversation was entirely uninterrupted.

Agheel stood protectively, his wings outstretched as he flapped with all his might, sending the rotten fog rolling back towards Ekzykes. The rot meant nothing to the draconic beast, and it almost even seemed to empower it. With a roar, Ekzykes began to push out of the inky Grafted Limbs, but before it could properly escape, Terra was already upon it, spinning around as the heavy spiked ball atop its tail came slamming down.

With the rotted dragon simply trying to escape, there was little-to-nothing it could do, and Terra's tail slammed onto its head, smashing it into a disgusting mess of casual gore and Scarlet Rot, as was fairly standard to see in Caelid.

"So, do you understand?" All the while, (Y/n) and Melina's conversation never halted or slowed. Agheel and Terra nodded, letting out satisfied huffs, and a bright grin shone on Godrick's face. (Y/n) gave the Shadows a nod of approval, and as the rotted mist cleared, (Y/n) approached the corpse of Ekzykes. "It's all in your tone, even what words you use don't truly matter."

Melina spent a moment absorbing the information, softly bobbing her head. "Nope, I absolutely do not understand in the slightest." Her tone was somewhat sarcastic, but something about it didn't quite add up to completion.

(Y/n) blinked, opening his mouth before closing it and shrugging. "Not bad. We'll work on it. Arise." With a word, the Decaying Dragon rose from its corpse. Unlike the other dragons, this one was a mix of the typical Shadows' black and a steaming dark red, something (Y/n) could imagine was in line with Scarlet Rot.

The dragon bowed its head, and (Y/n) almost left it like that, but then he figured he'd have a very hard time saying the name, "Ekzykes" over and over again. Instead, he decided on a new name. "We'll just call you... Rogo. Short for Rot and Dragon... even if it's not clear."

[Due to the Anchor Rune, Shadow Dragon, Rogo: Rank 5 has evolved into Rank 6.]

[Shadow Dragon]
[Rank: 6]

Rogo let out a roar, blasting dark colored flames into the sky. In union, Agheel and Terra did the same, with typical red and atypical green flames respectively.

And so, with Rogo joining the Shadow Army, Caelid was a breeze, even more so than Limgrave. Soon enough, (Y/n) and Melina stumbled upon an old man's shack. Inside the shack was a man in red robes, covering his face and obscuring his expressions. Gladly for (Y/n), he didn't need to see expressions to read how people were feeling.

Gowry was the adoptive father of Millicent and her siblings, and he was a devout follower of the Outer God of Rot. He was adamant about following Malenia, but he was mostly, in (Y/n)'s words, "full of shit." He wasn't much of an ally, but (Y/n) needed to use him anyway, or else he'd lose the chance to help Millicent as much as he could.

He left Melina with Agheel, hopping off and strolling into the house casually. Gowry noticed him immediately, and (Y/n) really didn't care for the man. Then, suddenly, something hit him square in his head. It wasn't something physical, rather, it was a thought.

'I don't even need this old guy,' he realized, and even as Gowry began speaking, he spun on his heel and walked out of the cabin. He didn't even feel bad about it, all things considered.

He dashed back to Melina and Agheel's side, mounting the dragon. With a silent order, Agheel took off, heading to the Church of the Plague. After a moment, Melina spoke up. "You look excited."

(Y/n) nodded, only just realizing the smile on his face. "I am. You know Millicent? She's cursed by the Scarlet Rot, just the same as your sister. I was going to that old bastard for help, but I can probably figure this out. With the Outer God of Destined Death's power, surely there must be a way for me to kill the rot in her while allowing her to live."

Melina hummed softly, "Do you have such fine control of your abilities?"


(Y/n) could feel a wave of bewilderment from Melina. "So won't we still need Gowry's assistance?"

(Y/n) shook his head, then he realized that Melina was sitting in front of him, so she couldn't have seen it. He shrugged all the same, "No, we won't. Really, all he does anyway is give information, and I already have that all. Now, I just need to put together the Unalloyed Gold and Destined Death to stave off the Scarlet Rot then kill it altogether. Even though Unalloyed Gold is notably good for pushing away the meddling of the Outer Gods. Simple."

There was a smile in Melina's voice, "Simple."

He smiled, impressed by her sarcasm, "Super simple."

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