They have been traveling around for longer than they could remember. Was it a week? A month? Theodore decided it was for the best if they left for Nurnen. Theodore was a tall muscular man. He had dark brown eyes and hair, tan skin and as would Eleena say it rose red cheeks. About Eleena, she was a medium height young girl, curvy yet she had an almost muscular body. Sea blue eyes, pale skin, black hair. The two heard bout Nurnen, that it was a very beautiful place to live in but it turned out to be the opposite of what they heard. Houses in ruins, corpses of human and some other things neither of them knew, deafening shouts and singing, foul stenches of drinks and food and the ugly inhabitants. As they wanted to get of the docks one of the ugly things got in their way. "Traveling tickets." He demanded. Theodore reached out to his sword when Eleena Stopped him. "I do apologize but we don't have tickets. Our kingdom was attacked and we had to escape."
"No tickets, eh?" The ugly pulled out his blade. "Then it's your head!"
"WAIT!" Theodore shouted. It rarely happened that he would talk out of stuff without using his sword. He pulled out a small pouch of coins. "Would gold fix it?"
The ugly thought for a moment. His master, Dush the Gold Fang would need them for a new pair of golden fangs. Maybe he could get a promotion? "Why didn't you say so?" He allowed them to pass as he put his blade back on it's place.
Eleena and Theodore only rushed out of the docks into the forest nearby. Both worn out and tired decided to take a rest for a little while then continue their journey.
"What are these things?" Theodore asked as he laid down on the fresh green grass. "Nurnen... Truly beautiful! The docks was like that garbage yard then what would the town look like?!"
"Easy Theo." Eleena said. "Not Nurnen? Then we can go else where. Middle Earth is vast we can..."
Eleena hushed him. She heard agonizing cries. "Do you hear that?"
Theo sharpened his ears and he heard the cries too. "Lets go and check it out."
Stealthy, they rushed through the forest. Tall trees that would hardly allow the sun rays to escape their green leaves' shield yet the grass and the greens were more than alive due to the lack of sunlight. The ground was covered with a light cover of mist and howling of the wind made the forest look haunted.
The whispers of the wind, if you listen you hear what they said.
My domain, yet no harm you do...
Eleena shrugged it all away, thinking it was only a hallucination.
Finally, they got to a clearing. There it sat a lonely creature, sitting in the middle of the clearing crying. Eleena approached the creature slowly.
"Eleena..." Theodore was worried she could get harmed by whatever this thing was.
"I'll be fine." Eleena reasured him. When she got closer to the creature she sat in front of him. "Are you alright?"
"They hurts us." He raised his head. Big blue eyes, extremely pale skin, very skinny and short. "Gollum... Gollum..." He said like he was choking .
"Who hurt you? Gollum is your name right?" Eleena was trying to be nice with him. Maybe he could tell them about what happened to Nurnen.
"Yes, yes that's our name." He looked angry after a moment later. "Nasty orcses hurts us. Nasty smelly orcses!"
"You mean the ugly creatures with long teeth?" Theodore came to stand near Eleena.
"Yes," Gollum paused a moment to see what was around Eleena's neck. It was silver necklace and the pendant on it was a bright white and rainbow colored jewel. "It is the one." He jumped on Eleena and tore the necklace right of her neck and fled into the forest.
"Damn you Gollum!" Eleena cursed as she got up.
"Eleena are you alright? How many..." Theodore was caught off by Eleena for he wanted to advise her on never trusting anyone.
"I'm alright Theo but I have to get my necklace back." She dusted herself.
Gems they forge, beauty not comparable...
A female voice echoed through the wind. "Who goes there?" Theo drew out his sword and so did Eleena.
Chase and make haste to follow winds with dancing leaves...
Looking around Eleena saw leaves moving along with the wind, deeper into the forest. "Lets follow Theo!" She bolted to the direction where the wind was guiding them. Theo on the other hand seemed skeptical. After running for a little while longer they found the largest tree in the forest.
Go in hole...
"This could be a trap." Theo warned Eleena.
"Then lets see whether it's a trap or not." Eleena saw the hole in the tree.
The two used the vines dangling from the roots to climb down to reach a chamber like underneath the tree.
"Trespassed my domain," A very tall female figure, covered with vines and tree branches and green eyes piercing through their souls like daggers. "Bein you heard my call."
"It was your name the wind whispered." Eleena said. "Carnan."
"Carnan is me and you are seeker." Carnan paused. "A home, a memory."
"So you do know the creature Gollum stole my mother's necklace?"
"This is a waste of time Eleena. We are talking to a plant." Theo whispered to Eleena. Apparently he seemed bored.
"I rose and rose. Saw death and fall. Strong to keep we and forest alive." Carnan ignored Theodore's deadly glare and went on. "You find your memory soon with me help."
"What about the home we seek?" Eleena asked.
"Home is found where heart lies." Carnan paused to see the expression on Eleena's face and she didn't see a simple ray of happiness. "Your memory? What it holds? An ancient gem from an elf. Alluring yet burning but proven worthy."
"You mean my necklace's pendant?" Eleena paused to see Carnan nod. "My mother gave it to me. She once mentioned it was crafted by an elf. Do you know where I can find it?"
"Cirith Ungul." Carnan answered.
"Where is it?" Theodore asked.
"We take you there." Carnan strolled deeper in the chamber and the two humans followed. "She sees future but not cast in stone. She forges your gem into a powerful weapon, none can withstand but you bein. Shelob will help. Trust her two." They reached to a hole underneath some roots and vines. "Climb into hole."
Without questioning the spirit they climb up the vines into the hole which lead them to another chamber but smaller this time. The ceiling was made up an ancient tree's roots that could let small rays of light shine into the chamber. The floor was covered with fresh green leaves and in a corner there was a smile pile of fresh juicy fruits.
"Rest here and eat but no fire." Carnan sent a warning glare to Theodore as she became the wind and left them.
"She seems nice." Eleena said with a shrug as she grabbed an apple from the pile and took a bite. "Give it a try Theo. These fruits are good."
"You are eating it?" Theo pointed to the apple in her hand. He seemed shocked by how calm Eleena was in this situation. She could only nod as she took another bite while taking of her black fur cloack, well crafted sword and sharp dagger on the floor.
"Your kingdom lies in ruins, your people are slaughtered and..."
"It is not my business anymore." Eleena was enraged. "My mother betrayed my father because of her undying love for his brother, my uncle. She turned the people against their own king. I could care less about any of them."
"You are their princess..."
"I WAS their princess. You forgot my mother wanted me to marry duke of L'evaine just so no one was in the way of her marriage with Sebastion. Now I would like some sleep. AND NO MORE TALKING ABOUT WHAT HAS HAPPENED!"
"Very well." Theo remained silent. The next thing he knew, like Eleena he lied down on the ground falling asleep till dawn.
"Make haste, up." Carnan's voice echoed through the chamber. "We must fly."
The pair woke up and quickly gathered their stuff yet they were still sleepy.
They followed a trail of dancing leaves to the outside of the tree. There before their eyes Carnan took the shape of what looked like a dragon. "Mount, we must leave."
Eleena mounted Carnan without a second word but Theodore had second thoughts. "Are you sure this safe?"
"Do you doubt the spirit of Carnan?" Carnan growled. Theodore nodded in disagreement. "Then mount!"
Carnan was a fast flier and Theodore was afraid of heights, a loud shrieker. Carnan maneuvering through the sky wasn't helping but making it worst for Theo.
Eventually they reached their destination, Cirith Ungul. There Carnan gave them directions to a spider cave. If it wasn't for Carnan talking to Eleena, she would have thought that due to Theodore's shouts she is deaf now. How can someone be this scared of heights?!
It didn't take them long enough to find the spider cave. Unfortunately it was located at the other side of a camp filled with orcs. During their flight with Carnan, the green spirit told them everything. Of the rings of power, Sauron, The Nazgul, a ranger bonded with an elven lord's wraith fighting the darkness and Shelob. While Eleena was thinking about everything Carnan told her and Theo, they reached the mouth of the cave and without hesitation they entered the cave.
A 15 minute walk through the tunnels of the deep dark cave they reached to an incredibly large chamber. Spikes of stone hanged from the ceiling and some were on the floor and some were large enough to make up the pillars of the cave. Dangling from some of the spikes were spider webs. On the far side of the chamber there was another cave, inside it pitch black.
"Kind lady..." It was Gollum who approached them from behind. However Theo had enough of this things. He grabbed Gollum from his throat and pinned him against the closest pillar. "How dare you?! After the kindness my lady shows you, dare steal from her."
"I ordered him to." A female's voice echoed through the chamber and Eleena knew were it came from. The cave on the far side. Soon from the shadows of it a large black spider revealed itself as it engulfed in a dark smoke. Eleena was ready to draw out her sword when a women stepped out of the darkness of the smoke. Just then Theodore's gaze met hers. The most beautiful women aside from Eleena that has ever walked upon middle earth. He was so shocked by the beauty he witnessed that he released Gollum to fully turn to the women walking toward them. As soon as Gollum was released he ran to hide behind the women.
The women looked young. Pale skin that reflected the dim light of the cave, cold eyes with no feelings visible within them, her hair dark as night and so was the dress she wore. "I asked this creature to steal your necklace."
"And why would you steal my necklace?" Eleena took a step forward, her voice demanding.
"To gain you attention. I have witnessed the end of this world and the ending is not so good."
"I can't change history."
"You CAN." The women stepped closer to Eleena as she places a hand on her shoulder and her other hand on her head slowly brushing the strands of hair out of Eleena's now shocked face. "I can show you a path that would prevent the future we all fear."
Eleena fades away as these random images appear in her head:
An elf marching into battle with an army of orc and a golden ring with weird inscriptions on it...
A man and what Eleena assumed it must be the wraith he was bound to in a volcano making something...
Cities fell, good men died in battle, a young girl grieving for her father...
Once again she saw the ranger with an army marching and conquering...
Betrayal of friends and their doom...
"And we can prevent it with you here." The spider's voice brought Eleena back to reality. "With my sight and your interference..."
"And who are you that can help avoid this path?" Theo asked simply.
"I am Shelob. Remember that my sight will only be fixed on Middle Earth's and these two, the man and the elf lord play an important part in it."
"All we want is a place to call home." Said Eleena and stared to the ground.
"And...?" Shelob was losing patience. Her aid was needed.
Eleena sighed. "I think I found it and I won't let it turn to ashes like my kingdom." With a deep voice she turned to face Shelob. "I will do what is necessary to protect it from this Sauron."
"And I will stand by you my lady." Theo placed a hand on Eleena's shoulder.
"Now follow me." Shelob took them further inside the chamber to show them a large chest covered in dust. She opened it. "Take what you need." And left them. "You will have a hard journey ahead."
Without wasting time Eleena took a look inside the chest. There were swords, daggers, knives, a bow and a few arrows, throwing stars and two armors. One was completely leather made and the other was what other normal armors look like. The leather one it looked like it was make for a women. It was black with large scales on it and silver made details and as for the other armor it had metal plates on a bright leather shirt. Searching inside the chest Theo found the matching trousers, braces and other parts of their new armors. The two got rid of their old armors and swords and wore the new one and each placed a sword and dagger on their backs. Theo took the bow and arrows and Eleena took the stars and knives. The only things they kept was their capes.
A few minutes later they were back to Shelob. "First you need to get the attention of the ranger by killing his target in front of him then return here and I'll tell you what to do."
"And my necklace?" Eleena asked reaching out her hand.
Shelob threw a shiny object at her. "The seed of your necklace was what mattered. Better wear it under your glove so that he won't get suspicious."
Opening the palm of her hand Eleena saw a gem shaped into a very simple ring. It had all kinds of colors in it. Did shelob said he? "Who are you talking about?"
"The wraith. This gem belonged to his grandfather. He has a good habit of calling others thieves." There was a pause. "You'll find the ranger near an orc camp on the outskirts of the city, Minas Ithil."
"The kind mistress forgives us?" Gollum approached Eleena and offered something to her as he bowed. It would seem as if it was some kind of an old scroll.
"Give that to me worm!" Theodore took the offering. "It's a map of this land, my lady."
"We should get going then." She gives a small nod to Shelob, so did Theodore but not without staring at her for a moment before they turn around to leave.
To Shelob, it didn't go unnoticed that Theodore may be attracted to her.
Their journey to Minas Ithil was almost a week. Right now they were in the outskirts of the city, searching for the Ranger. Eleena brought out the ring which Shelob gave her. "Let us see what is so precious about you." She whispered as she took off the glove on her right hand and wore the ring.
The ring shone brighter and released a wave of mystical energy. She could see her enemies through the shadows and hiding under rocks, hear them whisper from miles away and sense an unfamiliar presence. She could see him now. The ranger. He was empty of a soul but his heart was still beating. Where did the anger come from? The heat for vengence? The cold void with no emotions present?
She sees it now as a man appears next to the ranger. He was no man. He was an elf. The elf she saw in her visions. She felt as if a dagger was buried in her heart. He was looking her way. But how? They were miles away from them.
"My lady," Theodore shook the young girl. She gasps as she blinks her eyes a few times and shakes the now forming headache away. "Are you alright?"
"This ring..." She looks at it. "I know where the ranger is."
Head explodes...
Blood spills...
Brains everywhere...
The usual events of interrogating orcs. Talion sometimes found it disgusting. He wipes his bloodied hand with a small piece of cloth hanging from his belt and cleans the few drops of blood on his chick. This was the seventeenth orc head he exploded this noon. He couldn't get anything out of this one like the others. He could care less about it now. Right now he wanted to go by a river and wash off the blood completely.
"I hear you."
"No kidding, huh?" Talion chuckled.
"Forgive me if I am not laughing but did you forget what we must do?"
"No but I wish there was a stream nearby."
"Talion," The wraith appears next to Talion with his usual cold expression. "We must look for another worm."
"Eru knows what this captain does to his orcs that they are so frightful to share what they know." Talion paused and looked at the fresh corpse before him. "No one can resist your power of domination."
"As I tore through these orcs minds I sensed fear greater than fear of us. That fear hides what we seek." Celebrimbor stares into the darkness of the forest. "I would require more time to break that barrier of fear and see what they have but these orcs mind is to weak to..." He paused. He felt a familiar energy surge. He extended his sight to see what it was. It was a girl, standing in the deepest part of the forest staring at him. 'Is that...?' It was a power but different than anything he has ever seen. Now that she was leaving he took notice of a man with her.
"...And to make our search harder they set their bodyguards to hunt for us. Also Idril sent me a message about... Celebrimbor, are you listening to me?" Talion noticed that the wraith wasn't listening. "What is it? Is someone there?" Talion stands next to Celebrimbor looking at the direction which he was looking. Nothing but darkness.
"Not anymore, they aren't." Celebrimbor looks at Talion. "You wanted a river."
Talion's eyes widen from shock and looks at Celebrimbor.
"Let us find a stream so you can wash the blood stain properly and clean the sword and the dagger." Celebrimbor paused as he started to fade away. "We shuld probably put that poison Baranor gave us to test. See if it can make our work easier." He was gone now.
Talion wanted to ask what changed his mind about the river but he really wasn't in the mood for another lecture. Celebrimbor was quiet now. It bothered Talion. The silence was not pleasant.
(A/N): Helloooo! I've been gone for a long time but let me make it up to you. Pic on top is Theodore and pic on cover is Eleena well sorta. The art works aren't mine then. The pictures are temporarily so I'll remove them as soon as I can come up with sth. I won't be updating for another month. Bye! Comments + Votes = Me :D
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