
Being forced to reveal all my deep, bare hurt to the girl that caused it was the last straw, especially when she made such a big deal about it. I knew she hated me 100 years ago, nothing was new, so why did I feel so broken? Deep in thought, I brushed my hair out of my face, rubbing my blinded eye. I wondered if my new... companions would miss me if I slipped away to vent. I mean, it's not like they actually care about me! And so, mind made up, I stamped on the floor for attention. Nobody answered, or even noticed. Growling softly under my breath, I decided only one thing would work. Bracing my feet against the hard ground, I pushed off and took a running leap into Legend and knocked him flying, drawing a startled yelp from his lips as he was smacked against the rock. All the curses hurled my way by the angry veteran missed their mark. He rushed at me, grabbing me by the neck of my tunic and glaring into my eyes, hissing. Warriors separated Lege's fingers from the front of my tunic, and I couldn't help a little shred of mischief finding its way onto my face. But then I remembered Zelda, and that smirk vanished quicker than it came. I looked up at Time, who was gazing at me with amusement soft in his face, staring intently at him with my one working eye. And that amusement wasn't gonna last long when I got back. "I'm going to do something. Stay here. If you don't, I have full reason to kill you." And then, without another word, I turned and walked into the woods as if nothing was wrong. 


As soon as I was sure they couldn't see me, I broke off running erratically, breath coming faster and faster. Not caring, not knowing where I was going, tripping and sliding over roots and down banks. Legs weak with stress, I sank down to my knees in front of a tree, tears staining my cheeks as I tried to slow my breathing. It wasn't working, it wasn't working, I could feel myself slipping. I reached up to my scars, ripping them open with my jagged nails. My single tears became torrents; it wasn't enough to suffer silently. Crying uncontrollably, I sank against the ground, blood mixing with the tears and stinging my scratches. My hands came up to my face again, ripping shreds out of my skin and scratching, scratching until it bled and stung. I kept sobbing, louder and louder until I was sure the entire Kingdom could hear me.  Face smarting at the sting, I bashed my forehead against a tree, thoughts running through my mind fast as lightning. I was worthless, stupid, unwanted, a failure. Unworthy, timid, broken, shattered. Nobody was there. Nobody, nobody was there. Not a single person came in answer to my cries. Worthless, unwanted, failure. Not even the Goddesses. Unneeded, desperate, feral. I deserved nothing, I deserved nobody. I deserved little more than to become the meal of a bokoblin. 


Taking out my sword, I scraped the edge against the tree, flattening the blade along the bark. I kept carving into it until I had written Zelda's name in the bark. Legs shaking and tears blinding my vision, I swung the weapon blindly at it, cleaving great gashes into the Princess' name. One last swing, and the blade shattered in my hand like the sound of a bone hitting metal. Grabbing a shard, I buried it in my arm with a short cry. Dragging my unwilling body onto aching feet, I stumbled away from the scene I'd left, leaving bloodstained shards of a beautiful sword buried hilt deep in a mutilated tree, and ran on trembling legs to the only safe place I could think of in my state. Vision swimming ominously, I reached the pink flower and the solace of the fairies. Their singing breezed together in a melody older than time as it swirled around me, calming my panic but leaving my hurt. I breathed in the scent of Cotera's power, a sweet smell that always reminded me of honey and . I collapsed on the pedestal at the front of her fountain, calling the Great Fairy up from the depths of her fountain. "Child? Is something the matter?" Her eyes sparkled with power and kindness as she looked into my soul. I held on for a few moments, before she raised a single eyebrow and I cracked. I fell to my knees, crying and screaming. I was so focused in my own grief that I didn't notice someone making their way towards me. Cotera slipped back into the fountain, but I could still feel a fae-esque presence near me. A raspy voice broke the silence. "Wild?" I turned around so fast I stumbled over my own feet, still slightly dizzy from blood loss. "L-L-Lege? What?..." He approached me slowly, gazing into my eyes, care that was always masked by his usual bravado making me feel at ease, and it only took a few seconds for my tears to come back. 


I explained my story, shakily signing to him as he held me carefully, trustingly. He believed every word and when I mentioned Mipha, he just hugged me tighter. He understood. Watching my hands intently, as I stuttered my way through Zelda's advances, he looked completely murderous. "Man, that's messed up. Did she know you were engaged?" And I shook my head, I tried to tell her but she never listened to me. Always so focused on herself, on her own failings. "No. She never listened." Legend helped me up, squeezing my hands. "It's okay now, Wild. I... I've been through a lot too. We're pretty similar. I... I'm engaged. Every day, when I go into the village, I'm jumped on by women I've known since I was a child, clinging to my arms and grabbing me. It's sick. They were like mothers to me, not lovers, but they don't get it. They never listen either." And then he pulled me into him, hugged me to his chest, protective. "I may have just met you, but we're brothers now. I got your back. If anything like this happens again... Tell me." And then he nudged me. "We'd better get back before the Old Man blows his brains out against a tree looking for us or something stupid like that. "


Sure enough, the others were livid when we came back, especially at me, covered as I was in blood and tears and jagged scratches. Hyrule slapped me round the face so hard I'm pretty sure my spirits left my body for a moment. Legend got shoved against a wall by Wars and chided for running away, but then Wind came up behind us and wrapped both of us in a bear hug. I... didn't really know what to make of it. It was... nice. Eventually, I wriggled out of the little Sailor's arms and retraced my hurried steps towards the Shrine. Dumping a pile of wood on the pedestal, I saw Twi looking at me out of the corner of my eye. He seemed concerned, but it's kinda hard to tell when his only two expressions seemed to be 'neutral' and 'brooding'. Taking an arrow from my quiver, I struck it against a flint, sparking flames that engulfed the dry sticks with a sound like metal being hurled through the air. And then, in that moment, gazing into the orange, I felt a strange urge. A calling from the fire. I narrowed my eyes, smirking wickedly, evilly, drawing from my slate a single weapon. "Wild." Time said, worry coursing through his face. "Put. Down. The. Bombs." And I turned to him, wavering light from the fire casting flickering shadows across my smirking face. "I think I've earned just a little tyranny today."


Oh great... What have I done... Those poor villagers aren't gonna know what hit them! Neither are the Links, honestly. I can already tell they regret taking him along. I think I'll make Wild and Legend get really close in this fic 'cause I never see enough soft Legend content and the Bunny Boi is really a fluffy angel. And I have big news!! The first draft, paper version, if you will, is done! It has a decent amount of pages. I believe it totals in at 165. And I'm very happy with my DARK ending! If you're here for angst, well, you've found it. But now, I'm trying some fluff. Or, at least, as fluffy as I can get it to be... Y'all know I'm no fluff writer. Did I do a good job describing a panic attack? That's what they're like for me, so if it's not that accurate it's cause I'm projecting. And about the Zeldas... I hate Flora, so in this fic there's no BotW/TotK ZeLink. Only past MiphLink and SidLink. I love the Zoras! Anyway, now I'm just rambling, so Imma go now. I have a crossover to write, after all! And thanks for sticking with me for so long, the end is in view! And there will be a sequel, I'm just planning it. I'm thinking... Yona related angst. Who can say, hmm?!


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