
It was my first portal journey. It was awful, oh Goddesses it was horrible. When we landed in an unfamiliar Hyrule, Sky just flopped on the ground and said in a strangled tone "That really sucked!" I didn't see Twilight at first, but I definitely knew he was there. He landed right on top of me, and he weighs more than a moblin! "It seems we're all in one piece" Time noted, while checking his armour for dents. 


There was a sudden noise like running and a short boy in red with a blue cap rushed past us. He skidded to a stop, unsheathed a golden sword and smirked "Well, well. Who do we have here? A rich pretty boy and his bodyguards?" His eyes glinted with anger at the world that he was ready to unleash on anyone who happened to annoy him, and he seemed to have taken an instant dislike to me. I decided I didn't really like him either. He smiled in a sarcastic way and shifted on his feet. "Your name's Link, isn't it?" Twi growled, now standing beside Time. The boy stiffened. "So what if it is?" He said suspiciously. "I don't see why you need to know that." Sky seemingly decided to get straight to the point. "We need you, Link! You're one of us!" He glared at Sky like he was imagining several ways to end his life. "Two things. I never said my name was Link. Also, one of you? I don't think so. It doesn't matter how much you've done; I've forced my way through more." He stared into the distance sadly, before spinning on his heel. "Wait!" Sky shouted, but the boy was gone.


"If he's the Link of this Hyrule, I... I refuse to believe Hyrule needed THAT to save it." I stated. "He was so salty!" Sky nodded in agreement. Twi, however, wasn't listening. His nose was twitching slightly in a doglike way. "Aha! Gotcha!" He muttered. "I've got an idea of where he went. I can find him, so follow me." Then he took off running through the bushes. "If we lose him, there's no finding him again!" Time said to us. "Follow him!" Then, he sprinted after Twi. He lowered his left shoulder like he was about to roll, but then thought better of it. Sky and I exchanged a glance. "You heard him!" I spoke. "Uh, right!" 


Twilight tracked the boy like a hound, no matter how many times he tried to shake us off his path, our Hero of Twilight kept on his tail. Finally, he span around and drew his shimmering blade. "Okay, you want a fight?" He shouted, losing his patience completely. "Come and get on you-!" He shouted something so awful that I could feel Time's disapproval radiating off of him in all directions. Our standoffish moment was ruined by one of those goddessforsaken portals appearing in mid-air and dumping two boys on the ground between us. One of them sat up, a bejewelled sword in his hand, and looked around at us. He was garbed in green, with a red bracelet around one wrist. He had a small round nose and wavy brown hair. The other appeared to be out cold, wearing a strange multicoloured tunic sectioned into quarters with a long green hood and had shoulder length blonde hair held back by a green band. The one in green jumped to his feet and stood over his friend, shielding him with his body. "Whoa, whoa!" Time said. "No need for that: we aren't going to hurt you!" The salty boy held up his hands. "Okay, this is so strange I can't even pretend anymore. Yes, my name's Link, Hero of Legend. Anyone else feel like introducing themselves?" Sky stepped forwards, a welcoming smile on his face. "I'm Link, Hero of the Sky" Time was next. "Link, Hero of Time." He was interrupted by the 'Hero of Legend'. "You're the Hero of Time? I was raised on stories of your heroic deeds. Now what I'd like to know is where you were when Hyrule fell" Time's confusion was evident. "Where was I? I saved Hyrule from Ganon; I didn't bring Hyrule to ruin!"


"Moving on, m'name's Link, Hero of Twilight." Next was me. "Link, Hero of Warriors." The brunette spoke up. "I'm Link, Hero of Hyrule, and this... Well, I don't actually know who this is." Time sighed. If this situation was confusing enough to give Time a headache, it must be bad. "Well, at least we don't need Fi to work out these ones' nicknames, huh" Sky said. "Okay, listen to me. What I'm about to say might sound stupid, but trust me, okay? We're all heroes of courage, right? Hylia has given us one final quest to defeat an evil greater than ever before. She appeared to me a couple of weeks ago and told me about this journey. She told me I needed to find and recruit all nine of my reincarnations to fight off this evil. I'm guessing since you're all called 'Link' that you're said reincarnations." The Hero of Legend nodded, as did Time and Twilight. I decided I'd point out one crucial detail. "Are we assuming the unconscious boy is also called Link?" 


Just then, he sat up. After his bout of coughing had died down, he informed us that his name was Link and that he was the Hero of Four, which was a strange title. Maybe he saved Hyrule four times or something like that. But we now had three extra heroes which was a bonus in a fight. Especially if Dark Link tried to show his face again. I will not be beaten by a shadow again!


Hey! How d'you like my effective way of saving time? I know I could've done a chapter for meeting Legend, Four and Hyrule separately, but let's be honest here, this thing has over 50 chapters waiting to be written anyway, let's not make it any longer! Next chapter is gonna be from Hyrule's point of view, so we'll see how that goes. Thanks for reading, and I'll see ya in the next chapter!


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