
I stretched, and yawned. Now that there was no urgent deadlines or best friends that needed saving, the sky seemed vaster than ever. Especially since there was no cloud barrier anymore. I could see so far down, my eyes just refused to focus on the distant Surface. Crimson's great red wings beat the air into a frenzy around us, and I just stopped for a second, lost in the calm that the suspended moment gifted.


I turned my bird back towards Skyloft, letting my thoughts wander like the Aracha. I wondered if Groose was back up here, or still on the Surface. We passed over the Sealed Grounds, and I suddenly felt the peculiar urge to see something forbidden. No, I couldn't. The Master Sword was where she belonged, in the Sealed Temple. I couldn't have it. Lost as I was in my mind, a friendly whale song penetrated my bubble of thought, and filling my heart with a mournful yet joyful tune. It came from the direction of the Thunderhead, so I knew instantly that Levias was making his rounds, fulfilling his duty as the Warden of the sky. While I was flying back home, Levias's voice recoiling in my head, a sudden realisation smacked me in my Skyloftian face.


I'd promised to meet Zelda! Oh, she was going to murder me! Crim picked up on my panik, and squawked questioningly. But there was no question about how cross Zelda was going to be. "Oh Goddesses!!" I swore, spurring Crimson onwards, spiralling through the air, towards the sky island that was Skyloft. I definitely didn't want a repeat of being pushed off of Skyloft. Never again.


After an... Excruciating meetup with Zelda, which had, to my dismay, involved me being shoved off Skyloft, I was just about ready to turn in for the day. Just in time too, as the sun was setting. Through the thin walls of my room, I could hear Fledge working out, and, judging from the immense noise from the corridor, Groose and his cronies had arrived back. I yawned widely, and stumbled over to my bed. I was so exhausted, I barely even had time to register that it was the bed I was falling on, and not the floor, though I'd have slept like a log anyway, before I collapsed.


I immediately started dreaming, a lucid, vivid image burned into my eyes. A nightmare I hadn't had since... Oh, Hylia! Since before my adventure. The cold, metallic voice I had come to know so well, the huge toothy maw of the avocado shaped demon, but, strangely enough, no Zelda. My best friend turned girlfriend was totally missing from this nightmare. I opened my in dream eyes, only to be met with the Imprisoned's mouth exploding in a burst of golden light.  Fi's voice broke into my dream, as emotionless as a wall. "Master." She said to me. "Master, my creator has sent me as a messenger. It is time again for you to claim me." She glided into view, pirouetting on the tips of her toes, as usual.  "Become my master once more as the Goddess wishes it to be."


I awoke with a start, discovering that I had missed the bed when I collapsed, and fallen on the floor. I had to keep dragging my eyes open, and my vision was minimal since my eyes were still blurred from sleep. I blinked to clear them, and peered out of my window. Drat! It was still dark outside. Only fully qualified knights flew at the dark hours, and I wasn't one of them. But, I was a hero. Maybe Crimson would answer my call. Maybe I could claim Fi before daybreak. I carefully pushed my door open, and, confident that I wouldn't wake anyone, I ran down the hallway, up the spiral stairs, past Karane's room, past Zelda's room, Horwell's room, Gaepora's room. Out of the double doors, and into the embrace of night. Sprint. Leap. Whistle. Nothing. I was plummeting at top speed now, falling faster than Bucha trying to fly. Still nothing. Where was Crim?


A flash of red feathers, and I was sitting astride my rebellious Loftwing. We lazily corkscrewed down, being cautious of the knights who patrolled the sky. I didn't want to be discovered, not at this point. The Sealed Grounds came into view, and I let go of Crim's back, falling. The acrid scent of bomb flowers reached my nose, making me gag, which is not fun while you are supported by nothing except air. Somehow, I knew Groose had been putting the Groosinator to good use. That would explain the suspicious holes in the Goddess Statue's head. Typical Groose!


The Sealed Temple was just as I'd left it two years ago, despite the Groosinator damage. I could hear Fi calling for me from inside. Well, she would wait no longer. I pushed open the beautiful, ornately carved doors of the temple, grateful they didn't creak. Fi was waiting for me, her shimmering blade trapped in the pedestal that I placed her in. I strode forward, reaching the True Master Sword in no time. I reached for her, wrapping my fingers around her handle, and gave a tug, severing her divine connection. Feeling elated, I raised Fi above my head, and let out a "TUUUHHYYAAAAHHH!!!!" of victory. But, I was so lost in my reunion, I didn't notice a slight girl slip through the doors, or the ominous black mist that followed her.


I turned to leave, and found my path blocked by a blonde girl. A small, thin blonde girl. "Zelda!" I yelped, as guilty as a mogma caught stealing. "Uh... What are you doing down here?" The girl gave me a kind smile reminiscent of the one carved on the goddess statue. She chuckled, a sound like a waterfall streaming down a cliff. "Oh, my hero, I am honoured that you think of me as Zelda, after all I put you through." I gawped, my gentle eyes telling the girl that I was confused. "Hylia?" Hylia smiled serenely. "Yes, my hero. I am Hylia. I have come to send you on your final quest, and a greater evil than Demise threatens this land. You alone will not be able to defeat it. Find your eight reincarnations, and tell them of this quest. Farewell, Link. May I smile upon you!" Swirling red. Black lightning. I was gulped down by the portal like a deku baba crunching its prey. "Hyliaaaaaaa!!" I screamed, but the Goddess only smiled. "Safe travels, my hero" 


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