The young man, boy in arms, was still limping across Hyrule field. I felt so bad for them, I wanted to help. I really did, but I didn't want to be hit back. I should have used my head, if they were Yiga they wouldn't have asked my name. I felt terrible, like a murderer, like a monster. But, I knew if I could just get close without being completely decimated by them, I could apologise. The boys had different ideas. They picked up the pace once they sighted firelight on the hill, and I struggled to keep up as they rushed towards it. The heady, flaming scent of fresh blood hung around them like a dark cloud, which any monster within the field would be able to smell before long, so I hoped they had some kind of protection.
They dragged themselves into the little camp, and I did a small double take. More travellers?! You never saw groups this big anywhere, not unless they wanted to be skewered on the end of a filthy blade belonging to a monster. Or me, apparently. I just hoped nobody got wind of this and called me out on it, since Miss High And Mighty Princess Zelda would bring me to her castle and try to force me into being the same knight she knew 100 years ago. If she wanted me to return to her, Hell no. I wanted to run from her at all costs. Yanking myself out of my head, I saw a tall, well built man in what looked like ceremonial plate armour glance in their direction. "Pup, what happened to you? I thought you knew where you were going." 'Pup' looked a bit guilty, and the old man's eyes softened. "Hyrule, can you come over here. We have wounded." Hyrule? What a strange name... Hyrule came running over, a boy in red with pink hair following him.
I watched from in the grass as Hyrule's hands lit up with golden light and the gashes on Pup and the boy's chests vanished like Mipha had healed them, which was relieving as it meant that these travellers were set to go. I looked towards their fire, and sneaked closer to it. Two young men and a small child were lounging around it, talking quietly to each other. One of the men had perfect blonde hair, immaculate armour, a royal blue scarf and a posh accent, like he was from a highly regarded family. Maybe these others were his bodyguards. The other man wore a quirky green outfit that I liked, with puffy brown feather like hair and a cute round face. The child wore a weird multicoloured tunic and had long blonde hair kept back with a green band. I thought they all looked pretty cool, except the rich boy. Puffy hair man looked into the grass, eyes trailing over me. I stayed stone still and tried not to breathe. I was saved by the one with pink hair coming back, with the kid I mauled tailing him, and I decided tomorrow I would apologise to them and try to make friends. I only had trusted friends among the Gorons, Rito, Gerudo, Sheikah and Zora. None of the Hylians knew who I was, or what I looked like under my hood. I needed some allies on the Hylian side, and I liked these travellers.
I stayed up, watching them goof around by the fire until all but one of them had gone to sleep. I had changed my clothing to the Zora armour with my hood, which I loved so much more. Since receiving it from Sidon I had lived in it, enjoying feeling close to her. So, I guessed I wouldn't look as threatening if I was dressed as a Zora. With the Lightscale Trident's comforting presence on my back, I took a deep breath, released it, and walked into the circle of firelight. The pretty boy was on guard. He saw me, and looked surprised for a second before he recovered himself. "Hello there, small one." Small one?! Excuse me?! I know I'm short but I'm not that small! I not be even five foot, but I'm not that tiny! Even if Zelda was about 2 feet taller than me. "You a zora? I haven't met one of your kind in a while!" I self consciously stroked my chest, feeling for the Zora's Sapphire that always hung there. It brought me confidence, especially when I felt panicked and threatened. Pretty Boy went to wake the others and I knew if they all woke up, I'd be outnumbered and I'd probably panic. I grabbed his wrist, and he looked down at me, surprised. I shook my head, and signed with my other hand. "Please don't. I get scared by lots of people." He looked at my sign, and shook his head. "I am sorry, little buddy, but I cannot understand sign. I will have to wake up Time, cause he will what you're saying. Is that okay?" I nodded my head, hood slipping slightly. I didn't notice. I just wanted to get the hell outta there as soon as I could.
He shook the muscular man awake gently, like he was afraid of being hit, gesturing to me and saying "There's a little zora. I need help translating their sign." I stamped my foot on the ground irritably. "No! Don't wake him up!" The men paid me no attention. The old man got to his feet, blinking tiredly as he looked down at me like he knew me. I almost fell backwards in surprise; he only had one eye!? I reached up under my hood and stroked my scars, shrinking under the gaze of the travellers. "Don't fear, little one, we won't hurt you." I bared my teeth, even though they couldn't see my face it made me feel braver. "That's what they all say before they beat me!" The old man's surprised gasp was so loud that he woke the others. All the group except cute fluffy haired one woke up and sprang to their feet. The wolf one I mauled earlier got one look at me before I fled. He shouted after me, but I didn't listen. I just kept running. I glanced behind me, only to see they were following me. Well, I'd teach them. I pulled five bomb arrows from my quiver, and nocked them to my Savage Lynel Bow, drawing the string back as far as I could, teeth clenched in concentration. Aiming at them as they sprinted towards me, I let the arrows fly and watched with satisfaction as they turned tail and ran in the opposite direction.
After spending a minute up a tree thinking, I realised that if I wanted to befriend them, I'd have to address all of them at once. I wouldn't ever do this, but I had no other choices. Following their trail, with dread heavy in my ruined chest, I crept back to their camp, and slowly, with all of their eyes on me, I walked into the firelight. "So, the fish shows themselves, huh" The pink-haired one snarked, flicking the top of my hood. I smacked his hand off, and he smirked. Pup's eyes hadn't left me since I arrived, and his cold gaze was beginning to make me uncomfortable. I turned to him, trying to make myself as small as possible. "I-I came to say... I'm so incredibly sorry for what I did... I had no choice, I thought you were assassins in disguise... Please forgive me..." He looked surprised, and I realised I had been wearing my Champion's Tunic when I attacked him. "It appears our zora friend here is no zora." The child spoke up, eyes flashing red in earnest. "They aren't a zora? But they look so much like one..." Pup's eyes softened as he gave a slow nod, before whistling to get everyone's attention. "Sky? Can you explain for us?" Sky stepped forward with a friendly smile. "Now, I need to explain something to you, little one. We are hero-" I cut him off with a rude gesture that I'd be smacked for usually. "Can. You. Stop. Calling. Me. Little. I may be short but I am not a child." He looked very apologetic, like a hylian retriever, so I forgave him. "We're heroes of courage, brought together by the Goddess Hylia to face some kind of legendary evil, who we've met and fought already. Except he didn't die, so we're still stuck chasing him down." Pink hair one spoke up. "Let's not forget that we've all been on one too many journeys already and we're all sick to the teeth of this wretched Goddess" Sky bristled. "You may hate the goddess but I don't. Since I date her, I kind of have to love her, even still, I can see that she's made a bad choice." The small boy I sliced danced up to me, and I shrank back. "I like you, even though you almost killed me" He was cut off by Pretty Boy. "Wind! It wasn't that bad!" Wind rolled his eyes at him, then looked back at me. "Could... Can you tell us your name?" I sighed quietly; I could see I had no choice. "L-I-N-K" The Old Man smiled. "Everyone, say hello to our newest hero. Welcome, Link."
Hi! Can I say something quickly? Yes? Okay, good. OH MY GODDESSES I HATE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH I HATE IT I HATE IT I HATE IT!!!! If I could, I would totally redo it but I've spent too much time trying to make it better already, so I just have to post it now. I can't express how much I detest this chapter, but hey! There's nothing I can do, so meh. The only thing I like is the picture at the top. Thanks for reading (I apologise for the terrible chapter) and I'll see you next time
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