
I was just gathering some more ingredients and keeping out of the way of that horrible brat I saved yesterday. Ugh, I hated her so much. She obviously had a strong... uh... attraction to me, but I could not replicate that towards her if I tried. I loved another, even though she was gone. But, enough talk of sadness. I knew Zelda was in Kakariko with Impa, nowhere near me. She couldn't find me if she tried. The wild lends me stealth worthy of a fox. I sighed quietly as I picked yet another frond of Hyrule Herb, and something drew my attention. I noticed a movement out of the corner of my right eye, I could hear footsteps. Two people, one adult and a child. I jumped up and ran. I didn't want to meet anyone so soon after saving Miss 'High and Mighty' as they would tell her where I was. They ran into view, a cute, innocent looking blonde boy and an older, more careworn teen with a wolf pelt over his shoulders. "And, Twi, look! I can see for miiiles!!" the boy was shouting, climbing a tree, to a tired grunt from the older one. I smiled under my hood; children were so nice, even though people scared me, and I felt so... right being near these boys. I just hoped the guardian over the hill didn't see them.  


Of course, the wretched guardian saw them. Of course. I unslung my only remaining shield, a beaten up pot lid, and whistled for Epona. My horse came cantering over, and I leapt into the saddle, pulling a single ancient arrow from my slate and slipping it into my quiver. I was going to save these boys, and I was going to do it in style. Well, as much style as can be expected by a hooded arsonist with problems. But, hey! It's still style. I saw the laser fire, eating up the ground like Ganon's Malice beams, and I knew if I pushed 'Pona to her limits I might just get in front of them to take the hit. I kicked her on, spurring her until I could feel her sides heaving, and then I jumped off. I yanked my makeshift shield off my back and leapt to parry the laser. I hit true, and it reeled back like it'd been shot, which, I guess it had. By its own projectile. While it was stunned, I rushed in, hacking at its legs with my Royal Broadsword. I managed to cut them all off before my blade snapped into three pieces, one buried in my arm. It recovered pretty quickly, and before long I was darting away, laser chasing at my feet. I went to deflect it again, but I moved a little too late, and I got shot in the chest. The cracking that was heard after that attack told me it broke most of my ribs, blowing me backwards like I was able to fly, but hey, I could live through pain. I'd had worse.


Broken ribcage aside, I was doing okay. I won't lie and say I wasn't relieved when a shout of "Wind, get your sword, it's fight time" sounded from behind me, and the two boys I'd been defending earlier jumped in beside me, cutting and stabbing at the beast's metal hull. Despite their weapons simply glancing off, I was quite glad to have some help. I ran to Epona, and drew out my Ancient Arrow. I took out my bow, and readied myself, jumping onto her back, nocking the arrow in the bowstring ready to fire. I spurred 'Pona into a canter, before leaping to fire the arrow, finally ending the guardian's life. 


I almost fell over as I landed, chest throbbing uncomfortably, blade shard buried in my sword arm. It hurt a lot and I knew I needed to find myself somewhere relatively safe to try and heal myself up. I glanced up, just as the older one peered into the shadowy depths of my hood like he wanted to know what lay beneath. Taking a deep breath and putting on my best 'annoyed Link' face, I raised my hands. "What were you thinking? That was a guardian, you know! You could've died!" I looked down at the boy, and saw through his confident façade immediately. He was shaking, obviously in shock, and the young man didn't look in the mood to respond, so I took back my words. "Never mind, don't tell me." To ease the uncomfortable awkward silence that had been dropped over us, I took out my pot lid and checked it over carelessly, barely registering the fact that it was in front of my face. The boy glanced at me, then shook his hair out of his eyes and peered at me like a fox. "Are you a traveller or a warrior?" I had no answer, since I couldn't remember what I was, let alone who I had been. "Neither"  I adjusted my tunic, and the older one's eyes trailed across my chest. I suddenly felt extremely self conscious, even though they couldn't see my face. "Isn't that the Master Sword?" 


I flinched, and supressed the urge to reach for my bow. Hands trembling with hidden anger, mind racing to keep them distracted, I signed. "How do you know what that is?" He bared his weirdly pointed teeth, shaped almost like wolf fangs, and spat another question at me. "What's your name." Taking a Knight's Claymore out of my slate, I raised one hand. "I should have known... Traitors..."  The blonde boy made a sound of protest. "Traitors?" I ignored him and listened to the boiling fury in my shattered heart, lashing out with my greatsword, giving him a deep cut across the chest. Wolf Boy went to grab his weapon, but I was faster than him, and I lunged towards his face, ignoring the feeling deep inside my head telling me I was hurting an old friend, ignoring the signs. Blood stained his weird muted clothes, and I ran. I felt ashamed, these Hylians were obviously not Yiga, I'd just attacked and struck two innocent boys. I felt horrible, and I knew that the only thing I could do was tail them until I saw an opportunity to apologise. After drinking a hearty elixir and changing into my stealth gear with one quick tap, I followed the two as they slowly made their way across Hyrule Field, painfully. I hoped they had somewhere safe to go.


Oh Wild! He's made a mistaaake! I love torturing the Hero of the Wild, it's so much fun! He just has a lot of angst and fluff potential. And remember, Twi is Wolfie, Wolfie raised Wild, Wild hurt Twilight, Wild hurt his adoptive father. That's gotta feel bad. This chapter was basically 'I had a bad day so I'm gonna make Wild attack Twi' and I regret nothing! Anyway, thanks for reading, over and out!


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