
"Okay, Sky, where are we?" Warriors asked, looking a little nervous. "We're in Lanayru... Uh, in the caves, I think. Don't worry, that portal just caught us off guard." Sky replied, before leading us through what felt like a never-ending labyrinth of rock tunnels. Eventually, after an hour of walking, we reached a small opening which led out into a sort of hub with more tunnels leading off of it. An orange creature was walking around, and it rushed over to us when it saw Sky. "BROTHER! YOU'RE ALIVE!!" It shouted, crushing the Chosen Hero in a rib breaking hug. "Golo, I'm glad to see you too, brother! Now please put me down." Sky hissed in a strangled voice.


 I shifted an unconscious Four on my back, and said "Does anyone mind making camp here, since it's sheltered and relatively cool?" Nobody objected, and we set up camp for the night. Legend spread out Four's bedroll and I lay the tiny hero on it. His breathing was steady, as it always was, he was just unconscious. Portals always affected him the most and not even he knew why. 


It was Time's turn to cook tonight, which was a relief because he was the best cook out of all of us, and even his food tasted awful. Seven Links, and none of them can cook! How unironic of the Goddess was that? After our undoubtably terrible meal, Twi volunteered for first watch, and I took second. As I lay down to rest, the last thing I saw was Twi sitting stone still on the ground, sword in hand. I didn't sleep long though, as I woke up to check on Four. Twi was gone, probably getting a feel for the area, and a dark shape was sat in his place watching me with intelligent blue eyes. It was a wolf. It came closer to me, sniffing, then tilted its head cutely. Something about the wolf seemed familiar, I could've sworn I'd seen it before. You didn't see many wolves with ear piercings. I must've made a noise, because Time woke up, saw the wolf, and shouted "Wolfos!" Legend sprang up, grabbed his blade and started randomly swinging it at anything that moved, because you should never wake up Legend. Luckily for the wolf, and us, he didn't hit anyone. Then, I woke up Four, who had recovered from the portal by this time, and Time shook Warriors awake. We all knew, however, that there was no point in trying to get Sky up. Once the Chosen Hero was asleep, he was asleep. He could've died and you wouldn't know the difference. Except, he might be more inclined to move if he were dead. 


The wolf just sat there while all this was going on, and he was pretty chilled out for a wolf. Now that everyone minus Sky was awake and calm, I got to take a proper look at the beast. He was dark grey with silver markings on his forehead that I knew I'd seen somewhere before. He also had blue earrings, and as I said earlier, you don't see many wolves with ear piercings. A pair of little hoops just like the ones I'd seen Wars wearing. He also had blue eyes that were too intelligent and full of emotion to be any normal animal. Four crept up to the wolf and examined his ankle. "It looks like this wolf has been imprisoned before." He pointed to a shackle; a twisted, confusingly ornate lump of metal wrapped around the poor animal's leg. He turned to us with a serious expression and spoke. "I think we should call him Wolfie!" Time smirked. "All in favour?" I saw Warriors facepalm, then I snorted. Four remained looking serious and Legend just scowled, but I could tell he thought it was a great name. "There are so many better names out there for a wolf, and you choose 'Wolfie'? Why?" Wars said, looking quite exasperated. 


Wolfie stuck around for a few hours more, during which we discovered that Four was so tiny he could ride on our grey friend's back. We also discovered he loves belly rubs, and we spent a long time just fussing him. Who knew wolf fur was so soft? Legend and Wars went back to sleep, and Time came over to us and said "Boys, you need some rest. I'm sure Wolfie has other things to be doing." Wolfie yelped in disagreement, then nuzzled Time's hand. "One more ride, please?" Four said, as I boosted him onto Wolfie's back. We had one more wild run around the cavern, and we accidentally ran over Sky, but I think he was okay, so that was fine. When we'd done eight laps of the cavern, Wolfie shook us off, then bounded into the darkness. "See? Now please get some sleep" Time said. A groan from Sky told us we had indeed woken him up. Whoops. The next morning, Twi was back in camp. "Where were you last night?" Warriors asked our ranchhand sleepily. "Patrolling, why?" Twi replied easily. "Because you missed Wolfie!" Me and Four shouted together. I heard a familiar sound of grunting, before I yelled "Duck!" A wooden spear sailed through the air, narrowly missing Sky's head. "What IS that thing?" Legend yelled, putting up his shield to block the projectile. "That" I replied "Is one of my moblins." Twilight looked confused. "What's a moblin?" before a spear took him off his feet and into the side of the cave. I saw two ugly, blue, dog-like moblin faces come into view, as well as a black lizard with burning red eyes.


The lizard hissed, and the moblins moved into attack. Sky yelled "That's a Cursed Lizalfos! Don't let it hit you! You won't be able to draw your weapon for a while!" He was interrupted by a moblin moving straight in front of him, chucking spear after spear at Wars and Leg. The other jabbed its spear in my direction, and I thrust up my shield to block the blow. Four was running around them, throwing attacks in their direction with the Four Sword. Twi picked himself up, and charged directly at one of them, plunging the Ordonian Sword deep into its neck. It fell but dragged itself back up again. Black blood dribbled from the wound and stained the ground. Time dodged a thrust and swept over the battlefield with a huge swing from the Biggoron's sword. This swing finally brought down the injured one. The other entered a fit of rage, growling and dribbling as if it were rabid. It attacked quickly now, and purple clouded its eyes. The lizalfos just stood back and let us take on the moblins, before fading into the shadows at the back of the cave.


"Hey!" Twi growled. "It's gone!" I stopped fighting, lowering my blade in surprise, just as the monster chucked a spear in my direction. I hit, knocking me back. I gritted my teeth as I felt a trickle of blood erupt from my chest, but I ignored it. I saw Legend being backed into a corner. I knew I had to help, but how?  An old spell entered my mind, and I knew instantly what I had to do. I rushed in front of Legend, raised my shield and let all my anger and frustration out at once, activating Thunder. Lightning flicked throughout the room, electrocuting the moblin and erasing it from existence. "See that? That's what happens if you mess with the Hero of Legend in front of me!" I yelled. Twi looked very impressed, as did Time. Sky was breathing hard and was being comforted by Warriors and Legend was standing behind me, a shocked expression on his face. "A-ah" He took a second to regain his composure, then smirked. "Heh. Thanks, I guess. I would've been a hero kebab if you hadn't stepped in. I owe ya one. I didn't realise anyone could care for me that much and-" His voice caught in his throat. "Forget it." Time gathered us all together and said "Nothing less than commendable. I couldn't have held them off alone. Sky, you said that was a Cursed Lizalfos, right? Where do they usually live?" Sky swallowed hard. "I found them at the top of Eldin Volcano, in a dungeon called the Fire Sanctuary. I haven't seen one for a very long time." A swirling purple vortex spiralled into the air, and we all immediately grabbed for one another as we entered.


Howdy y'all! Hope ya liked the surprise guests! Those moblins never even stood a chance when faced with the wrath of an angry healer. Go figure. Anyway, I have ideas for the future, like, for instance, Wild! Yes, it wouldn't be Linked Universe without our favourite Wild Child, now, would it? If you have any questions about this journey, I like answering questions, so ask away! (If you love Wild to the point of no return, like me, I am gonna warn you now. He gets a bit beaten up later on, K? Got that? Now don't say I didn't warn you!) Also, thanks for reading!


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