CHAPTER 2:_The only favorite asshole in your life, who you never get rid of_  bFFs

Ivy's P.o.v

"Miss Raven, I believe you're aware that you're two minutes late for my class, I demand an explanation right this minute!" 

I lifted my head up for the first time ever since I stumbled upon my most hated class, and slowly stared at the angry teacher whose eyes were boringly glaring furiously at me, also, as usual. 

Throughout my lifespan, I had never for once witnessed a day I was ever early for math class. It's like all the forces of this earth joint hands together to prevent me from being punctual.

Even with the sound of her voice, it was quite obvious she was already used to it by now. But being the usual Mrs Williams I've always known, throwing a tantrum was always her solution for late students, most especially, I, her worst student apparently.

"Umm..I..." I started, a bit short of words, cracking my brain for a reasonable excuse.

Now I hate Math. Hate is a small word, I detest that subject, so I don't think anyone would be expecting me to be early for a subject that always caused a downfall both in my term and semester's results. And since heaven has decided to bless me, I get to have 'that subject' as my first class on a Monday morning.

"What is it Ivy? Cat caught your tongue." The devil beside me sneered mockingly.

You know, just like every other person, I also have that someone who just always loves making life miserable for you. And just like I predicted, it was her, Evelyn Scott. 

Evelyn happens to be the school's so-called 'queen bee' and an enemy of mine as well. As long as I can remember, we never got along ever since my existence in Brimestone high. She is what I call a typical bimbo who uses seniors (her boyfriends apparently) to bully nerds or junior students.

I just couldn't believe of all places, I found myself seated next to her. But just according to the phrase, 'silence is the best answer for a fool' I ignored her completely, and instead focused on the situation I was in. Like she requested, I cleared my throat, and began my blabbers.

"You see, it's a long story actually. All started last night before I went to bed. I made a very horrible mistake listening to my sister and taking that terrible cake she gave to me. Then, I just started to feel, let me see, a little weird."

"__You know as humans, we should learn to listen to our instincts sometimes, cause God, who knows what will happen next. But I failed in that aspect and now I totally regret it because I never thought I'll be late to this__ wonderful class.' Mrs Williams rolled her eyes at this. She was literally boiling red with folded arms but I continued either ways.

" __Then, I started to have this kinda weird dream, let me tell you all about it. I was in a__"

"Miss Raven, that's enough please! You have already succeeded in wasting a long ful minutes of my time telling that ridiculous story." My math teacher cut me off instantly. I could hear giggles and mostly joyous sounds from the whole room, some even secretly gave me the 'thumps up'. And that my friend is how you deal with a teacher like Mrs Williams.

I finally sat down earning an eye roll from Evelyn, but I ignored her once again.

"Turn your textbooks to page 195, you will be solving the exercises under one, three and five."

Mrs Williams instructed and the whole class groaned. Apparently, under those few innocent numbers was about ten questions each, so I guess you know the kind of situation I was in.

* * * * *

"Pens up everyone! Pass your notes to the front rows, I'll get them from there."

Mrs Brooklyn, my history teacher ordered authoritatively, though it was completely useless since no one ever listens to her orders. They just do it their way.

For instance, what kind of teacher ever says 'pens up' after test, are we getting arrested after being caught in crime or something. So my typical classmates rather drop their pens down, and instead of passing their notes to the front as ordered, most of them either give to their random friends to do that for them, or the ones with the 'big brains' just like my bestie over here, keep cross checking whatever before eventually doing as ordered.

"Hey! How was it?" Cindy, my best friend asked just about the time I passed my notes to Jenny. Great timing Cindy! Great timing.

"It was okay, I guess." I shrugged and she just gave me the 'I know you are lying' look.

"Just okay? From the looks of it, I doubt you even wrote anything." Who am I kidding? She knows me so well.

"Wrong, I wrote the dates and questions," I replied stupidly making Cindy face palm before letting out a frustrated sigh. The look on her face told me she's had enough with my idiotic tendencies. Well, that what she got for peering up with a crazy girl like me.

Apparently, we had a pop quiz on history today. Firstly, how was I supposed to know we were going to have a so-called surprise pop-quiz? Secondly, who on earth crams a whole history of the United States! I can't even imagine my lazy self putting up with such torture, so yes, my entire test paper was literally empty, gracias.

"Ivy, you do know this test is going to be added to our grades for the term right? You should've taken it seriously, even if it's just a little bit of seriousness," And there goes my typical genius of a bestie. I just simply rolled my eyes while distractedly scribbling some random jargons on a rough sheet of paper.

This is literally me. A girl who only got her good looks and probably nice figures, a high social status and in fact cherished by all. But when it comes to her grades, you might want to shake your head in disappointment because it's not just a total failure, it is utterly an eyesore. Obviously my situation was already pointless.

I've always know my childhood bestie to be a all too good and serious type of student while I'm literally her exact opposite. Come to think of it, how did we even become best friends?

"I...."  Brrng!

As usual, I tried speaking up for myself but the school bell rung, disrupting the normal impromptu between my best friend and I.

"You're dismissed," Mrs Williams ordered and for the first time that day, we all obeyed.

I grabbed my binder and headed towards the class's exit along with Cindy, joining the other jumble of students shoving out of the classroom. It's the same usual routine for all students at the end of each class. But the last thing I wanted was to be called by a teacher the second time that day.

"Except you Miss Raven." Yup, I just knew it. I was cursed.

[1,200 words]

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Stay tuned, Enjoy reading!!!


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