Title: Obsidian Prince
Unit: Sword Infantry
Description: The Prince of Darkness after some training with his cousin
Weapon: Shadow Sword (Accelerates cool down and grants Fury 2)
Special: Obsidian Smackdown (Exclusive. Def/Res -70%)
A: Obsidian Boost (exclusive. +5 atk +3 def +1 SPD if unit has 3 or more HP)
B: Reverse Affinity (Reverses Weapon Triangle)
C: Threaten Res
Title: Golden Warrior
Unit: Lance Flier
Description: A warrior who temporarily took up the pegasus
Weapon: Spirited Gradivus (Grants Distant Counter )
Assist: Rally Atk/Def
A: Golden Boost (Exclusive. +5 def +3 Res +1 atk if unit has 3 or more HP)
B: Purple Tome Breaker (If units HP is equal or more to 70% against a red or blue tome user, unit makes a follow-up attack and the foe cannot)
C: Hone Lances ( Lance wielders gain +4 atk if next to unit at beginning of turn)
Title: Light's Blessing
Unit: Blue Tome
Description: A healer that followed the light.
Weapon: Aureola (+5 resistance if unit initiates. Also grants BoL 2. Personal)
Special: Miracle
A: Light's Blessing (+5 Res, +3 SPD +1 def if unit has 3 or more HP. Personal)
B: Light's Piercing (After combat, units within 2 spaces lose 5 HP and -6 in all stats)
C: Light's Ward (Allies within 2 spaces gain 4 def/Res)
Title: Raven Occultist
Unit: Red Horse Mage
Description: A morbid mage who gained a promotion.
Weapon: Waste (Brave Tome)
Special: Raven Flurry ( Units take damage before combat and are restricted to 1 Move. Exclusive)
A: Close Counter
B: Occult's Spirits (Units in range lose 7 HP after battle and -7 SPD. Exclusive)
C: Drive Atk/SPD
Anthony: New Ruler
Blue Infantry Mage
Weapon: Water's Breath (Effective Against Dragons. Grants Renewal 2)
Special: Draconic Breath (Foes in range take damage before combat. Res -50%. Non inheritable)
A: Wind Boost
B: Desperation
C: Savage Blow
Anthony: Sharp Thunder (he's wearing Lukas' armor and Rein's scarf)
Lance Cavalry
Weapon: Brave Lance+
Special: Moonbow
A: Death Blow
B: Seal Attack
C: Innocent Pranks (after combat units within range take 7 damage and -4 in all stats. Can't be inherited)
Gray: Wry Hero
Sword Infantry
Brave Sword+
Special: Astra
A: Sturdy Blow
B: Vantage
C: SPD Ploy
Tobin: Loyal Ally
Unit: Archer Cavalry
Slaying Bow+
Special: Moonbow
A: Fire Boost
B: Poison Strike
C: Hone Spd
Kliff: Studious Mage
Red Mage Infantry
Dire Flame (Brave Tome for red units. Inheritable)
Assist: Swap
A: Close Defense
B: Rangebreaker (If unit fights a bow or dagger user with 70% or more health, unit makes a follow-up attack, and the foe cannot )
C: Breath of Life
Faye: Loving Cleric
Healer Infantry
Weapon: Pain
Assist: Rehabilite
A: Ice Boost (If unit has 3 or more HP, unit gains 4 def and RES)
B: Dazzling Staff
C: Hone Defense
Atlas: Determined Mercenary
Sword Infantry
Slaying Edge+
Special: Bonfire
A: Fury
B: Desperation
C: Savage Blow
Gray: Emerald Mage
Blue Infantry Mage
Sagittae (14 Mt, Accelerates Cooldown. Inheritable.)
Special: Glacies (Boosts damage dealt by 80% of unit's Res.)
A: Mirror Strike (Grants Atk/Res+4 during combat if unit initiates combat. Via Death Blow)
B: Renewal (At the start of every second turn, restores 10 HP.)
C: Infantry Pulse (Special cooldown count-1 at start of turn 1 for any Infantry allies with at least 1 fewer HP than unit. [Effects will stack with similar skills.])
Stat Spread: Very Similar to Boey, a tanky mage with low RES.
Lukas: Crimson Sniper
Bow Infantry
Slaying Bow+ (Effective against flying units. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1)).
Special: Growing Flame (Before combat this unit initiates, foes in a wide area around target take damage equal to (unit's Atk minus foe's Def or Res)).
A: Defiant Attack (Grants Atk +7 at start of turn if unit's HP ≤ 50%)
B: Green Tomebreaker (If unit's HP ≥ 50% in combat against a green tome user, unit makes a follow-up attack and foe cannot.)
C: Hone Attack (Grants adjacent allies Atk+4 through their next actions at the start of each turn.)
Stat Spread: A high RES archer that is meant to take out units like Cecilia and Sonya. Crud SPD though)
Ryoma: Hoshidan Paladin
Sword Cavalry
Blazing Rajinto (Exclusive.
Enables counterattack regardless of distance if this unit is attacked. If unit initiates combat, after battle, foes within 2 spaces lose 5 HP)
Special: Growing Thunder (Before combat initiates, foes in a wide area around the target take damage equal to (unit's Atk minus foe's Def or Res))
A: Bracing Blow (Grants Def/Res+4 during combat if unit initiates combat.)
B: Brash Assault (Unit automatically makes a follow-up when at HP ≤ 50% and attacking a foe that can counter.)
C: Panic Ploy (At start of turn, bonuses become penalties on all foes in cardinal directions with HP 1 or more lower than unit through foe's next action.)
Lon'qu: Feroxi Wyvern
Flying Axe
Crystal Axe (Neutralizes Weapon Triangle. Special Cooldown -1)
Special: Luna (Resolve combat as if foe suffered Def/Res-50%)
A: Fury (Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+3. Unit takes 6 damage after combat.)
B: Daggerbreaker (If unit's HP ≥ 50% in combat against a dagger user, unit makes a follow-up attack and foe cannot.)
C: SPD Smoke (After combat, inflicts Spd-7 on foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions)
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