Title: Calm Ninja
Unit: Infantry Dagger
Description: A Hoshidan Ninja and Saizo's twin brother. Appears in Fire Emblem Fates
Rarity: 3*-4*
Weapons: Iron Dagger, Steel Dagger, Killer Dagger, Killer Dagger+ (killer daggers minus 1 on special cooldown)
Special: Miracle
B Slot: Wings Of Mercy (unlocks at 4*)
C Slot: Dagger Valor (2x SP for dagger users if he survives. Unlocks at 5*)
Strategy: Surviving Jerk like Rinea. Debuffs too.
Friend Greeting: Are you {Name}? Friend sent me to deliver you a message: Hi.
Castle Quotes
This place reminds me of Hoshido
Is there anything you need?
At least I'm not being followed here.
Special Activation
The pain will pass!
I'll make this quick!
You leave me no choice!
I won't allow it!
Character Page
Do you need something?
I'm glad your safe.
I'm impressed with your skills.
Selected in Battle
Shall We?
Level Up
(0-1): This shall not suffice
(2-3): I need all the strength I can get
(4-5): I will protect everyone!
Learning Skills
I shall use this power for good
I'm sorry...
Level 40, 5*
{Name}, have you had any regrets? I know it's a wierd question.... It's nothing really. Your concerned about me? Oh, that's a first. Well, when I was young, I made a mistake that costed me my father, and the king's child. I wish I would've told them. My father still could've been alive... I'm sorry to bug you with this. Thank you for caring.
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