Rebel alliance fleet

I'm doing this page for what The Rebel Alliance fleet is, I'm going to do a chapter soon on how they get so many ships. Also when I say Command ship, I alSo mean Flag ship, If not, there in a fighter or on the Ground fighting. Or they might had to go to another ship.

All Systems that support the rebellion: (the empire doesn't really know about them yet) Ryloth, Alderaan, Chandrila, Mon Cala, Sullust, Shili, Kamino, Lasot, and Some mandalorians support the rebellion

What each system donates to the Rebellion:

Ryloth: Troops, food, and Fuel
Shili: troops and food
Alderaan: Ships, Money, and food
Chandrila: Troops, Food, money, Armament, And some shuttles
Mon Cala: Capital Ships, Troops, Armament
Sullust: troops, Armament
Lasot: Troops and food
Kamino: Lowers the price on clones, Armament, and food
Some of the Mandalorains: Armament, troops

Venator Star destroyer class: limited Number

Lucrehulk battle ship class: limited number

All Mon Calamari classes: (There only 2 the size of a super star destroyer) (Star detroyer size limited) (Anything smaller depends on the size of it) (most of the smaller mom calamari is half the size of a imperial star destroyer)

Subjector class Dreadnaught: (There are only 1 in the fleet), and instead of it Shutting down a ship, it's wave weakens the Ship's Shields very badly

Providence class Command ships: limited

Munificent frigate class: limited

Core star ship: only 3 in the whole entire fleet

CIS Supply ships: limited

Resucant class light destroyer: (limited)

And a few other ships they use, but they only have a few, and it depends on how big to small they are

Some CIS Vehicles in that the rebellion uses now.

(Pretend that you don't see the Venator class in that picture), Also the Sheathipede is just a little ship that is like a transport shuttle type deal, Maybe some of the Jedi can use them to get systems to rally to there cause.

The rebel Alliance Also use multiple Frigates, light cruiser, smaller heavy cruisers, A couple of other assault ships, Transports, corvettes, Freighters, and Carriers. These are more of escort ships,

As you can see, you can see all the escorts and everything, But not everybody has like a butch of these ships, Some have more ships than others, some fleets don't have some of these ships

(Sry if this doesn't come up or anything, I'm just trying to update this fast)

Yoda's fleet:
5 venators
10 munificents
2 Providences
1 Core star ship
2 Resucant light destoyer 
5 CIS supply ships
10 smaller mon calamari
5 Star destroyer  size Mon calamari (uses one that looks way different as his command ship)
5 Alderaan cruisers
1 Nubilon frigate
5 carriers
Multiple landing craft and other escorts, transport, and Gun ships

Shaak Ti's fleet

1 Super star defender Mon calimari, the Super star detroyer size (Uses as command ship)
8 venators (Ashoka uses one as command ship)
5 Providences
15 Munificent
8 Lucrehulks
4 Resucant light destroyer
6 CIS supply ships
13 smaller mon calamari
8 star detroyer size mon calamari
1 liberator class star destroyer (Maris Brood's command ship)
5 Sabre's
3 Acclamator Destroyers
6 Alderaan cruisers
2 Nubilon frigates
6 carrier
Multiple landing craft, gun ships, other transport, and escorts

Ashoka Tano helps Shaak Ti and Maris brood)

Mace Windu's fleet

1 Subjector (Also his command ship)
7 venators
2 Providences (Galen uses one as his command ship)
14 Munificent
6 Lucrehulks
4 CIS supply ships
3 Resucant light destroyers 
10 smaller mom calamari
6 Star detroyer size Mon Calimari
6 Gaurdian Class Star detroyers
4 Alderaan cruisers
2 bigger carriers
1 Nubilon frigates
Multiple landing craft, gun ships, other transport, and escorts

Plo Koon's Fleet

8 venators
1 Chancellar star detroyer (uses as command ship)
10 Munificent
9 preservation Star destroyers
1 Providence
4 Lucrehulks  (1 is Padawans Command ship)
5 CIS supply ships
2 Resucants
8 smaller mon calamari
5 Star destroyer Mon calamari (Bultar Swan uses one as her command ship)
7 Sabre's class star detroyers
5 Alderaan Cruisers
1 Nubulon frigate
3 carriers
Multiple landing craft, gun ships, other transport, and escorts
Bultar Swan helps Master Koon out with his fleet

Jocasta Nu's Fleet:
4 Venators
1 liberator Class (Uses as command ship)
1 providence (padawan's command ship)
12 Munificent
5 preservation class
3 Resucants
4 CIS supply ships
5 unification class
5 smaller mon Calamari 
5 star detroyer size mom calamari (Sha Koon uses one as her Command ship)
Same with Yoda except not that much landing craft, has a lot of transports, she kinda aids  in space battles
3 Alderaan cruisers
2 carriers
2 Nubilon frigate
Multiple landing craft, gun ships, other transport, and escorts
Sha Koon helps Jacasta Nu with her fleet

Ki-adi Mindi's Fleet
7 Lucrehulks (uses 1 as his command ship)
8 Venators (Padawan uses one as command ship)
12 Munificent
6 star detroyer mon calimari
10 smaller mom calamari 
3 providence
1 Resucants
3 CIS supply ships
2 Gaurdian
5 Sabre's
5 Alderaan cruisers
1 Nubilon frigates
1 huge carrier

Has a lot of landing craft and Transports, And a lot of escorts

Kit Fisto's fleet
8 venators
2 Providences (uses one as his Command ship) 
2 Lucrehulks (one is Padawans command ship)
3 Gaurdian class
14  Munificent class
5 CIS supply ships
4 Resucants
10 Smaller Mon calimari
5 Star destroyer size Mon Calamari
4 Alderaan cruisers
2 carriers
1 Nubilon frigate
Multiple landing craft, gun ships, other transport, and escorts

Stass Allies fleet:
1 Chancellar Destroyer (her command ship)
4 Venator class
8 Munificent
1 Lucrehulks
6 CIS supply ships
12 smaller Mon calamari
3 Resucants
8 Star detroyer size Mon Calamari
4 Preservation class
4 Alderaan cruisers
1 carrier
1 Nubilon frigate
Multiple landing craft, gun ships, other transport, and escorts

Quinlan Vos's Fleet
7 Venators
15 Munificent
2 Lucrehulks
4 CIS supply ships
3 Resucants
1 Providence ( Padawan uses it as command ship)
2 Sabre's
3 Acclamator (uses one as his command ship)
12 Smaller Mon calamari
2 Destroyer size Mon calamari (The Ghost crew uses one as there command Ship)

Luminara's/Oppo Ransicis's Fleet
5 venators (Luminara uses one as her Command ship)
10 Munificents (Her Padawan uses one as command ship)
5 Providence
1 Liberation class (master Oppo uses it as his command ship) , it has a meditation chamber for him
2 Lucrehulks
4 Resucants
4 CIS supply ships
2 destroyer size Mon Calamari ( Gokès uses one as his command ship)
10 Smaller Mon Calamari
3 Sabre's
6 Alderaan cruisers
4 carriers
2 Nubilon frigates
Multiple landing craft, gun ships, other transport, and escorts

Obi-Wan Kenobi's Fleet
8 Venators (uses 1 as his command ship), (Aayla Surcera uses one as her command ship)
15 Munificents (Luke uses one as his command ship)
3 Providence (Aayla's Padawan uses one as a command ship)
2 Lucrehulks
4 CIS supply ships
3 Resucants
5 Smaller Mon Calamari
7 Destroyer size Mon Calamari
4 Gaurdian
3 Preservation
6 Alderaan cruisers
3 carriers
Multiple landing craft, gun ships, other transport, and escorts
Aayla Sercura is also with this fleet

Coleman Kcaj's Fleet
5 Venators
8 Munificents
2 Providences (Uses one as Rahm Kota's Command ship)
1 Lucrehulks (uses it as his command ship)
4 CIS Supply ships
2 Resucants
10 Smaller Mon Calamari
3 Destroyer size Mon Calamari
4 Acclamater (Gungi uses one as his command ship)
4 Alderaan cruisers
2 carriers
1 Nubilon cruiser
Rahm Kota also uses this fleet and helps Master Kcaj out

Admiral Akbar's fleet
1 Super star defender (Super Star destroyer size) Admiral Akbar's command ship
3 Venator (Rune uses one as his Command ship)
7 Munificents
2 Lucrehulks
5 CIS supply ships
10 Star destroyer size Mon calamari
15 Smaller Mon calamari
2 Providence
3 Sabre's
4 Resucants
1 Gaurdian
6 Alderaan cruisers
2 Nubilon frigates
5 carriers
Multiple landing craft, gun ships, other transport, freighters, and escorts

The fleet that's Protecting the Alliance's bases
8 Venators
10 destroyer size mon calamari
10 smaller Mon calamari
6 CIS supply ships
4 Resucants
3 providence star cruisers
4 Lucrehulk battleships
1 Core star ship
5 Gaurdian class destroyers
5 Alderaan cruisers
2 Nubilon frigates
4 carriers
Multiple landing craft, Gunships, other transports, Freighters, and Escorts

The other core ship goes to ever who needs it at the time

They also use One of the  medical Station that they used in the clone wars

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