Singular Part

It is my first story. I hope you guys like it. I just wanted to point out that this is a 'Lesbian Nightkiller / Killermare' story, meaning that it's going to be girl x girl.
Before I start, I just wanted to clarify  a few things:

-They will be humans who can still use their magical powers. For example, Nightmare can still use tentacles.

Since that is out of the way, we can start the story. Enjoy!


No one's POV

It all starts on a cold winter night. Killer, a 22-year-old woman, was working at a cafe; the beautiful woman was the only worker working on a freezing night. Surprisingly, there weren't many customers even tho it was Valentine's Day. Killer was daydreaming while sitting at the front desk waiting for her shift to finish when a beautiful 6-foot woman walked through the front door and went to the front desk, "Hello, ma'am?" Killer immediately was brought back to reality, "O-Oh! Sorry. Welcome to the 'Sweet Moon Cafe'! What can I get for you?" Killer said with a small smile. Nightmare blushed a little while looking at the shorter woman and said, "It's okay, I would like a big regular coffee. Please." Killer wrote the information on a little piece of paper on the desk, "OK, got it. Miss, may you please tell me your name?" Killer said while looking at the taller woman. "My name is Nightmare, sweetie," the taller woman said while winking at the shorter woman. Killer blushed a tiny bit as she replied in a mocking tone. "Haha, very funny!"
The taller woman snickers softly. "Jokes aside, may I sit here?" Nightmare said before Killer could go to the kitchen. "Sure!" Killer said while going to the kitchen to prepare Nightmare's order; meanwhile, Nightmare sat in the chair at the front desk and waited patiently. After a few minutes, Killer returned to the front desk and gave Nightmare her order, "Here's your order, love!" Killer said as Nightmare took her coffee and immediately looked Killer right in the eyes while Killer just winked her right eye; the action made Nightmare chuckle a bit, "I'm pretty sure I'm older than you, sweetie." Nightmare said while Killer gasped dramatically, "How are you sure about that? I could be 30 years old or something!" Killer kept complaining while Nightmare had zoned out a bit, internally freaking out by having a gay panic while looking at Killer.

Nightmare's POV

The girl kept complaining while I zoned out. I was currently having a gay panic ("She's beautiful. I wonder if she's single. Probably not, but I don't lose anything by asking her.)" I said in my mind. "Are you even listening to me?" The girl had said, "Yeah, I was listening to you." I said while the girl made an angry expression, but it looked cute in my view!
"Sweetie, what's your name?" I asked while tasting my coffee, "Well, my name's Killer!" The shorter woman replied; This coffee tastes so good! Perhaps now that I know her name, I can ask her a question. "Killer, do you have a Valentine's Day partner? If so, why are you not spending time with them? Valentine's Day is going to end in some hours." I said while looking at Killer, waiting for a response. "Oh! Well, I don't have a partner. I have lost hope of getting one." She replied with a sad smile. I was kinda shocked, "How tho, you're so beautiful! And your black eyes are the prettiest things I have seen." I said as the shorter girl started blushing and then said, "Huh, you think so?" "Yes," I said.

No one's POV

Nightmare gave Killer 10 bucks to pay for her coffee, and after that, the two girls continued to talk about random stuff. Killer looked at her phone and saw the time was 9 PM, meaning it was time to close the cafe. "It's 9 pm. I gotta close the cafe," Killer said, "Oh, well, are you doing anything after closing the cafe?" Nightmare said while getting up from the chair and fixing her jacket. "Well, I was just going to chill at home and do nothing," Killer said. "May I come with you? I have nothing to do at home." Nightmare said with a small smile, "Sure, I don't mind. Just wait outside. I gotta turn off the lights inside the cafe." Killer said while getting up from her chair, "Alright." Nightmare said and started to head out of the cafe. After a few minutes, Killer came with her blue-grey hoodie with a pastel yellow-ish fur hood, "All done, we can go to my house now." Killer said. "Let's go then," Nightmare said while pulling Killer close to her with one of her tentacles and wrapping it around her waist.


A soft rosie color dusted Killer's cheeks after feeling the taller woman wrap one of her tentacles around her waist. Killer smiled shyly, looking away from Nightmare as the wind slowly blew. "So, how old are you exactly?" Killer asked as she looked up at Nightmare's singular cyan eye. Nightmare responded "I'm 28 years old. What about you?". Killer perked up at that, looking surprised that the taller woman was younger than she had thought, "Woah! I thought you were already in your 30s, but I'm 22 years old", said Killer sounding quite amazed at this Nightmare scoffed and said "Please I do not look so old." Killer giggled at this "It's not that you're old it's that you're quite tall so I thought you were older in age" Nightmare looked down at Killer showing that she was not amused at all which only made Killer giggles turn into chuckles, even more, "Whatever...Let's start walking; we might catch a cold if we only stand outside the coffee shop you work at." Nightmare said as Killer nodded, agreeing with the idea. The two of them started walking down the cold streets at night.

The cold air flew by as they both walked down the streets. Occasionally, one of the two would secretly glance at the other as they tried not to seem noticeable because of their constant stares at each other. Killer then shivered a little as she felt the cold breeze hit her face that did not go unnoticed by Nightmare; she used her previous tentacle that wrapped around Killer's waist to bring her closer to Nightmare, making both of their bodies pressed against each other and this small action made Killer's colored cheeks turn redder as then laughed nervously. Was she blushing for someone she just met? Killer asked herself as they continued to walk under the moonlight. After walking for quite a while the both of them reached Killer's apartment, Nightmare did not expect Killer to have an apartment at all thinking she living with some friend or in a house, but definitely not an apartment "I honestly thought you lived at a friend's house, this is quite surprising...not trying to seem as rude though." Nightmare said as removed one of her tentacles off from Killer's waist as she followed Killer inside the building once the both were inside the building Killer made a hand gesture telling Nightmare to follow her into the elevator action the taller woman followed, Killer pressed a button to call the elevator which came after a few seconds of waiting as the two of them got inside the elevator and Killer pressed the fourth floor to go up making the elevator head up as the two waiting to reach the selected floor they once again secretly stole glances at each other although they did catch each other staring at other when the two looked at the other individual at the same action which made the two blush quickly looking to a different direction, Killer blushing a rosie color as Nightmare blushed a soft cyan color; the seconds passed until the elevator finally reached the fourth floor to then the two woman's got off the elevator, Killer grabbed Nightmare's right hand making the taller women follow her action that gently surprised Nightmare but kept quiet letting herself get lead by the shorter woman, Killer then walked towards her apartment door while grabbing Nightmare's right hand and when the two arrive Killer quickly let go of Nightmare's right hand to get her apartment keys that were on her left pocket to use them to open her lock and once she did she opened the door and stepped aside so that Nightmare could go in while the taller women raised an eyebrow at that as she didn't move an inch, Killer rolled her eyes as she tried to push Nightmare inside but the taller women was taller and a lot stronger "Cmon, go inside you're my guest!" Killer spoke angrily; she tried her hardest to push Nightmare inside; the taller woman chuckled as she quickly used one of her tentacles to lift Killer in the air, surprising the shorter woman. Nightmare then put Killer inside her apartment door first as the shorter woman crossed her arms and pouted as Nightmare chuckled playfully to enter the apartment, closing the door behind her.

Once the two were inside Killer's apartment, they felt warmth since it was cold outside at night, "This is the place I call home, so what do you think?" Killer asked the taller woman "It's lovely and gives off a warm vibe. I do like it." Nightmare replied as she followed Killer to a nearby soft cocoa-colored couch; the two sat down on the couch in comfortable silence.

Nightmare then broke the silence "So, have you ever been in a relationship in the past?" Nightmare asked as she stared at the cat decorations on Killer's walls. Killer sighed before replying, "Yes, but we never went over the flirting stage. That other person was constantly looking at other girls in perverted ways even though they knew they were in a relationship with me..." Nightmare then looked at Killer, her eyes softening as she understood Killer's burden "That's quite horrible..." Nightmare said as Killer only smiled sadly, her eyes looking at the floor, "Yeah, although we broke up seven months ago; so don't worry, I just think I will never find the right person..." Killer said "My, I must say that person did not value the treasure they had while dating you because your beauty and grace are not like any other." Nightmare's spoken words surprised Killer as the shorter woman looked at Nightmare in surprise, "You are speaking nonsense. I'm not as pretty as you make it sound- I don't catch anybody's interest because I'm not lovable. Not even my ex liked me for my childish ways; they constantly told me that I should stop acting like a small child." Killer said in a sad tone as she looked down again, her eyes on the couch. The taller woman simply hummed in response as she gently put her right hand under Killer's chin; in return, Killer turned her eyes up at her. Nightmare started to look at Killer's beautiful black void-like eyes while Killer looked at Nightmare's singular hypnotic cyan eye. Nightmare then spoke "Don't let one singular person bring you down; after all, people come and go all the time, but don't let their words affect you. You are beautiful, and your chaotic yet joyful personality is delightful. Killer, you're the definition of beauty. You are like a rose in a field of spikes, and I may not know everything about you, but I know that I have enjoyed being around you the time we have been interacting together. Killer, you're too cute not to be able to like you." The taller woman said with a smirk as she slowly got closer; her face was now facing Killer's, the shorter woman was a blushing mess, Killer's face was red as a tomato, and her eyes widened in shock.

Killer was left without words, not knowing how to respond to Nightmare's flirty compliments and trying to calm down her rosie-colored cheeks; she was looking at Nightmare's hypnotic singular cyan eye as Killer subconsciously lowered her gaze to look at the taller's lips were shaped into a smirk; Killer bit her lower lip as she mentally fought the urge to kiss the taller women in front of her, the two of their faces so close that they could feel the other one's breathing. The shorter woman closed that gap and kissed Nightmare's lips as she closed her eyes action that surprised the taller woman but Nightmare kissed back closing her eyes as she lowered her hand from Killer's chin lowering her hand softly caressing the shorter woman's back as Nightmare's hand reached lowered reaching Killer's waist which Nightmare quickly used her left hand to also grab Killer's waist, now having both of her hands holding onto Killer's waist securely Nightmare then pulled Killer into her lap the two woman's upper bodies touching each other as both of their chests were pressing against each other, Killer then moaned softly into the kiss action that made Nightmare quickly slides her tongue inside the shorter woman's mouth making Killer moan a little louder as she then tried to fight for dominance in their kiss, she wrapped her arms around Nightmare's neck making the kiss deeper as their kiss heated up, Nightmare noticed Killer's tries to dominance in the kiss which the taller woman quickly lifted up a little of the shorter woman's black turtle neck making a bit of her hips come into view as Nightmare's hand caressed gently Killer's skin making Killer moan a little and Nightmare took that opportunity to kiss Killer more roughly as Killer then quickly submitted into the kiss letting the taller women be the dominant in the kiss, the both of them enjoyed the kiss more than they should have had.

The seconds passed by and their breaths ran low making them both depart from their heated kiss, slowly moving away from the other one's lips as they were both out of breath now being a panting mess leaving a small string of saliva connecting both of their tongues as they catch their breaths, after a few seconds Nightmare spoke first "I must say a girl pretty as yourself does know how to kiss well, your lips are quite tasty" Smirking in the process, Killer, on the other hand, blushed a deep shade of red but quickly smirked as well as she pressed herself more into Nightmare making their chest's touch more "You also kiss well too, but I wonder if you are as fantastic in bed as you are in kissing" Killer said as she bit her lower lip which to this Nightmare then smirked sadistically as she quickly made her left-hand stop touching Killer's hips to again grab the shorter woman's waist grabbing her waist with a tight grip "I suggest you to hold onto me tightly otherwise you will fall and I warn you that you shall not be displeased with how rough I will be with your beautiful soft body" Nightmare said as she got up the couch securedly grabbing Killer's waist as the small woman wrapped her legs around Nightmare's waist "Well isn't that kind of you, I don't mind at all I simply ask is for you to go rough on me mommy, break me" Killer said with a smirk "Mommy? Well, I do like the sound of that; you will soon be moaning my name, begging me not to go as rough." Nightmare said as she glanced at Killer's eyes in a loving yet lustful way, "Oh, please do. I do enjoy the pain quite a lot. Please go rough with me, Mommy. My bedroom is at the left corner." Killer said as she looked back at Nightmare's singular cyan eye with a loving yet lustful stare "Alright then." Nightmare said as she started walking to Killer's room; her door was conveniently open already, and as they approached the door. Killer moved Nightmare's long-wavy black plus cyan hair a bit so that the taller woman's neck was visible. Killer then started to lick Nightmare's neck softly, forming small bites; Nightmare groaned a little as she smirked sadistically, knowing that Killer would pay for that and much worse.

The two ladies got inside Killer's bedroom. Nightmare closed the door by using one of her tentacles to lock the door as well, then slowly approached Killer's bed and gently placed Killer on top of the soft blackest in a sitting position, making the shorter woman stop wrapped her legs on Nightmare's waist as she then put her legs onto the bed while removing her arms away the taller's woman neck to then remove her blue-grey jacket then proceeding to throw it onto the floor as Nightmare quickly then removed her jacket as well folding it and using her tentacle to place it gently onto the floor.  Nightmare then roughly pushed Killer to lay down as Nightmare got on top of her, quickly bringing Killer's arms on top of her head into the mattress with one hand as Nightmare's other hand started to caress Killer's cheek to lower her head and now kissing again.

However, Nightmare quickly parted away from the kiss and got off Killer to sit on the mattress, then she looked down at Killer; she was still lying down against the bed "Are you sure you wish to do this? We just met today, and shouldn't this be done with someone you love?" Nightmare asked as Killer then sat up as Nightmare continued to speak "I think we need to think about this mor—" Nightmare cut herself in mid-sentence now blushing a soft cyan blush when she noticed that Killer was taking off her black turtle-neck throwing it to the floor as well now being only on her black bra as her upper half her "Nightmare listen, I know we met today but you are a very nice person to talk to and be around even with the little time we have been together, besides I'm horny and I'm sure you are a little horny as we can talk about this after we are done but right now I want your fingers inside of me" Killer said with no shame as she retracted her legs away from Nightmare's sides now sitting on a sideways position, Killer then removed her pants to throw them once again  on the floor with the rest of her clothing, now being almost fully naked only being on her black panties and black bra as her only clothing; Nightmare's singular cyan looked away being surprised by Killer's boldness and unshameful words since it did turn her on a bit, she was still unsure but decided to ask one more time "Are you sure Killer?" Killer smiled sweetly, blushing a rosie color as she responded, "I'm sure. I wish to have sex with you only if you wish to do the same with me" Nightmare then smiled a small smile yet looked attractive in Killer's eyes "Alright, if at any moment you want to stop, you can tell me and I shall stop" Nightmare said as she started to remove her black turtle-neck off as well leaving her chest only with her black bra that had cyan laces on it making Killer blush in the process noticing the taller woman's muscles, they weren't large, but still noticeable, and that Nightmare's breast size was much bigger than hers; Killer then turned her head to look in another direction. The taller woman raised an eyebrow and took notice that Killer's head was in a different direction somewhere else; the reaction made Nightmare chuckle deeply. As she lifted Killer's chin, the shorter woman looked up at the taller woman. Nightmare quickly kissed Killer deeply, pushing her and making the shorter woman fall backward onto the mattress while she kissed back. Nightmare once again grabbed Killer's hands with one hand and pinned them down on top of the small woman's head, ending the kiss in the process as her other hand was slowly caressing Killer's figure, causing Killer to open her mouth thanks to the small soft gestures to that the taller woman made as she wasted no time in sliding her tongue inside Killer's mouth turning the kiss into a sloppy kiss becoming a much hungrier kiss.

As they kissed each other Nightmare's hand that was caressing Killer's figure started to slide its way up to the shorter woman's bra but because Killer was lying down against the mattress Nightmare couldn't unclip the bra making her grumble a bit as she broke the kiss once again leaving Killer on a panting mess as her mouth was outside her mouth trying to catch her breath this made Nightmare smirk mischievously finding it cute to leave Killer in such a mess but this was just the beginning she quickly made her hand that was holding Killer's arm down let go of the shorter woman's arms "My, aren't you such a cutie just look at you panting like a whore when this is only the beginning" Nightmare said as she sat on the mattress again staring at Killer who sat up as well still trying to catch her breath and she did after a few seconds "Just fuck me already, stop teasing my body with your soft gestures and words, put your fucking fingers inside my pussy alrea—" Killer got cut off in mid-sentence when Nightmare put two fingers of hers inside Killer's mouth shushing the smaller woman "Shhh, Killer that's no way to refer your misstress. If you want to be fucked you must ask as a good girl you are. You're a good girl, right?" Nightmare said as her other hand went behind Killer and moved the shorter woman's medium-black a bit, now being able to unclick her black bra, letting Killer's black bra fall onto her thighs; the taller woman moved the black bra to another side of the bed, Nightmare now staring at Killer's D cup size breasts they weren't too small not way too big it was just normal-size yet, Nightmare found them cute as the same hand that unclicked Killer's black bra went to gently caress the shorter woman's breast making Killer's breath hitched and whined a bit feeling Nightmare's cold hand touch one of her breasts this made the taller woman chuckled as she removed her other hand out of Killer's mouth "Killer, may you please help me unclip my bra?" said Nightmare, and Killer was blushing at the question, nodded shyly.

Nightmare then turned around, and the taller woman's back was now facing Killer; the shorter woman gently moved Nightmare's long-wavy black and cyan hair so that the taller woman's back was visible, and when it was the shorter woman noticed that Nightmare had a big scar on her back it was where the taller woman's tentacles could appear from, Killer stared in amazement as she caressed Nightmare's scar making the taller woman shiver a bit "Yes I know that the scar is ugly, you don't need to pay attention to it is not like you are going to stare at it" Said Nightmare coldly as Killer hummed "You have a big scar on your back...It looks like it hurts a lot, but I don't think it's ugly; it's pretty interesting. It shows that you have gone through difficulties, and yet you are still standing strong. A scar shows that you have survived and have the evidence to prove it." Killer said as she admired the taller woman's scar and kissed it gently a few times to unclip Nightmare's black bra that had cyan laces; this had surprised the taller woman. Nightmare, when she felt Killer's soft lips on her back where the scar on her back was a sensitive area because of the amount of magic she used to be able to appear and disappear her tentacles and the feeling of it being touched gently by Killer made her blush a little cyan "There, I unclipped your bra" Killer said with a happy tone Nightmare then turned around to face Killer once again now being face to face "You know, Killer you're too cute for your own good" Nightmare said as she grabbed Killer's hips pulling the shorter woman closer to her as Nightmare continued to talk "Your cuteness can lead you into your doom, you're playing a dangerous game with me" Killer chuckled after hearing Nightmare's threat "What is the point in living if you don't add danger to spice this boring life? What is life with no danger? I like a bit of danger in my life" Killer said with a smirk which Nightmare only hummed in response "Well, too much danger can cost your life, but.." Nightmare spoke as one of her hands went down to the shorter woman's black panties using one finger to slowly caressed Killer's pussy over the clothed area teasing Killer in the process, the smaller woman whine in response as she bit her lower lip "I do like danger myself as well~" Nightmare said as she smirked sadistically.

Nightmare just hummed as she heard the whines of the shorter woman in front of her, then grabbed Killer's arms and lifted them in the air. Nightmare got closer to Killer's face, and he lowered her head to smell the shorter woman's neck; Nightmare then started to kiss her neck and moved to lick softly Killer's neck making small love bites on the shorter woman's neck as she moaned softly in response to Nightmare soft bites as the taller woman's finger was still teasing Killer's pussy over the panties "Aren't you a good girl? Whining as you want to feel my fingers inside your clit?" Nightmare said as she bit Killer's neck a bit more harshly, causing blood to become visible, but then was licked off by the taller woman, and the bite mark turned into a hickey; Killer whined angrily. She waited for Nightmare to just go to the point already, "Just put your damn finger inside of me already!" Killer said which Nightmare then bit her neck harshly once again, only for the smaller moan in response "You are not the boss of me, Killer, so you better watch your tone with me; remember that I decide when I want to push my finger inside of you" Nightmare said as she licked Killer's ear nibbling on it softly in reaction making Killer moan a bit more "P-Please Mommy, I want your finger deep inside of me...I want to feel you! My pussy aches for your attention~" Killer said as she whined as moved her head to whisper in Nightmare's ear since the taller woman was at Killer's head level, "I will be a good girl for you, my mistress~ But please...I want you, need you!" Killer said as she bit her lower lip. Nightmare then hummed as if she was thinking about it "Why should I do as you please? Hm?" Nightmare said as she stopped her actions to look up at Killer face-to-face waiting for the shorter woman's response she didn't have to wait for long because Killer quickly responded "I will be good for you, please I will moan as the whore I am but please just put it in...~" Killer begged, the taller woman hummed "Hm~ But I enjoy teasing you like this" said Nightmare as her previous hand that was caressing Killer's sensitive area over the clothed area she moved the black pantie to the side a bit making Killer's pussy come in view and the taller woman quickly caressed her middle finger up and down Killer's pussy as she was starting deeply at Killer's eyes teasing more making the small woman whine more in the process "Please mommy, I like the teasing but I want your wonderful fingers inside" Killer said as she stared back at Nightmare with pleading eyes action that made Nightmare push her middle finger in which Killer moaned in response as Nightmare's curled them up a little as her middle finger went in and out slowly as her palm touched Killer's clitorirs in the process.

Nightmare continued her fingering as she slowly kissed Killer's upper body, nibbling a bit in the process as her other hand slid its way up Killer's body to the shorter woman's breasts, folding and lovingly caressing them. The action caused Killer to moan louder in the process; she felt many sensations at once that were overwhelming, "Please more, rougher! Oh, mommy, please~" Killer said in a pleading tone for more, Nightmare did just that by pushing in her ring finger as well, curling up and down the two fingers inside of Killer as Nightmare again lifted her head to Killer's head level and whispered dirty words on the shorter woman's ears praising her for moaning as the whore she was telling her how proud she was of her turning Killer on, even more, the taller woman increased her speed on fingering the shorter woman making her moan even louder, but then Nightmare slowly removed both of her fingers out of Killer's pussy leaving the shorter woman confused wondering noticing how Nightmare stopped caressing her breasts and slowly moved away a bit, this made Killer wonder if she did something wrong and decided to ask "What is wron— W-Wait ohh gosh...~ N-Nightmare~!" Killer screamed as she pushed herself backward now lying against the mattress, she covered her mouth with her right hand feeling how Nightmare was licking her clitoris gently, she now noticed that she had lowered herself in other to eat Killer out literally; Nightmare gracefully moved her tongue hitting Killer's clitoris as her important objective as she grabbed Killer's thighs with a tight grip which pleased the shorter woman in more ways than one as she screamed Nightmare's name in pleasure as she was becoming a mess, the smaller one bit one of her fingers that she used to cover her mouth this went noticed by Nightmare who stopped licking Killer's clitoris action that made the shorter woman whine angrily "Im not continuing if I don't hear your beautiful moans, I need to listen to them so that I can be sure you are becoming a mess because of me" Nightmare said as she looked up at Killer who was lying down and moved her head up meeting Nightmare's hypnotic stare, the shorter woman rolled her eyes even though it wasn't noticeable since her white pupil was not visible but decided to stop biting her fingier now removing her hand from her mouth, she wanted pleasure badly but she then remembered that her neighbors could hear her making noise if she was loud "My neighbors could hear me moan like a whore late at night, I'm not doing that..." Killer said as she panted a bit; the type of response made Nightmare think for a bit as she thought of a solution; as she thought of one, the taller woman made one of her black slippery tentacles appear to make the tentacle slowly caress Killer's right breast action that had caught Killer off guard bitting her lower bit once again.

Nightmare looked back at Killer who was trying her hardest to not whimper or moan as she saw  how Nightmare made two other black tentacles appear one of the recently summoned tentacles went to caress Killer's left breast making Killer's job keep quiet more challenging, and the taller hummed as she looked at the unused tentacle, it had given her an idea "You know I could just push my tentacle down your throat that can make your moans quiet down a little bit" Nightmare said looking at Killer for agreement, Killer thought about it and it didn't seem like an abysmal plan to her besides she was too horny and just wanted to feel pleasure so she nodded her head in agreement as she saw how the taller woman's unused tentacle reached closer to the shorter woman's mouth as Killer opened her mouth letting the slimy tentacle enter her mouth, it gave Killer a weird sensation but she got used to the taste quickly it tasted similar to apples yet it didn't quite taste like the fruit and once Nightmare saw that Killer got used to her tentacle inside her mouth she proceeded to continue licking Killer's clitorirs while grabbing her thighs this made the shorter woman moan although her moans were muffled by the tentacle inside her mouth yet in Nightmare's eyes was cute.

Killer moaned as she fell onto pleasure feeling too many sensations at once, Nightmare's tentacles caressing sweetly her small breasts and the taller woman's licking her graceful pussy; oh how she loved the amount of attention that Nightmare gave to her clitoris, she had never done such acts with her ex even if she loved that person a lot in the past, but she does no longer care for that person since they did not value the time the both of them  spend together as a couple and even tho Nightmare and her only just met today my so long ago, despite their lack of time they spend together they grew close, it felt nice to laugh with a woman grateful as Nightmare; the taller woman was beautiful, intelligent and it felt nice to be around her despite the cold and mean demeanor she had, she was also caring and sweet for asking Killer if she was okay with them doing this act it made Killer's heart flutter knowing that Nightmare did care a little for her even for their little time together it felt nice to be around her and she wishes they could spend more time together, the shorter woman blushed at her own thoughts, but they were true Nightmare definitely had caught her attention in more ways than one, she really wants to get to know Nightmare more and grow closer reaching friendship or even perhaps lovers...was she being too delusional with a woman she just met? Maybe, but it felt marvelous to think in such ways; although her thoughts got interrupted as she felt herself get close to scumming, she had no way to warm the taller woman.

Nightmare who was still swirling her tongue on Killer's clitoris with grace was attentive to the shorter woman's expressions and movements being alert if Killer felt any discomfort or unease, she watched how Killer was moving much more than before this made the taller woman worry a bit but then she noticed that Killer was close to her climax which is why she was moving a bit, Killer despite her mouth being full by having one of Nightmare's tentacle inside of her mouth she moaned loudly in pure bliss although it came as muffled as she scummed on Nightmare's face and tongue filling her mouth which the taller woman quickly swallowed the liquid with ease as she licked her lips getting rid of any excess of Killer's scum in her face and then she sat up looking at the shorter woman who was in a panting mess as she was trying to recover her breathing, Nightmare giggled as she noticed Killer's chest go up and down allowing herself to breathe "Aw, was that too much for a pretty lady as yourself, Killer?" Nightmare commented as she made her way to lay beside Killer in the bed, admiring the shorter woman's beauty as the taller woman waited for Killer to regain her strength; Nightmare had to admit that Killer was cute like this. It's a shame that it was only a one-night stand.

A few seconds passed for Killer to regain her breath, as she felt tired; her organisms had taken a lot of her energy. The shorter woman moved onto her left side to accommodate herself, although she met Nightmare's intense gaze, "Why are you looking at me like that?" Asked Killer as she yawned softly, and the taller woman chuckled "You are cute when you are tired." Nightmare said as she used her black-slippery tentacles to grab the mattress blanket and cover Killer and herself with it.
Killer snuggled against Nightmare's chest, "This was fun. Thank you for spending Valentine's Day with me, Nightmare. Even if it was just a one-night stand." Said Killer in a tired tone; the taller woman stayed silent for a few seconds in deep thought "You know, Killer. It was more than a one-night stand. I would be delighted to get to know you better. We could build a friendship and even grow closer. What do you say?" Nightmare asked as she wrapped her arms around Killer's body securely; the shorter woman was shocked. She did not expect Nightmare's proposal, although Killer smiled at the thought of growing closer. "I do like the idea. I would love to be your friend." Killer responded and then softly whispered under her breath. "I would enjoy being your girlfriend one day." The shorter woman slowly closed her eyes, too tired to stay awake. She closed her eyes into a deep sleep.


Word count: 6179

I hope you guys loved this small one-shot, it's my first time writing NFSW- Also, I might do a Spanish version of it soon.

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