02, ๐‚๐€๐‹๐ˆ๐…๐Ž๐‘๐๐ˆ๐€ ๐๐Ž๐˜.

๐‚๐‡๐€๐๐“๐„๐‘ ๐“๐–๐Ž

โ hey ladies, hey ladies, your pussy ride like a mercedes โž


Onyankapon smiles, "Hey, well lets get started"

"Are we doing a certain season? Or like.. most of us for the next season haven't read the full script" You say, sitting your glass on the table.

"Hmm.. any is good. There aren't that many of us anyways" Armin says.

"We should let everyone that was in seasons one through three go first, than like, do a section for those that have already read some of their script" You suggest.

"Yeah I mean it's really just the main cast here. Bertolt lets get a move on" Jean snorts, pouring himself a glass of wine.

"Reiner, we're not soldiers. We're warriors." He shares, getting a small applaud.

"I like that one. Pretty boring though. Uh.. my turn!" Hange smiles, pushing her glasses up and taking a moment to think.

"Sawney isn't very good at expressing himself. He just keeps trying to bite my head off. All time favorite. Shooting that season was fun"

"I'll go next" Jean smiles,

"Nobody convinced me to put my life on the line. This isn't the kind of job you can do without really choosing it yourself" He says, holding up a finger before anyone said something. "And, Being in love with someone is like carrying twenty weights on your shoulders.. If I fell on top of her, I wouldn't be able to get back up"

You both smile, and so does everyone in the table.

"That wasn't the only sappy line you have you know. Theres a lot to come shooting season four" Eren smirks, raising his eyebrow in a 'seductive' way.

"Shut it! My turn" You say.

"I'm saying I want you to hug me, kiss me, and tell me that we'll get married when we're older"

The whole room was filled with sudden, enthusiastic yet somewhat sarcastic applaud.

Jean was just smiling like a fucking idiot at you, which made you giggle.

"Who's next?"

The dinner and games continued, and by 8 pm all of you were back outside getting more photos taken and interviews. Those went on what seemed like for ever.

But now, as you went back into the dining hall to converse as a cast around nine thirty, the kids were out of the room, table was cleared, red wine was poured into everyones glasses and the cigarrettes were lit.

You and pretty much the entire table were laughing your asses off at anothe of Zeke's shitty dad jokes. He could be such a character at times, and you loved him for it. The kids were in their own space, the adults in another. Minus the adults arguing, this just felt like a big old family reunion.

"Hey, Ymir, when's you and Historia's wedding again?" You sigh, resting your cheek in your palm.

"March! We're looking forward to it. You're all obviously invited" She smirks, flashing off the engagement rings on her and her fiancรฉs hands. Historia looked exhausted, ready to get into bed and fall into a deep sleep.

You nod, swirling the tip of your fingers around the rim of your wine glass.

Honestly, you were ready to get into bed as well. You just didn't wanna ruin one of the best nights of your life by leaving everyone so early, since they were all still here. Besides, you were keeping yourself energetic and awake by talking to Sasha, who was just as bubbly as you normally were when it wasn't 10pm.

You, Sasha,Connie, Pieck and Galliard conversated from across the table.

"Mm.. so you and Jean got some interesting scenes you know" Pieck laughs, pulling her hair back and setting her glass down.

"Yeah, have you read it? I'm surprised the damn author wrote something like that" Connie snorts, nearly inhaling the wine.

"He's always suprising us" You laugh softly.

"Damn right" Galliard huffs, leaning back into the comfort of his seat.

"I can't wait for the next 'your character died' party. I missed those" Sasha says.

"Carla's was our very first. Fun time"

"Yeah.. and then we went on down the line"

"Oh! And look at all the siblings and relatives we have on set. We got lucky I think" Pieck puts her hands down on the table.

"You think? Hell yeah we did. Levi and Mikasa are relatives, Eren and Zeke. Even though those two don't look alike.. or Gabi and Reiner.. we still got them!" Connie claps his hands together.

"I remember thinking that Gabi was your sister when I first met her, Sasha" You chuckle.

"Yeah! You look so much alike" Galliard says, raising his arms and putting them back down on the table.

As the rest of them conversated, and laughed, someone spoke your name from besides you.

"Hey, y/n?" You look to the side to jean,

He looks into your eyes.

"Let's get outta here?" He says, sitting up and out of his chair.

You raise an eyebrow, smirking slightly before looking at your phone. This event would be over in ten minutes, and everyone would be making their way home soon anyways.

"Let's go then"

You smile, getting. up from your seat and you and Jean pull on your dress-coats.

"Yo. Zeke, we're gonna head out. It's getting late and me and l/n have the same ride"

He leans his head forward raising his eyebrows, giving us the traditional 'dad stare', and sighed.

"Mm.. dont have too much fun. And use protection!"

"We aren't really leaving yet, the limousine is our ride home" You smile.

"Bye, Yeager" Jean purses his lips with a small smile.

"We'll be out in a sec!" Sasha says, gathering her stuff as you exit the room.

"C'mon" He laughs.

As you two walk down the hall of the elegant building, the male occassionally takes quick glances at you from the side.

"Is there something wrong?" You chuckle, nudging him.

"Nah.. I was just gonna ask if you wanted to crash at my place tonight. It's closer than your hotel" He offers kindly, putting his hands in the pockets of his suit.

"Oh, Mr. California boy. I would love to" You say, spinning in a circle on your heel and continuing forward.

"Cool.. totally cool" He says with a small shrug.

"Dork" You chuckle. He reaches his hand over to push your head forward in a teasing way, causing you to giggle.

"Hey! Wait up!" Connie and Sasha both shout from behind you, nearly tripping over their own feet.

"Slow down" You laugh again, Sasha clinging onto your arm to walk next to you.

"Theres Paparazzi outside" Jean sighs, pulling open the door for Sasha and you to walk out before him and Connie.

As soon as the cold night air hits your legs, a few cameras were flashing, people trying to get their final looks for the night.

The limousine was parked outside, the chaufer looking at his watch, which you could see through the glass of the window.

Once again, Jean opened the door for you and the brunette, him and Connie hopping in after waving the cameras away.

"Howw was everyone's night?" Connie yawns, leaning his head back.

"Quite eventful, yours?" You smile, looking over at him then back to Jean.

"Mm yup.. i'm just excited we get to fly to the set tomorrow. I've seen pictures online but can't wait to see it in person" The grey haired male puts his arms behind his head.

Your eyelids were slowly starting to grow heavy, exhaustion from the evening weighing down onto your shoulders.

"Tired?" Jean mumbles to you.

"Yeah.." He places your head on his shoulder, keeping you close to him.

"If you fall asleep, it's alright. I can carry you, y'know" He smiles softly.

"I'd appreciate that.." You trail off, the feel of the vehicle on the smooth road brings a sudden peace to your headspace and body.

"Im calling it. You two are up to something" Connie shrugs.

"No, we aren't"

"I doubt it" Sasha replies.

"There's nothing going on, drop it" Jean flushes pink in the cheeks.


You smile softly into the males shoulder, which he too smiled in response.

The chaufer had dropped us off in front of Jeans apartment building, it was real california shit. Balconies, a pent house, stuff on the roof.

As we make our way inside, and up to the top floor, where his place was, Jean opens the door to his apartment, the lights were dimmed and it smelled like vanilla.

"I can.. always take the couch" He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well is there a bed?"

"Well, yeah?"

"Then we can both sleep in it. I'm sure theres room" You yawn, placing your coat on the back of his couch.

"Oh, right, of course" He says, kicking off his shoes and jacket as well. "This way" He smiles, moving his hands in a 'follow me' motion.

"We've known each other for years. Why're you being so weird?" You punch him in the shoulder lightly, opening the door to what you understood to be his room. And god, was it gorgeous.

"California boy.." You look around, and falling onto his bed. It was extremely comfortable. That's all you could say.

He sighs, sitting down next to you.

"You've got a nice place, by the way" Smiling, you look over at him as he falls backwards to lay besides you, folding his handa and laying them on his stomach.

"Oh, it's not much"

"That's what they always say"


You couldn't help but laugh.


He nudged you with his foot, then trying to make small talk.

"We fly back to Germany in a few weeks" He says, staring back up at the ceiling.

"I'm excited.." You say.

"Yeah. I'm glad they already pre-recorded a bunch of those episodes so we don't have to drag along until we can finally hit the set"

You nod, sitting back up. He looks at you.

"I'll grab you something to wear" He says, hopping off of his bed and pulling open one of the drawers of his dresser, and tossing you a shirt and comofortable pants he knew you would sleep well in, based off of every time you've had sleepovers at each others hotels back during the shooting of seasons one through three.

"Thank you, good sir" You grab them and move to his bathroom to change.

As you close the door behind you, and turn on the light, you were nearly blinded by how beautiful it was. It was nothing like your hotel room.

You shake your head with a small laugh, quickly slipping into the night-wear and leaving the room.

Jean was already laying in bed, eyelids heavy as he stared at his phone.

"You're alright with me without a shirt, right?" He asks.

"Why wouldn't I be-?" You chuckle, falling donw onto the matress next to him and holding on to one of his pillows.


"Goodnight, California-boy"


ย uh.. how did yall like this one??

most of these chapters r gonna be unedited because like- im tired and didn't feel like editing these right away, so im sorry abt that lmao

๐๐„๐—๐“ ๐‚๐‡๐€๐๐“๐„๐‘...

coming soon !

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