Klance - In space, "rivalry" is another word for "gay sexual tension"

"We were like rivals, you know—Lance and Keith, neck in neck!"

Maybe deep down, a part of him always knew he was repressing certain...feelings...for his hot-headed, introverted classmate. After all, watching someone effortlessly pilot through the Garrison's latest obstacle course without breaking a sweat and setting an unbeatable time record was certainly enough to catch Lance's interest. From there, all that had been needed was a proper look at the dude's face for Lance's world to turn upside down. After all, sexual attraction wasn't logical. It could develop in the blink of an eye, as it had for Lance.

Every interaction between them and every cold shoulder Keith gave only seemed to add more fuel to his flame, as irrational as that sounded. Maybe it really was like they said; 'rivalry' was just another word for 'sexual tension'. After all, that was the only explanation for their current predicament.

It had started out as a challenge over which one of them spent more time on the training deck, and as usual, Keith just waved him off; sometimes, Lance wondered if Keith knew that that just heated his blood even more.

Throughout their entire time at the Garrison, ignoring him was the one thing Keith always did, so Lance couldn't blame himself for being tired of it. One thing lead to the next, and before he knew it, they were tussling on the floor of the training deck, teeth and claws barred in feral aggression as they rolled and alternated pinning each other down, both of them fighting for control.

Lance wasn't sure what it was; maybe his body got tired of Keith's nails digging into him or maybe Keith really did train more, but he ended up with his back flat on the ground, unable to move as the shorter boy glared down at him from above. They were both gasping and panting for air as Lance struggled to push Keith off while Keith struggled to contain Lance's body beneath him, which brought them to their most recent fight.

"...get...off!" Lance spat, eyes narrowed.

Keith met his gaze with a sneer, emphasizing his control by pinning Lance down harder. "You're the one who started this, or do you not remember?!" He growled, sweat dripping off his chin and onto Lance beneath him.

Lance was about 98% sure that he should've been repulsed by having Keith's sweat drip onto him, but instead, he just became suddenly hyper aware of Keith's sweaty body pressing against him, the combined heat of their rage and exhaustion building up between both of them and driving their temperatures to unbearable heights; but still, Keith refused to let Lance up.

"Shut up! I said get off!" Lance growled back, making one last attempt to push Keith off of him to no avail.

"You're the one who picked a fight you couldn't win!"

"Fuck you! I can beat you in anything!"

Keith's grip tightened around his wrists. "I'm sick of this, just admit you lose and I'll let you up!"

Lance winced, briefly glancing at his pinned hands before staring daggers through Keith's face. "I don't fucking lose!"

"Your unmoving body says otherwise."

"Fuck you, kiss me and then we'll see!"

He'd originally said it just to emphasize that he could out lover-boy Keith any day and that he was totally capable of beating Keith in something...he didn't expect Keith to take it so literally. Nor did he expect Keith to act on his interpretation.

Before either of them could truly comprehend what was going on, Keith was smashing his mouth against Lance's in a mess of a kiss, lips mashing together as their tongues collided.

Lance's mind was immediately lost in a daze of heat and confusion. His body acted on its own, letting Keith's tongue overpower his to enter his mouth until the shorter boy was ravaging every corner of it.

He tried getting up, but ended up yelping as Keith forcefully pushed his body back down, proving that he had won their little wrestle fair and square. Lance completely pinned to the training deck's floor, and that didn't seem to be changing any time soon.

This wasn't Lance's first time kissing someone, but it was most certainly his first time getting tongue. He'd never made out with anyone, and what Keith was doing to his mouth went far beyond making out as saliva mixed with saliva. Lance could only squeeze his eyes shut, chest heaving as he opened his mouth wider in an attempt to take in air while Keith took ownership of his mouth.

He had apparently forgotten how to fight back or how to tell Keith to stop, because, of course he wanted Keith to stop, why on Earth would he want his rival to be on top of him, ravaging his mouth with his tongue? The thought was crazy. There was no way Lance could want this. Even as he told himself that, though, his voice seemed to not work as his muscles went lax beneath Keith's.

The red paladin must've felt Lance ceding full control over to him, because he was suddenly going down on Lance even harder, flattening his back to the ground as much as possible as their faces practically melted into each other from how hard Keith was pressing their mouths together. He was already one of the most aggressive people Lance knew when it came to physical activity, but Keith seemed to take that aggression one step further when it came to making out with Lance.

Before he could even accept that this was really happening, Keith was pulling both of their shirts off until their bare chests were pressed tightly together.

Lance couldn't help but freak out a little at that—he had never been in a position like this with another boy before. He didn't even know if he liked boys, but that question was barely on his mind right now, because he was absolutely certain that he liked the sight of Keith's toned chest above him.

At first, Keith went back to attacking his mouth, and he thought this was as far as they would go, but that notion was quickly erased when Keith started fumbling with their pants.

So that was it. Keith intended to get them full naked—he just wasn't willing to separate their mouths while doing it. Lance wasn't complaining, obviously; he wasn't doing anything other than laying there and letting Keith do whatever he wanted. He honestly had no idea where this was all coming from, both Keith's sudden sexual aggression or his sudden sexual obedience. Maybe the sexual tension had always been there and had just been building up to this moment, when he spouted some nonsense in a fury-induced craze?

Whatever the case, there was no turning back now as both boys were suddenly completely naked in front of each other, with Keith still straddling Lance with his tongue down his throat.

Lance was pretty sure the saliva spilling over the sides of his mouth was more Keith's than it was his own, which said a lot about how aggressive Keith was being with him, but there was something sinfully hot about it that made him open his mouth wider to give Keith better access. His compliance wasn't helping Keith's sexual outburst; he supposed that was the point. Their bodies really did seem to be acting on their own.

He was too engaged in the mess of their mouths to even notice that he was as hard as iron until Keith dipped his hips down and let their fully erect cocks grind against one another.

Lance's heart skipped several beats as he attempted to look down at their hips, because his first thought was, fuck, that's gay, but his second thought was, fuck, that's hot. Then, of course, his third thought was, fuck, that's super gay; because it was. Not a single 'how to be straight' handbook out there would tell him that two cocks touching wasn't gay. There was no heterosexual explanation for any of this; somehow, Lance wasn't as bothered by that as he felt he maybe should be.

While he was trying to understand how he felt about this whole situation, though, Keith was definitely not at all bothered by it. His cock matched his tongue, pressing down against Lance harder with each passing second and overwhelming his body with heat and lust. His hands stopped pinning Lance's wrists to the floor and instead curled their fingers together, and for whatever reason, Lance could only return the action.

He could barely think clearly anymore, but any part of his brain that was able to was just cursing at himself, because fuck, he was making out with a dude, his rival, might he add, and he had his cock pressed with another dude's cock, and he was holding hands with that dude while all this was going on, and things literally could not get any more gay than this...

Of course, that was where Lance was wrong. Keith seemed hellbent on proving that things could, in fact, get far more gay than this as he lifted himself off of Lance only to turn around so they were in a 69 position—in other words, they had each other's cocks right in their faces.

Heat was already spreading through Lance's body like fire to dry wood, but even so, he could feel his cheeks lighting up at the sight of Keith's large cock just several inches away from his face—not to mention his sac of balls hanging just a few hairs from his nose. God, he could smell them so clearly. They were the only thing he could smell, in fact; a dense, musky aroma of sheer arousal.

He decided he wasn't actively against things going further as he strained his neck upwards, unable to help his tongue from darting out against Keith's heavy balls.

"Oh fuck!" Keith turned to look over his shoulder, and Lance found himself shivering both at the sound of Keith cursing at him and at having Keith's attention.

Right—he couldn't have Keith outdoing him! Lance was the lover-boy, he had to be better at this intimate type of stuff! Not that this was intimate...it was just sexual tension...which was technically physically intimate, but whatever, the important thing was that Keith was in control and that wasn't okay.

To hell with sexuality; Lance was going to suck on Keith's balls with everything he had if it was the last thing he did.

"Lance...! Fuck!" Keith continued groaning and cursing as Lance lightly hummed against Keith's balls as they pressed down against his tongue, which began swirling them around his mouth like jolly ranchers. He experimentally closed his mouth around them tighter, and just as he'd expected, the aggression made Keith moan even louder.

"I...see what you're doing," Keith breathed out, glaring at him as a competitive fire lit up his lust-filled eyes. "You're not going to win...!"

He went down on Lance's cock, which was totally not fair since Lance had only been sucking his balls, so now Lance was the one letting his head roll back, jaw parted to let out a loud moan. He'd never had a mouth around his cock before, and the fact that it was Keith who was giving him his first blowjob should've been a total turn off, but it wasn't. In fact, there was something so sinfully hot about letting the guy he was always at odds with suck his cock. It was like having sex with your enemy. Hate sex. That type of thing. Fuck, the more Lance thought about this situation with Keith, the more he found ways to justify how impossibly turned on he was.

"K-Keith...!" He gasped, letting the boy's name slip out as he strained his neck up once more so he could see Keith's mouth moving down his cock to the base, nose nuzzling into his balls. "Keith!"

Keith took that moment to shove his cock down Lance's mouth, shutting him up and blasting his taste buds.

Lance had never tried to imagine what cock might taste like before, but if he had, this was pretty much what he'd expect. To his surprise, though, he didn't hesitate to close his mouth around the entire thing, sucking and letting his eyes fall shut as Keith's balls sprawled out on his face. He could safely say that he hadn't been expecting for them to end up sucking each other off this evening, but his schedule was pretty flexible. Apparently, so was his sexuality.

They both took a few moments to just get used to the taste and the feeling of having a cock in their mouths, not to mention having a mouth around their own cocks. And then there was the fact that they were each sucking off their supposed rival, and really this entire situation was too crazy for them to think about through a logical lens.

Naturally, Keith was the one who adapted first, letting his throat muscles pull on Lance's cock as he sucked. This was probably his first time giving a blowjob because, there was no way Lance would accept that Keith could have sex with somebody before him, but even so, he did a masterful job at keeping his teeth out of the equation while his tongue pressed against Lance's throbbing hard on.

Competitiveness was what sparked Lance into action as he copied what he was feeling Keith do, sucking and moving his tongue in awkward actions. At this point, he was convinced that competitiveness was the only reason he was doing any of this, and that reasoning was the only thing keeping him sane.

In the end, all he really ended up doing was mirroring his rival. When Keith sucked, Lance sucked. When Keith swirled him with his tongue, Lance did the same. When Keith hummed around his cock, Lance moaned with as much force as he could. Things got difficult when Keith started humping his mouth, though.

Given that Lance was beneath Keith, it was difficult for him to thrust his cock as efficiently as Keith could. He ended up bucking his hips at most, moving erratically in response to the pleasure that seized his body at the feeling of the tip of his cock hitting the back of Keith's throat. It was hard to focus on his cock, though, when there was another one thrusting down into his mouth.

Keith's balls started off just bouncing against Lance's face with each jerk of his hips, but after a few seconds had passed, the pleasure proved too much for Keith until his balls were straight up smacking Lance. His cock aggressively rammed down Lance's throat, because everything Keith did had to be aggressive.

Taste was no longer a factor; the feeling of Keith's cock making a mess of his throat was enough for Lance to decide that he loved giving a blowjob as he sucked with vigor, eyes squeezing shut as he did his best to mimic Keith's thrusting. There was simply no way he could match the other boy's aggression, though, and it seemed he didn't need to as he felt a familiar pleasure building up in the core of his stomach.

The competition was only the second thing on his mind at this point—the first was reaching completion. He was desperately canting his hips upwards, moaning around Keith's cock not just to give Keith pleasure, but as an outlet for his own pleasure.

The heat kept building up in his core, getting heavier and heavier until it suddenly erupted all at once.

Lance could only cry out in ecstasy as the hardest orgasm of his life shuddered through his entire body, and the fact that Keith of all people was sucking the cum out of his dick just made him shoot that much harder. His toes curled, and his stomach tightened as he strained his muscles and pushed out as much cum as he could, eyes glazing over.

Keith swallowed every last drop of his cum expertly before pulling off and turning around, focusing all of his attention on his own cock in Lance's mouth now as if that was what he'd been waiting for; as if he'd known Lance would cum before him.

Seeing that cockiness in Keith's eyes would have pissed Lance off, but right now he could only find it absurdly sexy as Keith wrapped both hands behind Lance's head, grabbing fistfuls of his hair to use as leverage. Then, he began thrusting his cock down his throat for real.

If it wasn't for Keith yanking his head up by the hair, Lance's head would be banging against the ground hard enough to give him several concussions as Keith slammed his hips against Lance's face, skull-fucking him and making him see stars.

Lance found his hands shooting up to claw at Keith's waist, but it was more in disbelief at how hard he was thrusting rather than in desperation for him to stop. God, Lance did not want Keith to stop. The aggression he displayed while face fucking him was the hottest thing Lance had ever experienced, and he was sure he would regret or straight up block out this thought later, but he was obsessed with Keith just using his throat as jack off material.

In addition to his brutal thrusting, Keith was blessing Lance's ears with the hottest grunts he had ever heard, sweat flying off of him from how much work his muscles were putting into fucking Lance's skull into a million pieces.

His balls were smacking Lance's face even harder than before, leaving the most delicious skin-on-skin slapping sound that Lance was positive he would never be able to get out of his head at night, and it only picked up pace as Keith thrust harder.

Lance could tell he was getting close, and he wasn't sure if he was ready, but he opened his mouth wider nonetheless, because he was ready to try to take Keith's climax. Or at least, he thought he was.

When Keith slammed his hips down one last time, though, forcing his cock down Lance's throat, Lance knew he was in for a life-changing experience as a waterfall of cum flooded his throat, cutting off his airway and nearly blacking him out. He could barely even hear Keith's groaning, which he so desperately wanted to hear, and he clawed at Keith's thighs even harder as his throat was forced to swallow the cum.

After a few seconds, he was suddenly unsure if Keith was cumming or peeing—his cock was shooting out so much liquid in such massive streams that it was honestly hard to tell the difference. Given Keith's seed was much thicker than urine, though, he knew Keith wasn't actually peeing, but it sure as hell felt like it.

His throat had to move like never before to drink Keith's semen as more and more kept releasing down his throat, and Keith proved he had no regard for whether Lance could keep up or not as he bucked his hips harder and harder, eyes squeezed shut. His balls were laying flat against Lance's face, pulsing, and he could feel Keith forcing his balls to supply more cum for him to dump down Lance's throat.

Not only had he been pinned down, submitted to Keith's tongue, and came first, but he also failed swallow all the cum Keith was shooting as sticky white fluids began seeping over the sides of his mouth despite Keith's cock blocking the majority of it. There was simply no way for him to take all of the boy's seed; it was a complete and total loss for Lance in every aspect.

Keith shuddered as he pulled out, shooting one final string of cum that got all over Lance's face and chin.

Lance slowly squinted an eye open to see Keith's victorious face, still with a tint of lust. He stroked Lance's cheek a few times before getting off his chest and staring at him while standing over his body, as if admiring his work. Then, without a single word, he got dressed and just left the training deck, as if to abandon all evidence of him being the one to do this.

He didn't even try to get up as he heard the door shut behind Keith. Didn't even try to get his clothes in case someone decided to come in and find him. He just lay still and reflected on what had just happened, because that was really all he could do.

His eyes were still wide and round from how crazy that face fucking from Keith had been, and in case he was still too dazed to remember it in detail, the spit and saliva and cum spilling over his cheeks and chin was enough to prove how mercilessly Keith had just treated him.

For the first time that evening, Lance noticed his heart beating at an erratically quick pace—and of course he'd just noticed it. He'd been too busy focusing on cocks just a minute ago.

He didn't know what any of this meant. He didn't know if he was supposed to pretend this never happened or if Keith was going to completely ignore it...but whatever the case, he knew that, in the back of his mind, he would never ever be able to forget what had just happened. He would be able to feel Keith's cock in the back of his throat every time he swallowed something.

He would never forget the time his rival gave him his first taste of sex.

And deep down, a part of him hoped Keith never forgot either.


If you wanna keep up with my writing or you just want to interact with me and ask me questions, follow me on Tumblr; the link is on my profile page! Thanks and bye~

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