Chapter 69
Let's see, what to write?.... What to write....
Hmmmm, pencil in hand, questioning the moment while looking up at the ceiling in thought, I just decide to write this.
Aaaa, I sigh, that's how you write sighs, right?
It's been a nice start to my week, now sitting here in my pink bed of colorful effects and writing in this mysterious notebook.
♪ Notebook!!! Woooh, special notebook!♬
♬ Yeah! ♪
Another sigh. I'm so weird. A little giggle. I roll on my bed, letting my notebook fly out my hands and deciding that's all I'll write today.
Looking up at the ceiling, the autumn sun dimming very quickly, it's dark outside...
It feels like this has been the longest season ever, and it's only been about two months...
Wow ...
Another sigh...
A lot has happened these months, only the beginning of the school year and so much has changed..
Yep, okay, that thought it is, that's all I'm writing for today.
I close the book, shut of a sound following, and I sigh once more.
Looking up at the ceiling in content, pulling the notebook close to my chest, yep, followed with a bunch of other sighs, and then decide that's enough of contemplating the last few months and sit back up on my bed.
Getting comfortable in a criss cross apple sauce position, dropping the book on my bed, I hear a voice that stops my thoughts about this weird book, the unexpected things happening in my life and how I finally feel happy, should I be able to feel this happy? ... But all my doubts and questions go away when I turn around towards the voice and spot none other than Andrew Kegs, the one and only person that made me believe that I did deserve to feel happy, no guilty feelings needed.
"Hey!" We both say, my position sliding quickly to the other side so I can face him. Looking at him sitting on the window's ledge, silence following as he looks my way, warmth in his eyes, so loving it makes me sigh out in relief.
"Hey, what are you doing here," I ask, breaking the silence.
"Oh, you know," he replies, breaking eye contact as he swings his head to the side, trying to hide the blush on his face, his cheeks turning up with his mouth as his words seem to be teasing the reason why he's here.
I blush back at him, my checks turning up in a proud smirk as I realize that I'm the reason why he's blushing.
"I thought we decided we'd meet tomorrow at lunch," I say, continuing the conversation.
"Well ya." He shrugs, "But I wanted to see you,"
"Ugh," I sigh, pretending to be annoyed as I visibly groan, my head falling back, "Somebody likes me," I tease, dragging the words out as I roll my head to the side to face him.
He rolls his eyes, a shameless grin on his face, blushing as he shifts his position off the window's ledge.
"Yes, yes, yes, Andrew likes you," he informs, proudly, not trying to hide it as he strides closer to me.
My smile squeezes tightly around my face as I try to stop the little laugh to come out.
"What about Andrew Kegs?" I ask, "Does he like me too?" I question, my eyebrows rising and a smirk stretching.
He looks at me with his eyebrows high in confusion and as he sees my smirk his eyes relax and his smirk widens with mine.
"Yes, yes, yes Andrew Kegs likes you,"
I chuckle, the wind coming out my nose breezing out of me as I make the sound which makes him laugh too, not even knowing why he's laughing.
"Ha, so what does Andrew Kegs mean?"
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"I mean... it's an unusual name, you know," I tease.
He shakes his head, humoring me with his smile.
"Well, what about Nina Haden," he retorts.
"Well what about it?" I pout which only makes him laugh, shaking his head.
"Ya, there's nothing weird about your name, ugh," he jokes, a fake glare faced towards me as he squints his eyes as my laugh begins.
"Well, what's up with your name then," I manage to ask in between the small giggles that I can't keep in, his funny glare just making him look more cute that I'm just exploding, but not too far of course.
My laughs still on the surface, a small tide that comes in and out, he continues to look at me with affection in his eyes, tilting his head to the side as if deciding something when watching me.
"What?" I ask, still smiling.
He tsks, smiling at me too.
"Well, my name actually..." He begins, which surprises me a bit because I didn't expect there to be a story, so I lean in, my laughs gone as my eyes expand with anticipation for what he's about to say.
He makes me wait, letting the suspense continue as he leans closer to me, towering over me as I sit while he stands.
He seems to enjoyimg this with the smile on his face until he finally says,"My name actually stands for something."
My eyes widen still, waiting some more, I can almost feel myself tip over the bed because of how close I'm leaning into him.
"Well! What's your name?" I snap out, having had enough of the suspense and he chuckles slightly before looking at me with concern, maybe worried of what I'll do next or my reaction.
He shrugs, sighing.
"Okay, fine ... my last name Kegs... stands for Kegsingtive... I'm a royal," he informs so casually, slipping it out with the right enough of pauses to make it all sink in properly.
I sit there my eyes completely wide, shocked, I'm silent for a second, his words settling in as he looks at me with the same concern, questioning what I'll do next before I topple over in laughter.
Falling on my back as the laughs grow louder and louder, hurting my stomach as I roll side to side, cupping my stomach from keeping it to combust at the expanse I'm laughing at.
"What's so funny," he pouts in the midst of my roaring laughs and moving body, but he doesn't seem surprised of my reaction.
I manage to sit up to answer his question, but my body rocks in process before I sit in the same position as before.
"So ... When you brought me into your room and that passage way ...?.... That story was true?!?!" I gauge out, eyes widening even more, the explosion of giggles ready to come out, I wait for his answer.
Listening to his silence though is enough to make me know that's it true without him even saying so, he sighs and nods.
"Ah!" I laugh out and roll back again in my hysterics.
I don't even care if I look ridiculous in my ball position, in fetus mode if you will, rolling around in my flower-like bed, the weak florescent light above mixing with the fallen sun outside, making this room shine, feeling like sparkles are around us. I'm here looking crazy as hell and I don't even mind. It's okay to look crazy with Andrew.
With that thought, my laughs subside and my rolling stops, regaining the balance, I sit back up, looking to my Andrew once more.
Admiring from below, he doesn't even look mad and I was making fun of him! If he was making fun of me, I wouldn't be giving the same calm expression. His eyes looking at me adoringly, a smile on his face as if even if he's embarrassed or is annoyed at me, he can't make himself mad.
"How dare you laugh at a royal?" He pouts, his voice mocking one of a British person, sounding royal as he acts appalled by my reaction which only makes me giggle quietly.
"I'm sorry," I say, but I don't even sound like it with the smile on my face and adoring eyes like ones of a child when they try to act innocent.
Looking at me, his serious face breaks and his boyish grin replaces his expression, so handsome it hurts, his smile so effortless it's a masterpiece, his eyes looking down into mine, hypnotizes mine for a moment.
"So?" I begin to ask, looking down quickly, "Shouldn't you have a crown?" I look up slightly, a smirk sliding it's way to my face, a game playing in my thinking eyes and he smirks back in question, eyebrows raising slightly.
I chuckle again nervously.
"Well, maybe but... I don't know if I should..."
"But... You want one... Don't you?" I intrigue with yet another smirk.
He chuckles in reply.
"Maybe, okay..." He finally admits, shrugging, wiggling his head in excitement as he decides it's true.
"Okay, then, tell me your story then, king," I suggest, switching my position as I slide fully onto the bed, no longer sitting but now lying down, waiting for the story to be told.
He takes in my position, questioning it for a moment as if wondering if I'm serious before he shuffles in his stance and he stiffels a small cough to begin his storytime.
I smile at this and grow comfortable in my bed, laid out completely, my head resting on my hand, elbow on mattress.
"Actually, there isn't much of a story?" He confesses, trying to change the topic and growing nervous.
"Oh, no, come on, tell me," I whine, "You need to chanel your inner royal and bring it out," I encourage, "You need to call it out, you need to call it out, Need. To. Call. It. Out," I chant-whine, shaking my head around as I release the tension with my words, letting loose, acting the encouragement part of this speech. Doing what I'm trying to tell him to do, my voice grows distorted with the amount of movement my head makes as I close my eyes.
He chuckles at me, maybe I look funny but when I open my eyes to find his, he only looks adoring, sitting down on the foot of my bed. We're so close yet so far.
"Okay, fine.. you are right, my inner royal shall come out and I'll embrace it fully," he claims with his fist in the air and I giggle softly.
He begins his story, his British voice slowly forming as the story goes on,"Okay, my story is... Um.. well, the reason why I don't go 'prancing about' with my royal name, Kegsingtive, is because my parents didn't want me to seem off... So... Kegs it was!" He's grown comfortable with his newly developed voice that he actually sounds British, foreign really, acting the part with ease, and making faces now and then as a way of making fun of and I hold in my small laughs with a squeezed smile, looking at him fondly.
"That's very interesting Mister Kegs,"
"Yes. That is true," he states, his expression serious, making fun of the accent yet again, making it harder to cover up my laugh. "But little did they know that making my name Kegs was only making me weirder than it is, but it turned out fine, after all, I got the nice house while my parents got the year long trips to random places ... There parenting skills are spectacular," he awes, sarcastic of course, but his British voice makes him sound sincere that the facts of his life seem funny. "Well there it is,"
"Well, there it is," I repeat after him, astonished by all his life story.
"Well, there it is," he echoes back.
I chuckle lightly, blushing for no reason.
We look at each other, our small smiles in place, not knowing what else to do, lost in each other's gazes, he adoringly looks at me.
I sigh and then he stands up, surprising me from the sudden movement, intriguing me as he continues to stare down at me, making me awe at his figure from down below. He strides up the isle until he stands right above me, my breath hitching in my stomach, digging deep in there that I don't know if I'll find it again.
Hope in my eyes, confused yet excited, I watch as he bends down, looking into me, small peek of a smile on his face. He slowly squats down, right by the bed, his elbows resting on the mattress, face to face with mine, yearing for whatever it is he's going to do.
He leans in, so close, could almost touch his nose. Looking into his deep brown eyes, hungry with mischief yet comforting at the same time, my breath lost completely. I could kiss him, he dips down, almost there.
Closing my eyes slowly as I lean slightly to meet with him when he moves away, causing me to open my eyes and I watch as he smirks slightly.
"Where's my crown?"
At that, I scoff, whacking him on the chest and he bounces backward with a chuckle following.
"Oh, my god," I scoff again, shaking my head.
I finally breath, my hand to my chest, I don't even care if he's witnessing my flustered state. I continue to shake my head, deciding to play it cool and answer his question.
I stand up on my bed, still shaking my head slightly. I look over to my book shelves that tower over my bed and don't look too big now that I'm high up, the bed making my feel tall.
"Alright, so, one crown for a Mister Kegs," I mutter to myself as I examine my bookshelves seeing if I can salvage something in the mists of the possible crap I have in there.
Looking back at Andrew, who isn't looking my way, only giving me a view of his profile and luscious brown hair, I shake my head, remembering how he made me feel so many seconds ago, trying to brush it off with a loud scoff that makes him look my way again.
I turn back towards the shelves, making my movement nonchalonte, but I sense he knows what I was doing, I don't care though. I'm determined to find him a crown and I will, acting like a perfect secretary for the perfect king, or prince... Or whatever...
"Aha!" I awe in victory.
"What? What?" Andrew calls in the background, growing excited which only makes me roll my eyes behind his back, it's not like he can see me.
I jump off the bed, on my plan to retrieve the crown.
"Wait," I point out, my first finger in the air, making the suspense, or maybe just the confusion, either way, I play my act. Fake French accent at stake as I turn around slowly, facing Andrew again, "You, it needs... to be... A... Surprise!" I say, rolling my R's in exsageration, like those French old ladies that try so badly to speak English, "Turn around," I demand, swirling my finger at the command and he obeys, slowly moving, "And close your eyes," I call and I look over to check if he's done so and I see the long eyelashes flap over his soft skin. "Okay!" I say, trimuphintly, patting my sides and then rubbing my hands together, still playing the part.
I turn towards the book shelves again, scanning it once more to remember what I had found in the first place. Trying to salvage something when I find in a small cupboard in between folders, small little arts and crafts from when I was little, I reach over with a long hand, still acting like some old librarian or secretary as they grab their books. I find the plastic golden crown I had worn so many years before for a Halloween party.
Aweing softly as I recall the memories, the small object in my hand, so petite and special, so old and yet I still have it, I observe it's pink transparent fairy fabrics still sticking down the sides of the plastic thing.
I smile at it and then remembering how Andrew has to wear it, my smile grows.
I give one last look to crown all to myself, before Andrew will see it. I turn around, holding it as if it were real gold, even though it's obviously plastic.
"Alright here it goes," I call, beginning the ceremony, the crown placed in between my hands as I carefully stand back up on my bed, maneuvering up the bed's edge and finally standing on the bed once more. It's hard to do when both of your hands are delicately making a small cushion for a light plastic crown.
Andrew stands, still eyes closed which makes me swoon to see he's still doing so. It feels like I've taken forever and I'm suprised he even cares to stay at this point, and I pat him slightly on the shoulder.
"Keep eyes closed," I insure, making him move a little closer to the bed so that his back faces the bed completely instead of facing it to the side, this way it's easier to put the crown on him and for it to make it seem more like a ceremony.
He keeps quiet, taking in every small instruction seriously.
"Okay, are you ready?" I question, steading the crown between my fingers, wanting everything to go perfect, it's like I'm imagining this to be a real ceremony and I want everything to go perfectly for him, and it seems like he's imagining it's a real one too because he nods back, still quiet, taking a breath in.
"Alright!" I call out with a British accent,"Ladies and gentlemen, people of all, I'd like to announce to you a fine young man that will be reborn!" I announce to the audience, "He will be a new man, reborn! Reunited! Re-man!" I try not to break out of character and judge my stupid self and continue talking, ditching the accent for the end of my speech, "To the most wonderful man I've met ... Andrew... Andrew Kegsingtive!!!" I announce, imaging the crowd rumbling and I can hear Andrew's wiggle of excitement as he awaits the crown to be placed.
My crown, his crown to be, in my hands, delicately placing my last few strokes on the old object and then gingerly place it on his head. Placing it on his soft hair that manages to tickle it's way to my skin, making me feel tingly for a moment before I let go completely and the crown is his.
Silence goes by, as if the burden of the responsibilities settle into Andrew and he takes it, standing taller and then he turns around, facing me.
A smile on his face makes me smile too, tight and easy.
Then he hugs me.
"Aaaa!" I giggle out as his arms reach around my legs and mine over his head, almost picking me up. "Oh my goodness, the first thing you do as a king is pick me up!" I ask, acting appalled, yet giggling all the while.
"I suppose so," he replies, plopping me back down on the bed, as easy as I got up.
His British voice back in sight he turns back to the audience with a prideful stance, looking mischievous from the behind as if he were a villain with a cape, hiding his secrets with his raised eyebrows, he begins to pace back and forth before looking back forward to me.
"Is this kingly enough?" He questions, eyebrows arched, wiggling up and down, making me giggle.
He makes his arms into a cape, transforming himself into a King as he walks down the small isle that leads to the open window.
"I am amazing!" He declares, smug in his character,"Just like you, little one," he informs, pointing at me, making me laugh at how serious he is, walking back and forth with determination, even though it makes no sense.
My laughs echo through the room.
"'Let it go,' she says, she says 'be me,' 'be me!' 'Get loose,' baby, well now I am! just like she should be," he calls out, swaying back and forth, pacing, walking, declaring his inspiration that is me, pointing at me, ordering me to be free, making me feel loose.
I feel like dancing, and I do, laughing embarrassed and he turns away again, begining his long strides back and forth as I wiggle around in a small dance, a stupid dance. I let it all out with my laughs bouncing through the room with my legs jumping to one side to the next, listening to him declare random things as my encouragement to continue. Giggling until I feel exasperated, losing breath due to my laughter, I'm too tired and I bounce to a sit on the bed, breathing in and out as I catch my breath, smiling brightly.
My legs are on my pillows and my belly on the mattress, elbows placed on the edge of the bed while my face rests on my two hands.
"So, wise king," I begin, "what do you tell? What good news you bring?" I ask.
"Well you see," he say, stopping in front of me as he strikes a pose, "I bring nothing but my good deeds,"
"Which is?" I humor with a fanlike voice and wide eyes.
"Good looks?" He declares, which makes me laugh at how confident he is, British accent still strong and his smugness gone, only acting lost in his pride.
All of this just makes me want to laugh more, the room filled with its light, but it's more than just the lightbulbs that bring this room to life, but it's him, it's us, our bubbling energy, my small giggles and smiles, his funny attitude.
I shift my position, now sitting up instead of lying flat on my belly, listening in as he tells another stupid yet clever joke.
I laugh out, covering my mouth as the sound comes out, erupting through the air yet blocked by my embarrassment at the sound.
"Don't you dare cover your mouth dear lady!" He declares, his chin faced up as he points wildly up, I let go of my mouth and laugh without second guessing myself. "There it is! The most beautiful sound in the world!" He declares once more, which makes me giggle once more, a blush rising instead.
He looks down at me, maybe to see my reaction, a prideful smile and a look that makes me feel he's proud of me, I don't know why he is.
His eyes flicker with new emotions, excitement, joy, lust, and it all makes me squirm under his neverending stare and I don't want it to ever go away.
He bends down to me, face to face with me, as he looks to my lips, to my eyes. The room growing silent, no longer the imaginary audience watching, the ceremony over, and the after party faze gone, it's only us.
He sits beside me, no longer the King, but my Andrew.
Words slipping from his mouth but they go unsaid, his eyes adoring and questioning, lost and found is how I feel... Oh how badly I want to kiss him, wanting to lean in, which I almost do, but we stay still, looking at each other.
He smiles, looking to my tangled hair, sweaty from my dance and unstoppable giggles. His hands reach to touch them, patting it down softly and just like that, one last longing look, his eyes flash with lust, and his recent smugness comes back to him.
He comes crashing down on me, a dark wave, invading down on me as it tramples over my doubts and he bashes his lips against mine, so tender and sweet, ruff and real, making my insides feel wild.
My stomach tightening, my legs tingling, we fall onto the bed fully, scrambled in perfection, holding onto each other the way I like. Legs tangled and his hands cup my checks as my head hits the pillows. Moans and groans following, excitement boiling in me as he keeps me close and tight. I have no room for air as my eyes close so shut there is no light, not in sight or around me, it's only in me. The room might as well be dark, it actually might be because he's so bright and yet he's targeted it only for me, invading me with the passion and now all the words that come in my head, trying to describe this moment seem useless.
Breathing hopelessly, drowning into him as he sinks me deeper into the bed, taking me under for a moment before I gasp out for air, breaking our lips and leaning against his soft cheeks.
I can hear both our hearts beating, loud yet quiet, our breathing entering my ears and it becomes a peaceful sound that I don't want to end.
Our noses touching against each other's cheeks, him on top of me, cupping me close as we gather our breaths and then the lights comes back and the passion disappears.
I chuckle, ending the silence and he begins to chuckle too, the sounds echoing, bringing the warm energy into the room again.
Untangling from each other's legs and arms, he rolls to the other side, getting off the bed with ease as I continue to lay there, catching my breath still.
Closing my eyes for a moment, cupping my chest and then turning over too. Opening my eyes again to find his, looking deep into mine with the adoring smile on his face that I can't help but mirror back.
He's so beautiful.
I lay there comfortably, hands underneath my head, my body sinked into the mattress so deep that I feel like the blanket is taking me under, I could fall asleep right now.
Continuing to look at him, his eyes, his smile as he sits on the edge of the bed, calm air flowing through both of us, I sigh in peace.
His smile brightens and then he stands up, making me wonder what he'll do next, my eyes wide in hope as he walks closer to the bed, just like before, down the isle.
He then stops right where the bed starts, standing above me, casting a shadow over me. He bends down slowly, smile on his face, a smug aura to this vibe.
In the same position he was so moments ago that left me breathless as he looked me in the eyes, tempting me. Just as before, his arms plant on the edge of the mattress right in front of my face, his hands resting too.
I observe his look, his hands up to his face that slowly shows a small smirk on his face and I blush in excitement, a small one though, just like his. And then he speaks, leaving the mystery behind, stopping the suspense.
"So, Nina Haden... Do you like me?" He questions and my smile brightens, squeezing me tight around my swollen lips and turned up cheeks.
I chuckle, rolling my head back until I look back at his staring eyes, so intimidating I try to hide the effect they have with the roll of my eyes.
His eyebrows raising in question, waiting for my answer, I huff.
"Yes, yes, yes Nina Haden likes you," I finally answer, leaving us staring at each other with hidden smiles and smirky expressions.
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