9. Don't You Forget About Me
"Oh shit," I blurted. I clapped a hand over my mouth. "No, I didn't mean that. I'm just...when?"
Marion was interrupted by hysterical sobs. I felt so bad for her; she was going through all this pain in just a couple months.
"Hey, it's okay. Um, Chandler showed up and was asking where you were."
"H-he was?"
"Did you tell him?"
I paused. "No, did you want me to, or...?"
"I don't care."
She didn't care? Meaning I left Jimmy's house in panic for no exact reason?
"But, like..." Marion sniffled. "If I tell Daniella how I really feel, I'm afraid it's gonna be awkward between us, you know?"
"I understand. But, Mari, if you feel this way about her, honestly, you should let her know. It would probably make things so much easier for you," I brought my hand to my forehead, debating whether that was the right thing to say or not.
She paused, once again sniffling. "You think that would be the best thing to do?"
"Uh-huh. Just, like, make a group chat with you, Dani and I after we get off the phone, and if you need help with what to say, I'll be there to help."
"Okay. Thanks for talking to me, this is becoming a living nightmare," Marion started to get choked up again, laughing in aggravation.
"You're welcome. If you need anyone to talk to, always know that I'm right here. I love you, Marion." I said empathetically. How much this was hurting her was slowly breaking my heart.
"You too. Bye."
"Bye," Then I hung up. I stared at my phone, waiting for the group chat to pop up.
I clicked on Noel, Jimmy, and Daniella's contact for the group chat. My thumb hovered over the type box, but I didn't know what to say. I eventually started typing-which took me a good seven minutes-and, hesitantly, pressed send.
I read a book until my phone buzzed again. I almost resisted reading it, but I read it anyways:
Marion: Daniella,
There is something that I've been meaning to tell you for months, but I just haven't found the guts until now. Remember earlier today when I broke down crying in the bathroom? It wasn't because I was on my period. I'm kinda having doubts about my sexuality. I know, this is completely uncalled for, but Daniella, there's no other way to say this...I'm in love with you. I was so afraid that if I told you this, it would make things awkward between us, and that's the last thing I want to happen. If you could just give it to me straight and tell me how you feel about this and not ignore me, that would make everything so much easier. ~Marion
I bit my lip, my eyes burning from tears. I was so afraid that this would destroy our friendships and make everything awkward, but one of the most important things is to be 100% honest with each other.
I felt as if I needed to say something too, so I said:
And guys...I know about this. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.
As soon as I pressed send, I immediately regretted it because it started a fiasco:
Jimmy: Noel why didn't you tell me??
Me: I didn't know if Marion would want everyone to know. I'm sorry.
Jimmy: You lied to me though!!
Me: Jim please calm down this is the worst time to rile up
Jimmy: Am I not trustworthy or something?!
Me: I never said that!
Jimmy: You're thinking that, aren't you????
Marion: STOP
Marion: Just chill out, Jimmy! I didn't want anyone to know and Noel covered me up so I should be the one you're yelling at.
The group chat quieted down after that. I raised my hands to my temples, a tear streaming down my cheek.
Five minutes later, there was a message from the group chat:
Daniella: What did I miss?
Me: Scroll up...
Daniella never answered after that. I decided to private message her:
Me: R u there?
Me: Dani.
Me: Plz answer I'm freaking right now. Jimmy is pissed at me and I don't want you to be mad at me too.
She still didn't answer. I eventually gave up.
2 days later
Still nothing. Nothing from all three of them. Daniella hasn't answered my texts, nor Jimmy. I tried texting Marion too, but she's ignoring me, also. I felt so awful for what I caused. I felt like this whole thing was my fault; I should have never encouraged Marion to tell Daniella how she really felt, and I should have told Jimmy what was happening in the first place. I was hesitant of calling or texting him to tell him I was sorry, but I wasn't sure if he wanted to hear from me at all.
As soon as I couldn't stand the silence anymore, I finally found the guts to call Jimmy.
"C'mon, Jimmy, pick up...pick up..." I whispered to myself when many rings passed by. When the ringing spontaneously stopped, I let out a faint gasp.
"Hello?" I heard Jimmy's husky voice say on the other line. I don't think I've ever been happier to hear his voice.
"Jimmy, oh my god. What the hell?" I started pacing around. "Dude, don't do that ever again."
"I know. I've been wanting to call you right after the whole thing in the group chat, I was just really angry with myself. I'm sorry I flipped out on you. I love you. I-I love you."
"No, Jimmy," I interrupted. "I'm sorry. I should've told you and I shouldn't have lied. I won't ever do that again."
"Okay," He murmured. "So, what're we gonna do about Marion and Daniella? Should we get them together and try to break this damn awkwardness? It's slowly killing me inside."
"Well..." I trailed off, deep in thought. My eyes brightened when an idea popped into my mind. "I have this membership to a country club, I'll try and get all four of us there?"
"Alright. Fine by me."
"I'll try to call them. Love you," Before Jimmy could say anything else, I hung up. I quickly dialed Marion's number.
I prayed and prayed that she would answer, and my wish was granted: "What?"
"Hey, um..." I tapped my foot in a rhythm. "Jimmy and I were wondering if you would like to come to this country club with us."
"You guys made up?"
"Okay, sure. Why not."
I sighed in relief. "Great. I'll pick you up around noon."
"Alright, bye."
I hung up and dialed Daniella's number. My instinct was telling me she wasn't going to answer, but she did: "Hello?"
"Hey, Jimmy and I are going to this country club, and we were wondering if you would like to tag along?"
"Uh...hold on, I'm gonna ask my mom."
I waited rather impatiently until she came back: "Sure."
"Okay, cool. I'll pick you up around noon."
"Alright. Bye."
I felt mischievous because Marion nor Daniella knew that they would be going together. I mean, I didn't have to tell them, do I?
I asked my mother if I could use her car, and luckily, she agreed. I picked Jimmy up and made my way to Marion's house.
I pulled up Marion's driveway, putting the car in park. I hopped out and walked up her doorsteps and knocked on the door. I tapped my foot impatiently until the door swing open a few moments later. There stood Marion: her dark brown silky hair spilling down her shoulders, her bright green eyes that were so exotic I thought she may have swapped eyes with an animal, and she had her smile again.
"Hey," She smiled as she stepped on the first doorstep and closed the door behind her.
"Hello," I led her to the car, and she climbed in the backseat. I sat back in the drivers' seat, and made my way to Daniella's house.
I stared out the window for most of the car ride until the car pulled into a neighborhood. I didn't pay attention to the sign that said which one, but I think it was Daniella's.
"Hey, guys?" I peered my head in between Noel and Jimmy's seat. "Why are we in Daniella's neighborhood?"
"She decided to tag along," Noel said, keeping her eyes on the road. "Besides, this awkwardness between you two is driving me insane."
My eyes widened in disbelief. "Dude, really?" I slumped back in my car seat, closing my eyes. This can't be happening.
They pulled to Daniella's house. Noel got out of the car and knocked on her door.
Please don't answer, please don't answer, please don't answer, I chanted to myself, crossing my fingers.
The door opened, and there stood Daniella. Her blond hair was straightened out, but it was vaguely wavy on the ends, her sapphire blue eyes turned brighter in the sunlight, and her lips were plump and had lipgloss.
Daniella's gaze landed toward me, and her smile slightly faded. I scooted behind the passengers' seat so she wouldn't glare at me like that.
Noel led her to the opposite side of the car, opening the door for her. Daniella climbed in, taking brisk glances at me as she buckled her seatbelt.
Kill me now, Lord, I thought to myself.
I pulled in the circular driveway to the country club. It wasn't all that busy today; considering it was a Monday. I glimpsed toward the backseat to Marion and Daniella, and they were both looking out the window, not daring to make eye contact.
"Guys, we're here," I said to get their attention. Both of the girls' heads shot up simultaneously, nodding in understanding.
We gathered our things and started for the check-in desk once we got inside.
"Last name, please?" The woman at the desk said.
"Pelletier," I murmured. "And I have three guests with me today."
"Alright, wrists please," She wrapped red bracelets around all of our wrists, then we had permission to go in.
"So what should we do?" I asked everyone. Nobody answered. I walked closer to Jimmy and whispered in his ear: "What should we do?"
He shrugged. "I dunno."
"Well..." I thought of a random idea. "We could play a game of tennis."
I looked back at the girls once again, who still stayed quiet.
"Tennis!" I said louder to get them to knock them out of oblivion.
Daniella's head shot up and she looked at me and Jimmy. "Okay, then."
We walked through the back door and it led to the pool, the volleyball court, the concession stand, the tennis court, etc.
We strolled our way down to the tennis court, grabbing rackets and tennis balls.
"Okay, so I'll be on your team," Marion demanded to me more than suggested.
"No, I'm gonna be on Jimmy's team. You and Daniella will be a team."
They both huffed and puffed. I hated forcing them to do everything together, but I was still in hopes that it would make this awkwardness to away.
Jimmy and I went on one side of the court, and Marion and Daniella went on the other side.
"Don't we need more players?" Marion shouted from across the court.
"Who cares?" I said nonchalantly, throwing the ball up in the air and catching it. "I'll serve."
I threw the ball up in the air and hit it with my racket. Marion hit it, then Jimmy, back to Marion, then I couldn't get it in time and it landed on the ground.
I served again, and it landed on the ground again. I groaned and served again, Daniella hit it, then Marion, then Jimmy, and it landed on the ground.
I served, then Marion hit it towards Jimmy, but it ran full-force into his crotch.
My eyes widened. "Shit."
Jimmy placed his hands around his crotch area, his jaw hanging low. A faint pained squeak escaped from his throat, and he collapsed on his knees.
"You okay, Jim?" Daniella called out.
"No!" Jimmy yelled back, keeping his hands where they were. "Ugh, I can hear my dick swelling up."
He eventually got up, standing stiffly, and we continued playing.
Marion and Daniella's interaction didn't improve at all, which made me worried; was it going to be like this forever? Was this the end of our friendship?
"Hold on, stay here, guys. I'll be right back," I announced to all three of them. I gestured Jimmy to come follow me, and he did.
I walked to a bench right outside of the tennis court, Jimmy and I sitting down. I massaged my temples with my hands in frustration.
"What's wrong?" Jimmy wrapped his muscular arms around me.
I tried to fight the urge to cry, but failed. "I just..." I was interrupted by my sniffling. "I'm so worried that this is the end of our friendship."
"No, I doubt this awkwardness will last forever." I leaned my head on Jimmy's chest. He placed a lingering kiss on my head, brushing his hand up and down my back. "Don't worry. All three of you guys are too close to just throw your friendship away. It'll go away soon, I promise."
I sniffled again. "Thanks. I'm sorry for burdening you with this."
"No, you're not burdening me! Hey..." Jimmy placed his index finger under my chin and lifted my head up. "Don't worry. It's my job to be here for you, because I wuv you!" He kissed my nose, holding my hand and leading me back into the court.
And, no surprise, the girls were still standing awkwardly. Once I couldn't stand it anymore, I walked to their side and faced both of them.
"Okay, I literally can't stand this awkwardness between you two anymore," I said sternly, letting all my anger wave through my voice. "Please, just tell me that this friendship isn't over."
Daniella just gazed at me while Marion's eyes were lowered. I prayed and prayed for them to say something, but they never did.
"I'm gonna leave you two alone, and Jimmy and I are gonna to do something else. Find us when you guys made up."
Noel then strolled away, holding Jimmy's hand and they exited the tennis court.
I pursed my lips, glancing at Marion. I wanted to just kiss her so badly, but I wasn't sure if this was the best time.
"So," I started. Marion met my scrutiny, a ghost of a grin plastered on her lips. "I guess we have to talk now."
"Yeah," She chuckled faintly.
There was a long awkward silence until Marion finally broke it: "Listen, I'm sorry for making things between us so awkward. I just couldn't fight the feeling anymore. I hope we can just let this whole thing blow over and continue being friends, because I don't want things to end like this. I'm not ready to lose you."
I nodded, my eyes welling up. "Me too."
I continued to gaze at her, looking at her beautiful face. Her eyes were so bright green and beautiful, and her dark hair was glistening.
Ever since Marion told me how she really felt, I realized that I had been lying to myself for the longest time; I've been having doubts about my sexuality for as long as I could remember, and I just kept telling myself that it was all just a phase. But once Marion expressed her feelings to me, I realized it's who I really was. I didn't want it to be true, but I can't change who I am.
I met her gaze again, my true feelings filling every part of my body until I couldn't take it anymore. Before I knew it, my lips were on hers.
What should the ship name be? Mariella? Idk 😂
Xo, Savannah
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