6. Something About You
All three of us were completely freaked out. Jimmy suggested that we went to the hospital, but I phoned Marion's mother, Susan, before we did anything. I walked to the kitchen and paced around nervously.
"Marion was just on the news," I said before Marion's mother could say a word. I paced around the kitchen, clenching and unclenching my fist. My cheeks were damp from tears.
"Yes, Noel, I know," Susan murmured, her voice choked up as if she about to cry.
"Is she allowed to have visitors? Daniella and my other friend are flipped out and nervous-wrecks."
"Um, Noel, as much as you mean to our family, we just want her family to be with her right now. I'm sorry, Noel. I'll keep you updated for whatever happens, hon." Susan was probably the nicest mother I've ever met on this planet.
"No, no, it's okay. I completely understand. Is she awake?"
"No, she just got out of surgery so she's still knocked out."
"Well, whenever she wakes up, can you tell her that I miss her and I hope that she gets better soon?"
Susan laughed under her breath. "Sure, honey."
"Okay, thank you so much." I said, then hung up. I clutched my cell phone tightly in my hand, letting the fear slowly melt away. Thank god she's okay; all I could think about was the worst possible scenario.
I sat back down on the couch in between Jimmy and Daniella. I massaged my temples with my hands, my head throbbing.
Jimmy pulled me into a tight hug. "I love you, Noel. Don't worry."
"You guys are really soul mates," Daniella chimed in.
I considered laughing, but this was just too serious of a situation to joke around. I nuzzled my head in the crook of Jimmy's neck and let all the tears out.
But I agreed with Daniella; it really did feel like Jimmy and I were soul mates. Back in school where we didn't even exchange a glance at each other, he was the very last person on the list of who I would see myself dating; I thought he would be a complete asshole, but in reality, he's probably the most loving and compassionate person I've ever met.
After another hour of just watching TV, Daniella said that she should be heading home. It was almost seven o'clock, my parents wouldn't be home in about four hours.
I laid on top of Jimmy, resting my head on his chest. I could hear his heartbeat as if it were a melodic rythym. I got so comfortable just laying there, our fingers laced together, I drifted to sleep.
I woke up to the sound of the front door opening. I could tell by the loud footsteps that it was my father.
Shit, I fell asleep. He's going to see Jimmy!
I quickly tried to get off of Jimmy, but my father could see us before I could do anything. He looked at us, astounded.
Jimmy didn't wake up; he didn't even stir. I quickly got up and looked at my father, still frozen in his scrutiny.
"Hey dad," I croaked, running my fingers through my hair. I looked back over at Jimmy-still sound asleep-and pointed at him. "I swear to God the way we fell asleep was an accident."
"Mhm," My father sarcastically grunted, setting his suitcase on the dining table.
I placed my hands on the table. "So, how's life?"
"Good, how about your life?"
"It's good," I gave my father a thumbs up. I walked over to Jimmy to wake him up.
"Jimmy," I whispered in his ear. He stirred a bit but didn't wake up.
I ran to my bedroom and grabbed the air horn, and made the sound go off right in his ear. Jimmy's eyes shot open and he jumped.
He looked right up at me, snorting. "I'm gonna break that thing," He looked around and spotted my father. He gave me a look that sound when-did-he-get-here?
"Don't worry," I whispered inaudibly.
Jimmy stretched, struggling to balance at first.
"So dad," I started, walking to the kitchen where my father was. "Did you, um, hear about Marion?"
"No, what happened?" My father furrowed a brow.
"She, uh, got into a car accident," I was getting choked up just talking about it. "It was on the news."
His eyes widened. "Is she okay?"
"I hope so. I talked to Susan on the phone and she said that she just wanted family to be there with her, so..."
"Wow." My father chewed on his bottom lip, and started for upstairs.
"Wait, Jimmy, c'mere," I shouted once he was out of the room.
"You better not blow that thing in my ear again!" Jimmy playfully whined. He came in and rested his arm on my shoulder.
"When do your parents come back home?"
"Tomorrow morning, why?"
"Do you have any plans tomorrow?" I wrapped my arms around his neck.
Jimmy smirked. "You tell me."
I kissed him. "Okay, now get the fuck out of here so my parents don't ask me questions."
Jimmy grinned mischievously. "But what if I said...no."
I laughed, resting my head in the crook of his neck as we swayed. "So what do you wanna do tomorrow?"
"How about I take you on a date?"
I looked up at him with my turquoise eyes. I started laughing. "Now?"
Jimmy giggled. "Yes."
I bit my lip, staring into his hypnotizing brown eyes. "Okay. It's a date, nerd."
The next day
My mother and I waited for the doctor in the room. I was fidgeting with my fingers because I knew the doctor was going to ask me if I was sexually active. I debated whether I should say no or say yes, but saying no sounded like the best idea.
The door opened and my head shot up. Dr. McLou, my doctor since I was born, came in, shutting the door behind her.
"Hello, how are you guys today?" She asked with a grin.
"Good," My mother answered before I could. I swung my legs under the chair involuntarily.
Dr. McLou asked all of the basic questions until it came to it. "Are you sexually active?"
"No," I answered before I could stop myself. My mother didn't need to know what I'm doing.
I was given my shots and I was dismissed, constantly sighing in relief. I've always been the worst liar; I can't lie with a straight face.
7:57 p.m.
I stared at myself in my long mirror at my outfit. I didn't know if I should be dressing up fancy, or if I should just be casual, so I wore a short black ruffled dress with black pantyhose and black heels. I straightened out my hair and my bangs, and put a little mascara and lip gloss on. I didn't want to go too over the top, because I've become so comfortable around Jimmy that I feel like I don't have to be fancy in front of him.
Jimmy said he was going to be picking me up around 8:15 p.m. He never told me where he was taking me, but that was the exciting part.
10 minutes later
I watched out the window as I saw Jimmy's car pull up the driveway. I walked out the door and climbed into his car.
He was wearing a plaid shirt, jeans, and his cologne wafted in my nose.
"Crap, I probably overdressed," I said as I buckled my seat belt.
"No," Jimmy said, looking me up and down and biting his lip. "You look beautiful."
I blushed. "You look beautiful, too."
Jimmy put his hand under his chin in a feminine manner. "Oh my god, thank you." He said in a high-pitched girl voice.
I looked out the window as we went to the Mystery Place.
"And we're here," Jimmy said as the car came to an abrupt stop. I looked forward, and we were at Del Frisco's steakhouse, my favorite steak restaurant since I was a little kid.
"Oh my god, Jimmy..." I smiled. "How did you know I liked this place?"
"I didn't, actually. This is my favorite steakhouse."
I smiled, us both getting out of the car and walking into the restaurant, our hands intertwined.
I haven't gone to this restaurant in years, and everything was coming back to me; the big chandelier in the middle of the room, the vase with a red rose and candles on the tables with the napkins folded with the silverware tucked into it.
We checked in at the front desk, and the waitress led us to our table. Jimmy pushed out my chair for me, his charming smile plastered on his face.
"I once took my ex here, she didn't like it," Jimmy said as he said down.
I furrowed my brow. "How do you not like Del Frisco's? The fuck?"
"That's what I said!" Jimmy laughed. "But now you're here, and it's a whole lot better."
"Aww," I leaned my head in my hand. "Is that right?"
I blushed, biting my lip. The waitress, a tall blonde, walked over at our table.
"Hi, I'm Gwen, and I'll be your server tonight. Can I start you guys off with drinks?"
"Um..." I looked at the menu again. "I think I'll have red wine."
"Same," Jimmy said, looking up at her.
Gwen wrote it on her notepad and smiled at us. "Alright, I'll be right back." She sashayed away.
Jimmy and I decided what we were going to order; I ordered a New York strip steak with green beans, and Jimmy ordered a filet mignon steak.
The food was so delicious, and everything was so much better because Jimmy was around. Everything seemed to get better when he was with me. We soon finished up our food and got the check. Jimmy and I argued who was going to pay, and we agreed to split, because the dinner was really expensive.
"God, I'm stuffed," I said as we walked out the double doors, clutching my stomach. "I need a nap."
"I'm food pregnant right now. Noel, you're the father."
"Am I now?" I said through chuckles. "I'm your baby daddy."
"No kidding, daddy. I'm gonna call you Daddy from now on, is that okay?"
I laughed. "Why not."
Jimmy drove back to my house, coming in with me. There were no cars in the driveway, but I could see Tom & Jerry was on TV through the window, so I knew Parker was home.
"Parker's home," I sighed as I opened the front door.
"Hey Park," I said once I approached the living room.
"Hi Noel," Parker said back. He was rocking the recliner back and forth. He got up and saw Jimmy, smiling.
"Hi, stranger," Parker said, waving at Jimmy before looking at me. "You look nice. What's the occasion?"
"Just went out," I murmured.
"Your sister's my baby daddy," Jimmy said, smiling mischievously. Parker grimaced. I lightly hit Jimmy in the ribs.
"Really dude?" I whispered to him.
"Uh-huh, honey."
"How can she be your baby daddy? You pregnant or something?" Parker asked Jimmy. I tried to keep a straight face, but failed. Jimmy was too much.
"Yup, exactly right. And you're sister is the daddy."
Parker raised a brow. "Gross."
"And that's why you-"
I raised a hand. "Okay, enough. You're scaring my little brother."
Parker went back to the recliner, then Jimmy and I went upstairs into my bedroom.
"Parker seems nice," Jimmy said, jumping on my bed.
I sat next to him. "He's a good kid."
"How old is he?"
"About to turn 13."
We sat in silence until I said: "Jimmy, thank you so much for dinner. I-I really had a good time."
"You're welcome. I love you, Noel," Jimmy kissed me on the cheek. I kissed him on the lips passionately, thoughts circulating my mind of how much this boy meant to me. I didn't know why I was so attracted to him, there was just something about him.
"I love you too, dork," I smiled warmly. "How did I get to love you so much?"
Jimmy shrugged. "I don't know. I could ask you the same." He smirked.
"It's just something about you..." I brushed my bangs out of my eyes. "You're my love, you're my life. And if my parents find out what we do sometimes, she'll murder me."
Jimmy giggled. "Too bad I can't help it."
He brushed my bangs out of my face when they fell in my eyes again.
I smiled. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. Not the first time," Jimmy said creepily. I backed away and laughed.
"Someone feels stalker-ish today."
My phone buzzed right next to me. I picked it up, and it was a message from Susan:
Call whenever you get this, it's an emergency.
At my school all of the air conditionings broke and every one of my classes was literally 100 degrees and they wouldn't even let us use paper fans and that was like the only thing we could use to cool off like are they trying to kill us 😑 and then just a couple hours ago I got hit by a big storm and my power went out and the lightening was super close to my house. So today was just a swell day for weather.
Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and it was a bit of a filler because of all the stuff that's about to happen 😌
Xo, Savannah
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