4. Lustful Desire

[WARNING: Sexual content is included in this chapter. It's not that descriptive but still includes some varying details. Read at your own discretion]

"It's so damn cold!" I squealed after I dipped a toe into the pool water.

Daniella jokingly rolled her eyes. "C'mon, don't be a baby, No!"

"It's cold!" I said again.

"I'll push you in if I have to!" Jimmy said. He ran to the pool and dived in.

"Oh really? I'd like to see you try." I crossed my arms.

Marion went under water, then came up, water flying everywhere. "I am the Water Goddess!"

Jimmy got out of the water and picked me up. I tried to wriggle out of his grip, but he threw me into the water before I could.

I came back up, coughing. "Water got up my nose!"

"Good!" Jimmy said, then jumped back into the water.

I slowly got used to the water. I walked out of the water and climbed onto the diving board. I jumped a few times, then did a flip into the water.

"Look at you!" Jimmy applauded once I got back up.

I threw my hands up into the air. "I conquer all of you!"

"You know what would be nice?" Marion started. "If you guys could make out. Right here. Right now."

"Marion," I warned playfully.

Jimmy smirked. "She has a point,"

I splashed him. "Oh, I'm sorry, I can't kiss you. There's a big splash of water in the way."

"Aha," He fake-laughed. "Very funny,"

He leaned in to kiss me again, then I splashed him again.

"Oh no, it's there again." I splashed him again. "Ugh,"

"Very funny," Jimmy said sarcastically.

"Whenever you guys have sex, I need you to record Noel's moans..." Daniella said, then started air-humping the water. "Oh. Oh yeah baby. James. Oh. James Thomas Fallon. I'm coming baby." She fake-moaned in a high-pitched voice. "I'M ABOUT TO CLIMAX! OHHH!"

We all bursted into laughter. "Stop screaming, my neighbors will get me in trouble. Again." Jimmy said.

I ran my fingers through my hair. "What happened last time?"

"I was once home alone and then I was screaming the lyrics of 'Part of Your World' from the Little Mermaid."

We all sat silent until I said: "Let's play a game,"

"What game?" Daniella asked.

"Never Have I Ever,"

"Ooh, I love that game," Jimmy grinned.

"I dunno how to play it," Marion chimed in.

"Alright, you hold up five fingers..." I held up five fingers to give a visual demonstration. "Then someone says Never Have I Ever, let's say, got high. If you got high, you have to put down one finger. My version, personally, is whoever has all five fingers down has to do a dare."

"What should the dare be?" Jimmy asked.

"How about..." I thought for a few moments. "Prank call somewhere, I guess." I shrugged. "I'll start."

We all held up five fingers. "Uh, um..." I stammered. "Never Have I Ever...watched porno."

Jimmy chuckled nervously, then put down a finger.

My jaw dropped. "Jimmy!"

"I was curious, okay?!"

I finished laughing, then said: "Daniella, now say one. Then after you're done pick someone else."

"Alright, um..." She trailed off. "Never Have I ever had sex,"

Marion put down a finger.

"Oh my god! Who?!" I squealed.

Marion's cheeks turned red. "Chandler,"

"Chandler...as in my friend Chandler DeLong?" Jimmy raised an eyebrow.


He stayed silent.

"Okay, Jimmy,"

"Alright, uh, Never Have I Ever accidentally thrown up on someone."

I put down a finger.

Jimmy grimaced. "Who?"

"Preschool. There was this douchepants named Evan who told me that my art was bad, so then..." I was interrupted with my own laughter. "I got so angry I puked all over him."

Marion squeezed the water out of her hair. "Do you always do that or...?"

"No, it was just a reaction. Anyways, Daniella,"

"Alright, um..." She bit her lip. "Never Have I Ever smoked pot,"

Jimmy and I put a finger down.

Marion's eyes widened. "Noel, you smoked pot?"

"Mhm, remember that party a few months ago, I forget whose it was, but yeah. I was so buzzed."

"Damn," Daniella said, then cleared her throat. "Jimmy,"

"Never Have I Ever had sexual thoughts about a teacher,"

All three of us girls put our fingers down.

"Yes! Mr. Stinson, remember him?" Daniella chimed in brightly.

"Yes!" I put my hand to my chest. "He was so sexy,"

"Wasn't he like, what, 21?" Marion said.

Mr. Stinson was a substitute teacher for math class last year. He looked a lot like John Travolta in a way.


The game went on for another twenty minutes until all of Jimmy's fingers were down. We dried off and then went back into Jimmy's house to watch him prank call a pizza restaurant.

"Hi, I'm, uh, Adam Sandler," Jimmy said in the best Adam Sandler impersonation I've ever heard. The girls and I were cracking up as quietly as we could.

Worker: Uh, can I take your order?

Jimmy: Do you not know me? I'm Adam fucking Sandler!

Worker: Yes, I know who you are. Got anything to order?

Jimmy: Yeah, do you guys sell the, uh, pumpkin spice latte?

Worker: Sir, this isn't Starbucks.

Jimmy: You guys could be Starbucks.

When the worker finally hung out, the girls and I barked put laughing.

"That impression..." I finished laughing. "Was on point!"

"My friends literally praise me for that impersonation,"

"Where are your parents, anyway?" I asked.

"They're visiting friends in Virginia for a few days,"

"And they left you here?"

"I didn't wanna go,"



2 hours later

3:54 p.m.

"Alright, see ya JimJam," Daniella grinned, then waved.

"Bye," Jimmy waved back. Daniella and Marion started down the driveway, then Jimmy shut the front door.

"They so love us," Jimmy said with a triumphant smile.

"They're like, nuts," I laughed.

I ran my fingers through my hair, which was still damp from the chlorine.

Then Jimmy grazed his thumb over my cheek, sending chills up my spine.

"You have the most beautiful face," Jimmy muttered, biting his lip seductively.

A drop from the pool water slithered down my leg. I wiped it off with my hand. My mouth trembled, wanting to say something, but closed. Hotness flooded through my cheeks.

Jimmy raised his eyebrows. "Are you okay?"

I pushed a loose tendril of hair behind my ear. "Yeah, of course, why?"

"You just look a little bashful,"

I pursed my lips, letting the electricity pulsate through my body.

"Let me..." Jimmy started.

Even though I knew what he was talking about, I said: "What?"

Without hesitation, Jimmy kissed me hard, the force pushing me against the wall.

I ran my fingers through his disheveled hair, letting out a pleasured groan.

"Hold on, come here," Jimmy took my hand, and led me upstairs to his bedroom.

Jimmy closed the door behind us and then continued to kiss me. He wrapped his arms around me, then unclipped my bathing suit top.

I slid my bottoms down my legs and stepped out of them, and then I was completely naked.

Jimmy pulled his bottoms down, and we fell onto the bed. He kissed my neck with his warm lips, making me let out a moan in anticipation.

He paused for a moment, looking me in the eyes with his chocolate brown eyes. "Noel, are you sure?"

I nodded. "I've never been so sure about something in my life..." I ran my finger down Jimmy's chest.

Jimmy continued to kiss me, leaning back until I was completely on top of him. Feeling the warmth of his body made me bite my lip.

I've never wanted someone so badly. He drove me crazy. Absolutely crazy. His expression so lustful and wanting to introduce me into his world.


5:36 p.m.

The brightness of the daylight made me snap back to consciousness.

Then it all came back to me, every single little memory from just a few hours ago.

I looked to my side where Jimmy would've been, but he wasn't there.

I sat up, covering my breasts with the ragged sheets. I looked around, and noticed a note that was on the nightstand. I outstretched my arm and grabbed it. I read it out loud:

Good morning, you horny ass bitch.
I'm out in the living room if you need me :)
P. S. I know I was good, no need to tell me ;)

I laughed under my breath. I slipped out of the bed, then realized I hadn't worn any clothes here, because I thought I was only swimming here for a few hours.


I walked over to Jimmy's closet, and sorted through his shirts. I pulled out a plaid shirt, then slipped that on. I buttoned it up, leaving three of the top buttons unbuttoned just to be a little enticing.

I looked at myself in his full-body mirror. My hair was mussed; a few strands of hair sticking up in every direction. I brushed my bangs out of my fingers.

Then I noticed that there was a hickey peeking out of the slight opening in the shirt.

I pulled the shirt down, and there were at least six hickeys trailing down my neck.

"Jesus Christ," I mumbled to myself.

I walked out to the living room, where I could see Jimmy watching Friends on TV.

"Hi," I said in a croaky voice that I've never heard come out of me before. That must be the aftermath of (what I'm assuming how long it was, everything is still coming back to me) an hour and fifteen minutes of sex.

Jimmy looked over at me and smirked. "Hey, you." He scrutinized me and laughed when he saw I was wearing his shirt. "Is that my shirt?"

"Yeah, because you kinda told me I wasn't going to be here long," I sat down next to him. "You big fat liar,"

Jimmy playfully held his hands up defensively.

"My mom is gonna see these," I pulled down my shirt and showed Jimmy the trail of hickeys he left me.

He grimaced. "Sorry, wasn't really paying attention,"

"Uh-huh," I said sarcastically. "I don't care. I'm eighteen. I'm an adult."

"Yeah, who cares?"

I put my head in the crook of Jimmy's neck and stretched. "Ugh, I'm tirrrred," I groaned. "It's all your fault, Jimmy. You made me tired." I joked.

"I'll make you more tired," Jimmy smirked mischievously.

"Uhhhhhh!" I groaned again jokingly. "God, you're like a fucking NyQuil!"

"But I'm extra strong," He winked. "What time does your mom want you home again for that dinner thing?"

"Six," I croaked. "By any chance, did your mom leave behind any foundation so I can use it to cover these up?" I circled with my index finger around the hickeys.

"Yeah, go into my parents' room and into their bathroom, the cabinet in the center holds my mom's makeup stuff,"

I nodded, then walked to his parents' room, then to their bathroom. I opened the cabinet and got a foundation that was a few shades darker than my skin color, but would be good enough.

I squirted the foundation on my index finger and rubbed it onto my hickeys in circles.

It covered most of it, but not all of it. Some purple-red marks were still showing, but I'll just say they were mosquito bites. After all, mosquito bites are crazy for me this time of year.

"Got it, kinda," I said when I approached Jimmy again. I plopped down next to him. "Ugh, I don't wanna gooooo,"

"I don't want you to leave either," Jimmy kissed my head.


Time was nearing six o'clock, so Jimmy and I put our bathing suits back on. We wet our hair a little bit to look like we had just got out of the pool. We went outside and sat on the balcony until my mother came.

Jimmy walked me down the driveway, greeting my mother. My father was in the passenger seat.

"Hello, James, how are you?" My mother asked him, flashing him a grin.

"I'm doing good, ma'am, nice to meet you." He shook her hand, and waved at my dad.

"Alright, I'm sure we'll see you soon," My mother said with a laugh.

"See ya!" Jimmy said enthusiastically.

I climbed into the car, then it pulled out. Jimmy was still waving from the driveway.

Before the car drove away, I made a circle with my index and thumb, and put the index finger on my other hand through it, representing sex.

He saw me and cracked up, then we drove off.

"Hi, No!" My father said, running his fingers through his salt and pepper hair.

"Hey!" I squealed. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!"

My father is the CEO of a business that I, up to this day, still don't understand, but he works at least from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., so I never really get to see him. I haven't seen him at all these past few days because I've been so caught up hanging out with Jimmy.

My father turned around to face me and smiled. "What are those on your neck?" He pointed to the hickeys.

My heart thundered. "Mosquito bites," I said, and I thought that it may have convinced him.

"Ah," He said, then turned back around.


We drove back to the house so I could get changed out of my bathing suit and take a shower to wash out all the chlorine. I threw on jeans and the shirt everyone got from the school that said: Class of '90, written in bubble letters with everyone's signature in it.

I didn't even know why we were going out to dinner until my parents told me it was my aunt Jane's birthday.

I threw my hair into a side braid, and then we went to the restaurant.


We met my grandma, grandpa, my cousins and so on at the restaurant. One of my cousins, Cooper, used to have cancer. He's been in remission for a year and a half now. He was diagnosed when he was eight, I think. He's almost eleven now. We are really close, I'm probably closer to him than any other family member besides my parents.

I saw him, and his eyes brightened. He patted the seat next to him, and I sat down.

"Hey buddy! How are you?" I squealed, hugging him tight.

"I'm good," Cooper replied in his buttery voice. He looked at me and pointed to my hickeys. "What are those?"

"Mosquito bites,"

"Ow," He grimaced. "They look like they hurt,"

"They do," I frowned.

Everyone greeted me and hugged me. I absolutely hated these family dinners, because everyone always gushed over me, considering I'm an only child, and I'm not an attention-freak.

Everyone was asking about the hickeys on my neck. I told them the same exact story every time: it's a mosquito bite, not a love mark from Jimmy Fallon, because he totally didn't go down on me today.

My phone chimed in my pocket. I picked it up, and it was Jimmy. This time, it was a private message and not in the group chat:

God I miss you so much, especially now. I miss having your body-

I covered up the message before anyone saw it. I tapped Cooper on the shoulder and told him I had to go to the bathroom.

I locked myself in a stall. I read the rest of the message:

God, I miss you so much, especially now. I miss having your body in my arms...

I felt a rush of lust. I dialed his number, he answered within two rings:

"Hello?" Jimmy said in his sexy husky voice.

"Jimmy," I said. "How are you?"

I could just sense he was smirking. "Good, you?"

"Alright. I already miss you. I just wanted to hear your voice."

Jimmy let out a bashful giggle. "I miss you too. How's your family?"



"I guess I'll talk to you later?" I said, laughing at the awkwardness.

"Sure, love you,"

I sucked in a breath when he said that. "I, uh, I love you too." I quickly hung up.

As if on cue, Marion texted in the group chat:


Here was our conversation:

Me: Hi

Jimmy: Heyo

Daniella: I was anxious today to leave you guys alone in the house

Jimmy: Lol

I stopped writing back, realizing that I've been in the bathroom for ten minutes. I walked out and sat back at the table.

I turned my phone off so no one would see our texts.

Every time I thought of Jimmy, I now bit my lip until my lip bled. The thought of him was so . . .


Hey guys!
Sorry this chapter was a little Fifty Shades of Grey, but you gotta admit, we all want SexEd from Jimmy Fallon right now. 😍🔥😂

Xo, Savannah

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