3. Ready Set Kiss!
"What are you doing here?" I asked, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear.
Jimmy leaned in and whispered: "Can I talk to you?" He motioned for me to come outside. I just glared at him.
I bit my lip, then stepped outside, closing the door behind me. "What d'ya want?"
"Did you get my texts?" Jimmy asked, ignoring my question.
"Do you have any idea how guilty I feel?"
I stayed silent.
Jimmy rubbed the back of his neck. "The reason I wanted to hang out with you so fast yesterday was because...because I wanted to-well, I was going to go to a restaurant with a friend of mine, but he bailed out on me. I originally wanted to ask you of you wanted to go..." He took a deep breath. "I was just-just too nervous."
Pause. "Why were you nervous? I would've said yes,"
"I mean, I didn't want to move so fast and..." He trailed off.
"And...what?" I crossed my arms.
Jimmy fidgeted with his fingers as if he was about to perform on Broadway for the first time. "I'm, uh, in love with you,"
It took me a few minutes before what he said sunk into me. "Come again?"
"Ever since I laid eyes on you, o-on the first day of high school, I've been in love with you. I don't know, it was just something about you..." Jimmy caressed my cheek. "Your face. Your sweet, innocent face. How you don't give a fuck about popularity. How you were never afraid to express your inner core. Everything."
I felt my eyes well up, but I pushed my tears back down. I was so aggravated at him, but I couldn't help the feeling.
"I couldn't even bear with myself after I spread those rumors about you. I'm sorry, I can't stress it enough. You, I love-" Before he could finish his sentence, I walked over to him and kissed him.
It was passionate; gentle and warm. I wrapped my arms around Jimmy's neck as his hands moved down my back until his hand landed on my ass.
I laughed in his mouth. "Sorry, I'm new to that."
Jimmy let go. "What? This?" He playfully cupped my ass harder, I bent over laughing.
"C'mere," Jimmy pulled me back over to him by the arm and kissed me again.
Then the kiss became more hard; Jimmy's hands were all over me while I was standing there, utterly clueless to where I should put my hands. I let out an unintentionally sexual moan.
I looked around to make sure nobody else was looking, then caught Parker staring at us while he was frozen with the door halfway open, wide-eyed and his jaw hanging low.
I looked at Jimmy, who now had red cheeks from embarrassment. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a twenty dollar bill then said: "$20, you saw nothing,"
Parker nodded, then raced away.
I laughed. "Bribery,"
"You got it, girl." Jimmy winked. "So, are we good now?"
I gulped. "It may take me a whole to get over it, but yeah, we're good."
He smiled in relief. "Thank you." He looked me in the eyes with his chocolate brown eyes, sending shivers up my spine. "Have you ever done pranking?"
"Pranking?" I raised a brow. "No, why?"
"Well, there's this list that I've had for a while. It's a list of all of the pranks I've wanted to do for, like, the longest time. And--if you have nothing planned--we could do them."
"Uh, sure. Lemme just throw on some sweats and shoes and I'll be right out,"
I walked up to my room then I threw on a pair of grey sweatpants that read New York City down the leg and a pair of nearly-worn-out sneakers. I ran a brush through my hair so it didn't look so ragged.
I scurried back downstairs, then greeted Jimmy at the door.
Jimmy pulled into the parking lot of a Shop Rite!, then put his car in park.
We both walked across the parking lot, the automatic double doors opening once we approached them.
Jimmy handed me the list, then I scanned through:
•Puke prank
•Milk prank
•Falling prank
•In-labor prank
The list went on and on with different cool pranks. "Huh, interesting."
"We can also make up some pranks if you want."
"What prank shall we start with?"
Jimmy shrugged. "We can both do the falling prank. Just go to an aisle where there are a bunch of people and pretend to fall."
I snickered mischievously. "I feel like a prankster,"
"That's the intention!"
We walked down to a hygiene aisle, where everyone was picking out pads, tampons, etc.
"Who should go first?" I asked.
"You can if you want,"
I licked my lips, then started running across the aisle until I pretended to fall.
People over-dramatically gasped. An older woman, maybe mid-eighties, walked over to me then asked if I was okay.
"Yeah, I'm fi-" I fake-groaned, clutching my shoulder as if it hurt. I was surprised that I didn't break down laughing.
I walked back over to Jimmy, who was watching but pretending to be occupied by holding a tampon box. He looked over to me and started cracking up.
"I can't believe I just did that!" I said through hysterical laughs.
"You're a pro at this!" Jimmy winked. "Okay, I have one with both of us."
"Go on,"
"It's called the overly-sexual couple," Jimmy smirked. I playfully rolled my eyes.
"And how does this one work?"
"Well, we go to a random aisle with a bunch of people. We come in making out, then I would push you against one of the glass doors and we just start making fake moans, like we did at Daniella's party, and then we pretend to notice people staring at us, then walk away."
"Well, that sounds just quite filled with mischief!" I said in a fake British accent.
We walked over to an aisle with frozen cuisines, then started making out. Even though it wasn't real--I don't think--it still felt nice to kiss him.
We let out fake moans as Jimmy pushed me against the glass doors and ran his hands everywhere.
What the fuck? I heard someone say.
I think this prank was hands down favorite so far; Jimmy's hands (even though it was fake) all over me was a nice feeling.
We went on until most of the people left, grimacing.
We both barked out laughing.
"Okay, this is really fun." I admitted, bending over from laughter. "What's the in-labor prank?"
"You just pretend that you're going into labor and then people see you have no pregnant belly,"
"Oh, I needa do that,"
We walked to the home appliance aisle. I pretended to pick out kitchen tools until I pretended to fall to my knees and I wailed in agony.
"AHHH! MY WATER BROKE!" I screamed, clutching my stomach.
A woman walked over to me, held my hand and helped me up, then their eyes landed on my non-pregnant belly.
She started laughing and then walked away.
Jimmy and I did the rest of the pranks on his list, getting the funniest reactions, then Jimmy asked to come hang out at his place. I said yes.
When we pulled up Jimmy's driveway, no cars were parked.
"My parents are at work," Jimmy assured me, yanking the key out of the ignition.
We walked into Jimmy's house, everything so quiet and eerily still except for the dishwasher running.
"Your house is so pretty, can I move in?" I joked.
Jimmy giggled flirtatiously. "I wish,"
I looked over to the TV in the living room; Seinfield was on.
We both slouched on the couch on watched the show until it was over.
Out of nowhere, Jimmy kissed me.
"Mmm," I murmured. When he finally let go, I said: "What was that for?"
"I couldn't resist, I'm sorry." Jimmy smirked. I continued to scrutinize him, then kissed him again.
Jimmy kissed me hard, pushing his force down until he was on top of me. My breath quickened. Jimmy's tongue explored my mouth as I let out a passionate moan.
As Jimmy was lifting up my shirt, the front door opened. Jimmy quickly let go to see who was there. It was his mother. When she saw us, her eyes widened.
Jimmy and I were both frozen in our positions; his hand pulling my shirt up halfway, exposing my stomach. Him on top of me.
"Hey! Mom!" Jimmy said enthusiastically. "You're home early!"
"I just forgot my papers here. I'm just gonna..." She pointed to the kitchen, then scurried off.
I wriggled out of my position, lowering
my eyes in embarrassment.
His mother came back out with a Manila folder, taking one last glance at us before she hurried out the door.
"Yikes," Jimmy grimaced. "Sorry,"
"It's fine, I wasn't ready for this anyway."
"Ready for what?"
Pause. "Sex,"
"I wasn't going to have sex with you,"
I glared at him, knowing he was lying. He let out a sigh. "Why not?"
"I'm just...not. This is moving way too fast. I'm not ready."
Jimmy bit his lip. "I'm just doing what I've wanted to do to you for so long,"
I looked at him, parting my lips. "I just been trying to hard to keep my innocence. I do love you, I just..." I brought my hands up to my temples.
"You don't have to be afraid," Jimmy said. "I know what I have for you. It may seem like I'm not the one, because of my popularity, and most popular guys cheat, but I know what I am. And one of those things that I am is your thing." Jimmy swiped his nose with his index finger, making me giggle. "I'll give you a little SexEd." I laughed even harder.
"Go on," I said through chuckles.
"Okay, so first, you take it by the-"
"Okay, TMI." I laughed.
3 hours later
"Thank you," I gave Jimmy a peck on the cheek before climbing out of his car. Before I closed the door, I took one last glimpse at him, then I closed the door.
I walked up my doorsteps and walked in. I heard plates and silverware clattering in the kitchen.
I strolled to the kitchen and smiled when I saw my mother. "Hey,"
Usually when my mother looked up at me, she smiles from ear to ear. But it was different this time; she looked irritated.
She stopped cleaning dishes and turned toward me. "Where the hell have you been?"
I bit the inside of my cheek. "At a friends house, why?"
"Noel, you should've told me! I was worried sick!"
"Mom, I'm eighteen years old, so I'm pretty much an adult. I think I can do stuff without permission at this point."
My mother rolled her eyes. "Were you with that James guy?"
"You guys have been hanging out a lot lately,"
"Uh, yeah, so?"
She rubbed her lips together. "Parker told me earlier that he saw you guys kissing,"
My jaw dropped. "He told you that?!"
"I mean, who cares? We were just kissing, it's not like we were..." I caught myself before I could finish.
My mother took a deep breath, closing her eyes. "Next time, just tell me if you're gonna leave. I know you're an adult and you can do whatever you want, but you're under my roof, just a news flash."
"OK," I muttered, then walked upstairs to Parker's bedroom.
I saw the light turned on in the crack under the door. I opened it then said: "Parker, I'm going to murder you someday."
Parker looked up at me, gawking at me.
I held out my hand. "Give me the $20 back,"
Then realization washed over his face. "Dude, I'm sorry! Mom was asking me where you were and I had to tell her the truth!"
"Give. It."
Parker pulled the $20 out of his pocket and slammed it into my hand.
Without another word, I walked to my bedroom. I slipped into the same pajamas I wore last night. I laid on my bed and pulled up the group chat with the girls and Jimmy and I on my phone. I texted them:
Ten seconds later, Daniella texted back:
Yo Lil' No.
Daniella always called me 'Lil' No'. Up to this day, I still don't know why she calls me it.
Here's our full conversation:
Me: What's up?
Daniella: Chillin
Then Jimmy chimed in:
Jimmy: Sup
Daniella: Shall we get back to our conversation?!
Me: Stooooop let it gooooooooo
Marion: Yeah your guys' hesitation to give us details is giving me boredom.
Jimmy: Noel
Me: What
Jimmy: I miss you
I bit my lip. My thumbs hovered over letters; I didn't know what to write.
Me: I just saw you a few minutes ago though
Marion: WHY WASNT I AWARE OF THIS?!?????!!!!??!!
Jimmy: I know, but still...
Daniella: DETAILS
Daniella: NOW
Daniella: NOW
Daniella: NOW
Daniella: NOW
Daniella: NOW
Daniella: OR ELSE
Jimmy: We did pranks
Marion: WHAT PRANKS!?!
Jimmy: Pranks
Daniella: Wow, so descriptive. Thanks.
Me: I'm tired let me go to beeedddd
Marion: NO.
Me: Hmph. I see how it is.
Jimmy: NOEL
Marion: I'm in
Daniella: What time
Jimmy: Like around 12 I guess. You guys know my address right from that party last year??
Daniella: I got it
Marion: Yuppers
Jimmy: And Noel I'll pick u up
Daniella: HEY
Jimmy: Goodnight, No
Me: Nighty night Jim
Daniella: Night
Marion: Night, hope you guys have pleasuring dreams about each other.
Me: BYE!!!!!
I put my phone on my nightstand, then slipped under the covers.
I had trouble falling asleep because I kept having vivid visions of kissing Jimmy. It's so weird how we went from acquaintances to whatever we were now.
Eventually, I fell asleep to the comforting image of his face.
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