13. Ultrasound

11 weeks later

It's been about three months since Jimmy and I found out that I was pregnant. Ever since Jimmy put his foot down about us having a child, I wasn't as anxious as I was the last time. I was actually...excited about having a baby. Of course, I'm not looking forward to pushing a human out of my vagina, but you know, what can you do about it?

I still haven't told my parents that I was pregnant; mostly because I didn't really know how to tell them. For all they know, they can murder me and sacrifice my body to giraffes or something. Every time I was around them, I was tempted to tell them, but I could never get it out of my throat.

Marion and Daniella knew about the pregnancy, and because we were excited, they were excited, which is rare.


"My stomach feels so weird, like, feel it," I held out my vaguely-growing stomach so Marion, Daniella and Jimmy could feel it.

"Uh..." Marion grimaced. "No thank you."

"What?! It's just a baby!" Daniella told her. She put her hands on my stomach, looking at the ceiling as her face morphed to amazement. "Wow."

"I know!" I squealed. "We have to get an ultrasound in about a week or so, and maybe we'll found out the gender," I wrapped my arms around Jimmy's neck.

"Ehh...you know. I don't really wanna find out the sex of the baby until it's born," Jimmy murmured.

I glared at him playfully. "Why?"

"Because, like, I want it to be a surprise, y'know," Jimmy flashed me a grin. "What're you hoping for?"

"I'on know. Twins...maybe," I said slowly.

"Twins?" All three of them said in unison. I laughed and nodded.

"Well, I hope you have a girl, so we can take her shopping with her Aunt Marion and her...Aunt Dani," Marion draped an arm around Daniella's shoulder. They were so cute together.

I smiled, glancing at all of them. "This little baby is gonna have the best family in the world."

They all smiled back at me as Jimmy kissed my forehead.

As if on cue, my mother walked in the door. "Hey guys, watcha up to?" She asked once she approached us.

"Nothing," I started to feel tense. Should I tell her?

Have you told your parents your pregnant? Daniella mouthed.

No, I mouthed back.

She rolled her eyes, grabbing my arm and leading me to the kitchen, where my mother was putting away groceries.

"Mrs. Pelletier," She turned around and smiled at us. "Noel has to tell you something."

I could hear Marion and Jimmy walk next to us, starting to look tense.

"Uh..." I didn't know how to put this. I fidgeted with my fingers as I lowered my eyes, trying to calm myself. All of a sudden, I felt happy. I was happy and me and Jimmy were having a baby, and I wasn't going to let my overprotective parents change that. I straightened my back, flashing a confident smile. "I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with Jimmy's baby," I said straightforwardly.

My mother looked at me, utterly perplexed. "What?"


"Noel, you're 19-years-old, what is wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with me?" I snapped. "There is nothing wrong with me. I am an adult, and I get to make my own decisions. And I may live under your roof, but not for long."

"What do you mean, not for long?" She leaned her head in, looking like she was about to murder someone.

To answer, I pranced out of the kitchen and to my bedroom, grabbing my black suitcase from under my bed and starting to pack clothes and pajamas in it.

"Noel, what the hell are you doing?" Marion said as they all came into my room to watch me.

"I'm going to a hotel," I mumbled as I packed my hairbrush.

"Why don't you just stay with me?" Jimmy suggested. Daniella pointed at him, approving.

"Do your parents know?" I said as a tear streamed down my cheek.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Jimmy embraced me. I buried my head in his chest, letting it all out. "They don't know, but we'll them; they'll be fine."


I finished packing, and we dropped Marion and Daniella off, and we were on our way to Jimmy's house. He had called his parents to ask them if they would be okay if I stayed there for a while, and of course, them being the perfect parents that everyone wants, they said yes.

When we got there, he unlocked the front door with his key and let us in. For some reason, I felt like I was interpreting on people's lives with my problems.

"So, my parents aren't home right now, but they will be in a few hours. Make yourself at home. There's a guest bedroom, but if you want to sleep in my bed with me, that's totally fine, too," Jimmy said compassionately. I smiled at how nice he was and pecked him on the lips.


I laid my suitcases in Jimmy's room---that had a queen-sized bed, which was perfect for both of us---but didn't feel like unpacking right now. I looked over to the long mirror that was hanging against his wall. I slightly pulled up my shirt, exposing my little bump. I stroked my hand along my skin, smiling.

I thought a lot about what I had said earlier: this baby really was going to have the best family in the world. I mean, Jimmy is great with kids, I saw the way he acts around Parker---whom I haven't really seen around lately---and Marion and Daniella, gosh, they will be the best aunts. I consider them my sisters. They will be amazing around the baby, I know it.

"Hey, you okay?" I put my shirt down and turned around to see Jimmy peering his head through the doorway. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"No, you're okay," I smiled, draping my arms around his neck and placed a lingering kiss on his lips. He brought his hands from my hips to my baby bump, breaking the kiss once he felt it. He lowered his somber eyes and gazed at it, the ends of his lips curling into a grin.

"I can't wait to see this," Jimmy murmured.

"See what?"

"The baby. Like, I know maybe what I did by purposely not putting a condom on was kinda shitty, but look at where it brought us in our relationship. I know it's been only a little less than a year, but I've never been so sure about someone being my soulmate, ever. You were probably the last person on my list to be the person I marry---"

"Wait what?" I looked at him with a perplexed look on my face, my eyebrows raised. "Marry?"

Jimmy widened his eyes, biting his lip. "Shit."

All of a sudden, I smiled. My eyes watered with tears. "Really?"

He still looked embarrassed, but his expression suddenly softened up. "Yeah, but I really wanted it to be a surprise. Like, I got this realtor to help us get an apartment in the city, and I was gonna do it then, but I guess I should probably do it now," He giggled. He begun scrambling around his room, opening drawers, looking on his nightstand. "Shit, I can't find it."

"Jimmy, you know what? I don't want a ring. I just want...you."

Jimmy looked up from what he was doing, and grinned. He walked over to me, kneeling down in front of me. He pretended to hold a ring in this hand. "Noel Felicity Pelletier, will you marry me?"

All of a sudden, a tear rolled down my cheek. I steepled my hands together over my mouth, smiling. "Yes."



"YES!" Jimmy shouted gleefully. We both hugged tightly. He kissed me---probably more passionately than he has ever been.

"I love you."

"I love you too. More than anything in this world."


Two hours later

While me and Jimmy were slouched on the couch, watching Seinfeld, we suddenly heard the front door open. I chew on my bottom lip; now I have to say that I'm pregnant with their sons child. I can get those groceries for you. Oh, and by the way, your son knocked me up.

It was Jimmy's mother, Gloria. She looked at us both and smiled, carrying a bundle of groceries in her hands. I crossed my arms over my baby bump, hoping that she wouldn't notice it.

"Hey guys! How are you?" Gloria said, setting all of the groceries on the dining room table.

"We're good," Jimmy said nonchalantly.

I turned my head to face him, whispering in his ear: "Should I tell her?"

"No, I will," he whispered back. He hopped up off of the couch and walked to where his mother was. I covered my face, feeling my heart furiously beating against my chest.

I overheard Jimmy talking: "Hey mom...I kind've have to talk to you about something. Uh, so, Noel...she's great, huh?" Pause. I got up and pressed my back against the doorway, eavesdropping. "Uh, I...I really hope you don't get mad when I say this. But...um, Noel is..." I bit my bottom lip, waiting for that eight-letter word. "She's pregnant. With my child."

There was a long silence. I tiptoed to Jimmy's room, patiently sitting on the bed until I heard Gloria's reaction.


About five minutes later, I heard footsteps ascend from the hall. I got up, peeking my head through the doorway. Jimmy had an exasperated look on his face. I approached him, wrapping my arms around him.


Pause. "Well, at first it took her a minute, but..." He started to smile. "She said that she can't wait for us to have a baby."

I let out a sigh in relief, pulling Jimmy in for a hug. "Oh my--that's so great!" A tear rolled down my cheek as we broke the hug. "Does she know that we want to move to the city?"

"Yeah, she was the one that found us a realtor. I called earlier and told them our deal, and he should be calling back either tonight or tomorrow to let us know."

I laughed and kissed him.

This was going to be our forever. I never knew that everything would turn out so well.


The next morning

As I slowly went back to consciousness, I fluttered my eyes open. I looked over to Jimmy's side; he wasn't there, but the unkempt spot where he slept was still there.

I threw the covers off of me, rubbing my eyes and sauntering out to the living room. I saw Jimmy sitting on the couch; his eyelids hanging, as if he were half-asleep. He noticed me and smiled, patting the spot next to him, indicating for me to sit down. I did, and he draped his arm around me.

"So, the realtor called..." His voice turned melancholy. "You still want that apartment?"

I gasped and tightly hugged him.

Sometimes I like to flashback to a year ago. I was a geek, graduated a virgin, knowing that I wouldn't have a chance with anyone. But look where I am now; I'm pregnant with the love of my life's child, we're engaged, and we'll spend our lives in the city.


The next day

Jimmy and I had finally settled into our new apartment. We finished unpacking the boxes, and our apartment was perfect. It made enough room for three people; me, Jimmy and the baby.

Speaking of the baby, today was the ultrasound. We would be seeing the baby for the first time, and hopefully, finding out the sex. We still needed to do shopping for a nursery, but we wanted to decorate it based on the gender.

"Okay, ready to go find out if we have a girl, or a boy, or twins or triplets or quadruplets or---"

"One baby at a time, Jimmy. Jesus fucking Christ," I joked with a laugh.


We arrived at the doctor, and they immediately took us in. We waited about fifteen minutes before the doctor, Dr. Wells, came in. I was relieved to find out that it was a girl.

She was middle-aged, maybe in her mid forties, with brown hair that doesn't have a single strand of gray in it. Impressive.

"Hello, everyone. How are you?" She asked as she grabbed everything she needed for the ultrasound.

"We're excited!" Jimmy said, squeezing my hand.

"That's good; you should be."

Dr. Wells lifted up my shirt and slathered the lubricating gel on it. She started pressing the scanner against my belly---which made chills run up my spine, it was freezing---and immediately, the image of the baby showed up. It took me a minute to adjust my eyes, but I could manage to make out the head. I looked over to Jimmy, and his eyes were red-rimmed, as if he were about to cry. I smiled, and turned my attention back to the ultrasound.

"This is the head," Dr. Wells traced her finger along the outlining of the head.

Once we were done with the ultrasound, Dr. Wells said she would come back in a few minutes, then left.

"Jesus, that was..." Jimmy started. "Nothing like I've ever seen before."

"I know," I murmured, wiping the tears away. "We are so gonna be great parents!"

"You bet your ass we are!" Jimmy agreed. I placed a lingering kiss on his lips.

Seven minutes later, the door opened again.

"We got the results, and if you guys would like to know, do you want to know the sex of the baby?" Dr. Wells asked, looking from me and Jimmy to her clipboard.

I knew Jimmy didn't want to know until the baby was born, so I shook my head. "No. I think we're gonna wait until it's born."

She smiled. "Alright. I'll see you guys next appointment."


That night, me and Jimmy were on the patio. I was sitting on his lap, my arms wrapped around him. We spent a few good minutes just gazing at the beautiful city; the lights, the buildings, everything.

As we were staring, my phone chimed in my pocket. It was my mother calling, but I ignored it. I didn't wanna talk to them right now.

All of a sudden, Jimmy lifted up my shirt, exposing my baby bump.

"Hey little, um, whatever you are," Jimmy started talking to the baby. I laughed. He placed his hand on my belly as he talked: "I want you to know that I can't wait for you to come out of your mother's vagina," I playfully slapped him upon the head, giggling. "But for real, I can't wait to see you. I know your mother and I are young, but we will be great parents, I promise. I mean, I dunno about me, I might teach you to get sent to to principal's office for joking around in class like I did, but Noel is already there. I know she'll be an amazing role model to you. I don't know if I'm a parent quite yet, but Noel is already there. Now, you enjoy being inside of mommy while I'm not, and I love you," he kissed my stomach. I started to tear up at what he said.

It can't get any better than this.


#JoelFeels 💕

Do you think Jimmy and Noel will make good parents? Why or why not?

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