1. Kiss and Tell

"A novel of the century, Seven Minutes in Heaven discusses issues that no other Jimmy Fallon fan fiction ever comes across. With LGBTQ and teenage pregnancy, this book is something to look toward to. You will be at the edge of your seat, begging for more drama, more romance, and of course, more Jimmy."
---Valerie Dominguez ( Enchancer97 )

"Mom, I'm telling you, Mr. Huffman will literally murder me if I get one more tardy. I need to go!" I demanded, throwing one of the straps of my book bag on my shoulder.

"Honey, you'll be fine!" My mother shot back. "Besides, who cares? I told you you didn't have to go. All it is is the last day; the graduation ceremony already passed, so it's not like anythings gonna happen."

I let out an aggravated sigh. "C'mon, Parker, finish up your cereal, I'm gonna be late!" I snapped at Parker, my twelve year old brother.

Parker snarled, then brought his bowl to the sink. I wiggled my wrist, trying to drain all the adrenaline.

"Fasterrr!" groaned, clapping my hands in a chop-chop manner.

My mother jiggled her keys on her lanyard. Parker grabbed his book bag off the back of his chair and raced out the door, my mother and I following.

Everyone climbed into the car. I plugged my headphones into my iPod and turned on Bad Reputation by Joan Jett.


My mother pulled into the parking lot of I. P. Worthington High School. I slid open the door to the van, stopping to say, "Love you, mom," and mussed Parker's hair, which is our signal of 'Love you, goodbye'.

I climbed out and closed the door, then started for the sidewalk leading to the blue double doors where everyone had to stand outside until the clock hit 7:45 a.m. at the tip of the nose.

I searched through all the kids, looking for Daniella and Marion, my "clique", I guess you could call them.

I spotted Daniella's unique head of white-blond hair. I elbowed through the crowd until I reached Daniella and Marion.

I popped one earbud out of my right ear. "Guys!" I squealed, jumping up and down. They both turned their heads on cue, and their eyes brightened.

"Noel!" Marion squealed back, jumping up and down with me while Daniella giggles at how dumb we looked in the background.

"I can't believe we're going to be released from this hell hole, finally!" Daniella cheered, throwing her arms up.

Marion and Daniella and I have always been the most popular clique, ever since the tenth grade. Up to this day I still wonder why these girls wanted me in their clique; I've always thought of myself as just a typical girl.

The assistant principle, Mrs. Huffman, finally opened the doors. Everyone rushed in, flooding the hallways.

I walked next to the girls, looking around the school thinking: This is the last time I'm ever going to see these hallways.

I thought I was going to be bawling my eyes out, but I wasn't. I felt a flush of relief now that I was free from a prison called school.

Everyone called me a geek because I was a straight A student, and said how I take school way too seriously (not to mention that I'm president of the student council). But frankly, I'm just trying to survive here just like every other nerd in this school.

I swept my bangs to the side, splitting my mahogany hair into two pieces and laying them splayed on my shoulders.

"I'll meet you guys at math," I told the girls once we were close to my locker. They both nodded, then I started for my locker.

I punched in my combination and got my books for English, math and history. I wrapped my earbuds around my iPod, keeping them plugged in, then tucked them into the front pocket of my book bag.

Daniella was throwing a party at her house to celebrate graduation. Of course, every "cool kid" in our grade is coming. I still wasn't sure if I wanted to go; I've never been a huge fan of parties.

At the corner of my eye, I spotted the most popular boy in school, James Fallon.

I've always had a vague crush on him (every since the ninth grade), but I don't think I would ever date him. If he was my boyfriend, I would be constantly paranoid he would cheat on me, considering every single girl in this school drools over him. I just enjoy the view.

As for me, Noel Pelletier, I've never had a "serious" boyfriend. In the seventh grade, I predicted that I would graduate high school a virgin. Well, there you go.


English, to me, is the longest period of the day. I suck at English, I do better in math than anything. Everyone always grimaces whenever I say that I major in math and say, "Ewieee!"

The second bell rung and I strolled over to math class right across the hall. I perched onto my desk next to Marion and Daniella.

"I'm so stoked for this day to be over!" Marion said, stretching. Her crunchy dark brown curls bounced when she slumped up straight in her desk.

"Who isn't?" I said through giggles. Mr. Classen, the math teacher, walked in and started writing on the board.

Mr. Classen finished what he was writing on the board. It said Agenda: then at the bottom said, Nothing!!!

I heard faint snickers sound from the front of the room when they noticed what he had written on the board. He clasped his hands together, smiling genuinely.

"Good morning! Welcome to math where we will be learning about..." Mr. Classen pointing to the 'Nothing!!!' on the board. "Nothing! Absolutely...nothing!"

The class bursted into cheers. I went along with everyone and cheered too.

"Congratulations to everyone who has passed school, now your everyday lives will be different. Now school is no longer your main worry; your future is. Who's sad to be leaving school?"

Everyone stayed silent.

"Crickets, crickets," I mumbled, loud enough for the whole class to hear. Everyone bursted into hysterical laughter.

Mr. Classen raised his eyebrows. "Well then, miss Pelletier."

I giggled.

Mr. Classen continued: "I have no work for you guys today, so you all can chat with your friends. But please, inside voices."

The girls and I talked about what we were wearing to the party. Up to this minute, I still wasn't sure if I exactly wanted to go.


The day moved along, then the dismissal bell rung. I hopped out of my seat, gathered my books, then hopped gleefully to my locker, a smile pasted on my face.

No more teachers, no more books. No more teachers, dirty looks.

I handed all of the textbooks that belonged to my teachers back to them as I went to their class. I shoved all my binders, folders, etc. into my book bag. I had to carry some of them because they wouldn't fit.

I spotted my mother's black van pulling up the curb. I climbed into the passenger seat.

"Hi doll face! No more school!" My mom cheered.

I laughed. "Yeah, it's crazy, isn't it?"

My mother pulled out of the line of cars and started toward the exit. "Are you still going to Daniella's party tonight? I can take you out to get you dolled up."

I shrugged. "Not sure yet,"

My mother frowned. "Why not, sweetheart? It'll be fun!"

"I mean, I didn't say I wasn't gonna go for sure, I just said I might not go. I may change my mind later." I turned my gaze to the empty back seat, where Parker usually sits. "Where's Parker?"

"Oh, he went to go hang out with Jayden for a bit." I nodded in understanding.


6:43 p.m.

17 minutes until Daniella's party

I looked into my mirror that hung outside of my bedroom door. I decided that I was going to give this party a try.

I was wearing a short plain black dress with black pantyhose and black boots that had vague heel. The boots reached up to the bottom of my knees. I put my mahogany hair in a hair ponytail as my choppy bangs rested on my forehead.

I posed into the mirror, thinking that the outfit may be adequate to the cool kids dress code.

I walked downstairs, grabbed my purse, then started for the door.

Before I could walk out, my mom said, "Honey, you look stunning!"

I laughed. "Thanks,"

"Do you need me to drive you?"

"No, I'm okay, mom. I'll drive myself."

"Okay, have fun! Love you!"

I walked outside, then clicked the unlock button on the car keys to my mother's van.

I climbed in and put the key in the ignition, the car roaring to life. I backed out of the circular driveway, then made my way to Daniella's house.


7:01 p.m.

I walked up Daniella's doorsteps to her McMansion. I knocked on the door with a melodic rhythm.

Daniella opened the door. She looked me up and down, her jaw hanging down. "Oh. My. God." She gasped. "Look at you, hot stuff!"

"Stop," I said through chuckles. Daniella stepped aside to let me in. I walked in, looking around her house.

The bass from a song was blaring through her speakers. There were at least twenty people here (in the living room, anyway).

I hung out, greeted everyone, then went to talk to the girls.

At the corner of my eye, I could see James Fallon. Tingles rushed up my spine as (I think, it might just be me) his eyes landed on me.

"I'm gonna start the game now," Daniella said, looking at the time on her phone. She sashayed to the middle of the living room.

"Everyone! Can I have your attention please!" Daniella screamed. Everyone turned their heads toward her. "If you wanna play a game, circle up on the floor, I guess right where I'm standing!"

About fifteen people circled around each other. I sat next to the girls, as usual.

Once everyone that was playing was seated and everyone else was hanging out somewhere else, Daniella placed a beer bottle in the middle of the circle. Then, I immediately knew what we were playing.

Spin the bottle.

This game always made me cringe.

"Okay, so here's how this works," Daniella yelled, her voice echoing. "We are going to play spin the bottle. But, we are going to add a few tweaks to the game. If the same two people get chose to kiss each other three times, they have to go in there..." She pointed towards the door, which leads to a room where they keep all their shoes, but it's oversized enough to fit about ten people in there. "To do seven minutes in heaven."

Everyone oohed and aahed. "But while we're playing, no matter if you land on a girl and you're a girl, or you land on a dude and you're a dude, you still have to kiss them. Lip to lip. No blowing kisses or any cheap shit like that."


"And if you go into seven minutes of heaven, you have to make out with the person. No pretending and doing nothing instead, you have to make out with the person."

Double dammit.

"Let's start..." Daniella spinned the bottle, and it landed on Chandler DeLong, one of James's buddies.

Daniella spun the bottle again, and it landed on Marion. She clapped a hand over her mouth, squinting her eyes.

They both leaned out and kissed each other, everyone over-dramatically gasping.

Daniella spun the bottle again, and it landed on me.

"Dammit," I murmured to myself, closing my eyes.

Daniella spun the bottle again, then it landed in the one person I was hoping it wouldn't land on.


"Ooh!" Everyone howled simultaneously.

I licked my lips in embarrassment. We both leaned in, and (barely) kissed lip-to-lip.

I wiped my lips, getting his DNA off my lips. Everyone barked out laughing.

James laughed, too. "Aw, c'mon, I'm not that bad!"

Daniella spun the bottle a few more times, even two girls had to kiss each other, until it landed on me again.

She spun again, and it landed on Jamss again.

"No!" I sarcastically whined. "Why?!"

I closed my eyes and laughed. We learned in and kissed each other again.

I fanned myself of embarrassment and sipped my beer out of my red solo cup.

After about seven more spins, I was almost wasted from my beer; my vision was hazy and I felt slightly dizzy.

Daniella spun the bottle, then it landed on James. She spun it again, then it landed on me.

Everyone oohed. Then it sunk in: we had to do seven minutes in heaven.

Daniella walked over to the door and opened it, as if she was a peasant opening the door to her king and queen. "Off you two go."

I hesitated, tempting to run out the front door.

James stood up, almost losing balance (he was most likely wasted, too), and then I followed.

We both walked in, and Daniella slammed the door behind us.

I sat down on the floor, crossing my legs. I looked around awkwardly, wanting James to break the silence.

I heard a pound at the door, frightening me out of my wits. "I don't hear anything in there. You two better get movin'!" Daniella said.

After a few more moments, James finally broke the silence: "Hi,"

"Hello," I said, my words already slurring from the booze.

I was so tempted to lean in and kiss him, but I fought the urge. Daniella was good at playing vicious girl; if she ever found out we didn't do anything, she would attack me like she was a cheetah and I was her prey.

"Should we just, like, make fake noises and stuff? Because, honestly, I don't wanna kiss you." I whispered so no one would hear, laughing. Jimmy laughed along.

"I don't wanna kiss you either," Jimmy whispered back.

I banged on the door, starting the I'm-pretending-to-make-out-with-James.

"Oh," Jimmy fake-moaned almost inaudibly. I laughed, trying not to make any sound.

"Damn, what're they doing in there?" I heard Daniella say outside the door.

I kissed my arm, making kissing sounds. I left lipstick marks on my forearm.

"Oh," I fake-moaned like Jimmy did, banging my fist lightly on the wall again.

"Hold on, c'mere." I whispered through hysterical laughter, gesturing James to come over here. He walked on his knees over to me, laughing so hard no sound was coming out of him. I swiped my finger along my lipstick and spread it all over James's lips. It was almost implausible, because James wouldn't stop laughing.

"Stop laughing!" I quietly scolded. I finished spreading the lipstick, then let out another fake-moan.

The rest of the time, we did the same routine; fake-moaning, fake-kissing-noises, etc.

Daniella pounded on the door. "Get out, you horny ass bitches!"

James and I walked out, everyone gazing at us. I looked at the lipstick I spread all over his lips, which he partly licked off.

The game lasted for about another ten minutes. I had to kiss another guy whom I've never heard of, but that was it for me. Thank God I didn't land on any girls.

After Daniella finally concluded the game, then everyone went back to dancing and talking with other people.

I elbowed through everyone until I found James. I pulled onto his arm until we were on the patio where no one else was.

We barked out laughing. "I can't believe we did that!" I squealed enthusiastically.

"Man, that's something I'll never forget," James said. "We needa prank people like that more often,"



11:37 p.m.

I pulled up my driveway, and parked my mother's van right behind my father's SUV.

instead of getting out, I leaned back and started laughing again.

I thought James might be a complete asshole, but he seemed like such a cool guy.

Maybe I was wrong.


Hi everyone! New story :)
I know this chapter was kinda crappy but it'll get better, stick with me 💕

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