seven ; the post-script
"In the blink of an eye, the dark faded out.
Blooming under the sunlight,
memories with me and you."
my you
!! what to expect : sappy fluff galore, smidgen of nsfw (handjob + one scene of implied lovemaking), some chaos (lame humour ahead rip), fast paced time-skips? if that's a thing, mentions of bodily and emotional insecurities, an implication of stage fright (very self indulgent lol), it does get angsty at one point since crying is involved, more easily hurt-comfort if that makes sense, a decade later and jeon jungkook is still very much in love with jeon lalisa what about it, a new character is introduced! :))
ps: 1) this was meant to be just a drabble at first so the word count might be laughable to look at LOL
2) there was still MORE stuff to write but I didn't want to stretch it and bore y'all out >:D
!! word count : 11k 🫠
It's getting late.
Or maybe it's early.
If Lisa was being utterly honest at this moment, she feared to look up at the clock hung up on the wall. She didn't need to check the time to know she hadn't slept at all, for days at a stretch.
For starters, Lisa has never been a morning person — since her days at the university to working at a corporate firm, Jungkook's calls have worked as her usual reminders to begin the day. Since the last couple of months, however, precisely the period around which she opted to work from home, things have been fairly different.
Somewhat less productive yet still exhausting as she likes to put it in words, when she forces herself out of the bed at the sound of the 6 am alarm that she had snoozed for God-knows-how-long to give up on sleep and see if she could do something productive with her life. It turns out the trip to the bathroom and some morning coffee worked best to get her life going for the day; before she made the mistake of adding a dose of more than intended coffee powder which left a bitter aftertaste in her tongue.
Way to start her day.
She was barely done pulling off clothes from the dryer before another loud alarm went off and she had to run back to the room to switch it off. Lisa had never relied on alarms so religiously in her whole life, detesting the idea of working herself like a robot of sorts, but alarms did serve one important purpose to discipline herself. She was motivating herself to improve on that point just so that she could stop having to rely on some damn annoying oldschool clock decibels blaring into her ears and ruining her mornings.
Quickly, she made it into the cot in the nursery to check up on her baby-boo, scooping the wide awake little being in her arms. "Time for brekkie, Bambi!"
Despite Lisa's efforts to get her three-month daughter to breastfeed the first meal of the day, Nari was increasingly distracted. This episode had continued since last week; and if she were being very frank, it was getting a tad bit frustrating, especially when Jungkook was not around. She switched from position to position, trying to comfort her daughter in every way possible until the two of them mutually settled on feeding in the living room.
By the time Jungkook returned from his workout session, he found his wife slow dancing with Nari cradled in her arms as she rocked their daughter's back to gently comfort her. After having untied his running shoes and shoving his gym bag to the side, he walked through the foyer to peck Lisa's forehead following their daughter's.
Almost instantly, Nari started to fidget in Lisa's hold, pushing her arms out that made her mother pout in annoyance. "She was just about to fall asleep. Thank you for distracting her, Papa Jeon."
Jungkook raised a brow at the odd choice of a nickname, but chose to ignore it anyway. "It seems she missed me. C'mere my baby Bambi." He snickered, taking his baby into his arms as Lisa watched the beaming father-daughter duo with a feigned disappointed look on her face.
"Lali, what's with the frown?" He asked, voice laced with concern as Lisa brushed his palm off her shoulder just when he was giving her a soothing press.
"Nothing except my arm, it hurts. Nari took nearly an hour to suckle milk today." She explained, buttoning up her pyjama top. "How about you give her a burp while I get her bathtub ready? Or do you need to freshen up first—"
"I'll play with her for sometime before I take a shower, I need to get ready for work. Good morning, precious princess, so pretty." Jungkook smiled at Nari, proceeding to muse about his many gym workouts and she would look at him, mirroring the same doe-like eyes that she most definitely inherited from him.
If anything, Nari held a striking carbon-copy resemblance to Jungkook, which earned her the nickname Bambi from Jungkook's parents. That albeit did not exclude the fact that most of the newborn's habits were picked up after Lisa, like her stubbornness, that Lisa's mother had pointed out when she came to visit the little princess just recently. So Lisa just watched them in awe, before leaving to prepare Nari's bathtub.
Usually mornings were less chaotic at the Jeon residence, and Nari too, was surprisingly less annoying during her bath routine. She would barely fidget and majorly stayed calm everytime her mother bathed her, perhaps attributing to the clean freak attitude that ran in her father's genes. The actual problem though — one that Lisa was absolutely terrified to face each day — was the routine that followed next; dressing her up.
It was no surprise that Nari too, was pampered with princess-like affections just like other newborns. However, it seemed that she had possibly taken the princess title a little too close to her heart, so much so that she absolutely loved to wreck her mother out in every respect whenever it was time to change into a new diaper and a fresh set of clothes. Firstly, her nose scrunched in disgust which was a way to indicate she didn't want to wear the outfit Lisa had picked out for her. Secondly, if she had a shred of doubt that her mother wasn't going to replace the outfit of the day, she would roll around the place, making it near to impossible for Lisa to get her daughter dressed.
In these three months since Nari's heartbeats first resonated in the house, Lisa was certain her daughter hated her. Sure, hatred was a strong word, but the Internet had a say that children tend to develop strong affections for a favourite parent and she, in particular wasn't exactly Nari's favourite, much to her plight. The disrespect also seemed like an unfair deal on Lisa's part, considering that she grew the little pea into the size of a melon for a whole nine months in her womb and birthed her after a twelve hour long labour struggle, only for her to be ignored most of the time by her own blood. Well, except for times her daughter was hungry, of course.
Firmly having her daughter placed on the dressing unit, Lisa scurried through the diaper pouch to somehow get done with the diaper without Nari's attention at least, so that fitting her into an outfit became easier and less chaotic.
But, of course, little Nari was not going to let that happen.
Why? She had already spotted the neatly folded outfit of the day lying on the bed — the ostentatious bright red polka dot rompers, a gift from grandma. No words were required to express the distress whenever she saw the sight of the dress, and in an instant, her face curled into an angry frown, tiny palms enclosed in fists as a form of protest.
Slapping an ounce of baby lotion onto her palm, Lisa tried to get her baby's attention back to her as she generously massaged the lotion onto her thighs. "Okay... ready, are we?"
Nari only kept rolling about her stomach as Lisa was busy trying to figure out how to slip in her nappy and get half of the job done. Factually speaking, diapers are mostly deconstructed, diy underwear — all she needed to do was fix some straps and bingo! She could have her personal eureka moment. But with Nari distracted, the plight on Lisa's face was a strong indication that her struggle wasn't going to end seemingly sooner.
"Bambi, we're never going to get this diaper on if you keep kicking me," she complained, when Nari kept digging her tiny feet onto Lisa's still very sensitive stomach every now and then. As if comprehending her mother's words, she now started to babble out loudly as Lisa pushed in one half of the diaper with great difficulty.
Great going, just get the other half....
Wait a second.
Uh oh.
The straps didn't look right. She had accidentally switched the front side for the back.
"Sorry baby, let me just..." Lisa attempted to lift Nari up to get the diaper out from her bum, only to have the child crumple up her face and wail loudly.
Once Nari started to wail, there was no way in hell she would calm down sooner. Giving her anything in hand, be it a pacifier or a toy was only going to get thrown out in a fraction of seconds and the strain of redness on her child's face was enough for Lisa to understand she had pissed off her daughter, as part of some vicious cycle once again.
"Oh goodness, why are you crying? There's nothing to cry about! Just stay still for me while I..."
Oh no.
The baby started to cry even louder and Lisa was certain her ears would bleed to death at this point. It was true that Lisa had cursed herself a billion times in college that she would probably die at the hands of her professors, yet never had she envisioned her life could also end at the hands of her own infant daughter. Nari was gifted with a strong pair of lungs for sure. And seeing her cry so bad and resist being pulled onto her hold, Lisa looked like she was on the verge of having a nervous meltdown too.
Until the saviour jumped heroically into the scene.
"Lali! What did you do?" Jungkook immediately rushed out of the shower, dressed scantily with only a towel clad around his waist and droplets of water dripping down his wet hair. "Ya, what makes you think I'm the one who did something?" She scoffed, passing off the diaper in Jungkook's hand.
"Shh baby, nothing to worry, Daddy's here..." Jungkook wiped the tears away from her cheeks, giving her a smile. "Daddy will be changing your diaper, we can't hang out in a poopy dress all day, can we?"
Gently sliding down the diaper underneath Nari's bum, Jungkook quickly tightened the straps around her waist. How was Nari keeping up all this while, you ask? Well, surprise, surprise! Her yowls were reduced to occasional hiccups and she barely moved when he tucked her legs and buttoned up her rompers.
"Look Bambi, we're done! Oh my, tell me whose baby is this cute?" Jungkook cooed, tickling his daughter's plump belly as she let out a cheerful burble.
"Lali, I know you're worn out but maybe you should consider yelling at our three month old baby is not gonna help, hmm?"
"Hey, I wasn't yelling—"
"You kind of were..." he mumbled in a voice close enough for Lisa to hear and grow out her frustration.
"Why don't you consider getting yourself dressed instead, you might call in sick if you roam around naked for so long." Lisa suggested, proceeding to cradle their daughter in her arms. Jungkook rubbed his nose against Nari as he walked towards his wardrobe while Lisa walked out of the room.
Settling Nari on the playmat with her sensory toys, Lisa went on to prepare Jungkook's breakfast as he was leaving for work. Her hands worked on autopilot, frying omelettes in the pan by the time Jungkook got ready.
Fixing his cufflinks, Jungkook looked at his wife's direction as she got his breakfast in her hands. "Do you want to take a shower? I can look after Nari for a bit before I leave." He placed a chaste kiss on her lips as he took the plate from her hands, patting her back twice before he walked towards his daughter who had her fist stuffed into her mouth.
As Lisa stepped into the bathroom, the first thing that escaped past her lips was a dejected sigh.
When the hot water made contact against her skin, she felt like she was slowly being regenerated back to life — maybe for a short while, but she wanted to grasp onto it as if the water that rained on her was an elixir to her growing pains.
The exhaustion in the recent months after her delivery was constantly making her feel like she was about to pass out the entire time; the postpartum bloating had induced a feeling of looking marginally bloated, which made her self conscious before the mirror (even though she was still in her normal weight by all medical technicalities), her clothes were stained in a number of bodily liquids — be it her own sweat, her daughter's tears and snots, her breasts felt heavier and were always leaking with milk and her nipples seemed to have grown numb and chapped altogether with all the suckling and biting around the area.
Her hand reached for the conditioner bottle, only to frown in disbelief as she stared at the empty container. She remembered three days ago when Nari had thrown up on her hair and she chose to shampoo immediately before her lunatic alter ego suggested her to shave off her head completely. That was when she had noticed the conditioner was needing a replacement. A thing so small would actually compare to nothing to fuss about, yet it instantly reminded her of the fact that grocery list was pending and this chore had made to her prime-time priority checklist. The frustration of all the work piling one over another was already bubbling up inside her head, instigating her to burst out a litany of expletives under her breath.
Then there was this one time, a couple of weeks ago when Lisa had accidentally switched the sensitive-skin friendly fabric softener for the normal one into the washer, causing harsh irritated rashes to erupt over Nari's skin and the couple had to rush their two-month infant to the paediatrician in the dead of the night.
This apparently evoked the train of thoughts Lisa once had about raising a child with Jungkook — she had only been three months in and life as a mother already seemed to be laborious, if working from home hadn't added to the exertion already. She was well versed with the idea that parenting was difficult, so she and Jungkook had mutually agreed on the idea to have a kid only after they had saved enough to become financially stable on their own.
In contrast to her earlier apprehensions, Jungkook was apparently excelling in the dad department; right from patiently dealing with Nari's sudden emotional outbursts to being a certified burp master. How could he not? He possessed a pandora of talents, surprising her almost everyday as if they hadn't been together for ten years already. And at the other corner stood Lisa, fretting over how she'd survive the challenges of motherhood when she couldn't even put a diaper on correctly.
Time and again throughout her pregnancy, she had survived on the reassurance and care Jungkook had provided her. He always made sure that she never felt alone in her struggles, through his own little efforts. It was also his extended dedication that the couple were able to clear their mortgage before the newborn was warmly welcomed into the peaceful abode that she could get to call, her own. Yet, he already had responsibilities outside of home, and Lisa didn't want to overburden him with anymore work, even if it meant that she was obligated to step up and care for the home in every aspect as part of her duties as a wife, a mother. Even if the exertion and surge of hormones were bridging a constant banter against her determination. Nevertheless, she wasn't going to let that lower down her optimism — maybe she just needed to give it some more time, a little more patience and care, she concluded; everything would change for the better in the matter of time.
By the time Jungkook returned back from home, he was greeted by the sight of Nari buckled up into the infant-only car seat resting on the couch while Lisa danced to a wacky nursery rhyme that played on the TV. Lisa was still unmindful of Jungkook's presence, and he had an excellent idea to surprise her, by snaking his arms around her waist and pulling her back to rub against his torso, much to her shock.
"Oh my God, you nearly gave me a stroke, Koo—"
"Well I wasn't prepared to see your tush perked up mid-air the minute I stepped into the house either," he teased, brushing his nose against her cheek. "How was your day?"
"Let's just say Nari wasn't the happiest to see me divert my attention from her for one second. She sat on my lap while I answered my clients' emails and slept beside me the entire time I attended my meetings throughout the day. How about you, no calls today?"
"Not particularly thrilling as you, I basically had a run around the office because Yoongi hyung's instructions had me rushing our team to get everything set for tomorrow. Couldn't annoy you as much as I do on a regular basis by calling you up every two hours," Jungkook chuckled, watching his wife's face morph into one of confusion.
"What's so special tomorrow?"
"Oh, we are testing the prototype of the product we are preparing to launch by the end of the third quarter. Yoongi hyung suggested that I go up and present the model at the investors' conference and pitch about how it can boost our sales."
"So, a big day tomorrow, huh?"
"Hmm, one of the most critical one, we've been working on it for months. I usually manage the back-end of our projects and this is the first time I'm going up the stage, in years. When was the last time I even walked up the stage? Graduation, I guess?"
" time was fairly recent. Remember when you got the employee of the year award, the HR team did felicitate you!"
"Yeah! It slipped out of my head, that was last year I believe? I mugged up a few thank you lines from somewhere...this time it's a much bigger responsibility, and the nervousness of representing the entire Product Innovation team as a spokesperson might actually kill me, especially if you won't be there with me. I don't want to make a fool of myself and blank out in the middle—"
"Woah, hey. We're all meant to start somewhere, don't we? I'm sure you'll do great, Koo." Sensing the hyperventilation in Jungkook's tone, Lisa's eyes twinkled. Her voice was clear of any qualms when she gave her husband an affirmative press to his arm. "Just walk in with a calm mind and try interacting with the investors first to settle an atmosphere, and perhaps just be a natural, like you'd speak to me. Some articulation to not make it sound too factory-like, that should help."
"I'll always cheer you on, even if I won't be physically present for the event. Alright?"
"Yeah." He answered with a little sigh, and Lisa noticed how his lips upturned, as if draining away all the worries from his stress-laden face. Surprisingly, she felt as if her own fatigue had disappeared for a stray second. Smiles are contagious indeed.
"It might be late by the time I get home, so I won't be able to see Nari and you for almost an entire day."
"You could play with her now though. I was with her the whole day, I haven't been able to get all the chores done yet."
"Do you need my help?" He asked as he went to unbuckle the straps from Nari's seat, while Lisa was headed towards the kitchen. "No, I think I'll manage."
"Just give me a call if you need anything, I'm taking Bambi upstairs to the terrace." Jungkook said when he lifted Nari, as the latter rested her chin on his shoulder. "Oh and—"
"Yeah?" Lisa looked over her shoulder while she tied the apron across her waist.
"You're doing great, Lali, just remember that." He smiled as he walked away, with her looking puzzled at his words. Yet, she couldn't deny his little affirmation was enough to cause a giddy sensation in her heart.
3:42 am
Lisa's eyes flew awake upon hearing a sudden loud cry. Immediately jolting up on the bed, she switched on the bedside lamp when she felt some shuffling beside her. "Jungkook—"
He placed a comforting hand on her thigh. In a weak voice, he spoke, "rest up a bit. You've been up countless times tonight already, I'll get her."
"You've had a long day at work yesterday, and today's an important day for you. I can take care of it, alright Koo?" Lisa gave Jungkook some reassurance as he tried getting up, only to fail out of exertion. He rolled over his stomach, until his head finally hit the pillow and his snores from a second later confirmed he had dozed off again. Lisa couldn't help but snicker at her husband, before ruffling his hair.
It was the very moment Nari's wails went an octave higher as Lisa crawled out of the bed towards the adjacent room with a sleepy yawn. "Omo sweet baby..." she placed a hand on the crib, leaning forward to her crying baby, "can't sleep? Mommy can't either. Come, let's try sleeping together." Scooping her up into her arms, Lisa brought her out to the living room.
By this time, Nari's chin was already rested against the crook of her mother's neck and Lisa's shoulder was drenched in copious amounts of tears and snot. "Are you hungry?" She voiced, trying to nurse her but as she had suspected, it wasn't helping, considering she woke up only an hour ago to breastfeed during the night. So for the next twenty minutes, Lisa tried to calm her child, but none of her attempts seemed to work.
Nursing? Failed.
Pacifier? Nari kept spitting the poor thing out and Lisa was tired of reaching for it every time at this point.
Lullaby? Lisa wasn't sure what was the one song Jungkook had made up by himself to sing to Nari that she'd grown to like. So she tried to fill in the missing words by humming the melody but it only seemed to worsen her cries.
Just as she was beginning to bounce her, Jungkook stood by the door of the nursery, still rubbing his eyes to get a clear view of the otherwise dark room. "She's still crying? Let me try."
With her arms tired and devoid of any sensation, Lisa chose it was a better option to allow Jungkook take the lead this time. He started to hum the same melody while stroking her back, strolling back and forth across the room and again his voice seemed to do the magic — Nari's cries began to lower down into whimpers.
"...Hope my you sleep tight, shining purple light", he whispered his self made lyric in a sing-song voice and in the span of a few minutes the house went eerie quiet and in no way Lisa could come in terms to believe that Nari actually fell asleep.
"Now let's hope she doesn't wake up again in the two hours of whatever is left of our sleep." Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief as he placed the sleeping baby back into her bassinet.
That is so not fair. Lisa's conscience screamed internally at her yet she chose to ignore, curling herself into Jungkook's embrace when they jumped back into bed. She was exhausted enough to the point where she was desperately in need to complete her daily sleep requirement in whatever time was left before daybreak.
The 6 am alarm went off like any other day, and a sleep-deprived Lisa heaved an exhausted sigh; the cold November air did more than enough in keeping her glued to the bed, alleviating any ounce of energy left in her body to begin her day. Yet, as she snuck her hand out of the duvet to reach for the clock, she was pulled further away from the table — until her back flushed comfortably against her husband's chest, the cool chill of his fingertips wrapping up around her breasts through the supple material of her pastel pyjamas.
"Koo ~ oh my, you're freezing." She groused, only nestling herself back into him. Lisa spotted the grumbling look that rested on Jungkook's face at the sound of her slowly waking him up. Strands of unruly raven hair kept falling over his sleepy eyes as he shuffled in his sleep.
"It's because it is freezing." The response came out as a part groan.
"Well, sleeping naked in winters is certainly a choice."
"I do have a shirt on."
"It doesn't do enough, does it? You throw in your gym clothes so you can hop out of the bed and go for a run. They're not the material that can keep you warm at night, but would you ever listen? Now put your feet away from me, they literally feel like ice slabs."
Even though Jungkook laid still with his head resting calmly on the pillow, his ears actively pay heed to his wife's words — it's only after he frowns his brows and grumbles a second time, a response slips out of his tongue. "You do an excellent job in keeping me warm."
Jungkook's eyes continued to remain shut, still being able to sense the coy grin on her lips. With a slight chortle, Lisa etched close to face him, rubbing herself against Jungkook's torso to enjoy the moments of his dwindling body heat while he struggled to stay awake.
Normally a routine sleeper, Jungkook hadn't had a great sleep in a while — the chilling weather outside was prompting him to curl further into the duvet and sleep for a little longer — but with Lisa awake, he knew the chances of getting away with a fraction of sleep had slimmed down to a thread. He tried to hug his wife tighter in an attempt to lull her, only twitching in irritation as she kept shifting in his hold.
"You're so grumpy!" He heard Lisa giggle at him, reciting how Nari was a splitting image of him. Feeling defeated, his eyes finally flutter open to glare at her. "I'm not grumpy, I'm just cold."
With that, he pettily turns to the other side, sinking into the pillow and deliberately wrapping himself under the warm blanket as if he doesn't already know his wife would hug him from behind. Some seconds of peaceful silence follow, and Lisa wonders how she could break it. Not only was she completely sleep ridden now — she knew better that Jungkook had to leave early today, and Yoongi was supposed to call him in some time. And then was a moment of enlightenment, a timid smirk played on her lips as she knew exactly how she could wake her husband.
Her arms looped around his waist, one of her hands moving south to trail her featherlight fingers trail over his abdomen. Albeit a tad bit grumpy, Jungkook melted in her touch, reeling back into her with the warm press of her palms. It was only a matter of seconds after until he was relaxed and his breaths mellowed down — she swiftly traced her fingers into the waistband of his sweats, languidly gripping the semi-hard bulge of his cock as he jolted in her hold.
"Lali...what are you doing?" He gasped, taking shaky, surprised breaths — Lisa could feel him twitch in her palm as she stroked up and down his length, well informed that was definitely awake now.
"Warming you up. Didn't you say I'm good at it?" She teased, her voice steady and soft, wrist working around him to get the blood rushing to his hardening member. Jungkook was growing bigger within her grasp, and that was her queue to take the next step. She smeared the pre-cum all over the head of his cock, drawing small circles around his blushing tip, the way she knew made him utterly pliant.
"No. I're excellent. Shit—" his gravelly voice travelled straight down to her core, spurring her on, so she flicked her wrist just a little faster, again. She squeezed him a little tighter before loosening her grip, going back and forth in a way that made the man's head spin. The pacing was all it took to have the muscles of his back stiffen against her chest and rock his throbbing cock in her fist. Lisa gave Jungkook a lidded look from over his shoulder, noticing the flush blooming along her husband's pretty features and his lips part in a daze . The one downside of having Jungkook like this — was being unable to meet his gaze to witness the morning mess he had become under her effect as she continued to pump him so desperately.
A low groan escaped past Jungkook's lips as he mumbled breathily, "m fucking close," ignited by the urge to make him finish, Lisa fastened her movements, determined to make him find his euphoria. The sight comes in not so long after; throwing his head back onto her shoulder, the ridges of his abdomen clenching as his cock twitched and his release dribbled from his tip, warm and thick as it covered her hand, making a mess of his sweats as his seed spilled all over.
Instinctively, Lisa leaned over her side and pressed her lips against Jungkook's flushed cheeks while he was descending from his climax, breathing hard, sinking further into her body now that she had loosened him up even more. "Fuck babe, that was great. Need a nap now." Jungkook rasped as he pressed a chaste kiss on Lisa's lips, the latter returning him a look of bewilderment.
"Yoongi would kill you. And besides, I have to feed Nari." She quipped, as Jungkook quirked a brow.
"It's not even that late. What time could it be now? 6:30?"
"You really wanna know? 7:03."
Lisa watched amused as her husband's face dropped. "You better be joking." He climbs over her, peering over the alarm clock, the the digits in red blaring at him like an emergency reminder.
"Shit." He jumped out of the bed and rushed right into the bathroom and as Lisa let out a hearty laugh, honey-brown eyes brimming with a fondness reserved for nobody else but him.
In these recent months Lisa had realised that she wasn't able to grasp the concept of time since she hung out with Nari at home all day, and her brain was tricked into believing that it was nighttime when Jungkook returned home from work. However, it didn't mean she lived in solitude, because a chatterbox like her would've gone mentally insane if that was ever really the case. This was one of the reasons she had opted to have her job going instead of taking an extended sabbatical from work.
Also, the people around her did more than enough to give her a strong support anchorage that she was grateful for. Jungkook, especially, was a doting husband and a responsible father who had been by her side throughout the pregnancy and she didn't need to emphasise much on how he was always there for Nari when Lisa was busy with other chores. Despite being occupied with his work, he offered a helping hand to Lisa by cooking dinner sometimes when he came home early and giving her relaxing back massages before bed. Not to forget how he was usually the first one to jump out of the bed whenever Nari started crying in the middle of the night.
Eunha stopped by from time to time to spill the hot gossip from their office while Jisoo would talk her ears off about how getting back into acting after her breakup was one of the best decisions she'd ever made in life, the ever growing graph of fame slowly but steadily making into the highlights of her career. Yoongi, aside from being Jungkook's supervisor also happened to be a warm-hearted neighbour despite his rather cold exterior. He was especially the one who got Lisa to the hospital in his car out straight at midnight as Jungkook spoke away comforting words in her ear while she faced labour contractions. And of course there was Jin and his wife Irene, the latter who was more than willing to share a few parenting tips from her own experience with her son Iseul.
Mingyu and Bambam didn't require any certification to prove how they were both the best godparents ever — Jungkook left no moment to tease the two of how they'd swore they would never have kids in their lives because they believed that babies were disgusting and just constantly leaking with drool and snots and poop, but how all of that changed after Nari was born. The duo was w-h-i-p-p-e-d for the child, never forgetting to visit her at least twice a week. Mingyu would bring along his camera any time he stopped by the Jeon residence, and had dedicated a portfolio worth of photos documenting every little feature or habit of Nari he found cute — from slight nose scrunches in her sleep, to her tiny sausage-looking feet. On the other hand, Bambam spoiled Nari with gifts — from matching furry jackets to limited edition plushies — that Lisa had to actually threaten him that she'd not banish him from her house if he wouldn't take a break from the baby shopping spree; and Jungkook and Lisa bursted out into boisterous laughs every time they remembered how the guys had actually snatched Nari from Lisa's hands when they first got her home from the hospital to quarrel over who was the best godparent — she almost thought she'd never get her daughter back at that moment.
So maybe life as a mother wasn't that bad when Lisa took into account all her friends and family in her social circle who were always there for her whenever she needed to reach out to them.
But tonight things weren't the same. Usually because whenever things got rough, Lisa had someone to rely on, whereas this night was actually testing her.
Jungkook's presentation had him pretty occupied since early morning when he left for work with Yoongi. Mingyu and Eunha were out on a date for the first time (after he had secretly confided in Lisa one evening that he might have a little crush on her colleague and begged her to convince Eunha to go out with him). The last time she spoke to Jisoo, she had heard that her friend had been currently shooting for some movie project in Europe which meant that she couldn't see her until next month or so. Jin and Irene went on vacation to their native town with their toddler while Bambam was out clubbing Friday night with his office pals. Which mostly summed up the point that it was only Lisa and Nari at home for the later hour of the night. And Nari didn't seem to be taking it well, which explained why she was being impossibly difficult than usual.
Her mood was sour the moment she noticed her father's absence, which was longer than what she'd grown used to. Nari had a routine where Jungkook would serenade her with his guitar before she went to bed. While the TV played the nursery rhymes, her eyes were mostly fixated on the foyer, hoping for Jungkook to walk in soon.
The little baby hadn't cried in three hours, when Lisa was used to hearing her cries every twenty-thirty minutes round the clock. While it should've been a thing of relief, but in hindsight she was aware that she couldn't take this lightly because it meant that Nari's exasperation was filling up like a pressure cooker, waiting to burst into one of the most intense wails mankind had ever witnessed.
"Nari..." Lisa sighed irritably as she cradled her child on her lap, trying to nurse her only to have Nari whipping her head the other way and choosing to suckle on her thumb instead. "Bambi, Mommy's boobies might probably explode if you don't shove your mouth in right now."
Lisa tried to go for an umpteenth attempt only to have her daughter burst into tears and she had to scramble for her pacifier to get her cries down. "Fine, okay, mommy gets it, no milk for you." She hushed her and placed her back on the couch in front of the TV, choosing an hour long rhyme marathon so she stayed distracted while she tried to figure out how to get her daughter to feed her last meal before bed.
Lisa went into the kitchen to get a glass of water for herself, only to wince in pain as her hand reached up to cup her boob. God, if there was a mechanism to squish all the milk out to alleviate the ache—
Oh wait.
She did have a breast pump at home. It was a present from Mingyu who claimed he got it for a good deal at the baby mart, and Lisa was pretty sure she had stuffed it away into one of the lower cabinets after her mother and mother-in-law had collectively warned her not to trust those artificial devices and solely rely on breastfeeding as a primary choice in the early months of infancy. Lisa had never used a breast pump before and she knew it was lot more laborious but Nari didn't exactly leave her with much choice — she was refusing to feed from her breasts all day (which might've hurt her female ego a tad bit, to be honest) and her nipples were leaking more than usual because there was an obvious overproduction of milk.
So praying for this last option to work, she went on to look for the machine and wash the contents, watch one tutorial for reference, before attaching the mouth of the pump to her breast and pressing the switch. In an instant, Lisa felt as if all her sorrows and stresses were being pumped out along with the milk — inflicting a relief like no other. She sat down on the couch at an arm's distance from her daughter, scrolling through her phone. The continuous pumping sound was much quieter than what she had expected and soon Lisa found herself almost drifting off to sleep.
Everything was peaceful despite the cheerful rhymes playing on the TV and Nari's occasional babbles. Lisa's sleepy eyes followed to the side to take a little glance and—
Oh no.
"Oh My God, Nari!" Lisa immediately stretched her arm out to prevent her baby from rolling off the couch. Nari let out a shriek, before she was pulled into her mother's embrace and the whole incident was so puzzling for the child that she started to cry into Lisa's shoulder out of fear. Meanwhile, Lisa sat in shock, sleep completely evaporated from her system, trying to proceed the horrific imagery before her eyes — her little heroic stunt did manage to save her daughter from falling and getting any injuries, yet unfortunately the milk bottle wasn't closed properly — it went tumbling down the table, spilling milk everywhere from Lisa's clothes to the expensive rug underneath the couch.
Lisa wasn't half as worried for the rug than she was for her baby. The only thing, however, that had her land up in shock and stay rooted to her position on the couch was the fact that the milk dripping down and soaking into the rug was meant to be for Nari, and now it was all gone.
But it was no use crying over spilt milk (literally), was it?
"It's okay, it's okay, don't cry baby." Lisa tried consoling Nari, but the words were somehow meant for herself more than her child as the negative emotions dawned upon her idle state again. Her face was steeped in hopelessness, the cries of her daughter fading away at the loud thumping of her own heart. Lisa got rid of the pump and shoved her aching boob back into the bra and returned her focus back to Nari, somehow gulping back her own tears as she tried to comfort her with sweet words, "nothing happened, mommy is here!"
Suddenly she heard the passcode being entered into the main door and a minute later, "Bambi, daddy could hear you from— woah." Jungkook was usually home to sight of Lisa with their baby, but the last thing he'd ever expected was his wife scrambled down on her knees, cradling their squirming baby into her arms and—
"I need to clean up the mess, can you—?" Lisa gestured, as he quickly nodded and took Nari from Lisa's arms, while Lisa rushed to the kitchen to get a mop and other cleaning supplies to help remove stains from the tiled flooring. And the smell, she definitely had to clean up fast and prevent the hall from the smell of milk, because nobody likes that.
"No crying, it's okay...." Jungkook occasionally hummed before he walked over to the bedroom as Lisa scurried to get everything cleaned up. One edge of the rug was drenched in fluids and it had to definitely go to the laundry sooner or later, but at least Lisa was able to get most of the milk out, using the phenyl to rid the smell.
Everything was fine, yes?
Lisa pressed her lips together and silently made way to keep the cleaning supplies back into place. Just as she was returning back, her eyes fell onto her reflection in the mirror — her face overwhelmed with exhaustion and despair. It almost gave her the impression that her reflection was mocking herself for her lacking qualities.
And suddenly it felt like all hell broke loose; but the chaos was due to voices in her own head. Lisa could feel her eyes go numb and tears well up in them, silently bearing all the things her conscience rebuked her with.
Lisa just couldn't do anything right for once, without inviting in more troubles. It was reasonable that she was hated by her own kid, she assumed; she couldn't breastfeed her own kid diligently — she was failing in all qualities of a mother despite trying so hard.
Was this an indication that she was a bad mother?
Truly, yes, she was an unfit mother.
"She's a bit cranky tonight, I wonder what's... woah, the floor's actually sparkling." Jungkook was met with no response but an eerie silence when he switched the TV off, and he swore the strange feeling pooling at his gut was warning him of the calm before the storm, though he wasn't able to put a finger on what was coming. "I'm starving Lali, did you have dinner too, or should we just—"
"I'm a horrible mother!" His head whipped instantly to the direction of Lisa who stormed into the couch from the kitchen, and to say Jungkook jolted in stupefaction was an understatement. "Lali... who said that?" He flopped to her side and took her hands in his, causing her fat droplets of tears to trickle onto their intertwined palms.
"Can't you see it yourself? I'm bad with just... everything! I can't get Nari to wear her diaper correctly, I can't get her to stop crying, I can't even get her to feed off me and I have to use a goddamn breast pump for that, only to have all of her meal wasted because I'm so clumsy with things... and it's so infuriating, I get why she hates me, it's my fault, I keep messing up." Lisa buried her head in the crook of Jungkook's neck, her tears dribbling down and drenching his office blazer. Her voice was mostly muffled since she kept sobbing in between, so all he could hear was a blur of couple things she was lamenting about, yet he could still understand she was going through an emotional breakdown from all the burden of things. And to see the misty-eyed face of his wife devoid of any expression except for sheer melancholia stirred a rift through his heart.
"How am I supposed to take care of a baby when I'm unable to take care of myself as an adult?"
"Shhh..." Jungkook didn't say anything for the next couple of minutes, choosing to let his wife cry all her anger and sorrow. Sometimes it was easier to let a shoulder for someone to cry on and grieve until they reached a point where they had no tears left to cry, the time when they could actually talk.
So when Lisa sniffled and pulled away from Jungkook, he could notice her eyes puffy, nose rheumy and lips swollen; basically every habit he saw in Nari was a replica of his wife. "You said you were starving, you didn't have dinner?" She spoke, trying to avoid all means of eye contact with her husband.
"I had this small hunch that you might have not eaten yet. So I drove straight home after the conference." Jungkook leaned in closer, his one hand caressing her tear-stained cheek while the other was still intertwined with Lisa. "Hey, you're a wonderful mother, alright? Don't let silly, negative thoughts cloud your head."
"But I simply can't do enough to meet the basic requirements, Jungkook! I stay at home all day long, I forget what time of the day it is, I run after Nari the whole day that I keep pushing the laundry and cleaning aside, I forget when I should be eating my meals and I can't even remember if I've eaten at times! And now I sound like a pathetic loser crying about all my faults because that's the only best thing I can do to myself." She scoffed, as Jungkook brushed her tears. "Am I not trying enough?"
"Don't belittle yourself, Lali. You're literally around our Bambi 24/7, managing everything in our house, you have full time duties of being a mother yet you still don't forget to check up on me while I'm gone."
"You don't understand, Koo. These motherly duties make me feel as if I'm not doing enough, I'm just fucking it up everytime while you're the star parent, the one she looks up to."
"No, you're not fucking it up, you hear me? Lali, every parent has their fuck up moments, they weren't gifted with parenting skills right when their child was born. Jin hyung told me he had once clipped his son's fingers when he was cutting his nails and Irene noona almost had him castrated—"
"...I'd be mad if you did that to our kid too." She spoke softly amidst her sobs.
"Oops — I better be careful then," he joked, his words causing her to crack up a little as she continued to sniff in his embrace. "But my point is, you don't have to burden yourself with everything, all at once. You're not alone in this Lali, you have me, you have everyone. So don't ever think what you're doing is not enough. Whatever you're doing will never be less important than what I can ever do outside of home. Never forget that Nari is half of you and half of me. And she has her fussy and grouchy moments and she'll probably be even more chaotic once she becomes a toddler. But whenever I see you caring for our kid, juggling all the other things in between and still being able to give her the time because I can't due to work, loving her as much as I do, I just know there's no woman in this world who can be more perfect than you to raise our child."
Her eyes flickered elsewhere as Jungkook gave her palm a gentle press. "It will get better, I can assure you that. But for now, the only thing you need to remember is that you're an amazing mother. Look into my eyes and say it."
"'re an amazing moth—"
"Are we serious, Lali?"
"Alright, fine, I guess I'm just nervous...." she breathed in while fanning her face, "I'm... I'm an am... amazing mother."
"Yes you are, an amazing mother and an excellent wife." Jungkook leaned in for a delicate kiss on her lips.
"I love you." He whispered close to her ear, "I wish I could say it out louder but Nari took a lot of time to fall asleep and she might wake up crying again. We're both not up to that risk, are we?" They had a light hearted laugh as Lisa wiped away the tears that had formed a sheen in her eyes.
"How was... how did your presentation go?"
"I followed exactly how you'd suggested me to, and I must say the show went really smooth unlike how I had expected. We impressed the board of directors and investors, they like our vision. The CEO gave me some words of praise and that was it. By the way, aren't you craving anything to eat?"
"I'm thinking pizza."
"With extra cheese? Bingo. I hope it's not very late and the delivery service is still open." Jungkook phished out his phone to order in food while Lisa offered to get his blazer off.
"It's been ages since we had food from a takeout, don't you think?"
"Yeah, the last takeout thing I remember is your obsession for weird pastry combinations that Jin hyung used to prepare in his bakery especially for you while you were pregnant." Jungkook smiled at the memory, "I think we can pop open the bottle of Merlot Marche which has been in the fridge since ages. It'll be a date."
"Fancy." Lisa pressed a kiss to Jungkook's cheek, "I like the sound of that, but I consider both of us should get changed first because I'm covered in milk puke and you probably have tears and snots all over your shoulder."
The door to the nursery opened with a quiet click as Jungkook peeked in to take a look inside the crib to find his daughter wrapped in a heavy slumber. Her breaths were slow and mouth left slightly ajar, a fine trickle of drool leaking from the corner of her mouth. He then took a minute to admire her features and he swore he would've melted right then because her sleeping habits were exactly like Lisa — she stirred a little in her sleep and Jungkook was only moderately anxious to hear a long drawn out wail but Nari only turned in her sleep, the slightest movement just halting right then and there. He pulled up the unicorn pattern blanket close up till her neck and the sight before him was serene.
When Jungkook and Lisa announced that they were marrying only a year after graduation, the decision was able to turn many heads in surprise. You just got a job, do you see yourself with each other in the future? Marriage is not a joke, bet you wouldn't last even a year. But you are so young, are you really sure? Comments were increasingly prevalent to hear from their relatives, despite their parents whole heartedly welcoming each other's families. Jungkook remembered his parents tell him right before the wedding, to not pay heed to whatever others had to say, as long as he was trusting of the bond he shared with Lisa. It was no surprise that only a few people truly made into their wedding, so for the longest time, it was just the two of them, enjoying a comfortable relationship with each other. His mind spiralled at the crazy turn of events over the past year; when Lisa shared her fears that their years of togetherness was going to end in a tragic separation and the way he was deeply puzzled that such types of urban legends existed in modern times. Then came his most wonderful memory, about three weeks later when Lisa discovered she was pregnant. And now he was watching an angel he'd promised to protect and nurture for the rest of his life.
Life does work in its funny mysterious ways.
The wooden floorboards of the nursery creaked as Jungkook tiptoed out of the room and closed the door behind him. Taking a little sip from his wine glass, he turned to his wife."It seems like Bambi's not waking up anytime soon."
"Hmm..." Lisa stuffed a mouthful of pizza into her mouth, "she's cried for most part of the day, it must be tiring. At least she'll sleep peacefully tonight and maybe we won't have to get up a lot through the night. What took you so long though? I was about to come right after you."
"I just went in to check up on her though I couldn't stop admiring how peaceful she looked while sleeping."
"She does sleep like a log. She probably got that from you." Lisa snickered while Jungkook nodded in agreement. "Yeah, probably me. And then I just... imagined our little girl would not stay the same anymore. As in, she'll soon turn one, then two and— are you listening?" Jungkook nudged Lisa's arm as she blinked twice. "You got me thinking about it too. She'll look old."
"Old? You're making it sound like she'll look like a two-year old grandma."
"Oh my god," Lisa gasped, "Koo, do you realise what that means? She will eventually turn three—"
"Uhm Lali, I've been educated to a professional degree to know how to count—"
"That's not what I meant silly," she frowned, slapping at his knee, "when she will have learned to talk and walk by then and just imagine what would happen if she turns out to be like a chatterbox like me. She will talk our brains out."
"Most definitely, yes. Can't fathom that. Soon after, we will be researching what school we should send her to, what hobbies we should encourage, whether she'll want to become a dancer like you or pick up guitar like me, and then the next thing we know, we will be by her side when she's weighing every university acceptance letters... and she'll meet someone and fall in love, then we will be attending her wedding and then —daebak. You're crying."
"Stop, stop it, I can't—" Lisa's eyes twinkled with tears as she waved her hands as Jungkook laughed lightly when she looked at him with furrowed eyes, "I don't want her to grow older. She might cause chaos at home everyday but in the end, I just can't imagine her turning into a big girl...can't she stay just like this forever, is it too much to ask for?"
"Growing is a sad truth of life." Jungkook explained, "but her image as baby Bambi will forever be imprinted into our memories, I can guarantee that." He sighed and reached over to grip her hand, "where as for you, I'll still love you even when all of your teeth will fall out."
"That's so sappy of you to say." She teased, "I have practically loved you when we had nothing..."
"That's so true. We had, I guess, a ton of mortgage and student debt to pay off. remember back when I proposed to you, with the ring...?"
"Y'know, mom says you only remember things which bear the risk of being forgotten. I still live with that memory. That moment was gold."
A flair of scarlet hue spread across Jungkook's cheeks, highlighting the intoxicating effect of alcohol in his system. "It did come off as a little unprepared...but I did plan a lot about that perfect dream sequence, 'kay? I guess I got too nervous and overwhelmed with it. Mingyu was the one who insisted on getting the ring from the pawn shop, and Jin hyung kinda berated me for being too sloppy with my choice. He sort of instilled this fear that you would turn me down the instant you'd see it, it would've come off as insincere."
"Hmm. He wasn't completely wrong though, I get his point. Wait, is that why you immediately confessed you got that for a negotiated price from the pawn shop?" As Jungkook gave her silent nod, Lisa smiled. "And this is where I beg to differ from his opinion. "While his concerns about the authenticity of the ring were real, the question of your sincerity wasn't. Because when you did go down on one knee, I looked straight in your eyes. And that was really all the confirmation I needed about your commitment. I think I loved you too much back then to say yes to you, with or without ring. And I promise I'll still love you even if you get a beer belly over time." They shared a light hearted laugh through the rest of the dinner, after which Lisa loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and followed Jungkook into their shared bedroom.
"You know Jungkook, I actually missed this... we never really had a date in a long time, did we?"
"Hmm. I missed you too Lali, c'mere. Let me give you a massage."
As Lisa sat up comfortably on the bed, Jungkook positioned behind her and gave a gentle press to her shoulders, his palms working their way along her collarbones and back to the crook of her neck like a cycle and she couldn't help but whimper in relief.
"Koo, don't you think my boobs have gotten huge?" Her hand went to cup her breast.
"Woah, they did, sad it's because they're meant to produce milk?"
"That's not what I'm wanting to say, I... how do I explain it?"
Jungkook withdrew his hands from Lisa's shoulders before he went and sat in front of her.
"I have a silly confession to make."
"Is it the effect of the alcohol speaking?" He asked with a curious gaze. "Tell me."
"I was cleaning the cabinets some days ago when Nari was sleeping, and I found a box with my wedding dress in it. I had a bizarre idea to try it out and see if I could fit into it and... well... it didn't zip all the way up. I somehow managed to suck in a gallon of air and got the zip reach halfway but the moment it reached my chest, I felt as if the zipper would've popped out with one squeeze of my tits." She exclaimed, her elbows resting on her knees while her hands held her face when she sighed.
"You... weren't planning on running off to marry someone else, right?" Jungkook deadpanned and Lisa could only roll her eyes with a snort, "obviously not, is that all you heard? Not the part —"
"I did, calm down. But, to be fair, it's fine if you didn't fit into it at all, because that dress is eight years old now and you've given birth to a human being since the wedding." He chuckled, locking his hands behind Lisa's neck and leaned in to peck her nose.
"I guess you're right..." Lisa trailed, her eyes meeting Jungkook's with a pitiful nod. "It's just... hard to feel beautiful when I can't fit back into most of my old clothes after the delivery and—"
"Mrs Jeon Lalisa, please cut the crap out." Jungkook intervened, the smile fading away into a pouty glare. "You don't need to get into some clothes to decide whether you're beautiful or not. We've been together for a decade now, and even after all this time I'm still head over heels in love with you. So if you came out wearing a potato sack you will still be drop dead gorgeous, ravishing woman to walk on the planet, though I admit you look the most beautiful when you're wearing my shirts, by the way—"
"Alright, alright, I get it, the alcohol is kicking in, isn't it?" She giggled, reaching up to take Jungkook's warm face in her hands, "I love you more."
Jungkook beamed in content looking at his wife's face. She was gleaming like the sun at his words of encouragement. "How about I remind you how beautiful you are?"
"Precisely by doing what?" Lisa teased, a mischievous grin on her lips.
"You know what I mean, don't be coy." Jungkook smirked as he nibbled on her neck before plopping her down on the mattress. Jungkook was certain that Lisa had instilled some mystic powers into herself because in a single moment, she threw off her clothes following which she pawed at his sweatpants, "what are you, woman on a mission? Weren't you innocent a minute ago?"
"Gotta be quick, can't risk Bambi waking up—"
"Lali, I told you, she's in a cosy sleep at the moment—"
"And what are we gonna do if she wakes up crying at the most inconvenient time?"
"Well you're not completely wrong though..." Jungkook voiced, before he got between Lisa's legs. A feeling of bliss soon took over at the familiarity of the position, as they leaned in to seal the gap with their lips.
The hushed laughter and familiar kisses in between stood as simple affirmation that even after spending so much time with one another, Lalisa and Jungkook were still very much in love with each other after all. Moulding against each other perfectly, they snuggled into a warm embrace, and Jungkook planted one more kiss on her forehead, his hooded eyes drowsy with sleep and too tired to switch off the lamp by the bedside. His hand had just reached the switchboard, right when he halted his actions.
"Wait, do I hear Nari crying?" He looked over his shoulder at his wife having the same expression of bewilderment plastered over her face.
"She is indeed. Rest up, I'll get her." Jungkook opened his mouth to protest, yet before he could utter something, Lisa had already dashed out of the room in haste after pulling up his oversized tee over her bare body.
"Hello, miss fussy!" Lisa spoke to her baby, "what's the matter?" Nari's little arms only flailed around. She proceeded to pull her out from the crib gently, only to have her daughter's tiny fingers play with her hair. "Just give mommy one second to get comfortable."
Picking up Nari's little blanket, Lisa brought her into the room whilst rubbing her head gently. Jungkook had been waiting for them, head resting against the headboard and eyes painfully drowsy as he tried not to fall asleep. "She seems a lot more silent, don't you think?"
"Hmm, the moment I went to see her, her cries slowed down. I'm guessing she probably just hit her head against the railings of her crib." Lisa explained, looking over her shoulder to witness her daughter take the most adorable yawn, while her face was burrowed against her mother's neck. Jungkook patted the space beside him, signalling Lisa to lean her back against the headboard until they were sure that Nari had fallen asleep. Gently caressing her baby's back and squishing her soft cheeks, Lisa could feel her daughter's rhythmic heartbeats against her chest and her breaths fanning her neck, until she felt Nari grow still in her hold.
Did Nari just fell asleep?
In her mother's arms nonetheless?
The moment of epiphany had Lisa almost press her lips in excitement to suppress a squeal as she turned to Jungkook, some happy tears threatening to spill out of her eyes; Nari had fallen asleep in Lisa's arms. This unlikely event had never happened in history and she was overwhelmed with the sentimentality — maybe she wasn't really that bad of a mother after all.
"You can do this, I told you so." Jungkook gushed as his fingers went to brush Nari's closed fist.
"Should we let her sleep by our side tonight?" Lisa asked, only for Jungkook to move aside and create some space in the middle. After laying Nari on the mattress, she laid down on the other side, her husband still facing her with a soft smile.
"What's that smile for?"
"Nothing, I was just reminded we've been together for so long, but it seems we only got married just days ago. Which brings me to the point that I forgot to ask you earlier. Our anniversary falls next week. What do you want to do this year?"
"Hmm...I don't want to stay in, it's boring." She huffed. "Should we take a little trip with Bambi? She will turn almost 4 months, this could be her first vacation."
Jungkook was happy to oblige. "My parents wanted us to visit them in Busan, after which we could plan a little vacation to Geoje, it's not too far from there."
"Yeah, we haven't been there in a while. I believe that's the perfect time to visit, the weather there is pleasant enough to not get her cranky. We can take Nari to the island flower festival, maybe she will like it too." Lisa smiled, her mind stirring at the memories she had created with Jungkook in all these long years they had been together. And while she loved her husband, her daughter and their little family more than anything else in the world, she was certain there were a plethora of warm memories they would welcome in the many more years to come.
tmi: since i wrote this extended epilogue completely based on a little dream and general observations of first-time parents around me, since i didn't quite follow an elaborate research on parenting, please excuse me if some details appear to be incorrect :(
little trivia — the name nari means lily in korean. the name was picked by jungkook because she's mini lisa & both parents felt it was best to name their daughter after a beautiful flower :)
btw i did a lil experiment— i googled a baby face predictor tool and used liskook's faces (hope that's not illegal 😶) the pic you'll be seeing below is an AI generated face, you can assume the baby as nari :))
finally closing this book with some extended memories and a deepened nostalgia :') this was such a joy to write! hugs and kisses to everyone who's been supportive of the seven couple 🤍
— authornim.
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