Hold On

Sameera saw how her adoptive parents longed to restore Lux Aurea to the great city it used to be, and she offered to do a scouting mission to see what could be done. Though they were reluctant, her parents agreed to let her scout the city on the condition that she stayed as far away from the corruption as possible.

As Sameera rode near the once great city of Lux Aurea. She could see old weapons and armor strewn about the old cobblestone paths, and the smell of the corruption caused her lynx to growl, halting in its tracks. As the young elf tried to get her to move, she whispered, "Come on, girl, we have to keep moving." The cat grumbled but moved through the old kingdom cautiously.

As the pair progressed further into the decaying city, Sameera could distinctly hear voices emanating from within the structures. As Tahar got closer, the 'voices' Sameera heard had turned to growls, and she could feel predatory eyes watching her like prey.

They pushed on until the teen saw familiar figures in the distance. She had thought her bio parents had died during the corruption of the Sunforge and the war that happened soon after, but they were alive. "Mom? Dad?" She whispered. As the two older elves turned around, Sameera saw her mistake, their eyes were blood-red and glowing a hellish aura, and with a rabid growl, one of them charged toward her and caught Sameera's arm, scratching it.

The twisted form of Sameera's father was kicked away by the frightened teen, who ran to Tahar, who growled protectively before pinning the elf down and biting his throat. After the white lynx let go of the corrupted elf, she made a purring noise as she rubbed her head against her rider's injured arm. "I'm fine, Tahar. It's just a scratch." she reassured her before wrapping the scratch with a piece of cloth. "Let's get out of here." The cat grumbled in agreement.

As they made their way out of the city, Sameera felt her scratched arm pulsing with dull pain, but when they neared home, her mind grew foggy, and she could hardly stay in her saddle, nearly falling out of it as she neared the stable where she was caught by a stable hand "Are you alright princess?" He asked. The teen nodded as she replied tiredly, "I'm fine, just tired from my ride."

As she walked away from the stables, another wave of dizziness washed over her, causing her to stumble slightly. 'What's wrong with me?' Sameera wondered as she rubbed her head before going to her room and lying down to rest. But the rest didn't come easy to the princess.

As she lay in her bed, the dizziness got worse, and it started to pound in her head over and over like ocean waves. Her body felt like it was on fire as corruption spread through her. She groans, tugging at her hair as a throbbing pain rages through her body, causing tears to pierce her eyes just as she senses a warm hand on her back, causing her to flinch "Mom, my head, it hurts so much I can barely think." She whimpered as broken sobs left her lips. She felt her right hand being gently pulled away from her hair and heard a soft gasp as her mom saw the scratch that was now a dark, sickly shade of purple like a bruise, but it seemed to grow with every pulse of her heartbeat."Firefly, what happened to your arm?" Sameera felt tears roll down her cheeks as she mumbled. "My father or what I thought was him scratched me." Sameera could see the guilt in her mother's gaze as she told her about what happened to her, "We never should have sent you to Lux Aurea. I'm sorry." The sadness in her words cut deep like a blade as she wiped some tears from Sameera's cheek.

As Janai prepared herself to leave her daughter's room, she felt Sameera grab her wrist. The queen sighed as she looked at her daughter, who spoke the words a mother would never want to hear. "Am I going to die, mom?" As much as she wanted to tell her no, she would never lie to her, so with a shaky breath, she said,"I hope it won't come to that. But if it does..." Janai trailed off, her eyes burned with tears threatening to fall. The teen didn't need to know the last part. "I love you so much, Firefly."

After Janai left the room, she went to find Amaya to tell her what had to be done. That night, they cried into each other's arms as their child was suffering a fate far worse than death.

Amaya prepared a cell the following evening with sturdy shackles for their daughter since they didn't want to lose hope that they could cure the corruption that was taking over her. After it was done, she went to her daughter's room and led her to her new prison. The pain in Amaya's heart was near excruciating as she chained her daughter's hands and put a wooden gag in her mouth for extra security. "I'm sorry, my lovely daughter." She signed before giving a kiss to her daughter's forehead and shutting the cell door, unaware of the fierce snarl that followed her. She signaled the guards to go to the door and not let anyone in, not even the queens who would sometimes stand outside the door of the cell on her birthday and think of what kind of person she would have been if they hadn't let her go into the corrupted city.

It wasn't until five years after their daughter was corrupted that they finally found a way to reverse the darkness. In one of the old books held in the Bookery, the spell Purgans Lucem was found. They had a mage look over the spell, and they had agreed that it could reverse the corruption their daughter underwent, but there was a chance that Sameera was too far gone and the cleansing spell would kill her. That warning did not deter Janai from saying "If it was your child, you would understand the lengths one is willing to go to ensure they are safe and happy." The mage stepped back slightly as the queen's voice started to raise, before Amaya placed a hand on her causing her to calm herself before continuing "We have had to deal with the guilt of having to lock our daughter away like a wild beast for the past five years. If the spell kills her... At least she won't have to suffer any longer." The mage understood and prepared the spell as requested.

Purgans Lucem, also known as Purifying Light, was depicted as a spell that could wash away darkness much like the purification spell, but it seemed more gentle in nature. Healing the corruption instead of burning it away.

The guards opened the cell door, and inside stood a dark form hidden from the delicate beams of light that trickled into it from the small window. The princess turned to face them her once kind blue and amber eyes now a hideous red. The mage stepped forward his staff in hand and whispered. "I'm sorry that this happened to you, princess. I will try to fix this."

The mage sighed before he readied his staff and drew the runes."Purgans Lucem." The runes turned into a beam of light that surged through Sameera's body, clearing the corruption as dark purple turned to soft brown, the red eyes faded into blue and amber. She was cured.

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