Chapter 4: The new king of the school

Things have been crazy every since King Shishino retired of being king and rather things are clam, things have gone down hill. Now many animals fight each other in the territory war so they can proof themselves to run the school as their new king.

We see a few animals at the back of the school fighting each other as they lend out some roars and blows at each other. A crowd of students cheered as they battle each other until Gigas and the other teacher stomp into the fight as the fight immediately stopped and they turn to see Gigas and the other teachers as Gigas roar out.


Many students run for their lives while Gigas chases after them while we see Y/n watching this happening at the schools entrance as he sees this but he rather not to make involve and just make his way to the school building.

Y/n: (thought) Things have turn shit since Shishino left the throne and now many students now gone crazy. Still it's their problem now, not mine.

Tiger student: There he is! Get him!

Then three tigers jump behind Y/n and try to attack him but Y/n immediately take them down and once that we see them stacked together while unconscious while Y/n make his way into the school building. After many words about Y/n bring a strong student, they believe he was the reason why King Shishino left so they attempted to take him in order to get the crown.

Not only Y/n find it foolish that the students believed it but it's also annoying as well.


At the cooking class room we see the other club members gather and while they were waiting on Y/n to arrive Giichi lend out a sigh while he tells the rest.

Giichi: I can't believe there's now a territory war going on. This sucks.

Jin: I blame Y/n for even helping that dumb lion.

Emmei: At least he and Ranka did their best unlike you.

Sumiko: I can probably bet the other teachers find it very difficult to have to stop all of the fights taht is going on. Besides what do they get if one of them success?

Yukari: I heard the prize will be one hundred years of raw meat for those who win the war.

Ranka: (surprised) One hundred years of raw meat!

Jin: Don't you think about it you stupid dog!

Miyubi: I also.....heard another......rumour about.....a threat coming.

Yukari: Oh yeah that! Apparently there is rumours about a gang coming to Seton Academy and while coming here, they have been punching through students heads into walls while making their way here.

Hitomi: That's terrible.

Giichi: Still we can't allow this war to continue. We gonna stop I somehow.

Jin: No we don't.

Giichi: Oh come on Jin! Do you really want to watch students get hurt or get in the middle of the war even though they have nothing to do with the war!?

Jin: I don't give a hell about this war or anything. If they want to act like animals then so be it.

Luke: Wait a minute.

Ranka: What is it?

Luke: You guys do know there is only one student that is powerful enough to defeat all of the strongest students and it's the only student that is more powerful then any of us.

They were silent for a bit when the door open and Y/n came into the room and all eyes were on Y/n as he look up and see them looking at him.

Y/n: What?

Ranka: Y/n! Your strong enough to stop the war!

Y/n: (shocked) Huh?!

Giichi: (smile) Yeah! You can show the other strong packs how strong you are and put them back in line! You can be a new king!

Then when he said king, flashes of his village destruction and his father's death appears as he stood there a bit and look at the ground while he slowly forms a fist and then tells them.

Y/n: I'm sorry but.....I don't think I'm not fit enough to be king.

They were a bit confused while Hitomi realised that he is hurt by something as Luke ask him.

Luke: But why? Your strong enough to save the school and get every animal in line.

Emmei: Agree.

Y/n: I'm just.......I'm not interested.....that's all.

Hitomi: Y/n.

Then Y/n sense something and immediately punches a hole through the wall and hen pull out a wolf by the throat while the rest were shocked.


Y/n: We've been watched.

He glare at him wolf, wanting to know who sent him when the two doors open and more wolfs came out to attack which he tossed the wolf that he have to the others at the left and then immediately disappeared and reappear in front with Jin and the rest as he glare up at the wolfs and he was ready to battle them when suddenly a female voice called out.

???: Hold it!

Then the wolfs stand down and a very tall women steps into the class room and walks up in front of Y/n and look down at him.

Y/n look up at her and was ready to battle her, believing she might be the pack leader when Ranka appear in front of him and call out.

Ranka: Wait don't hurt him!

The two look at each other when the larger wolf picks up Ranka and they were worried on what she will do to her. But then they were surprised when the larger wolf made an adorable and happy smile and calls out.

???: (smile) Ranka my adorable sister~!

She start to lick Ranka at the cheek which surprised everyone by the fact that they were sisters. Then she puts Ranka down while Y/n asked her.

Y/n: (surprised) Um have an older sister?!

Ranka: (smile) Yep! This is Ferryl Ookami my older sister!

Giichi: (surprised) Wow not to be rude but she is soo big!

Emmei: Who know her older sister can get this big! No offence but how?

Jin: Thats probably how Wolfs suppose to be.

Emmei and Giichi: Huh?

Jin: I believe Ranka must have wear something since she lives in the cold. If she wear something like a coat then she doesn't grow while her sister dose.

Ranka: (smile) Oh yeah! I remember I was cold and my older sister gave me a warm coat to keep me warm!

Sumiko: (smile) Well that is nice for her to do.

Y/n: Still it doesn't explain why she is spying on us. Are you here because of the territory war or what?

Ferryl: I'm not here for this territory war. I'm here to bring Ranka back home.

Ranka: (shocked) What?! But why?!

Ferryl: Your a wolf and as a wolf, you have to be in a pack which is your older sister and the other wolfs. Now let's go!

Ranka: I don't want to leave! I have my own pack right here!

Ferryl: I'm sorry but thid ain't your pack Ranka. Now come on!

Ranka: No I won't!

Jin: Get go with her will you.

Giichi: Really Jin. Really.

Ferryl: (anger) I said no-

Y/n: She said no.

Then Y/n stood in front of Ranka which surprised Ranka and Ferryl as Y/n look up at her and tell her.

Y/n: It doesn't matter if she is a wolf or whatever. She belongs to us and you have no right to take her away. You maybe her older sister but Ranka has every right to make her own decisions. So if she says no then she's not leaving.

Her wolf pack was shocked by this and soon Ferryl is in raged by this and glare down at Y/n while he shows no fear as he stare down at her.

Ferryl: (anger) You dare to tell me what to do!? You will pay for this! Ranka is coming with me and there is nothing you can do to stop it!

After a while of glares Y/n lend out a sigh and decides there is only one way to sort this out so he look up at Ferryl and tell her.

Y/n: In that case let us fight.

Everyone is shocked by his words and even Ferryl as Y/n gose on to tell her.

Y/n: If you win, Ranka comes with you. However if I win, she's stays and you leave her alone for now on. You can stay around the school but your not allow to force her to leave or do anything that she doesn't like. Deal?

Ferryl looks at him and she thinks she can handle a simple "human" in a fight so she smirks and shakes Y/n's hand.

Ferryl: (smirk) Deal.

Once that her and her pack left the room. Once they were gone Ranka jumps onto Y/n's back and start to lick him while the rest were shocked until some ask him.

Hitomi: You okay about this Y/n?

Emmei: Ferryl is pretty strong. You sure you can handle her?

Giichi: (smile) Of course he can beat her! I know you can dude!

Y/n: Just as long she leaves Ranka alone and let her do whatever she wants. Still invite every student at the woods in 5 hours.

He set Ranka down and turns to leave when Sumiko ask him.

Sumiko: Okay but why?

He stops and turns to them and answers by saying.

Y/n: So they can see what happens if they mess with me or any of my friends.

(Somtime later)

We see a crowd of students in the woods far away from the teachers as they cheer while in the middle we see Ferryl and her pack and Y/n as Jin and the rest were among the crowd as Jin said.

Jin: He's gonna die.

Giichi: Have some fate will you Jin?!

Ferryl: You know you can back down if you like?

Y/n: (smirk) I rather stand my ground then running away like a coward.

Ferryl: Well then, let's begin.

Y/n: (smirk) Indeed....sent your pack to attack me.

Ferryl: What?

Y/n's friends: What?

Students: What?

Y/n: (smirk) Did you not hear me? Sent your wolf pack to attack me? I wanna see how strong they really are, especially that wolf with a scar over his eye. I wanna see how tough he is first.

Kuomori is surprised by this and looks at Ferryl who turn to him and node to him. He nodes back and he and the others stepped in front of Ferryl and they stare and growl at Y/n. Y/n just smirked and get into a fight stand and soon Kuomori called out.

Kuomori: For lady Ferryl!

They all charge towards Y/n while he stood there and then they all pile up on top of him as the crowd were shocked while Ferryl smirks to herself.

Ranka: Y/n!

Hitomi: (shocked) Is he okay!? Somebody stop this violence!

Jin: Knew he'll be killed.

Ferryl: (smirk) Looks like your a fool to fight my whole pack after all Y/n.

Y/n: I don't know about that.

Then everyone was surprised to see Y/n right next the piled up wolfs as they were getting hin but they didn't know he got out some how. The crowd was shocked by this as he turns and straight up kick the wolfs, sending them all flying while the crowd were shocked by this including Ferryl as Y/n turns back to her and tell her.

Y/n: (smirk) Let's see what you got pack leader.

Ferryl shakes off the shock and pulls out her claws and charge towards Y/n.



The crowd falls silent as Ferryl got a blow at him but her face of victory turn into confusion and shock as she sees Y/n have dragon like claws to block her claws and then she leap back and look at him in shock.

Ferryl: (shocked) N-No way! Your no human! What are you?

Y/n: (smirk) I guess I should tell everyone in this school should I? Well you see everyone, I'm a dragon. A real life one.

All the students were shocked by this news. Ferryl was also shocked by this as well, she never encountered anyone who is a dragon in her life. Still she try to land another blow at her but immediately Y/n grabs both of her arms and force her to be on her knees as Ferryl struggled to get back up however she is shocked how strong Y/n is and it's no way he cannot be a dragon but judging his strength and power, it must be true.

Soon she fell on both knees while Y/n still grabsher arms and then looks at her and then ask her.

Y/n: Do you kneel Ferryl?

Ferryl must defeat him but knowing how very powerful and strong he is, there isn't much she can do so with a heavy heart she said.

Ferryl: I kneel.

All the students were shocked by this as Y/n let's go of Ferryl and then turn to the other students and then tell them all.

Y/n: I am no new king for this school. But I want you all to do me one favour and that is to stop that territory war right now. You do not need a king to guide you or lead you throughout your school years. Act like normal students and treat with each other with respect. I don't want to see anymore fights around the school. If there is any fights better prey thati won't find you  and gave you a punishment that you all will never forget.

All the students were scared by this as they all already got the message and they make a run for it. Once that was done Y/n turns to Ferryl and lend out a hand to her which she looks up at him in surprise as Y/n tells her.

Y/n: You can hang out with us, I can be our friends if you wish?

Ferryl is shocked by this but she stood up all by herself whike Ranka tackles him to the ground by surprised and start to lick him.

Ranka: Y/n you did it! You did it!

Y/n lend out a chuckle as the two stand up while Jin and the rest walk up towards him as Y/n tells Jin.

Y/n: (smirk) Now that's how you be nice to other students. Probably learn that next time.

Jin: Screw you lizard breath!

Y/n: (smirk) Whatever, let's just head back to the club and cook something.

Hitomi: (smile) Let's make some delicious food to celebrate your victory.

Ranka: Yay! You think we get one hundred years of meat?

Emmei: Probably not.

They make theie way back to school while Ferryl stood there and watch them leave while Kuromori and the her pack arrive back as Kuomori called out.

Kuomori: Lady Ferryl! Are you-

Then they froze when they see her shaking which properly meant she is in rage as they were scared and slowly move back while Ferryl look down at the ground and thinks to herself.

Ferryl: (thought) I can't believe I was defeated by a dragon. A powerful and strong dragon that I have never seen in my entire life! He even show mercy and fear towards the students that continues on fighting! He's soo serious, soo strong, soo powerful and.....and......and..........

Then her scary and most frustrating attitude immediately changed to cheerful, Happy and joyful mood as she have eyes of love in them as her heart skiped a beat even more then ever.

Ferryl: (thought) SO GOD DAMN HANDSOME!!!!!! I never thought I could fall in love with a strong and such a cool dragon boy in my whole life! He even wants to be my friend?! No one has never made friends with me, in fact I don't think no one never asked me to be theie friend! He's not only cool but also kind as well! Oh Y/n......I LOVE YOU SOO MUCH!

Kuomori: (scared) Um lady Ferryl? You okay?

She then snap back to reality and turn to her pack as I'd nothing is wrong as she tells them.

Ferryl: Indeed I am fine. Let us leave now.

Kuomori: Um s-sure thing.

Her wolf pack leave along with Ferryl as flashes of Y/n appears in her head as she blushes but she cover her face but can't help but feel warm inside as she still remember Y/n's face and thinks to herself.

Ferryl: (thought) I'll see you again Y/n my love.

To be continued.........................................

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