Chapter 3: Love a lion?!


We see Y/n suddenly wearing up when he hear gunfire as he sat up from his bed and look around. He was inside what looked like a tent as he eyes widen with realising and soon turn to horror. He immediately jump out from his bed and can feel the heat coming from outside while a large light appears around his tent. He slowly moves towards his tent door and pushes it open and his eyes turn to horror to see his village was up in flames and military helicopters appear over heard the village while he can hear gunfire echoing out around him.

Y/n: (shocked) N-No. N-No this is all of a dream! I have to wake to! I have to-

???: There's one! Open fire!

Bullets fly by him as he dodges the shots and turn to see armoured soldiers opening firing at him while pushing towards him.

Y/n: (anger) You monsters! WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE THIS!

He fires fire balls at them and burned them alive as they scream in pain while he use this opportunity to run and find his father. He runs through the village looking for his father while he runs by dead bodies of many dragon people he knew and loved as tears came out from his cheeks while he shuts them close.

Y/n: (thought) Why I'm I running?! This is all a bad dream! Just please wake the fuck up!

???: Son!

He immediately open his eyes and stop and stood there to see his father being pinned to the ground with a sword at his neck by a hunter who look up at him to see Y/n.

He lend out a smirk while Y/n's father looked at him and give him a warm smile and then said while the hunter raised his sword into the air.

Y/n's father: (smile) I love you son.


Y/n: (tears) NO FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!

(Dream ends)

He quickly sat up from his bed while breathing heavily. He was sweating and looked around to see he was at his dormitory while morning came up through his window as he breath in a sigh and lay back down onto his bed and still remember that dream.

He has that dream for years and he never seemed to get rid of it. He place two hands at his face and lend out a tired like sigh and then bot out of bed and get himself change and brush his teeth in the kitchen. He looked at himself in the mirror and slowly forms a fist of anger while he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) God damn it. I should have saved him. I should have saved everyone! Now, they are gone and I was strong enough to protect them. But one day I will find these groups of armored humans and make them all pay.

He sworn he will have his revenge but then he snap back to reality when he heard what sounds like a window open at his dormitory. He exit out of the bathroom and see his window open which was weird since he thought he closed it.

He walk over and shut the window and turn only to get jumped when he sees a female girl with cat like ears with purple like hair and tail sitting on his bed in a cat position while she smile and said.

???: (smile) Hello, its nice to meet you.

Y/n: Um who are you?

Kurumi: (giggle) Your pretty cute. Names Kurumi, it's nice to meet you, meow.

Y/n: (little blush) U-Um n-nice to meet you? Say you have know your I a male dormitory right?

Kurumi: (smile) Yeah I know but I can't help myself of meeting you Y/n. I've heard a lot about you.

Y/n: You have? Wait, how do you know my name?

Kurumi: (smile) Cat's have its way knowing things. Say you look kinda stressed out?

Y/n: Oh yeah I.....I have a nightmare.

Kurumi: Oh you poor thing. Allow me to help.

Y/n was about to ask when Kurumi gets close and then wrap her arms around him and start to cuddle him. This made Y/n blush but at the same time he feels calm and relaxed. Soon after she let go and open the window to make her leave before she turn to Y/n and said.

Kurumi: (smile) Gonna go now but I'll see you later, meow~!

She wink at him and then make her leave as she leap to a tree brech like a cat would and slide down using her close. Y/n just stood there a bit wondering what just happened when he just shake it off and head off before he'll be late.

(A while later)

After class ended he make his way to the cooking club and once he step inside he was immediately jumped by Ranka and have his faced licked by her which he can't help but laugh a bit.

Ranka: (smile) Y/n! Y/n! We have new members!

Y/n: (smile) Guess Giichi and his friends managed to join us then?

Giichi: (smile) Yep and these are my bros!

Then Giichi walks over with two guys as they turn to see Y/n and he already tell they are really cool people so I would be great for them to be here.

Emmei: (smile) You must be Y/n that Giichi was talking about. Nice ti meet you, names Emmei.

Luke: (smile) And I'm Luke. I'm from America and moved here to learn new things. Still it's nice to meet you.

Y/n: (smile) Same. Bet Jin immediately invaded you both in since you both are none animals.

Luke: Yeah at first we were confused by what he ment by that until we figured our why.

Emmei: Yeah he never seems to calm down for a second when Ranka start to lick at him and the rest.

Jin: You know I can hear you both right?

They turn to see Jin while Akari walk over and pat him on the back.

Akari: (smirk) Oh will you relax they allow to say what ever they want. I mean you do want some none animals to our club right?

Jin: Fine.

Y/n looked over to also see Sumiko and Miyubi there talking to Yukari and see they also join the club.

Y/n: (thought) A few days gone by and we already have new members to the club. Seems like things are going well so far.

Giichi: Hey um Y/n?

He look up to see them staring at something behind him so he turn to see a group of female standing standing the entrance as they look at Jin and Y/n as one of them ask.

Female student: Are you both Y/n and Jin?

Y/n: Um yes why?

Without an answer, some start to grab both of them and they were about to leave when Ranka call out to them.

Ranka: Hey I won't allow you to take them! They are my group and I will not-

Then they just take Ranka since she also their group and they take the trio out of the cooking club while the rest stood there surprised and confused.

Giichi: Um...should we help them?

Akari:......I'm sure they could be fine. Its not like they are going to be taking to their leader who is a lion or something like that.

We then cut to Jin, Y/n and Ranka who were in a class room as they were placed down on the floor while they look up to be met with a lion sitting on a throne while the female students were around him.

Y/n: (thought) Okay either he is here to eat us or challenge us with something. Either way I'm probably gonna have to be ready to fight when it comes.

Shishino: The names Shishino King. Welcome.

Jin: "Welcome" my ass! You're the one who had me dragged-

Y/n: (mutter) Jin shut up! If you don't want us to be eating let me do this!

Jin: (whisper) Like how? It's not like know how to speak someone in a politely?

He just smirked and stood up while he turn to Jin still smirking.

Y/n: (smirk) Unlike you yes I do. I may act aggressive and serious but I know how to control my tempr unlike you. How's about you sat down and watch me an maybe you can learn something about a word call "respect."

Jin just grind his teeth in anger while Y/n turns to Shishino and bow down while he spoke.

Y/n: It's nice to meet you. My apologies about Jin he doesn't seemed to know who to be nice to anyone he mets. Perhaps we can discuss things without any violence of fighting?

Shishino: You three have no worries. I haven't brought you here for any violence. I simply want your help.

Jin: Like hell we hel-

Y/n: Of course! If there is anything we can help then we can do it. So what is it you want us to do?

Shishino: Follow and I'll show you. Ladies.

His girls pick up his throne chair and carry him out of room but they got stuck when they come towards the door as Shishino keeps hitting his head onto the ceiling door while the girls try to get him through while Jin, Y/n amd Ranka watched.

Jin: He could have just got up and walk.

Ranka: That must have hurt.

Y/n: This may take a while.

(Short while later)

We see them outside and behind the bush as Shishino point over at the feild so the trio peeked over and see a female Impala running and then jump high when she got to the end of the line and land far.

Y/n: I remember her. I believe her name is Shiho Ihara who is in the track team

Shishino: That is correct.

Jin: Okay then so why showing us her?

Then Shishino blushed a bit as he tells the trio.

Shishino: (blush) You see......I wish her to partner.

Jin: (shocked) What?!

Y/n: You want her as your girlfriend?

Shishino: That is correct. I figured I get some love advice from either both of you since there is more girls in your club.

Jin: But wait! Your a lion and she's a Impala, you both can't be a couple!

Y/n: Why not? I kinda see them a good couple. Just saying. We both may never done love advices to anyone before but I guess we can help and give it a try?

Jin: There is no way I'm not gonna take part of this shit!

Y/n: Jesus Jin he's just asking for a simple help. Can you not just do this for once in your life?

Jin: Look you can do what ever you want but I'm leaving. See ya!

Then he make his leave while Y/n just shake his head while he breath a sigh. Shishino just look down in disappointment while he said.

Shishino: I think he's right. As soon she sees me she will get scared and run away. There's no way she can't love me.

Y/n turns to Shishino as he felt a tug on his arm and turn to see Ranka crying a bit.

Ranka: (tears) We got to help him.

Y/n noded to her and turned to Shishino and tells him.

Y/n: Ignore him. I doesn't really matter if you and her are different. You shown to love her and with that, I'll help you.

Shishino: (surprised) Really?! Many thanks! So what should I do first!

Y/n: Um let's see......try approaching her and talk to her a bit. If she sees you talking to her, then she'll feel conformable around you.

Shishino: Okay! I'll try!

Soon we see Shiho at the halls talking to her friends whe  both of her friends noticed something behind her and run away. Shiho was confused so she turn to see Shishino staring at her in a scary way but in reality he was not only nervous but can't find the right words to say. She soon get scared and run off.

Shishino sigh in disappointment while Ranka and Y/n wall up behind him while Y/n thinks of another way.

Y/n: Okay that doesn't seem to work. What about trying again but this time a bit more friendly.

He agrees and next time was outside at the feild as Shiho was talking to her friends while we see Shishino behind the bushes trying to approach he so he can talk to her. But faild when he "approaches" her a bit too fast and she ran off.

Next time it was Ranka's idea and make horn made out of cardboard to make Shishino more like Impala so Shiho will see him as friendly. But when he finds Shiho while wearing the stucked horns on his head.....Well, we all know how that turned out.

(Hours later)

We see them sitting at the classroom with Shishino sitting on his throne being depressed while Y/n and Ranka try to think any ideas.

Y/n: Shit I got none.

Shishino: It's hopless. It's best I just accept it and give up.

Y/n: No. A true king would never give up! Disbite all the fails and errors a king would never give up! I know this because my father-

Then flashes of his father's death appear in his head appear in his head while Ranka look at him while he stop what he was about to say but instead tells Shishino.

Y/n: You maybe a lion but don't let your lion look put you down. I know she may think of you as a scary lion ready to eat her but she needs to learn that deep down is a lion who just wants someone to love. Someone to make you smile, someone to help you whenever your feel down and someone who will support you no matter what! So never give up on someone you love and go out, find her and tell her how much you feel!

Shishino was surprised by his words when suddenly the class room door open and another lion appears as he laughs.

Lion leader: King! I challenge you!

Y/n: Who the hell is he?

Shishino: Another lion who is my rival. But do not worry, he cannot defeat me.

Lion leader: (smirk) You sure about it! Look what I've got!

He then show Shiho to them which shocked them.

Shishino: (shocked) Shiho!

Y/n: Let go of her now!

Lion leader: (Laughter) I think I should keep her. She'll be a great treat if you know what I mean.

He then lick her neck which made her scared even more while this angered Y/n even more.

Shishino: You coward! And you call yourself a lion?!

Lion leader: (smirk) Shut up! This is my idea of survival of the fitness! If you want her back, give your harem to me!

Y/n: (thought) Is that all what he wanted?

Shishino: Females are not mere objects to given away!

Lion leader: Very well then. Come, my brothers!

His lion brothers came and surrounded Shishino and start to beat him while the lion leader laughs while tugging Shiho even more while she scream. Y/n had enough of this and walks over and grabs one of the lions shoulders which they all stop and turn to him. He turn back to the lion leader and tell him.

Y/n: Here's your last warning. Let her go or else.

Lion leader: (laughter) And what a simple human gonna do?

His brothers laugh while Y/n squeeze the lions shoulder tighter and then immediately throw him towards another. The two crashes through the window which shock Shishino, Shiho and the lion leader as Y/n crackle his neck and says.

Y/n: Oh I'm not a human. You see.....I'm something you all have never seen before.

He then spread out his dragon wings, tail and claws which shocked them as he turn to them and said with a smirk.

Y/n: You see. I'm actually a dragon.

The two other lions were shocked by this but they still charge at him and launch at him. He just turn and grab both of their heads with both of his hands and look at both of them and then throw them away.

They slammed onto the wall and fell to the ground while Y/n walks slowly towards the Lion leader who still has Shiho on her.

Y/n: You should be ashamed. She has nothing to do with all of this but yet you decided to use her to mess with Shishino. That disgusted me to see beings like you would ever do such a thing.

The lion leader was terrified by this and let's Shiho go while he slowly steps back and he has his back against the wall while Y/n slowly walks up towards him and glare at him and then smirked.

Y/n: You know...I feel kinda hungry right about now. I wonder dose lions taste like?

He then lick his lips while glaring at the lion leader who is now terrified now as Y/n smirked and then ask him.

Y/n: (smirk) How's about you be my meal for tonight?

He can't take it ans scream in fear and runs out of the class along with his brothers as they make a run for it. Y/n watch them leave while he hide away his wings, claws and tail and breath in a sigh.

Once that he turn to Shiho and tells her straight up.

Y/n: Look you don't need to thank me bit you must understand that Shishino is not as dangerous you may thought. In fact, he has something to say.

Shiho: Really? You sure?

He nodes to her while she turns back to Shishino while Shishino blushes a bit but he breath in and out and looks at Shiho and tell her.

Shishino: Shiho.....I apologise for scaring you all the time but the truth is..........I really do love you. And I'll sacrifice anything for you.....even....this.

He then use his claws ans cut off his furr around his face which surprised Shiho but he then turn to his harem and tells them.

Shishino: You all may leave now.

They then just say goodbye and make their leave which surprised Y/n and Ranka a bit while Shiho was blushing a bit and finally she said.

Shiho: (blush) W-Whoa....I never know you have a crush on me.

Shishino: (blush) Y-Yes. you wish to be my girlfriend?

There was silence for a bit but it felt like a long while but then finally Shiho look at him and open her mouth and tell him.

Shiho: I'm sorry

Shishino was disappointed while Y/n breath in a sigh.

Y/n: (thought) Well son of a-

Shiho: But! I wish for us to friends for a while...Okay?

Shishino was surprised by this and blushed even more and agreed. The two smile while Y/n smile and sees its his time to leave so he and Ranka walk out of the class and walk through the halls.

Ranka: (smile) That was sweet.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Even though their not fully a couple yet but it was a close enough.

Ranka: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Ranka: Were you serious eating a lion?

Y/n: (shocked) What?! Of course not! I was just saying that so he would just leave! I wasn't actually thinking of eating him!

Ranka: Ooooooohhhhh......Nice thinking!

Y/n: Um thanks.

Ranka smile while she felt her heart skip a beat a bit while she smiled as the two return back to their club and continue the rest of the day together as a pack.

To be continued..................................

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