Chapter 2: New member, new friends
It was a nice day at Seton Academy as we see Y/n, Ranka, Jin, Hitomi and Akari are in a cooking class that Jin, Hitomi and Akari have planned so they can teach animals how to cool. We see both Ranka and Y/n wearing aprons while the two listen as Jin tells them.
Jin: Alright listen up. After a while I'll be in charge of the cooking club but if you both want to join you two have to show us if you both are capable of cooking for this club. If not then one of you or both will be kicked out, is that clear.
Ranka: Of course!
Y/n: Hang on, is it really necessary to kick us out if we fail a dish? Isn't that what cooking club is for? You make it sound like we're in a reality TV show rather then a club.
Akari: (smirk) He has a point there bro. How can we get new members if most of them always fail without any teachings?
Jin: I know what I'm doing and you will obey to it!
Y/n: Fine.
Jin: And try not to burn the place down, that includes you Y/n!
Y/n: (anger) I don't easily burn things around me!
Akari: (smile) Alright you two let's just calm down and let's get started. Ranka would you like to go first, doesn't matter if you fail or not just try your best.
Ranka: (smile) Don't worry I-
???: I won't let you down!
Then they were a bit surprised to see a female Koala within their club with eyes of determination in her.
Akari: Huh well that was unsuspected.
Hitomi: (smile) Hello are you here to join us?
Yukari: (smile) Yes, sorry to butt in but allow me to introduce myself, my name is Yukari Komori it's nice to meet you. I would like to join your cooking club if you don't mind.
Akari: (smile) Sure doors are open to anyone to join. By away ignore my brother rant when it comes to animals, he's not much as a animal lover.
Jin: Do you really have to tell her that?
Akari: (smirk) Not may fault you scare a few animal children without them knowing you hate animals.
Jin: What ever.
Y/n: So what brings you here to this club Yukari?
Yukari: I desire to join your club so I can cook the greatest food I could ever tasted! It's my dream to eat the greatest thing jn the world.
Jin: Right, you do realise that Koala only eat Eucalyptus and not meat right?
Yukari: Y-Yes but I want to try something different because I'm tired eating Eucalyptus all the time. That's why I wanna join your club and try my best!
Akari: (smile) Sure your welcome to join us. How's about you show us what you got.
Yukari: I will!
She then start to cook as she gather as many ingredients and put them into the pan but some have fallen out but she puts them back into the pan ans start to move them around but in a slow pace and a bit far from the flames on top of the oven. They waited for a while and soon it was done, they look at the food that she made for them and it looks pretty good.
They all take a taste and it was really good.
Hitomi: (surprised) Whoa this is good.
Akari: (smirk) You can say that again! This is wonderful Yukari!
Yukari: (smile) Thank you, I'm glad you like it.
Jin: So who is up next?
Akari: (smirk) Hey Y/n, you wanna go up next and show us what you got.
Jin: You sure it's a good idea for him to go up next, I don't want him to start burning up this class.
Akari: Don't be rude!
Y/n: It's fine, I'll shut him up with my cooking skills.
Jin gets a bit pissed but allows him and bets he'll mess up but he was shocked when he start to cook in front of everyone as he use his dragon breath to cook the ingredients in the pan and after a while of watching Y/n cook he was done, he place down a plate of spaghetti with some sauce on it as he sat down with a smirk on his face.
Y/n: (smirk) Have a taste.
Jin looks at the food and it looks perfect, too perfect as he takes a fork and roll up the spaghetti and takes a taste along with everyone else and it was very good while Y/n smirks at Jin while Jin looks away.
Y/n: (smirk) Guess someone needs to own an apologie for thinking I will burn the whole class.
Jin: Sh-Shut up.
Hitomi: (surprised) This is very good Y/n.
Akari: Say that sauce you used, was that your own sauce?
Y/n: Yeah figure I use it when ever I wanna cook something while travelling around the world.
Ranka: You travel around the world?
Y/n: Yeah, I've visited many places and learn so much by many people about this world and how to live along with humanity. Since I have wings, I can travel to one place to another without worrying about going on a plane.
Akari: (smirk) Sounds like fun. Say maybe you and I may take a trip down to France just the two of us.
Y/n: (little blush) M-Maybe for another time.
Yukari: (surprised) Wow this is the greatest food I have ever tasted.
Y/n: Thanks but it's only just spaghetti, nothing el-
Yukari: Nothing else! Your cooking skills is far more brilliant then mine! You might be the greatest chief in the world!
Y/n was a bit surprised and just nodes to her while Yukari looks at him and not only she thinks of him as a great chief but also finds some attraction towards him and wants to know more about him and his skills as a chief.
The club ends for the day after Jin try out Ranka's cooking when it was her turn and it didn't go well and Jin just ends the club for today while he visits the nurses with Akari. Still we see Y/n just walking through the halls Juts minding his own business when someone call out to him from behind.
???: Yo dude wait up!
Y/n stop and turn to see a male boy with red hair rushing over to him while he wave his arms and calling out to him.
???: Hey man wait up! I just want to talk to yo-
Then he tipped on something and he fell face first to the ground while everyone turn to see him fell but walk off except for Y/n who walk over to him and help him up.
Y/n: You okay?
???: Yeah I'm good thanks. But hey nice to see you again!
Y/n: Again? Have we met before?
Giichi: Oh right I forgot you didn't notice me among the crowd. Allow me to introduce myself, the names Giichi, it's nice to meet you.
Y/n: Same. Names Y/n, I can smell that your a human like Jin, his brother and Hitomi right?
Giichi: (smile) Yep! It's very cool to meet you, let's hang out.
Y/n: (surprised) Really, why me?
Giichi: (smile) Because your soo cool and awesome!
Y/n: Yeah
Giichi: Oh right I should have explain. Well remember how Chroe using that wolf girl as like a slave?
Y/n: Yeah I do.
Giichi: Well unlike everybody else I was like you among the crowd. She should be ashamed for treating someone like that who just wanted to be with a pack. I was about to stop this whne you came and did it for me, you were so cool and everyone has been talking about it!
Y/n: (surprised) Really, what do they say about me?
Giichi: Oh....Well there was some that started to not like you due to the fact that you and Jin basically embarrassed her but me and my friends thinks she deserve it and how cool you were to stand up and protect that wolf girl!
Y/n: I was just doing what is right. Animals have every right to not be slaves to those who have power.
Giichi: (smile) Same here dude!
Y/n smile a bit as the two start to hang out as Y/n start to like Giichi and he's like the opposite of Jin as we see them hang out. After a while they walk pass a classroom qhich Y/n noticed something inside as he walk back and see someone inside. He walks inside and sees a female girl with blonde hair but with something green on her head as she have her face on the table while Giichi enter the empty class room and see what Y/n is seeing.
Y/n: Is she alright?
Giichi: Oh yeah she's alright. That's Miyubi, she's a sloth and it looks like no one hasn't taking her to her dormitory after class.
Y/n: Jerks.
Giichi: Yeah, tell me about it. Hey, let's get her to her dormitory!
Y/n: Sure sounds good. Hey Miyubi if you want hear us, we're gonna take you to your dormitory, what do you say?
She slowly forms a smile and then very slowly gets up which took like a minute until she fully stood up. They leave the class room but Miyubi takes on step and then fell to the ground.
Giichi: Huh it might be quicker if one of us carries her.
Y/n: On it.
We then see Y/n carry Miyubi on his back while the two take her to her dormitory. While they walk Y/n ask Giichi.
Y/n: So what brings you here to Seton Academy?
Giichi: (smile) Like many students I want to make a lot of friends and get along with them.
Y/n: Sounds good to hear.
Giichi: (smile) Yeah but more importantly, I want to search for a dragon that saved my life many years back.
Y/n: A dragon?
Giichi: (smile) Yeah! Long ago when I was young, we took a vacation to New York and when our vacation ends we were on a taxi to hear to a plane when the taxi start to go wrong and next thing we knew, we were flying off the bridge and falling down to the ocean beneath. We thought this was the end of us when suddenly something catch the back of the taxi and then start lifting the taxi back onto the bridge and once he set us down, he took off flying.
Y/n: I see. So why do you think it's a dragon?
Giichi: (smile) Because many people who saw it say there was a cloak figure with dragon like wings that zoom down, grab the taxi and pull the taxi back onto the bridge and took off like a fighter jet. Without him, me and my family would have died so I wanna see I can find this dragon and thanked him for saving us and make friends with him. It be cool to make friends with a mythical dragon right?
Y/n: Y-Yeah it would very cool.
He remembered that day when he was on top of the bridge in New York looking at the veiw when he saw the taxi crash and fell off the bridge. He was the one that grab the taxi before it splash onto the water and pull it onto the bridge and then take off since everyone saw his dragon wings but not his face due to him wearing a cloak.
He dose want to tell him but he can't, fearing he might be put in serious danger so he keeps his mouth shut while they arrive to Miyubi's dormitory and once at her room and flip on the lights, they can see many gym equipment around the room as Y/n see that Miyubi wants to play sport.
Y/n: Guess she likes to play sports.
Giichi: Yeah guess so.
???: Hey Giichi, what's happening?
They turn to see a women with rabbit ears as she enter as Giichi smile and tell her.
Giichi: (smile) Hey Sumiko, sorry for us being here we're just helping Miyubi here to get into her dormitory. Hope you don't mind.
Sumiko: (smile) Of course not. Glad to have Miyubi here otherwise many students may mistaken this place as a gym storage room. Say your Y/n right, the same person that protected that wolf girl from Chroe?
Y/n: Yeah that's right. You must be one of Giichi's friends?
Sumiko: (smile) Indeed and you were amazing protecting someone in front of everyone and shutting Chroe up.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks, it was nothing really.
Sumiko: (smile) Still you did a right thing.
Y/n set Miyubi onto her bed while the trio stare at her thinking what should they do now.
Sumiko: Okay let's start by washing her a bit. You boys wait here while I'll wash her.
Giichi: (smile) Sure thing.
Once that the two girls enter Miyubi's bathroom while both Y/n and Giichi wait for them.
Giichi: So what's been going with you?
Y/n: Nothing really. Just exploring a bit while try ti get along with some students here. I'm apart of the cooking club.
Giichi: (smile) That's cool to hear. Say is Jin like your first best friend because you two look awesome!
Y/n: Well we don't see eye to eye and Jin doesn't bound with any students who are animals.
Giichi: So he hates animals? Why?
Y/n: Don't know. Akari told me he was traumatised by something and since that day, he hated animals and treats them badly and hardly.
Giichi: That's not cool. I mean animals are the best, and besides just because he hated animals that doesn't mean he has to treat them badly.
Y/n: That's just him. I sometimes get ticked off when he gose off about animals and make others upset.
Giichi: Well I don't like people like Jin to treat animals like that. Tell you what, how about I join your club and maybe new club members that were animals see humans aren't always bad.
Y/n: (surprised) You sure?
Giichi: (smile) Yeah, plus we can a bigger group of friends if we join a club! It will be awesome.
Y/n: (smile) Guess so.
Sumiko: (smile) All done~!
They look over to see Sumiko and Miyubi with Miyubi wearing nice comfortable clothes and all fleshing up as they sat her on the bed while Y/n ask her.
Y/n: How are you feeling Miyubi?
Y/n: It's nothing. I just saw you alone in the class and figured me and Giichi can take you to your dormitory.
Miyubi: (smile) Indeed.......I was always one even bothered to talk to me........but you came and talked to makes me.....Happy to have new friends.
Y/n blushes a little to see how beautiful smile while Sumiko pet her on the back while she tells Miyubi.
Sumiko: I'll inform the teacher in your class to have female students to take you to your dormitory or anywhere after class. Also, I over heard that you boys are talking about a cooking club?
Y/n: Yeah, wanna join us?
Sumiko: (smile) Sure, sounds fun.
Giichi: (smile) That's awesome! So when will the cooking club will start?
Y/n: (smile) It starts tomorrow. We only have a small group though.
Giichi: (smile) That's alright, I can ask our friends if they want to join the cooking club.
Y/n: (smile) Sounds great.
Y/n: (thought) Bet that will shut Jin up if some humans join the cooking club.
Y/n looks at the three people he talked to and start to bound with and feels great to have more friends and never have friends for a very long time. He smiled while the four talked as they enjoy the rest of the evening talking to each other and bounding even more.
On top of the highest building within what looks like a city, we see a man sitting at his desk and looking through something through his computer when there is a knock was heard and then he the door open and his male secretary walk into his office and walks over to him.
Male secretary: My apologies for disturbing your work but I believe one of our drones found something that you would want to see.
???: What is it?
His secretary plug a hard drive into the laptop that his boss is working on while his boss opens the file and watched the footage that shocked him once he saw the video.
???: (shocked) Is's impossible. How can this be?!
Male secretary: Indeed sir. He's alive, shall I sent troop hunters to capture him?
???: No. If we capture him in front of public then it will ruin my business and this city.
Male secretary: Then what do you want me to do sir?
???: Have some mercenaries to keep an eye on him but tell them to not attack until I say I do.
Male secretary: Of course sir.
His secretary leaves his office while he looks at the footage as he glare at the pauses footage and thinks to himself.
???: (thought) I don't know how you survive but I will end you just like I did to your race for good. You will not escape on my watch.
To be continued..........................
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